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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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the development of relations with the african continent is one of the priority areas for moscow, vladimir putin stated this during negotiations with the leader.
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where we can expand cooperation between our countries and make this cooperation more comprehensive, there is no need to deviate from each other, there are really similar points of view on international issues, our countries are, by and large, isolated zones, which is why we need to develop comprehensive relations with the russian federation. vladimir putin also met with the president. bolivia
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stressed that the two countries have good prospects for cooperation, including in the field of new technologies, for example, rosatom is creating a nuclear research center in bolivia. as for bilateral relations, they are developing between russia and bolivia on a solid, solid foundation of taking into account each other’s interests, and the total volume of trade turnover is in monetary terms. is still small, but it has good growth trends, growth over the past year was, in my opinion, more than 2 percent, 2 percent, in my opinion, but there are interesting directions for our cooperation, including in the field of high technology. thank you for the invitation to come to such an important forum, and of course, we will actively participate in it, we will talk about the bolivian experience, we have our own economic model, which we have been implementing since 2006, and we want to share.
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thanks to everyone for all the support from the friendly russian government, which has implemented several large projects in our country, such as, for example, the center for nuclear research and technology. one of the main topics of the st. petersburg forum was energy, global demand for oil and other hydrocarbons is growing, and russia’s prospects are enormous. the tax system and production development were also discussed. the most important statements were collected by maria filippova. at the sites of the st. petersburg economic forum , they continue to present new projects, consolidate them with agreements and, of course, discuss the opportunities and prospects of the russian economy, including in the context of improving the tax system; one of the central sessions of the forum was devoted to the issue, with an emphasis on the use of a progressive scale when when calculating personal income tax, the increase in interest rates, let me remind you, will affect just over 3% of the working population, the 13% rate will remain only for those whose annual income is less than 2 million 4000
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rubles. the ministry of finance emphasizes that the funds paid above the usual 13% will go to social needs, so for some families with two or more children, the tax rate, on the contrary , will decrease due to the so-called tax cashback. the changes are designed to balance the tax system, including in relation to business. so, as much as we collect from this tax system, we will give back. here no, you know, there are some proposals, in a box, which means it should be kept. somewhere else, everything that we collect, we will give in a balanced way, this is the first, second, everything that we collect, we will give away and we will also have a balanced budget, because it is also important, colleagues talked about this, a balanced budget is also the stability of inflation , these are the rates, well, these are actually all the ensuing consequences, the mechanism of tax deductions is also being improved, applications for tax refunds are considered many times faster, if earlier it was 4 months, the federal tax service emphasizes, now it’s up to 12. in the future, to receive part of the deductions
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, an application will not be needed at all, which will happen in the twenty-fifth year, we are dealing with social deductions, this is fitness, treatment, not government. ational support, let’s also move to a proactive model, how it will work, these organizations send us data and we will post all the data about the deduction in your personal account with a request to indicate to which account you would like to receive the money, here is the entire deduction, how it will be work. in in the context of the future, napmf are talking about new production facilities, one of which is designed to strengthen ties with foreign partners. the chinese company will produce atms in the moscow region. shanghai investors will allocate at least 1.3 billion rubles for this. the first stage of production will be the production of metal cases. in the future they plan to organize a full production cycle in klin. in moscow, domestic developments are being implemented and a new kamaz plant will be built. it is planned that the site will produce 40,000 trucks per
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year. almost 1,500 workplaces will be equipped. this is a step towards technological sovereignty, not only in the issue of automobile construction, but also in it technologies. the plant robotizes with the help of domestic solutions, the development of such russian components is a priority task of the state, if a niche is created that was previously occupied there by the supply of foreign products from unfriendly countries, today it is replaced by russian products, and where we need to create new samples of industrial products or new competencies form.
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with the growth of production , the personnel issue in the economy does not lose its urgency and becomes more and more urgent. historically the lowest unemployment, i mean unemployment, a little more than
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2%, i just don’t remember. this includes an overheat indicator. and we, of course, feel it ourselves. in today's time, the time of workers, they work. may open up employment prospects for graduates in leading companies in the maritime industries, and the topic of personnel will soon be continued as part of a large session. the russian army successfully repelled 14 attacks in the ssu. in formation zelensky lost another fifteen hundred soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 10
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other armored vehicles, as well as 26 howitzers and self-propelled guns were destroyed. the strikes were carried out on a warehouse for storing unmanned boats and a base for the deployment of foreign fighters. air defense forces shot down. eight combat drones, a neptune cruise missile and seven missiles. in ukraine, the military commissar was allowed to use force when detaining draft dodgers. the verkhovna rada human rights committee stated that they did not see any problems. about how, under the slogans of democracy, the zelensky regime essentially introduced slavery, igor pikhanov. the best defense against mobilization is a series of strong blows, kiev workers. the central committee tried to take the man to the military registration and enlistment office, but he gave a tough rebuff. in ternopil, military commissars were attacked by a crowd at the market. people freed a conscript caught by the police. our zalishchevo police, they are rowing people, young people. not everyone is so lucky; mobilization in ukraine
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is gaining momentum. the mall is catching people right on the streets. in kiev, police tied up a man in front of his wife. the woman unsuccessfully asks passers-by for help. ukrainians say tskk corruption and cruelty are rampant. in zhitomyr, a conscript died after being beaten by military commissars. according to official data, he got drunk. before an epileptic seizure and received a fatal injury, his relatives do not believe this, they go to rallies every day, people shout shame. the west demands that the zelensky regime continue the armed conflict in ukraine. the soldiers are missing heavy losses. su is being replenished with untrained fighters. police officers, rescuers and even disabled people are now subject to mobilization. it is planned to lower the conscription age and eliminate deferments.
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journalists call what is happening a sign of democracy. ukraine remains an exemplary democracy. we have more democracy than some eu countries. it's surprising, but it's true. the military police offer cash rewards for denunciations of evaders. with the help of tck, ukrainians began to settle scores with each other. in lviv , a man did not pay the builders for their work and handed them over to the military registration and enlistment office. i told them to come and hand over the summons, don’t believe the stink. so guys, take your passports and come over. here, total mobilization has hit all areas life in ukraine, there are not enough men, those who
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have not yet received summons do not leave their homes, businesses are suffering losses, a resident of the occupied dnieper in sow shows an empty city, having stopped at the berezinsky market, i want to show how many people there are in us, as many people , there are no people at all, everything is empty, on the air of ukrainian television. the mayor of the city of nikolaev, vitaly kim , complained that there was no one to clean the streets. women now have to be employed in physically demanding, male-dominated professions. we help women get jobs in public utilities critical infrastructure enterprises. there really are fewer men on the streets after may 18, but our mobilization is going on without interruption, people are playing it safe. the losses of the armed forces of ukraine on the front line are a huge agenda for ukrainians, a one-way road, the only way to survive is to surrender.
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and in order to avoid conscription, the mayor of chernivtsi even complained that the trains were empty because the military commissars at the station were grabbing everyone , the us authorities recommended that ukrainians with dual citizenship not return to their homeland, where they have little chance of survival. france wants to transfer mirage fighter jets to ukraine, emman macron announced. today paris will announce the launch of a training program for ukrainian pilots. number of aircraft. macron, however, did not specify, but confirmed that he agrees that french weapons should be used to strike russia,
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and also announced paris’s plans to train and arm 4,500 ukrainian militants; for this purpose , french instructors could be sent to the west of ukraine, and macron emphasized that that he does not expect any escalation, which amazed journalists, the thing about which we need to think about whether this will become an escalation factor, the answer is no, should we train someone? but actually it’s different, the difference is symbolic, because the role of soldiers
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is that they conduct combat operations, so there’s just a difference in approach. beloporozhye gs1 and gs2 began operating in karilia. the stations were launched at the st. petersburg international economic forum through a teleconference. the ceremony was attended by presidential aide nikolai patrushev, deputy prime minister alexander novak and the head of karelia arturchikov. about the benefits for... but the mood is high, the start command is about to sound, this is the finale of a large construction project and at the same time the beginning of work, the beloporozhye gas , although not the largest construction project in the country, has already gone down in history as the first joint project of the brix countries. the total volume of investments exceeded 11 billion rubles. but the cool temperament of the northern river made everyone quite nervous. in 2020, the river washed out
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the dam twice. the deadline for commissioning the facility has been delayed. the team showed character. their persistence, everyone knew what they were doing, yes, there is elements, there are some unforeseen situations, but there are specialists to solve this matter, here behind this massive door there is one of the main parts of our equipment - this is the turbine shaft and the turbine cover itself, under which the turbine itself is located, and please please note that the production of this equipment is all localized in our country, four turbines , two for each station, machine rooms, technical rooms.
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the central console indicators came to life and count kilowatt-hours of generated electricity. the deafening roar of water is now perhaps the most desirable sound for all builders of the beloporozhsk hydroelectric station. the turbines are operating at full capacity and are already generating electricity, which is quite enough for a city with a population of 30,000 people. oleg gornovsky, roman savich, igor istratev
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polina ryazanskaya. news karelia, beloporozhsk gas station. a new complex for... without which at the moment we believe that the implementation of such facilities is impossible, so we are grateful to the russian government federation for providing the opportunity to realize this. the enterprise will
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process the entire flow of household waste coming from eight districts of the region. in kazan, the results of the first competition of the festival of young virtuosos were summed up; it was organized under the patronage of world opera star aida garifulina. more than 100 students from children's music schools showed their skills, 14 of them won the right to perform at the holo-concert. the young musicians performed music of a wide variety of styles and eras, from classical masterpieces to modern ones. jazz compositions, the children have a great opportunity to feel like real artists, which is important for a child, so he learns a poem by heart, for what? so he plays plays every day for 2 hours, for what?
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in order to go out on stage and plunge into this musical element, in order to... immerse yourself in this creative atmosphere to feel like an artist. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on june 7, 199, the crusaders embarked on the first crusade and began the siege of jerusalem. called for a campaign. pope urban ii. the idea of ​​​​protecting eastern christians from byzantium from the seljuk turaks and liberating the holy land of jerusalem from muslims found support in all christian countries of western europe at that time. peasants and knights gathered. the campaign began in 196 and was successful. having won several victories along the way, the crusaders a month later the sieges captured jerusalem and carried out massacres, killing both muslims and christians. the success of the first crusade led to the formation of several cost-bearing states in the east, including the kingdom of jerusalem, which existed for 2 centuries until it was captured by the egyptian mamluks.
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there were seven more crusades, but the lack of unity among the crusaders, and then the decrease in the influence of the holy see, the rulers in europe, led to the fact that the crusader states disappeared under the onslaught of muslims. at the same time, the crusades in the east had a huge impact on the development of the western world in all areas, especially in the sphere. science and culture. on june 7, 1654 , the coronation of one of the greatest rulers in history, king louis xiv of france, took place. it took place in the cathedral of the city of reims; at that time he was 16, but he became king at 4 years old after the death of his father, and ultimately ruled for more than 72 years. this is still a world record. the era of his reign was the heyday of absolute monarchy in europe. it was louis who is credited with the phrase. states - that's me, that's the heyday of france, its consolidation, strengthening of military power and political weight in the world, louis 14 was the most influential ruler
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of his time. he was called the king of the sun. he loved to perform as apollo, the ancient sun god, in court performances. his versailles were striking in luxury. his etiquette, his cuisine and outfits set the fashion for all of europe, but the wars that the king constantly waged were not always successful and very... expensive. louis hated protestants and after his repression hundreds of thousands of huguenots left france. as a result, by the time the sun king died, the country was devastated. but it was louis xv who created the france that writers and artists sang about. on june 7, 1950 , the soviet memorandum on antarctica was announced. it was directed against us plans to decide fate. continent in a narrow circle of western countries. the authors of the memorandum recalled that it was the russian navigators foday belingshausen and mikhail lazarev who first reached the shores of antarctica. a memorandum
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later handed to us deputy secretary of state james webbo explicitly stated that the soviet government does not recognize as legal any decision on the antarctic regime made without its participation. the west wanted to use the resources of the sixth continent for commercial purposes, and the ussr. advocated for keeping antarctica as pristine as possible for science. the negotiations that moscow insisted on lasted for 9 years. and finally, in 1959, the antarctic treaty was concluded. soviet diplomacy won. it was decided to use the continent only for peaceful purposes, in the interests of all humanity. nuclear testing and storage were prohibited there nuclear waste. later , the extraction of any minerals in antarctica was also prohibited. on june 7, 1993 , the state space research and production center named after mikhail
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khrunichev was established. it united many enterprises producing, launching and servicing space technology. the base for the center was the khrunichev engineering plant, which had been specializing in space rockets for many decades, and the salyut design bureau. it also included a number of facilities in baikanur and a branch for development of rocket engines in korolev. now the khrunichyevo center produces launch vehicles of the proton family and upper stages for them, as well as light launch vehicles of the rokot class and a new family of angara launch vehicles. the center created the zarya, zvezda and science service modules for the ncs. it was its scientists and developers who determined the first basic element of the iss and how it should be built in the future. the great thing about the dawn was that it was both the first module of the station and a transport ship,
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the enterprises have been working in... the market for over 25 years space services, participates in large-scale projects, helps other countries implement their space programs. this is what this day in history was like. still, my obediences, they are over, they are all, forgive me, lord, well... all hope, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen what they wanted from me, miracle, ahlay-mahalay, because if only i knew how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, black one, it’s also a sin to cheat on your brother,
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pay, get out of your bottle, if you’re alone , therefore, quickly fell asleep, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, legon, the bad guy ran into you, there’s more, who will do it to whom, naughty people, it’s evening with you.
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very close or even.


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