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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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yes, yes, or metal, a back tank, yes, a gas tank, it’s probably made of something very durable, we managed to develop it, and today it’s already in syria, from polycarbonate, which is produced by the sebur company, we make glasses for headlights, and we were able to find a solution with a certain bend, a certain bend, and a certain light transmission that suits our automakers; polypropylene is a bumper and a torpedo. in our cars, the large amount of penetration of our these products just shows that absolute tons are important, but these specialty products that we deal with, they really prevail now, which means we are becoming not only an industrial company, not only an industrial company, but in companies that, as i said, have a lot of science, a lot of applied developments together with our consumers, there are many services that allow consumers to actually work with us, well, like with something like this...
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development in our country depends on the implementation of long-term complex projects, along the way with their tools for solving these problems becomes a development organization. today we will discuss what effects the residents of russia have already felt, how the results of these projects can be measured, and of course about plans, what further...
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to try to look at something for minutes as such an introduction to spend the web on the other hand, after all, over the past few years, a lot has been done in terms of the very model of web management and the development of the development institutions themselves, and the first thing i would
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like to point out is that today the russian federation is a kind of aggregator, which under himself, supervising various development institutions in different industries, is such a government coordinator, perhaps , of the actions of various large companies with state participation, the second important thing is that today we and webrf have all the large development institutions, the government development institutions have common ones.
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we eliminate duplication, we eliminate competition between state-owned companies, all companies are aimed at achieving one global goal, all this results in the implementation of national goals, which were determined by the president of the russian federation, if we speak in particular directly for the vprf, then you see certain numbers are shown on the screens, here we have more than 450 large, largest projects in which the vprf participates, and if, for example, you look at the last few years for the volume of investments, then this is about 12 trillion rubles, this, well, this is this, this is a huge amount of money, and you need to understand that without the participation of the state-owned company vprf, these projects simply would not have happened, and we are talking about such projects or in such - about projects in such industries in which... private business and
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private money would hardly come without government participation, because these are not cases where you can quickly and earn a lot - this is the construction of schools, this is the construction of energy, this is gas chemistry, this airports, these are ports, these are logistics centers, that is, these are such large projects that are not implemented in any country in the world without government participation, but in fact, why webrf or what is the meaning of the web, the meaning of the web is very simple, first of all, how a representative of the state, this is always for...
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you take out a mortgage and don’t understand what the rate will be, but if it’s floating, how comfortable is it, that’s a good question, that’s what concerns it. large major projects with the participation of the vprf, the vprf gives a guarantee on the rate, and if the floating rate of the central bank changes, then in the projects the rate remains fixed, the state simply compensates for the difference in the rate if it increases, this, well, this greatly simplifies the projects from a prognosis point of view. and the third important point, where the state, naturally, is much easier to assure private banks. not to be, this is, of course, a larger amount of funding, you need to understand that for every ruble that the state invests through the internet, it is always several private rubles, if there were no state ruble, there would be no this private money, that is, this multiplier effect , it is certainly important, and don’t forget
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about administrative assistance, after all, it is important to understand what the rules are, where, what, why spend? time to figure it out, if you have it, if there is a specialized institute, and well, probably the last one as a conclusion, i want to say that it seems to me that the peculiarity of the web today is that here we did not agree with the players, i’m even interested in his reaction, this is still with one on the one hand, it is a bank, but on the other hand, it is a kind of project office with results with specific results, which are initially defined and built into the results of national goals that were approved by the president,
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it turns out that the web itself is moving projects forward, that is, at the same time as a bank finances and at the same time it is very strongly motivated so that these power plants, these airports, these roads, and so on are built on time, because this is a state-owned company, so it seems to me that this symbiosis, in fact, makes all this relatively unique and gives the effect that we see, including in the figures that are shown on your screen. thank you, dmitry yurievich, igor ivanovich, the state sets tasks, i must say, complex tasks, one of them is scaling projects in the new economic cycle. how do your projects affect the life of each person, the quality of this life? yes, good afternoon.
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now he maintains this entire agenda on the internet, tomorrow we will present this agenda. based on how we have restructured our work in recent years. so we initially, when we updated the strategy together with dmitrievich, we were just trying to show through all these trillions what the effects were for the economy and for
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social sphere, in general, for the ordinary family, our projects bring. we even created such special newspapers, who can remember from the apparatus, which means we showed, tried differently. imagine our work not by issuing trillions, injecting trillions into the economy, but what will happen, for example, to the residents of the city of kinggesep if we launch gas chemistry there, what will happen in general to the lives of ordinary families in the leningrad region, what is happening and how it affects the quality of life the introduced new airport in vladivostok, in the new moringa, and so on, what is happening with the updated port infrastructure in the far east and other regions of the country, that is, we have now learned to calculate these effects, and as for how we will continue to build our work, this year we are counting down to the government and society about how much completed. our strategy that we adopted, by the numbers, i don’t even want to talk about these trillions, we, moreover, we
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discussed this publicly quite recently, we exceeded the target indicators and this year we hope, based on the updated national development goals, which were presented by the president on may 7, we, together with the government, will be able to adopt a new strategy for the entire group during the summer, maybe dmitrievich’s deadline, in early autumn, and this is a lot of money, and of course... already we will plan these funds based on the main directive, which was made just a few days ago, the president held a joint council on strategic development together with the president of the state council, where it was it is said that tatyana alekseevna golikova spoke, who says that the request now is not even for direct subsidies in certain areas in which families need support, in general, how life is created in a city, in a settlement, in a region, and this is so much for families it is important that they make and because of this, first of all, the decision is whether they are ready for more children, whether children will be protected, whether families will be protected,
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so the measure of direct family support to families is very important, but the family’s request is first turn now, what city, what transport, what school, what public safety, how developed digital services are, this is exactly our main task for those trillions that we will announce our readiness to finance through our entire group, i must say that this is of course not only money... the money that all our organizations give to the internet, this money along with the money that private investors will bring, and this is the money that we will definitely bring together with commercial banks, our main partners are sberbank, vtb, gazprombank. i hope that psb and others will work more actively with us, but this is an aggregate investment, which is through the project financing factory, the fact that the government supports us here, and especially now this mechanism is in demand, because such a high-key rate. there were controversies, especially. is it worth it for the ministry of finance to provide this subsidy to cover this high interest
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rate? well, here dmitrievich supports us and mikhail vladimirovich supported us, this is a subsidy stands out, and it was thus confirmed that the project financing factory and effective tools the state fully fulfills its conditions, so once again, in addition to these trillions, we will show the government the specific effects that all these trillions will bring to change the quality of life of families. thank you. i propose to move on to discussing the projects themselves, you know, in my childhood, my mother and i often rode the tram and there was a section of the route when the tram came very, very close to the house that was entwined with wild grapes, it seemed to me that this was such a real fairy tale, some kind of magic, we were just entering a miracle, of course, electric transport is an integral part of our cities, and the new era in it is not only modern trams, but also electric buses, i’ve always been so-so with physics, so electric buses are still a reality for me today.
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but we note an improvement in the quality of life in perm, the most important thing is that experts , according to the assessments of the development institute, vbrf, are among the top three cities in terms of comfort, sharing with such cities like kazan are the place, so we managed to achieve this, including thanks to the large-scale modernization of transport infrastructure, we began to engage in transport reform in the twentieth year. and covering all areas of transport, the airlines switched to gross contracts for bus transportation, and
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replaced more than or approximately 750 buses within the framework of new contracts with carriers, the average life of buses in our country is now 3.5 years, and of course electric transport in perm cannot be replaced without trams, five district in perm is covered by this transport, we also started in the twentieth year at the expense of regional subsidies. budget modernization, updated 21 km of 109 km of tracks, bought 24 cars, and a huge impetus for us was the conclusion of a concession... agreement with the support of the government of the russian federation, the decent participation of you dmitry yuryevich and with the support of the development institute rbrf, within the framework of the constitutional agreement we got the opportunity to purchase another 44 cars, while 38 have already been delivered and are operating on city routes, and also update 35 km
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tram tracks, 12 of which have already been implemented, and, of course, updating traction substations. modernization of the tram depot, and well, in fact, we are moving in this direction, we are generally reviving the authority of the tram as the most convenient form of transport, we, of course, needed to think about improving services, this is an electronic ticket, that is, it is a travel card, we have reduced personal circulation of tickets from 70 to 5%, in general, all of our trams now are conductorless, we are now working on a system for introducing priority at traffic lights for tram transport, and what we managed to achieve , as a result, is that more than 70% of residents positively assess the work of public transport, the overall travel time to
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work has decreased by about 20%, we have received a 17% increase in electric transport in the city, this is environmentally friendly , we, of course, also cannot fail to note the modernization program regarding the acquisition of electric buses, we have 16 electric buses operating on a route every 10 minutes and approximately 10 thousand citizens use this type of transport daily. we are ready for new accomplishments, ready for scaling processes. our last success was june 1st. the first electric ship was launched for now, before lunch it operates as public transport, after lunch it operates as tourist routes, moreover, together with the afkistema group we are localizing the production of electric transport, now at sudaverkha in perm, and of course there are promising directions from both ferry crossings, so in general, where nature allows
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us to also develop public transport on the river, so i again want i would like to say words of gratitude for the implementation of this project, i would like to say special words of gratitude to oleg markovich govarin for the effectiveness of joint work, but i will also emphasize once again that the perm region and perm are ready to scale up these projects, we are ready to participate in them further, thank you, thank you big, i can comment for 2 minutes, it just seems to me that electric transport is something that we... seem to be faced with and if it all works well, we simply don’t notice it, oh, i’ll tell you a story in a minute, i won’t to call the governor, but this is not makhonin, uh, that means - well, they launched the tram, they came to look at the electric buses, they came to open the trams, he tells me, we’re going to the trams, he says, listen, you know, he says, but in order to launch the tram,
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according to our rules, what does it say, it says to bring electricity, but the electricity says, it says to supply a transformer? and this is the network, and this is the power, he says, he just installed it, they tell me, you can’t lay paths, you need to improve the territory, i had to dismantle the trash can, it means that the trash can was sorted out, that means the locals say, where is the grass, that means i planted grass, there is grass, there are no trees, she says, i got one thing caught up in one thing, she says, we’re going, but there it’s really just like a piece of the city, that’s how it is from i made pictures, i said, well, what next, he says, well, then everything ended in stoppages, because it means that someone left there under sanctions, we had to open production. we'll make stops now, he says, i say, well, i say, but the end is history, as he says, but the end of the story, i just says he launched new trams, he says, he began to rejoice, he says, the neighboring districts of the city come to me, he says, we have this, he says, well, against our background, he says, now there are new trams, he says, it looks like he did it for them, he says in the neighboring one area, he didn’t do it for us, he’s riding with me on the tram, scratching his head, saying what to do, i just - well, the last remark,
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what to do, keep working, what do i mean, that’s all this, that’s just it. .. well, actually, all these trillions, all these trillions key subsidy rates and so on, this is just a tool so that, well, we get what we just saw, well, including in perm, i apologize for this, then it would probably be convenient for me to say that we have a project office is headed by dmitry yuryevich, he is leading this program, oleg govarun, deputy chairman, is really leading this work at the executive level, they managed to launch the first 10 projects well. but the demand for this program is huge, there are hundreds of cities, and this is not only, of course, electric transport in the form of trams, many who have lost their tram lines are now asking citizens, mayors, and governors to restore them. tram network to launch a new fleet of trams, in general, in addition to the fact that it is convenient and safe, it is also very beautiful, indeed, i agree, what
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dmitrievich just said, it also has other associated effects, services, small businesses, medium-sized businesses in these cities, it turned out to be a very interesting project, here is vladivostok, which i love very much, which means they suffered tram lines, when we were preparing for the ats summit, one of... to our chairman of the council about, for example, the first tram lines on the initiative of valentina ivanovna matvienko, we launched in taganrog, they are so proud of it that it started there , and it took off, and it was launched, and most importantly, very positive, active social groups began to appear, of different ages, different professions, all life. around this project the city somehow restarted, but we are moving on to the next project, june is very this is an important difficult time, not only for the forum participants, but also for ninth-
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and eleventh-graders, they are now taking exams, we wish them all good luck, it is important to note that in many cities graduations will be held in new, recently built schools, we will talk about the project using the example of kaluga region, i invite to our stage vladislav valerievich shapsha, governor of the kaluga region, and alisa aleksandrovna denisova, general director of the company prosh. we are building these schools in one place or another, well , firstly, there is an order for the president to leave from the second shift, which means we need to find places to build schools in already existing buildings, and such a school
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is being built in kaluga, in the baikanur microdistrict, it was not named by chance, in soviet times it was built for migrants, employees and residents our cosmodrome, they came to the kaluga region, live in kaluga, they haven’t had a school in the microdistrict since soviet times. and today, thanks to this project, the school has been built, its construction is almost completed, and on september 1 , the children will go to an excellent modern school, we are building new microdistricts, the kaluga region has been among the top ten regions for several years in terms of successful construction, maximum housing construction, more than a million square meters, so schools should also appear in new microdistricts, and here i would like to give the city as an example. tobnisk, the first science city in russia, where a wonderful school appeared in a beautiful new microdistrict, this year obnensk
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celebrates the seventieth anniversary of the construction of the world’s first nuclear power plant, this school is directly connected with rosatv, we asked the corporation to take over one of our sponsorships, they created specialized classes there, and this is a contribution to our future in the training of personnel, which is not enough, as we always say, but where are the personnel, where is the training of... specialists , in such schools, this is the foundation for this training, we are building the same school on the right bank in kaluga, in the comfort park microrane, and this is also a promising construction for a microdistrict of 70,000 people, 70,000 and a new school - this is great, this is good contribution to the development of the future of our children, and today the investor, having all the benefits, says: but my specialists do not want to come here for one reason, they do not see where they will give themselves up.
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objects on a large scale throughout the country on the territory of more than 20 subjects, with the participation of a partnership in the construction of a social savings bank, vbrf, begins with the construction of schools in a concession model. this pace is an opportunity, thanks to the national education project, this is the competence to quickly collect different sources, it seems to me, it seems to our team, maybe used in other areas of social infrastructure, the government of the russian federation is already using these...
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probably, such a pilot is testing the possibility of banks participating in a truly social task. you need to understand that standard solutions, standard solutions, standard ideas, they greatly, on the one hand , reduce the cost of projects, on the other hand, they really make it possible to build it all at some fantastic speed, that is, from an idea to a turnkey basis, i i understand, now it’s already around 2 years. right here, from conclusion to commissioning it takes 2 years, that is, these are some time frames that literally 5 years ago seemed simply unthinkable, we didn’t even discuss them, the second, this is not even the second, this is the first key thing, this construction, well , not buildings, it’s a whole philosophy, i don’t know whose children grew up, but to be honest, i haven’t been to school for a long time, although they didn’t grow up with me, but once a few years ago i went to one
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of the first schools built. this is not a school in that sense, but at least among people with a soviet or something school education, that is, this is not a classroom, this is a whole eco-environment, from elementary school students to high school with some kind of halls, i don’t know, that is, these are not even libraries, these are some kind of premises, some soft chairs, i just walked around this school like the plague, i swear i touched it, it means these walls on which you can paste photographs , some i don’t know notes, well, that is, this is a whole eco-environment that is truly created for a child , and this is a whole philosophy, let me also add this, firstly, we in general, we work very well with the kaluga region, dmitrievich, we even now have one such example, we had an object stuck, for which there were a lot of troubles, equipment was assembled, or rather not assembled, but equipment was brought in, purchased for the construction of
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a first-class cement plant and.. everything was already at risk of looting and destruction, which means security was posted, everything was preserved, and now there is such a demand for this cement plant that we won’t even sell it, it’s not liquid, but we will complete the construction and sell it at auction, i. i hope that the web will not lose a single penny in the end, the regional authorities are helping us a lot, thank you very much, in general, in general, this is not only about schools, a good partnership is developing for many other projects, but regarding schools, we need it here.. . here’s the problem to identify: formally an agreement on concessions is concluded, in essence, of course, these are not concessions, so since we launched a syndicate called the project finance factory, dmitrievich, it would be good for us, probably, under the leadership of the government, to determine the parameters when we we are launching the creation of facilities in installments, because here private business, of course, does not bear the risks, as happens when concluding a classic concession, but this does not mean that
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you have to wait when the budget may... be able to pay for such an object right away, that ’s okay, according to the parameters that the government and the president will determine, and maybe even special legislation, we can create social, transport infrastructure, and many other objects, but this is probably not a classic concession, maybe even we are this legal mechanism let’s call it something else, but it’s fair that if such facilities are created throughout the country, the web, by the way, here can be a project office for the government, but the fact that schools are created in installments is a solution to the problem of today. when this generation is growing up, sber has increased the deposit rates, the best percentage is up to 18% per annum, what we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel, everything will go as booked with cashback, bonuses, appetite anywhere, in russian
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