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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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developing relations with africans. the continent is one of the priority areas for moscow, vladimir putin said at negotiations with the leader of zimbabwe. the meeting took place on the sidelines of the st. petersburg international economic forum. both leaders emphasized that russia and zimbabwe have close positions on key international issues. the american continent towards development. i am grateful to you that we are actively working together in the international arena for our own, as they say in such cases.
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bolivian experience, we have our own an economic model that we have been implementing since 2006 and we want to share it with everyone. thank you for all the support from the friendly russian government, which has implemented several major projects in our country, such as the nuclear research and technology center. one of the main topics of the st. petersburg forum was energy; global demand for oil and other hydrocarbons is growing and russia’s prospects are enormous. the tax system and production development were also discussed. the most important statements were collected by maria filippova. on at the st. petersburg economic forum, they continue to present new projects, consolidate them with agreements and, of course, discuss the opportunities and prospects of the russian economy. including in the context of improving the tax system. one of the central sessions of the forum was devoted to the issue. emphasis on the use of a progressive scale when calculating personal income tax, increasing interest rates. rates,
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let me remind you, will affect just over 3% of the working population, the 13% rate will remain only for those whose annual income is less than 2,400,000 rubles. the ministry of finance emphasizes that the funds paid above the usual 13% will go to social needs, so for some families with two or more children, the tax rate, on the contrary , will decrease due to the so-called tax cashback. the changes are designed to balance the tax system, including in relation to business. so , as much as we... take from this tax system, we will give back, there are no, you know, any proposals, in a box, which means we save it somewhere else, everything that we collect, we give in a balanced way, this first, secondly, everything that we collect, we will give away and we will also have a balanced budget, because it is also important, colleagues talked about this, a balanced budget means stability of inflation, these are rates, well, these are actually all the ensuing consequences, the mechanism of tax deductions also.
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is being improved, applications for tax refunds are processed many times faster, if previously it was 4 months, the federal tax service emphasizes, now it ’s up to 12 days, in the future to receive part of the deductions of the application and... it won’t be necessary at all, which will happen in the twenty-fifth year, we social deductions are fitness, treatment, not state pension provision, but let’s also move to a proactive model, how this will work, these organizations send us data and we post it to your personal account - all the data about the deduction with a request to indicate to what account you would like to receive money, this is actually the whole deduction, how it will work, in the context of the future they say: about new productions, one of them is designed to strengthen ties with foreign partners. the chinese company will produce atms in the moscow region. shanghai investors will allocate at least 1.3 billion rubles for this. the first stage of production will be the production of metal cases. in the future
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they plan to organize a full production cycle in klin. in moscow , domestic developments are being implemented and a new kamaz plant will be built. it is planned that the site will produce 40,000 trucks per year . almost 1,500 jobs. this is a step towards technological sovereignty, not only in the issue of automobile construction, but also in it technologies. the plant is being robotized using domestic solutions. development of such russian components is a priority task of the state. if a niche is being vacated, which was previously occupied there by the supply of foreign products from unfriendly countries, today it is being replaced by russian products, and... where we need to create new samples of industrial products or form new competences, then somewhere else time is required, the state provides support in neo-painting and in
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the creation of industrial production. our country has achieved a high level of technological independence in the energy sector mechanical engineering, timber processing and metallurgy, they emphasize at the forum, according to the minister of industry and trade anton alikhanov, the domestic component of power in these industries provides up to 90% of the demand, while it is important to increase the level of robotization. in addition to the fact that we must produce all this, we also must integrate all of this into existing enterprises, robotization is not such a simple process, that is, it is not enough to produce, we also need to integrate this into existing enterprises, that is , the role of integrators, technical people who are involved in increasing productivity and...
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it is planned that the center will operate in face-to-face and online formats. the classes will also open up the prospect of employment for graduates in leading maritime companies within the framework of the big session. the russian army has successfully developed industries. and the topic of personnel will soon continue in
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repelling 14 attacks in the ssu, zelensky’s formation lost another 1,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 10 others were destroyed. armored vehicles, as well as 26 howubs and self-propelled guns. the strikes were carried out on the warehouse for storing unmanned boats at points deployment of foreign fighters. air defense forces shot down 48 combat drones, a neptune cruise missile and seven missiles. meanwhile, in ukraine, the military commissar was allowed to use force when detaining draft dodgers. the verkhovna rada human rights committee stated that they did not see any problems. about how under slogans.
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well, in general, the majority of the population hates military registration and enlistment office employees in ukraine, as the british guardian admits. journalists from the building went with the military on a raid to distribute subpoenas. about the desire to fight further only bosses at all levels say, but ordinary ukrainians do not want to die for the zelensky regime; they have to pay large bribes to avoid conscription. so the mayor of chernivtsi even complained that the trains were lowered because the military commissars at the station were grabbing everyone . us authorities recommended that ukrainians with dual citizenship not return to their homeland, where they had little chance of survival,
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they drove the dude to task, in short, the best defense against mobilization was a series of strong blows, workers of the kiev shopping center tried to take him to the military registration and enlistment office a man, but he gave a tough rebuff, in ternopil a crowd attacked military commissars in the market, people freed a conscript caught by the police. our zaleshchevskaya. not everyone is so lucky , mobilization in ukraine is gaining momentum, shopping malls are grabbing people right on the streets, in kiev police officers tied up a man in front of his wife, a woman is unsuccessfully asking passers-by for help. ukrainians say that corruption and cruelty are rampant in the central committee. in zhitomir , a conscript died after being beaten by military commissars. according to official data. fought to the point of epileptic seizure and was fatally injured. his relatives do not believe this and go to
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rallies every day. people scream shame. the west demands that the zelensky regime continue the armed conflict in ukraine. the soldiers are missing heavy losses. the armed forces are being replenished with untrained fighters. police officers, rescuers and even disabled people are now subject to mobilization. it is planned to lower the conscription age and eliminate deferments.
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with each other, in lvov the man did not , with the help of the shopping center, the ukrainians began to settle scores , pay the builders for the work, handed them over to the military registration and enlistment office, i told them that they should come to hand over summonses, they don’t lie, so guys, take your passports to...
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surrender, the volga radio channel was created to communicate with russian troops, thousands of soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine made the right choice, igor pikhanov, lead. france wants to transfer mirage fighters to ukraine, emmanuel macron announced. paris will announce the launch of a training program for ukrainian pilots today. although macron did not specify the number of aircraft, he confirmed that he agrees that french weapons attacked russia. also announced paris’s plans to train and arm 45 ukrainian militants; for this purpose
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, french instructors could be sent to the west of ukraine, and macron emphasized that he did not expect any escalation, which amazed journalists. the thing to think about is, is this going to be an escalation factor? answer: no, training someone in the western zone, where there is no fighting in ukraine , is a non-aggressive step. but this will become an escalation factor, if anyone...
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construction and at the same time the start of work. the beloporozhsky gas, although not the largest construction project in the country, has already gone down in history as the first joint project of the brix countries. the total volume of investments exceeded 11 billion rubles. but the cool temperament of the northern river made everyone quite nervous. in 2020, the river washed out the dam twice, and the deadline for commissioning the facility was delayed. the team showed character and
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perseverance, everyone knew what they were doing. yes, there are elements, there are some... situations, but there are specialists to solve this matter, here behind this massive door one of the main parts of our equipment is located - this is the turbine shaft and the turbine cover itself, under which the turbine itself is located, and please note that the production of this equipment is all localized in our country, four turbines, two for each station, machine rooms , technical rooms, kilometers of wires and long corridors that go deep underground . they are as intricate as the history of the building itself. above me is the river beloporozhsky gas were conceived back in 1956 year. in the early eighties , the first project was developed, construction began in the nineties, but due to lack of funds it was stopped. the idea was returned to in the 2000s, when electricity shortages again arose in the region. the long-awaited
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launch ceremony was timed to coincide with the st. petersburg international economic forum. today we are celebrating the opening of new facilities. energy, two small porozhsky hydroelectric power stations, congratulations to all participants on the successful completion of the construction of beloporozhsky best. it is now important to ensure safe and effective operation of new stations. the central console indicators have come to life and are counting down the kilowatt-hours. generated electricity. the deafening roar of water is now, perhaps, the most desired sound for all builders of the beloporozhsk hydroelectric station. the turbine is operating at full capacity and is already generating electricity, which is quite enough for a city with a population of 30,000 people. oleg gornovsky, roman savich, igor istratyev, polina ryazanskaya, vesti korevia, beloporozhsky ges. new complex for
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processing household waste in leningradskaya region visited by vice. prime minister dmitry patrushev and ceo of the russian environmental operator denis butsaev. the enterprise will process up to 300,000 tons of waste per year, this is 40% of all waste that the region produces, and 65% of the total volume of raw materials will be processed and reused. there will be several such complexes in the region. the cost of the object at the moment is slightly more than 4 billion, and we have raised 3 billion through measures to support popk ro, these are the support measures without which at the moment we believe that the implementation of such objects is impossible, therefore we are grateful to the government of the russian federation for the opportunity to implement them. the enterprise will process the entire flow of household waste coming from
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eight districts of the fulino region, tozninsky, gachchinsky, lomonosovsky, luzhsky. volosovsky, kendesepsky, slantsevsky pine forest. the results of the first competition of the “young virtuosi” festival were summed up in kazan. it was organized under the patronage of world opera star aida garifulina. in your more than 100 students from children's music schools demonstrated their skills, 14 of them won the right to perform at the galaconcert. the young musicians performed music from a variety of styles and eras, from classical masterpieces to... the poem teaches, why? so he plays plays, every day for 2 hours, tyryry, for what? in order to go out on stage and plunge into this
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musical element, in order to immerse myself in this creative atmosphere to feel like an artist. heads of many regions of russia gave interviews in our on-site studio at st. petersburg international economic forum. here are the statements that were made: well, probably these are two blocks of tasks, we designated them for ourselves as short-term, yes, this is what needs to be done urgently, important and quickly, the second block is more mid-term and strategic tasks, the first block - these are the issues that needed to be resolved quickly based on requests from residents, and kaliningraders, first of all, this is healthcare, which means healthcare is one of the important issues - this... which took quite a long time to build, now it has been built, it is important to launch it quickly, so we have carried out all the necessary measures, we have already launched an outpatient department, then we will
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launch a day hospital, well , around the clock, including a hospital we will also launch in the near future, this is important for kaliningrad residents, so we will definitely pay attention to this, the second part of the questions is the logistics component, they are talking about the logistics component not only at the level of the kaliningrad region, but they are also talking about... we are signing 36 agreements for a total amount investment in the regional economy is about 150 billion rubles, it is very important to emphasize that
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the consequence of the investment will be the creation of jobs in the amount of about 1,193, even closer to 1,200 jobs, and with regards to the key component, this, as always for any region , is the volume of tax revenues in the region. 327 new jobs and will ensure an influx of tax revenues into the regional budget annually in the amount of about 6.7 billion rubles
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in total until 2000 - 43, we expect to receive about 113 billion rubles in the regional budget. we arrived with packages of agreements that relate to investments, investments in the national one. economy, the economy of the tut region on the most key development issues that were raised by the president in his message, this is technological independence, this is the development of industry and the creation of new jobs in the non-budgetary sphere, this is the involvement of our youth in labor education, our labor resources, which should be, well and of course, this is still an exit to a new level of industrial production, a departure from so to speak.
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not in general, but specifically on jobs, on investments, we plan to sign an agreement no less than last year, we are targeting 55-60 billion rubles, this is for us, for us, yes, every year we increase the parameters , these are exactly the agreements that can be implemented in the next few years, transport reform continues in our region, the need for this kind of measures has been ripe for a very long time, due to... the double number of routes, due to the outdated vehicles that served our population for passenger transportation, we
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took advantage of the opportunity that provided us. we have implemented the stage of modernizing passenger transportation throughout the city, connecting all our districts with routes, and are now developing a transport planning document that should provide us with the opportunity to update routes between municipalities and between our districts.
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region, this year, of course, we will not break our trillion-dollar record, but we will sign 15 agreements worth more than 100 billion rubles, and the agreements are completely different, this is the sphere innovation in industry, import substitution, this is the automotive industry, this is the environment, this is the production of building materials, this is also it technology, that is, it is quite an interesting forum for us, we started working a day earlier, more than ten monetary agreements were signed yesterday. with medium-sized companies, why did we start yesterday, because we understand that, after all, participation in the forum for business is not free, yesterday was one of those inexpensive days for participation, it cost from 60 to 80 thousand rubles for business, today it is much more expensive by an order of magnitude, so we went to a meeting with the medium and small companies with whom we signed and invited them to sign just yesterday, which is what we got, that is, we still have such a business ambassador today, yes,
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a business ambassador, no, well, actually it’s not difficult for us. the team was supposed to start working a day earlier, but yesterday we got on the agenda and there were indeed very interesting agreements, despite the fact that maybe in terms of money they are not hundreds of billions, but from 500 million to 5 billion they weighed yesterday's agreement.
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when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, they got off for the first time there , they found me there, there were all the bullets, one was a root, already...


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