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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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in this matter, and probably every region could talk about this, yes, this is essentially a reduction in administrative barriers, simplification of some permitting procedures when processing certain documents, i can say that we have really taken good steps in this regard forward, because everything connected with a construction permit, connecting energy resources, registering ownership rights, well, here the terms have been reduced by about half or three times from what they once were, and this, of course, shortens a certain investment cycle during the implementation of the project.
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new and new investors, the zone is actively developing and even requires its expansion, which is what we are doing at the moment, of course, this is high-quality support for investors, from the idea of ​​​​implementing their project in the tula region until the completion of this implementation, in principle the set of measures essentially seems to be standard, let’s say yes, but we have developed such a client-centric approach, and if you listen to what they said in response today , imagine.
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what’s remarkable, it’s great that they appear, branches of federal museums are opening, but we also support municipal museums, these are also some, you know, local, in the good sense of the word, such authenticity, yes, so at the moment our tourist flow is growing from year to year, yes, for now this is mainly weekend tourism, we will strive for the best, but nevertheless, if in the twenty-second year 1.5 million people visited the tula region, last year it was 1.7 million people, so we are striving. now to two, taking into account the dynamics that yes, i believe that this is a completely realistic value. dmitry vyacheslavovich, thank you for answering our questions, good luck to you in the development of such a wonderful region as the tula region. thanks a lot. hello, tell us what your agenda is on the forum, what you are highlighting for yourself, what trends, what do you want to talk about? in general, what
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would you like to share? good afternoon, this year’s st. petersburg forum is actually taking place under the slogan of a multipolar world, but for us the indicating document, in a sense , is the may presidential decree on national goals that will contribute to the existence of russia and its development until the thirtieth and further until the thirty-sixth year, in this sense, we have 10 sessions, we work in key areas related to saving people, we discuss a lot on the topic of personnel, including in key industries , we have a joint session with metallinvestot, where we talk about personnel about... metallurgy, there are topics related to technological leadership, for example, artificial intelligence, especially things related to regulation, these artificial intelligence, data management, again , our national projects exist here, small towns, a big topic, there will also be a big dialogue and private business, of course, because what role will entrepreneurship play in all this, in the development process, well, to a large extent remains to be determine in the coming months, yeah, to what extent artificial intelligence today can help both in the development of technology and in general in improving quality. our life,
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russia has a fairly developed technology, it must be said that artificial intelligence in be proud that we have companies like sberbank, like yandex, which are quite advanced, including in the most promising areas, artificial intelligence, there is a lag behind global leaders, but fundamentally it is, well, quite measurable, in this sense we already see in terms of effects , implementation among our clients with whom we work, significant savings, including when developing code, about a 50% reduction in labor costs, the efficiency of mars companies greatly increases when personalized appeals are made to clients, we see big savings, including on standard routine b-offi work, for example, the legal function, when work on filing a complaint with the court, in general this gives us reason to believe that, taking into account the large personnel shortage in the country, more and more russians will have the opportunity to engage in interesting creative work, moving away from routine, precisely thanks to artificial intelligence, but creativity is not his field, well, of course, we have the ikandinsky devrom, but seriously, of course, yes, this is a person, a person is a creator , uh, what about
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here they are talking at the forum sites, albeit not yet officially, about a new vector, in general about the new role of business now in the economic development of the country, do you notice what this role is now, well, business? in fact, it already played a serious role at the beginning of twenty-two, when we saw that the decline in the russian economy turned out to be significantly less than expected by various parties; now business has an even more pronounced task, because taking into account the ambitious vectors set by the president, this is technological leadership, as today maxim stanislavich oreshkin is designated in three horizons, and state, value, this means that we have a completely different fiscal situation in the country, we need it for sustainability. social contract , in fact, the sustainability of the development of our system, our civilization of the country, the growth rate is at the level of 4%, about an average year, this is of course a big task for business, it is business that will have to ensure the implementation of these tasks, in this sense the role of business is quite expressed, ok i thank you very much for your interview, thank you, thank you, this is sasha, it
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intelligence processes citizens’ requests, here’s a simple example, i know, a friend of mine told me that it is possible to take a photo of a trash can, but somewhere they threw something in the wrong place , photographed, the neural network recognized all this, that is, it turns out that already in in the moscow region, everyone is accustomed to fashionable convenient services and biometrics is among them, good afternoon everyone, it’s very nice to see in the hall those who are interested, i’m so... not only biometrics, but also digitalization, the modern world, we claim that we are going to talk about this, given that i am responsible for digitalization in the state council, and dmitrovich is in the government, we see the following, today the demand for digitalization is very high, 115 million people in our country, think about it, 115 million, if you add another 25 to 14 years old, those who cannot register, that is, almost everything. today they are in public services, they voluntarily went in and registered, so we
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see that the convenience of providing municipal, state, any services can be done through a personal account, biometrics is one of the tools that will allow us to provide even higher quality convenience to a person, in frequency , in going through any procedures, you don’t need extra paper or a passport, which you now...
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that’s it, we see fires, they happen most often in nine cases out of ten due to
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person, and we are talking about the fact that if there were biometrics, we would see, or rather we already see who did it, it’s just that today the law does not stipulate the possibility of using biometrics in terms of punishment, but we could achieve very serious breakthroughs this way on the economic agenda, kolya, i’m responsible for the economic agenda, i’ll talk about it now, that’s why we’re being stupid... is society ready for the risks, specifically for the risks of using biometric data? yes,
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good afternoon, friends, it seems to me that society is certainly afraid of biometrics, and here i would like to say a few words in everyday language, but what is biometrics? biometrics is essentially when you have an algorithm that allows, based on knowledge of how a person looks, how he talks, to single out one person from a group and say: you are ivan ivanovich, or when ivan ivanovich comes, says: i am ivan ivanovich , and biometrics confirms that you are ivan ivanov. well, that is, essentially technically this is a match between specific people, their facial patterns, voices, etc., well, that is, where we have the largest database of this information,
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there is biometrics, but the fact that other information will somehow be stolen, and here it is necessary to separate, that’s everything related to biometrics, we gave it to the world voluntarily or for some other reason, the world knows about it, here’s the second thing - this is essentially about how this information is used to work with something important, with financial transactions or something else, and there, of course, we, we people, are actually
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very scared, and here it seems to me that this the question is more philosophical, existential, about the social contract...
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an anecdote about a rat and andatra, that’s how one differs from the other, pr, the correct answer, and here, on the one hand, with sociology, with all due respect to the exal’s remarks, well, you showed sociology a third of a third, well, here is the digital answer to the question , ready or not ready, a third are ready, a third are not ready, and a third either don’t think about it, or don’t actually think about it , or have no position at all. but on the other hand , everything new, especially from the point of view of technology, well, it seemed to be going well in society, well, it’s not easy and not easy, and from airplanes with steam locomotives, there we remember and history, somehow no one clapped their hands and said that this is a miracle, if only we could
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fly like this, so this is an absolutely natural reaction of people, this should not only be treated with understanding, well... almost 2 million people voluntarily passed their biometrics, they came and no one drove them with pitchforks or persuasion, they didn’t hand out any gingerbread, so they came and passed it, and why? because with the use of biometrics, according to today’s norms and rules, you can receive services defined there, government services, banking services and so on, and it’s just more convenient, it’s just
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cheaper, it’s just without leaving home, so we’re talking now too, well , there may be a single point of support around which we in fact, we will probably develop this topic further, because most likely, most likely, all this...
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she put it together and it didn’t cause her anything surprising or unnatural, but suddenly it will be necessary to confirm it today and she didn’t files and does not print, but part of it friends and acquaintances do not pay electronically at all and go to the cash register, which means payment, and this is normal, we have to, and some people never went to the cash register, because they grew up, were born through... a fingerprint on a mobile phone, you make the appropriate payment, so it seems to me that it is important to talk with society and explain what it is, on the one
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hand, on the other hand, since after all, society’s attitude to this issue is categorized to a certain extent, it’s a matter of the moment, probably as far as this the categorical nature of the different categories of society, well, really so categorical that it is impossible to convince them otherwise, the function of the state must adapt to this. this should ultimately be convenient for both those who go to the mfc, receiving services, and those who are registered on the government services portal, because to explain why you are registered on the government services portal , you have the opportunity to enter the government services portal through biometrics, but continue to use all the functionality inside the public services portal it’s impossible through biometrics, well, try it, if you think that artemy expressed his point of view, we’re bad there, do it better, otherwise...
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and explain or enter into dialogue with a citizen or a client, and why you and not you, today it’s not that it’s impossible, that is, it’s like this, well, this is kind of the moment in which we live today and we may not notice it, but we can, well , react to it somehow accordingly, if you look at figures, in which scenarios people are now ready to use biometrics, the priority is very simple and understandable scenarios, well, for example, let's look: smart intercoms - 68%, access to the office 67%, access to government services - 52%, car rental, bicycle scooters 46%,
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travel in transport, it is clear that there are areas where it is really convenient, simple and easier than taking the passport with you, which we talked about today, andrey yuryevich, well , again, here’s a question for you, and you are the chairman of the state council commission on digital development, and you are probably deeply familiar with this technology, still, how ready is it and what is not ready? of course, you can’t do it all at once will happen with biometrics, but it is slowly creeping into our lives. once again, there are two main things that we are pursuing when we all speak for biometrics here. the first is convenience, of course, what is convenient for a person, comfortable, implementation will go faster, and whether it is a telephone, a biometric lock, a door lock or some other banking services, that is, partly. there will be integration, implementation, it will be carried out very quickly, in my opinion, because it is convenient, it is comfortable, you don’t need to twist anything, don’t hammer anything, i just looked at everything at once
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happens because... for some reason the second topic is convenience, everything will happen quickly there and is happening, even despite the presence of the position of respected igor, but security is a slightly different thing, look, we set 100 over the last year, 119 video cameras on the railway tracks, we had 177 people die in certain places, we installed 119 cameras there. the next year, 16 people died, that is, a 10-fold decrease. previously, the moscow region, in particular, like a number of other territories, were leaders in car theft. then when moscow and i have implemented the safe region program, theft and car theft have decreased radically, well, simply radically, there is literally one, because you can see who, you can see where they took it, but strictly speaking, everything
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is in numbers. therefore, you can’t hide it even in the garage, so we see a colossal effect from the fact that if biometrics dmitry yuryevich, through a careful resolution, maybe this will be an experiment in some separate territory, maybe in some separate industry, which we are all worried about ours after all children, however, no one objected to us that it is impossible to install video cameras in a safe region, we do it and we see a radically different, higher detection rate.
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we are used to receiving everything digitally, there is another question, is biometrics ready for this speed, will biometrics adapt to these requests, if there is a terminal with a smile payment, i will definitely always pay, there are also problems there, because very often this is in dark cafes and i have to turn on the flashlight on my phone and shine it in my face, then sberbank recognizes me, and otherwise in the dark she doesn’t recognize faces well, i have this level of complaint, i’m ready not to carry any keys, no documents with me, it’s convenient for me, of course, there are always ludites, i had fast, good technology, and my experience is that again the state of the century, this is their personal business, i want it to force me, on the one hand, it will give me some kind of geometry, on the other hand, i will still need to always carry a passport with me, we are now talking about that, but how we see biometrics in 10 years, give or take, a little more, a little less, how the rule will change, well, first of all, i must say
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that biometrics... in russia and its development is based, and this is very important, on the principles of voluntariness, when we adopted the federal law on a unified biometric system , very seriously, systematically worked on it, then the main idea of ​​this initiative, implemented to date and in force, was the freedom of choice of a person, when the state today tries to reproach or accuse someone of the fact that it... states are created by a certain digital gulak that the state forcibly drives people, requiring them to hand over their biometrics and other personal data and actually leaves no choice, this is an absolute untrue. the meaning and essence of this specific initiative of the entire course that the state is implementing today lies precisely in the right of a person to choose. everyone determines their own priorities. you
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have the right to submit your biometrics, you have the right to dispose of your biometric data and personal data in general, and you choose for yourself whether you want to do this or not, moreover, let me remind you that we have established a rule according to which a person can at any time revoke his previously given consent to the processing of both personal and biometric data, in this case from a unified biometric information system. a specific person leaves, the russian army successfully repelled 14 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, zelensky’s formation lost another 1,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles were destroyed as well.


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