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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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about cooperation with new regions, as far as i understand, not so long ago asi and the zaporozhye region entered into a cooperation agreement, tell us how you assess the business climate in new regions, including primarily the zaporozhye region, with which work has already been established and what do you see possible growth points? well, the prospects for opportunities in the regions are of course, well, the potential is very high, when we also prepared a strategy for the development of prizes.
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worked on this with charitable foundations, with federal and regional departments, and until we sort of solved that problem or that question that a resident of one or another region from new territories approached us, and we have now also launched with regional development corporations and formats for selecting priority investment projects and there for the regions, so so we hope that well... thank you, the best deposit in save up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. tecno - common 30 series of smartphones. stunning photos and videos. 4k resolutions new series
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well, first of all, in the morning there was a business breakfast of sberbank, its topic was formulated quite succinctly: russia 2030, how to reach the finish line fourth, we are talking about the task set by the president to enter the top four leading economies in the world in terms of purchasing
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power parity. now, let me remind you, our country is in fifth place in terms of this indicator, well, this is what was said by the participants in the business meeting breakfast. our... competitors in quotes in terms of place among the largest economies in the world, first of all, we are followed by germany and japan, their average rate of economic growth over the last 10 years has been 1%, so well , these are hardly the most formidable competitors, these are the competitors like brazil and indonesia, which are growing much faster, they will definitely take our place in the next 5 years if we do not increase our economic growth rate. last week , no matter what components of the economy we are talking about, it is necessary, one way or another otherwise, the discussion goes towards taxes in view of the proposed changes in tax legislation, but today we were talking not only about personal income tax, about taxes on personal income , but about the mineral extraction tax, this is a tax on the extraction
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of mineral resources, let's listen to what is now more of all is a concern for business, and frankly speaking, what worries us too is the mineral extraction tax, of course. we want to make the mineral extraction tax a permanent winfall tax, so that we don’t run around with these export duties, as it were, it means that tomorrow is the day after tomorrow and so on further, here, but this of course requires calculations, because the industries are capital-intensive from... the industries are very volatile, we also load the industries there periodically, well, of course, there is also an increase in costs, we should not forget about this either, so how would we we didn’t want to make everything predictable for business, we have the factor of tariffs, when we talk about tax changes now, well, what are they for, including, that’s why business doesn’t invest, i don’t know, in machine tools , electronics, drones , what a good one business, why don't you invest? so he says: give money to the state and we will give state money now, because we see that these sectors are sagging, but
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the most important thing, the most important thing is that it’s not that the budget builds these sectors, the main thing is that the budget gives 2 kopecks, but 3 rubles were given by business, well, here’s another relationship between the state of business, recently the russian government made a proposal for mandatory labeling of six more groups of goods, and let me remind you that exactly 5 years ago, right here on the st. petersburg site... economic forum, an agreement was concluded on this public-private partnership, during which time a system appeared that collects and provides information to business; the chairman of the board of directors of the center for the development of advanced technologies, mikhail dubin, spoke about the effect of the existing platform. so far, the fiscal effect at the end of the twenty-third year is 791 billion rubles. in principle, a fairly significant value from the point of view of the russian economy. on september 1, labeling will be launched in a number of product groups, including canned food, karma for
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animals, vegetable oils, and a number of others, and the most important thing is that we are implementing the entire system in stages so as not to cause any shocks or difficulties of implementation for business. the morning at the forum was generally very businesslike, although the day can be said to have just begun, by this minute about 60 different panels had already taken place... we are building the largest investment project in africa, in egypt,
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the ldba nuclear power plant, well, in general, we are forming nuclear industries in a number of countries, and also the business community, on a different topic, opens up new opportunities for realization among young people, investing funds, knowledge and resources in developing the potential of young people, this was dedicated to this. session entitled at the beginning of the future, how cooperation of funds contributes to the growth of the potential of the brics countries. participants discussed how foundation projects help develop state potential, as well as which areas of science are most attractive for business investment today. the brix chamber of commerce and industry implements programs to support young leaders. key is a leadership dialogue as well as a global program for women entrepreneurs. initiatives provide a wonderful opportunity to meet a new generation of leaders, young scientists, diplomats, and politicians.
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it is necessary to take further steps to develop cooperation within the brix framework, conduct exchange programs, internships, and implement innovative and cross-border business projects. well, speaking of internal russian topics, today at the forum there was a presentation of the results of the national rating, the state of investment climate in the regions of our country.
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boris pavlovich, hello, first of all, thank you for taking the time to come to our studio at the st. petersburg international economic forum, straight to the questions, the authorities of several regions at once, literally no... a few weeks ago they introduced an emergency situation due to frosts , due to the natural features that accompany agriculture this year , and the ministry of agriculture announced that it might even be adopted decision to manage an emergency. how did this affect the bank’s work with farmers? what measures might you take together?
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carrying out seasonal field work is probably the most important task in agriculture. because crop production is a basic branch of the agro-industrial complex, this task is constantly under the control of the ministry of agriculture of the government of the russian federation. the most important components are the provision of farmers with seeds, plant protection products, mineral fertilizers, equipment, fuels and lubricants, and of course, available bank financing. this year, preparations for seasonal work were carried out as usual, just like you already are. they said that in twenty-one regions a state of emergency was introduced and a little more than 1% of the sown areas were lost. according to the ministry of agriculture, some of them can be replanted, we are ready for this, and the bank will provide all the necessary financing to our farmers. in addition, our insurance company is in constant contact with the victims
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farms will provide all necessary insurance payments. and taking this opportunity ... to urge farmers to use the agricultural insurance tool more often in order to avoid, say, losses in such situations. rosselkhozbank is the main lender for seasonal work; we usually take our share somewhere over 70%. in some regions, we are generally the only lender for sowing and harvesting work; this year we plan that the total amount of financing will be just over 800 billion rubles. we hope as well as the ministry of agriculture on...
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traditionally, the main share in exports is made up of grains; this agricultural year this share was just over 40%. we expect that in 2024-2025 the total volume of grains will be somewhere around 55-60 million tons. accordingly, rosselkhozbank provides export financing. economic products, we expect that finally this year the total volume will be about 600 billion rubles. we believe that the task set by the president will be realized, despite some difficulties related to logistics and international payments, farmers will not let you down. well, the main thing for any industry, especially for agriculture, is of course people, people,
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personnel. tell us how rosselkhozbank participates in personnel policy, perhaps in training personnel for the countryside? attracting young specialists and retaining qualified personnel in rural areas is not even a task, it is a challenge for the industry, and we are a full-fledged and responsible participant in this process. we work in several areas. the first, most probably the most important thing is the training of young specialists. we are a partner. we have 57 sponsored agricultural universities, we work with them on educational programs, we have established them.
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social worker using the digital profiles that are left for students on these platforms, respectively, any person already working in the countryside or living in the city can find temporary, seasonal work or permanent work. our third project, a project with such a good name: school of farmers, it was organized jointly with the ministry of agriculture farms, with regional authorities in collaboration with agricultural enterprises. regions, its goal is to prepare new farmers for our industry, literally in a short time, about 3 months, we are preparing specialists who are ready to start their own business in agribusiness, the interest and attention to this project is so great that in some regions the competition is about
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three people per place. the fourth direction, when work issues have already been resolved, young professionals naturally face the problem of housing, within the framework of the krst program comprehensive development of rural areas, we finance developers who build housing in rural areas, and also finance rural mortgages. the total volume of financing for sei mortgages today is already over 250 billion rubles. in terms of housing, 104,000 families have already improved their living conditions. we also have other areas of activity aimed at increasing the attractiveness of life and work in the countryside. and here even at the st. petersburg international economic forum our grape site, which we organized with. winemaking, on the other hand , it shows that living in a village, in a village, is already fashionable, beautiful, interesting, tasty,
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so we invite all guests to our stand. thank you very much, thank you very much, boris pavlovich for the interesting story, good luck to you, success in your work on the forum, thank you, have a nice day. well, let’s develop the topic of the development of the banking sector and the situation in it now, we’ll talk with the first deputy chairman of the bank’s council, sergei khatimsky. sergey vladimirovich, good afternoon, hello, one of the most pressing issues at the international economic forum this year is technological development. entrepreneurship, this is how the sobkombank supports it? well, our job , first of all, to support any type of entrepreneurship is capital, respectively, borrowed capital,
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equity capital, we are pleased to see that technology companies are the engine of growth in the market for placements of shares on the moscow exchange this year last year, these placements, in which we accept the most active participation are probably the biggest contribution because we see... how much private capital is now coming into the technology sector, and this is probably one of the main points in terms of the achievement of the banking industry in supporting the technology sector, but debt financing, of course, also remains very relevant, we are very actively working with many companies, today they have big problems in terms of acquiring certain technological things that they need, and of course development of our product... lines, in this sense, we probably have one of the fastest growing portfolios today - these are those companies that really work in terms of import substitution in terms of some simply national things, and what
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they do according to , so that we become a very technologically advanced economy at the same time minimally dependent on external sources. sergei vladimirovich, such a difficult question, but very important. mingin will consider the issue of progressive taxation of individuals. here's how the progressive scale works on banking products, in your opinion, and how could the introduction of progressive taxation affect the taxable base of deposits of individuals, what kind of figures are you expecting here? in general, we believe that the approach is quite balanced, we still hope that some more concessions, well, in favor of business and individuals, will be made during the final adoption, in any case , we believe that the economy has accelerated quite strongly and we are not waiting , what... this is an increase, although, of course, it is simultaneously an increase in taxes for individuals and for legal entities may be a certain challenge, but still we do not expect any too negative consequences, and of course
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a certain slowdown in the economy is possible as a result of tax increases, this is clear, but at the same time we assess that the central bank, which today took on the main burden of fighting inflation and a certain slowdown quickly accelerated. russian economy, it will be able to support in the form of rate cuts in the twenty-fifth year several times, and the total effect from raising taxes and those the actions that the central bank can take to support it should be neutral. well, in continuation of this topic, this is what you think, sergey vladimovich, are there now risks of outflow from classical banking instruments and products, if there is a more profitable scale in some investment instruments, how big is this risk? we believe that there will not be too large outflows. because, after all, in ordinary life , people with not very large savings, they prefer more conservative, understandable, simple instruments, on the other hand, if such an outflow occurs, this is actually
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wonderful, because... its share is very high, it will be useful for the economy if instruments, both debt and equity, develop, and it seems to us that if there is a certain support in this segment, integrally it will be good for banks, ultimately our business depends on the general economy, how does the country’s economy work, will it work effectively? the country's economy will earn money from us and the general deposit base won't wash out. in 2023, you talked about strengthening financial security, about the need to do this, if you look at the fact that there are attacks, and at the global level, on the banking system, this is what has already been done, what is the result of the work? a huge amount of work has been done by us and the majority of the largest banks, after all, the challenges that the industry has been subjected to since 2022, especially in
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23, they... forced us to simply reach a new level, absolutely, i am sure, if we now compare world banks in terms of how ready they are for a challenge of this magnitude, then russian banks will turn out to be the absolute leaders in this, and the experience that we, in principle, have earned in technology, we have really projected onto information security during this time very strongly , there are a huge number of companies that have made money on the market with new russian... products to help banks, they also, of course, played a big role, so at the moment we have completely dealt with this, yes, we understand, that challenges can also change over time, but nevertheless, i think that the country’s level of preparedness is very high, and we see that the uninterrupted operation of the financial system, it has actually returned to the levels that we saw before the svo and before this situations, that is, the level of reliability has increased, that is, there may be the same number of attacks or more, but
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the reliability is higher. of course, of course, today we are at a completely different level of readiness for any challenges in this direction. another very interesting topic is the digital ruble. as far as i know, you previously assessed the prospects of the digital ruble and said that its implementation is important for the russian banking system, but there are also risks, what risks and what is most important, but these risks have already been somehow overcome, perhaps during the experiment can be removed. well, here the main risk boils down to the potential outflow of toads of leftovers that can transfer.
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well, the fact is that even in settlements in national currencies banks are still involved, including banks from our countries partners, they are under enormous pressure to restrain the ability to pay with us even in their national currencies, the pressure from unfriendly countries is very high, in this sense there are many challenges there, the country as a whole is successfully coping with this, some issues require silence and there is no need to go into whether it’s better in this country or in that country, we
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generally manage... we manage, we pay, we pay for what we need, we get money for what we sell, but i think that of course, but these events will certainly lead to rethinking the role of the yuan in the global financial system, this is already happening, but there are certain restrictions, our chinese partners themselves are not eager to make such a center of the only currency a hegemon, as the united states, in turn, is trying to do there, but this train has already moved, and we if we understand that it is he... who will go in one direction, we will see the increasing role of currencies from the brix countries, we will definitely see growth accordingly, a continuation of the growth trend of payments in national currencies and the digitalization of currencies should lead to that this process can speed up exponentially. i just wanted to ask a clarifying question: if we take the currencies of the brix countries, which of them can be promising for settlements in national currencies between russia and other countries, hundreds of times...


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