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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the development of relations with the african continent is one of the priority areas for moscow. this was stated by vladimir putin during negotiations with the leader of zimbabwe. the meeting took place on the sidelines of the st. petersburg international economic forum. both leaders emphasized that russia and zimbabwe have close positions on key international issues. i am grateful to you that we are actively working together in the international arena, our positions, as in such cases they say, are very close or.
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coincide on key issues of international agenda, i am glad to have the opportunity to meet with you on the sidelines of the st. petersburg international economic forum, i am confident that your presence will symbolize the interest of the african continent in developing relations with the russian federation, and this is one of our priorities. this is an opportunity. consolidate and identify areas where we can expand cooperation between our countries and make this cooperation more comprehensive, there is no need to deviate from each other, there are really similar points view on international issues, our countries are by and large isolated zones, which is why it is necessary to develop comprehensive relations with the russian federation. vladimir
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putin also met with the president of bolivia and emphasized that the two countries have good prospects for cooperation, including in the field of new technologies, for example, rosatom is creating a nuclear research center in bolivia. as for bilateral relations, they are developing between russia and bolivia on a solid basis of accounting interests of each other, and
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we have been implementing the total volume in... since 2006, and we want to share it with everyone. thank you for all the support from the friendly russian government, which has implemented several major projects in our country, such as the nuclear research and technology center. one of the main topics of the st. petersburg forum was energy. global demand for oil and other hydrocarbons is growing, and russia's prospects are enormous. the tax system and production development were also discussed. most important. on the sites the st. petersburg economic forum continues to present new projects, strengthen them with agreements, and, of course, discuss the opportunities and prospects of the russian economy, including in the context of improving the tax system; one of the central sessions of the forum was devoted to the issue, emphasis on the use of a progressive scale when calculating personal income tax, increasing interest rates rates, let me remind you, will affect just over 3% of the working population, the rate will remain at 13%. only for
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those whose annual income is less than 2.4000 rubles. the ministry of finance emphasizes paid an extra 13% of the funds will go to social needs; for some families with two or more children, the tax rate will, on the contrary , decrease due to the so-called tax cashback. the changes are designed to balance the tax system, including in relation to business. so, as much as we collect from this tax system, we will give back as much. there is no, you know, how...
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treatment, but non-state pension provision, let's also move to a proactive model, how it will work, these organizations send us data and we will we put all the data about the deduction in your personal account with a request to indicate which account you would like to receive the money into, here is the entire deduction, how it will work. in the context of the future, they are talking about new production facilities, one of them is designed to strengthen ties with foreign partners, a chinese company: the company will produce atms in the moscow region. shanghai investors will allocate at least 1.3 billion rubles for this. the first stage of production will be the production of metal cases. in the future they plan to organize a full production cycle in klin. in moscow will implement domestic developments and build
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a new kamaz plant. it is planned that the site will produce 40,000 trucks per year. almost 1,500 workplaces will be equipped. this is a step towards technological sovereignty. our country has achieved a high level of technological independence in power
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engineering, timber processing and metallurgy, they emphasize at the forum. according to the minister of industry and trade anton alikhanov, the domestic component of capacity in these industries will be ensured. besides the fact that we have to produce all this, we we also need to integrate all this into existing enterprises, robotization is not such a simple process, that is, it is not enough to produce, we still need to integrate it into existing enterprises, that is , the role of integrators, all the people who are involved in increasing productivity and proving to factories that that they need this in order to increase output.
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in today's time, it is workers, not employers, today employers are chasing workers around the market, for every qualified worker there is a minimum nine vacancies on the market today. in the topic of employment, napmf has a separate place, for example, an all-russian center for maritime professions will be opened in kranstatt, an agreement was signed at the forum, so those who dream of connecting their lives with the sea will be able to learn about the nuances of the relevant professions and decide on their choice. it is planned that the center will operate full-time. and online formats. the classes will also open up employment prospects for graduates in leading companies in the maritime industries. and the topic of personnel will soon be continued during the big session. the russian army successfully repelled 14 attacks in the ssu. zelensky’s formations lost another 1,500
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soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 26 gunships and self-propelled guns. the strikes hit the unmanned boat storage warehouse and deployment points.
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unsuccessfully asking for help from passers-by, ukrainians say that corruption and cruelty are flourishing in the central central committee, a conscript died in zhitomir, who... was shot down by military commissars, according to official data, he got drunk to the point of an epileptic seizure and received a fatal injury, his relatives they don’t believe it, every day they go to rallies, people shout shame. the west demands that the zelensky regime continue the armed conflict in ukraine, there are not enough soldiers, heavy losses, the armed forces of ukraine are being replenished with untrained fighters. police officers, rescuers and even disabled people are now subject to mobilization.
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we have more democracy than some eu countries, it’s surprising, but it’s true. the military police offer cash rewards for denunciations of evaders. with the help of tck, ukrainians began to settle scores with each other. in lviv, the man did not the military registration and enlistment office handed over the pay to the builders for their work. i told them to come and hand over the summons.
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the united states recommended that ukrainians with dual citizenship not return to their homeland, where they have little chance of survival. france wants to transfer mirage fighters to ukraine, emman macron announced. today paris will announce the launch of the program.
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so it's just a difference in approach. beloporozhsk gs1 and gs2 began operating in karelia. the stations were launched at the st. petersburg international economic forum via teleconference. the ceremony was attended by presidential assistant nikolai patrushev, deputy prime minister alexander novak and head. aters of the central console are concentrated, a little excited, but in high spirits. the start command is about to sound. this is the finale of a large construction project and at the same time the beginning of work. the beloporozhsky gas, although not the largest construction project in the country, has already gone down in history as the first joint project of the brix countries. the total investment volume exceeded 11 billion rubles. but the cool temperament of the northern river made everyone
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quite nervous. in 2020 the river is twice washed out the dam. deadlines for entering objects. moved, the team showed character, their perseverance, everyone knew what they were doing, yes, there are elements, there are some unforeseen situations, but in order for the specialists to solve this matter, here behind this massive door is located one of the main parts of our equipment, this is the turbine shaft and the turbine cover itself, under which the turbine itself is located directly, and please note that the production of this equipment is all localized in our country, four turbines... two for each station, machine rooms, technical rooms, kilometers of wires and long corridors that go deep underground, they are as winding as the history of the structure itself. above me is the river beloporozhsky gas were conceived back in 1956 . in the early eighties , the first project was developed, construction began in the nineties, but due to lack of funds it
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was stopped. the idea was returned to in 2000, when electricity shortages resurfaced in the region. the long-awaited one. the launch ceremony was timed to coincide with st. petersburg international economic forum. today we are celebrating the opening of new energy facilities, two small porozh hydroelectric power stations. i congratulate all participants on the successful completion of the construction of the beloporozhsky best. it is now important to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the new stations. the central console indicators come to life and count down the kilowatt-hours of electricity generated. the deafening roar of water is now, perhaps, the most desired sound for all builders of the beloporozhsky gas. turbines are running at full capacity the power is already generating electricity, which is quite enough for a city with a population of
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30 thousand people. oleg gornovsky, roman savich, igor istratyev, polina ryazanskaya, news karelia, beloporozh. gs new complex for processing household waste in the leningrad region was visited by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev and the general director of the russian environmental operator denis butsaev. the enterprise will process up to 300,000 tons of waste per year, this is 40% of all waste that the region produces, and 65% of the total volume of raw materials will be recycled and sent for reuse. there will be several such complexes in the region. the cost of the object currently exceeds just over 4 billion, and we have raised 3 billion due to support measures for ppkro, these are the support measures without which at the moment we believe that the implementation of such objects is impossible, so we are grateful to the government of the russian federation for given the opportunity to realize.
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the facility will process the entire household waste stream. speaking from eight districts of the region: tosno, gaichensky, lomonosovsky, lushsky, volosovsky, kengesepsky, slantsevsky and sosnovy mountains. in kazan , young virtuosos summed up the results of the first competition of the festival. it was organized under the patronage of world opera star aida garifulina. more than 100 students from children's music schools showed their skills, 14 of them won the right to perform at the holo-concert.
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hello, thank you for taking the time, leasing is an economic term that not everyone understands, literally two words, and what is the significance of this process for the economy and anyway, what is this? this statement is because many people do not understand what a long-term lease is, what we are talking about is unclear. leasing can be useful in various industries that require the purchase of expensive equipment and transport. and even real estate, this is an effective tool that allows you to attract investment into the economy of our country, it is beneficial to companies, it stimulates companies to
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expand production, increase fixed assets, develop logistics, energy, transport components, actively used in agriculture in all priority sectors of our economy, the leasing market is very massive, significant, large, just think about it, over the past year the leasing market increased by 3.6 trillion rubles of new business, the leasing portfolio is... 9.9 trillion rubles over the past year, this includes purely investments in leasing and rental payments are formed. over the past year , 4,000 leasing agreements were concluded, and most of them were small and medium-sized businesses. according to our statistics, 22% are individual entrepreneurs, 40% is a company with samples of up to 100 million rubles. that is, this is a micro-business for our company. and in fact, the upper segment of medium-sized businesses is a significant tool for the development of our economy. what will happen with infrastructure projects, a huge amount of expensive equipment is also required there, infrastructure projects have had a significant impact on leasing, because this is the need for tractors,
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dump trucks, special equipment, the development of this area, and i would like to separately note that the penetration of leasing into trucks, v freight transport, it is very very significant, imagine 80% of the penetration of leasing instruments in trucks, in seat trucks, tractors in dump trucks, in fact, every... truck that is purchased in russia is acquired using leasing instruments, over the previous 5 years the share the penetration of leasing into this instrument increased from 40 to 80%, in private transport from 20 to 40%, this is a truly massive large instrument that affects us, i would like to note separately about infrastructure projects the far east, where they are most actively used: the penetration of leasing in the far east in the khabarovsk territory , the sakhalin region, and the amur region is 50% of the corresponding one. business in these regions over the past 2 years has amounted to one and a half times in each direction, this shows that leasing tools and their further development can be very actively used in other industries,
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other directions, in other regions. do they use alternative modes of transport? electric transport grew in the first quarter in russia by 2.4 times compared to last year; according to government data, 40 thousand electric vehicles are registered in russia. 10,000 cars of which are localized - these are russian currencies, chinese zerk and woyak. the state actively supports the development of electric transport, leasing is no exception, 35% of memprontorg subsidies for advance payments on leased property purchased for electric transport, active development of charging infrastructure will increase this consumption, according to relevant estimates 1,150 charging stations stations were built in 2023, this year it is planned to build another 1,400 charging stations, which will increase the penetration of electric transport in russia. over the next 6 years, as we see, the construction of charging facilities will increase 10 times. separately, i would like to note
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about gas motor fuel, today we signed a large agreement between the vtbing magnit group and gazprom-gaz motor fuel on the development of the use of gas in motor fuel and the automotive segment using leasing instruments. wanted i would like to note that this agreement, this project is animated. as gas transport in trucks in the corresponding development, we, on the part of the company group, are ready to actively offer gas transport to our clients,
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clients of the vtb group, actively promoting this area on the russian market. what about your clients physically? and this is a promising and significant area of ​​research by the consulting firm b1 over the past year , russians wishing to purchase cars for personal use decreased by 12% from 90%. 78, this affects public transport, active development, carsharing, taxis, tools related to long-term rental, which is why we are developing our active product solution vtb afto, these are financial instruments for long-term, medium-term rental for individuals, the so-called subscription, which allows you to purchase a car in lease with a further right of purchase, with full technical and service maintenance, in our opinion , the further development of this direction will be quite active, that is... for this type of transport are being transferred, i mean, to this form of ownership, do i understand correctly? and according to world practice, from the point of view of the sharing economy, this is the next stage of development,
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acquisition of use. carried out in the russian federation affects entrepreneurs on our clients, because the cost of leasing is significantly increasing, lysine itself is becoming more expensive, but there is active work from the state, from the outside on various subsidy programs, on commercial transport, on freight, on passenger transport . we see dynamics, which was last year in terms of increasing the leasing market, it will continue this year, of course not with such a large increase, but this is a significant direction. anton igorevich, thank you very much, success in your work, thank you very much.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24.
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when we went to mariupol, we didn’t go only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we they went by storm and got off. we were tired of wounding me there, all the bullets were out, one was a root, i didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i i will still be grateful to the unknown guy.


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