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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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let's try to look at this whole thing a little, well, from a different angle, from inside america, not in the sense, so to speak, of their kind of inter-party struggle there, but from the point of view of how they see foreign policy in general, well, for example , of course , the statement is probably even an internal conviction that russia needs to be destroyed there. and not to give china the opportunity to become equal in size, well, it probably even exists inside the heads of some people there, it is certainly pronounced in the form, so to speak, of certain pr words that we are still america, we must take the right steps here in this sense, and so on, and even the third world war is also being discussed, well , being discussed, because biden says, no, well, nothing will happen to him they ask a question directly, i’ve known this man for 40 years, they ask him there will be a hell out of hell, he says, but he didn’t answer, but trump answered, and trump answered and answered.
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let me remind you, this is not between the democratic party and the republican party, not between trump and biden, not between liberalism and trumpism, now a more or less war of all against all is beginning, very good, nothing good is already visible, this is wonderful, my friend, nothing good, because it is precisely against this background that the connection with this foreign policy reality seems to be lost, because the third world war the war becomes just a question of an interview with sean hennety, who was now interviewing, that’s the problem, trump, of them, in fact, all of them...
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can play any kind of role, they are absolutely natural, according to all the laws by which it would develop there, not i know, in xx century, any policy that leads to a war between two states leads to the fact that two forces that culturally cannot stand each other, and this has nothing to do with ethnicity is curious, this is a curious split, purely cultural 50/50 , no there is no option other than to solve this problem by force, or to split up in some very cunning way, it seems to me that... in fact, this is generally an incorrectly constructed pyramid, a peaceful period is needed solely for the accumulation of forces, because the only thing the resolution of crises that humanity knows is through war, well, not all crises were resolved through war, it must
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be said, well, by and large everything, by and large everything, and sharp, well, let’s say, rare exceptions, when not through war. but it proves that through the war, well, now the crisis is going in several directions, somewhere it will break through, that’s enough more, this war, unfortunately, is not an exceptional, but a natural part, yes, well, okay, that’s it unfortunately, because it contradicts our humanistic view of the history of mankind, but the fact is that the history of the humanistic view is much younger than humanity itself is understandable, i just want to say the following thing, this is on foreign policy here... you can look at this from different angles, i want to say , that the same laws suddenly came into effect within america itself, of course, reconciliation is impossible, it was still assumed for states, by the way, when biden asks how autocracy differs from democracy, in autocracy there is, as it were, the possibility of everything opposing clans and factions
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are reconciled and forced to work for the state; in the american version of democracy , no one above anyone is stopping them from fighting each other, they will fight with each other. okay, please, regarding america, the phrase “he who sows, the wind will reap the whirlwind” applies very well to them. they sowed chaos and instability throughout the world, and now this chaos and instability is gradually returning to them. another trend that confirms the thesis that indeed war is not only the continuation of policies by others means, but the means of overcoming the crisis is the relativization of the total war carried out by the europeans. it’s no longer just my favorite pet, ursela vonderijn. torratori about total war, but already the leader sausage scholz is in the bundestag, or rather already one, let’s immediately rename it to the reichstag again, we will burn it again for the second time, he says that we need to supply weapons to ukraine, let them launch missiles all over russia, this does not bring the war closer, this on the contrary, it leads to peace,
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only peter szijart, like the eye of a drinker in in the desert he says that guys, come on, you are finally in favor of negotiations, you will accept russia’s position, and finally start trying to reach at least some peace agreements. but it was not there. scholz is worse off than even uncle biden, because the defense plan for the capital of the reich has already been adopted, which states that institutions will be placed under martial law, there is almost a rationing system, almost a ban on the dissolution of the bundestag, there, well, a little more -a little bit, here ’s another half a step, half a step, a ban on dissenting political parties, a ban on opposition parties organs of the press, imprisonment... and why that this is already a cripple i don’t know, everything else is there, but we must understand that we are dealing with those for whom the ordung, uber and what, mustaches immediately appear, they begin marching, burning books there is, it’s just that books are now digital, well, yes, the abolition of russian literature
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in digital form, and the ban, yes in germany, for example, well, well, this is modern, this is the virtual burning of books, in fact, yes, that is, all this is there , no matter how... the color of the order, it can be brown, like then, it can be green or yellow or red, traffic light coalition, as it is now, but absolutely correctly, inflexible, absolutely not taking into account other opinions, with a different cultural and historical type of character, ramen roland spoke about the united states back in the twenties 100 years ago, the american character decisive, not flexible, then well , the american character is anglo-saxon, it came from the old world, so this german order, multiplied by the spirit of the vikings and british traders, gives us these absolutely... craziest europeans, only if earlier they were rushing around with the theory of racial exclusivity, now they are running around with the theory of cultural exclusivity with their 74 genders, transvestite generals, they have already appeared there in the bundeswehr, in the pentagon they are proud of this, that they are proud, well, a shaggy man with cut off balls, a general, and
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soldiers are still serving under such generals, so europe is really rapidly going crazy, but this emphasizes the thesis of oswald shandler, who spoke about the decline of europe, but the worst thing is that man is buried... american economy, so europe only has marchiren marchiren forwards, that is, everything, well, at this historical stage at this change of historical cycles, probably, well, almost everything, how we will fight with them, with whom, with europe, why, and this is a question, will they reach the border at all, no, firstly, they... and not to say that they are going to do this, if you look, the british military directly state this,
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the germans directly state this, by 29 they are planning to fight with us, they are calculating plans on how they will deliver american troops are taking five different routes, we pretend that nothing is happening, well, we ’re deceiving ourselves, so if they don’t clearly understand what will happen, that’s why putin tells them, you have to understand, it’s spelled out in our doctrine, aka it’s no coincidence that he says, are you crazy, are you stupid? “we are not going to fight with you, you are going to fight with us, and we will definitely answer you. now advertising, after it we will continue with a new composition.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. the pursuit of.
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look what happens there every day, you are pathetic, insignificant, nazi creatures, i despise you, i will call everyone by name soloviev, we will find those who are ashamed, but still write, you write in the mus, well, well, by the way, let me remind you that your masters, the americans , despise mus and imposed sanctions against them, what a nonentity you are, pathetic nazi nonentities , and what kind?
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empty people, how empty some of them had questions, some were deeper, but how scared they were, the day before in a conversation with representatives of the world... vladimir putin, answering a question from an american journalist, he recalled why russia launched a special military operation and explained what was necessary to complete it. the first thing we did was fulfill our duty to the people who suffered from the coup d'etat and the subsequent hostilities in the territories of south-eastern ukraine. we recognized
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the rights. of these people who live in these territories, to protect their interests, their lives and the lives of their children, and this, in my opinion, is the main thing, we also showed ourselves and to the whole world that we not only talk about protecting our interests, but we do it and will do it without any doubt. everyone will have to take this into account, as for the second part of your question, what needs to be done to stop the fighting in ukraine, i can tell you, as a representative of the united states, what i once told mr. biden, he once told me sent
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a letter, i answered him in writing if you want to stop.
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president, it doesn't say anything, it doesn't say anything, there is a law that explains, uh, explains the status of martial law, it says that - the authority comes to parliament, yes, and that, and that presidential elections are under martial law.
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he is absolutely right, this is not the first time he has said this, that there is no legitimate government, well, with the exception of the parliament, in ukraine, today, zelensky has the entire vertical
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of presidential power, which are subordinate, the security service, the ministry of internal affairs and so on, all the security forces , everything there is all illegitimate people, everything that concerns the presidential vertical is all illegitimate, therefore the people of ukraine need to relate to this.
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well, they recognize zelensky as a president, it’s pointless, they don’t recognize zelensky as a president, they don’t have a single decision of the hrc, supposedly about recognizing someone as overdue, well, it’s
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just very interesting if it suddenly comes to the european court of human rights , they have a serious conflict, this can’t be danced around here, it can be ruined, so they will delay making decisions, put it off for a year, two years... because he has deprived him of the remnants of his mind, if he he was our enemy, i mean zelensky, and you have to be an idiot, so what kind of idiots do you have to be in order to be rude to many countries, starting with china,
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the countries of asia, the countries of the middle east, what a moron you have to be to go to came to the philippines, and then counted on some kind of, so to speak, assistance from china, you know, this fool really imagines himself to be some kind of world leader, he doesn’t understand who he is, that he’s a bargaining chip. do you have a filipino psychologist? i don’t have it, but he has it, yes you do what? well, this is what he took from the philippines, he was begging for it, at least he said, give me psychologists, he asked for filipinos as a psychologist, this is not a joke, no, he actually asked for filipino psychologists, markovo was discouraged somehow, he just didn’t know that he had them, i’ll tell you honestly, but this is a pure devil, this... this is a really pure devil, such an imp, you know, if, well, we wouldn’t be like this funny, if it weren't so sad, he destroys the church, he destroyed, look, for the first time in the entire history of ukraine , a tithe church was demolished by bulldozers, for the first time,
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this is in general, well, even if you have some, well, how can you bulldoze a church , well, you’re a creature, you know that, it ’s driven in, it’s already here there is no chance, no one has a chance, after what they did, this is ten, this is the first temple, i will not tire of repeating in ukraine, this is the first stone temple, prince vladimirnya.
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doesn’t work, they tried, they hoped to persuade china, so to speak, so that they would talk to us and so on, you express it, so to say, the west is consolidated, there are some hesitations in our, well, not so much allies, but those countries that occupy at least firm neutrality on this matter, they are counting on this, but against the background of that, against the background of our military success, it all doesn’t work, that’s all, it all didn’t work, that’s why there’s such hysteria, that’s why there’s such panic, and that’s why these stupid
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actions, which i understand in...
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then there’s this trial, which, well it’s clear that our relationship with him is there, he just said something, that’s it, he hasn’t done anything yet, but they said, if you do it right there yourself, we can do anything, this is the white race, you know, these are white people, we are pygmies, so to speak, we definitely don’t look like a pygmy, you’re the size of three pygmas, thank you , yes.
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