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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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we continue our work on the sidelines of the st. petersburg international economic forum and are now returning to the interview with the governor of the ivanovo region, stanislav voskresensk. good afternoon, stanislav sergeevich, hello! let's start with light industry, because this is a traditional industry for the ivanovo region, and speaking of development, i would also like to note that the president, when he was in uzbekistan, also talked about this, and you were part of the delegation, how this area is developing today in the area to what extent the sanctions impact on influenced the country's development? well, we really are still the heart of light industry, by the way, i’ll give you a few figures, the first month of 24 year growth was 14...
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as for uzbekistan, stable supplies of cotton yarn are very important for us, they are coming, colleagues are fulfilling all agreements, here were deliveries in the nineteenth year 54. now there are already 82. and in uzbekistan they managed to conclude a new agreement on the continuation of these. but not only that, we agreed with our colleagues that given the record low unemployment in russia our ivanovo region is no exception, that we will jointly use capacities in order to enter not only each other’s markets, but the markets of third countries with such production chains, and from such news, since last year we have launched a whole cluster membrane fabrics, these are innovative fabrics, now we have everything from the idea to the production of fabrics for clothing, for medicine, everything is produced in the ivanovo region. this never happened. a separate
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topic is education; in fact , they talk a lot about personnel now within the framework of st. petersburg economic forum. a consortium of universities has already been created in the ivanovo region. this is how you plan to develop this area in the future. what are your plans? nowadays all breakthroughs occur at the intersection of sciences, this is very important. we have several universities with different specializations, and there are universities that are leaders in their fields, for example, an energy university, a chemical engineering university, and a medical university. and thanks to this, we are achieving such mixed competencies that... are now in great demand, by the way, entrepreneurs see this, we have such a landmark event happened, for the first time in 30 years in the city of ivanov, a large industrial production is being built in a special economic zone within the city limits, investments amount to over 10 billion rubles, this will be the production of road equipment, highly qualified personnel are needed there, as for the development of education in the future, we imagine this we see this and this is already happening; at the st. petersburg economic forum we are concluding a cooperation agreement with st. petersburg university.
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companies see what is happening in the field of education, we are also on the forum we agreed with the rosatom company that on the basis of our production in aquarius a development center will be created for products sensitive to russian, so everything is developing here, everything is going uphill, in addition, our young scientists have launched a project that we really like, we support it, called solaris lecture on science, this is the popularization of science, they teach each other to each other. only suddenly he learns to talk in an accessible language about his scientific developments, this project is scaling up, now it is no longer only in the ivanovo region, but all over the country. a separate topic is , of course, the development of small towns, and the ivanovo region is famous for being actively involved in this area, you also spoke about this at a meeting with the president, so how does one build an economic model for such development of small towns? well , look, yesterday there was a very interesting discussion at the macroeconomic session, it was said that russia is already the fourth economy in the world.
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purchasing power parity, i think it’s important that people in small towns felt, because today this, unfortunately, is not the case, today life in small towns is more difficult, more than 30 million people live in small towns in russia along with urban settlements, and this requires attention, this area requires special attention and special policies, the president has already announced a number of measures in his address, including additional payments to doctors, additional payments to teachers, special benefits, a special system of family benefits specifically for small towns, but what is really important is the economy, small towns are not only beautiful.
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the ministry of economy naturally says: let's focus more on the economy, but in general, of course, we must not oppose
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these areas, because without social services there will be no attraction of human resources, it is impossible, it is impossible to secure the highly qualified personnel that we need in the regions without creation. a favorable environment without housing and communal services is also impossible, but at the same time, we, of course, must intelligently, intelligently combine all these sources in order to lay the economic base for the future. and moving on to today's agenda, i would like i would also like to say a special word of gratitude to the agency for strategic initiatives, and to svetlana, and andrey, and probably nikitin, too , because i remember, while working in the moscow government, then working as a governor, how important this investment rating mechanism really is. what is important is the rating itself, and its openness and transparency, because on the one hand there are really procedures that need to be followed, there are always best practices that can be implemented, and here there is a very big the merit of the governors in building the system, well, as it is fashionable to say, i don’t know
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whether networking, that is , interaction, is possible or not, yes, because a lot of practices, thanks to this rating, thanks to this mechanism, have penetrated in general... here, but nevertheless less, and thanks to this feedback there is constant fine-tuning, so colleagues, it seems to me that this is what will happen today and what is happening here, the question is no one took first, second, third place there, moreover, everyone
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understands who took first place is important process, because even leaders do not stand still, i just remember, under the leadership of president of the russian federation, we had several elements here, yes, which we used, this is a national entrepreneurial initiative, federal road maps, this is a national
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investment rating with which the constituent entities of the russian federation work, the investment standard plays a key role, it has changed here, we had a pilot trial of the first wave of regions, yes, we implemented the investment standard using a new methodology this year. for the first time , all points of the investment standard are included in the calculation of the national investment rating. business russia has done a great job here, and i would like to invite the head of business russia, alexey repik, who will present the results of the work on the investment standard. yes, dear friends, good morning, uh. first, three words about the rating itself. our rating is already an anniversary one, and
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it is quite difficult to perform every time to look for some new meanings of the essence, because despite the fact that it is progressing, evolving, we have somehow become familiar with this format, so today we are a little svetlana vtalevna in ballet shoes, beautiful, we sit, look, admire, so i would still like to ask everyone to thank the agency. the national rating in general allows us, in essence, in honor of the climate, to see
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picture in three dimensions, that is, on the one hand, we constantly compare ourselves with ourselves, but yesterday, very important, i think that today they will talk about this, that we have a significant increase in the majority of subjects in the overall integral index in comparison with last year. the second thing is, of course, to compare. the situation in the regions, in the constituent entities, that is, to compare with each other, this allows you to grow, this allows you to take the best practices, for some, like in moscow, it is more and more difficult, because all the best practices are already present there, but sergey semenovich, for this we have a third part of the picture, the third part of the picture is an international perspective, and we, of course, are going our own way and we have our own idea of ​​​​how to make the country more competitive and stronger, but this does not mean that we are not looking on how other states evaluate their ... economy of their capital, so i think that as part of the evolution of the rating, we and the new
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methods of the same world bank will carefully integrate into the rating, but one thing can be said that from the point of view of investors , business community, thanks to all this work, the national rating clearly demonstrates how strong the open and friendly regional investment environment has become, now... half of the rating indicators are now occupied, being a kind of necessary, but not sufficient minimum for victory, the introduction of a regional investment standard is very important, here we have there are leading regions, i don’t know about implementation, we never ratify them among ourselves, nevertheless, someone always succeeds faster, more clearly and...
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that the regions that last year, well, they went through the selection sieves with difficulty, even did some homework, now they are very successful, we can say that murmansk has made a big leap in this regard, tambov, that is, there is a clear understanding that working on mistakes helps to achieve goals effectively, in this plan next year we will continue this work, and i hope that those 82 regions... out of eighty- five that carried out the rating now,
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they will not worsen their situation with us, and we will help those who have been slowed down with us so far to cope with all the challenges, now we have askafen available for headaches. they will give food in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us! mvidio and eldorado have a 50% discount on the second household appliance product. cupersberg built-in dishwasher for only 17,500 rubles. in the video and
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when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy from 20 million is right in front of you. every 15 minutes. for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to defeat the stoloto. worlds of support, by the way, are in great demand, ah, from the outside. there is an entrepreneurial community, satisfaction with space rental services for smes, and the share of people employed in small businesses, it is also growing every year, and what other negative trends are there? indeed, this year we are seeing in the investment rating, these are, of course, issues
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with the availability of labor resources; for the first time in 7 years, we are recording a serious decrease in satisfaction with the availability of labor resources in the regions of the russian federation. in almost all regions this issue is quite acute. and again, we understand that according to the forecasts of the government of the russian federation, by 2030 the need for additional labor resources will be 2.5 million people. this is also a task for us that is necessary the government of the russian federation will also decide. subvolume of the russian federation. and now pay attention to the screen, we present the top 15 winners, 15 places where we took them. places, our regions, please, video!
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we applaud the regions more actively.
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teams that have made a huge contribution to the work to improve the investment climate and you see, we have such innovations today, alexey evgenievich has already introduced that we are holding our events in a slightly new format, and today we have prepared prizes for our winners, for our leaders of the regions are memorable, so allow me to reward the regions that took fourth place.
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heads of regions, please, if you wish, a few words, microphone, friends, my colleagues, i welcome everyone, i am very glad that all regions have risen, russia will become stronger, i want to thank the business association, we are always with you in the most difficult moments, it will be necessary overcome barriers, you are welcome, we are together, sakhalin business should know about this, hello, this is your victory,
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congratulations, dear friends, thank you for trust, thank you for your assessment, many thanks to our novgorod entrepreneurs, this is their assessment, this is their assessment of our work results, and of course... we understand that we need to constantly move forward, constantly become better, because the whole country, all of our great russia is moving forward, and we are with it, thank you, our awards, yes, which we have prepared for our regional leaders, please, let's award them, applause, ladies and gentlemen. region took fourth fourth place, national ranking, sakhalin region and
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novgorod region, thank you very much, congratulations, i ask my colleagues to take their places, now the awarding of groups of regions that took third, second and first place in our ranking, and we invite... stage of maxim reshetnikov, minister of economic development of the russian federation and deputy head of administration president of the russian federation, maxim oreshkin. so, third place, the head of the republic of bashkartastan, radi khabirov, and the governor of the moscow region, andrey vorobyov, are invited to receive the award. radi faritovich, andrey yurievich, maybe a short comment on the results.
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good afternoon, dear colleagues, i ’ll fly home tomorrow, and the residents will surround me and ask me what the rating was, i’ll say, well , they gave it a three, they say, but the tatars, again a two, well then it’s better, so, of course, they they'll tell me, maybe after all. to be close, it means we will come to you or we will sort it out to you. i really wanted to sincerely thank the agency, the business community, and our fellow regional heads, because we are all going through this difficult path together. i i just wanted to share one thought that, in my opinion, has a place to exist. you know,
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there should be no complacency when working with investments. yes, of course, in each region we have created such an extensive network, world and menu that allows us to attract investments, but we somehow wondered if everything was fine with us, and for this we invited our investors, who always thanked us, and now tell me honestly what you’re not happy with, you’re not happy with the bureaucracy, can you imagine, we removed it before we came in and got status priority project, we removed everything that was previously required of them, a business plan, confirmation of money to the account, confirmation of how much the salary will be. and so on, now in order for the republic of bashkartstan to receive the status of a priority project, and this is the basis for receiving land, you just need to submit a declaration, essentially a declaration of intent, and we have significantly increased the number of actions and projects and, most importantly, decisions on the provision of land, and this is very important, thank you all again, thank you, good morning, i’m glad to see you all
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traditionally seen. because everything related to transformation, simplification for business, as we see, business appreciates with gratitude, so i really hope that with maxim stanislavovich we will continue to discuss the most advanced practices and extensions of the resolution, maxim gennadievich 336, which has proven itself against covid, every year we are extending it and waiting to see whether it will be extended or not next time, but svetlana said that
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the time has been radically reduced. exit to the construction site, this is very important, so please give all suggestions regions will also continue to be taken into account, but we will continue to try, of course, and international activities today are very complex, but the visits that our president makes, the agreements that are signed, this is china, this is uzbekistan, this is belarus, allow us , to the governors and it is very decisively productive... to interact with the governors who work in our friendly countries, this is also important, but at the same time, appreciating foreign business, we still bow to our entrepreneurs who deservedly are investing, fortunately the industrial development fund makes its noticeable contribution at the cost of money, so thank you all again, well, moscow is the champion,
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moscow region award andrey yuryevich and general photos, so i’m also coming to you, yes, svetlana, let’s applause without a pause, dear friends, congratulations, congratulations to you, so, the regions took second place, and we are pleased to welcome the governor of the nizhny novgorod region, gleb nikitin. and the republic of tatarstan, raist of the republic of tatarstan, rustam minikhanov. please, leaders subjects, a few words. dear friends, uh, svetlana vitalievna, uh, maxims, our dear ones, uh, here.


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