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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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we generally cope, pay, pay for what we need, get money for what we sell, and i think that of course, and these events will certainly lead to a rethinking of the role of yuan in the global financial system, this is already happening, yes it is certain restrictions, our chinese partners themselves are not eager to make such a center of a single currency a hegemon as...
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the owner of a digital currency in one country , the owner of a digital currency in another country will be able to exchange without the participation of financial intermediaries or with the participation of only the technological part in the technological part without money transfers, in this case we can see that the role of these currencies can be approximately equivalent, that is, it will not be in one of the scenarios, here is the digital scenario, it will not be dominance one of these currencies, and this will be an equal club of interchangeable ones -
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we will remain on the one hand a growth stock, because we see a huge opportunity for our bank to grow in a variety of niches, on the other hand we will to remain a bank that pays dividends, this is important, because this is our moral obligation, to all those people who believed in our shares and purchased them, today there are more than 1000 people, you just said in the future, what planning horizon are we talking about, then there is a year of 2.5 years, we go all the time in three-year cycles and in each year we update the next three-year cycle accordingly, we act here on the same principle that the federal government operates, there is certain talk about that we need to extend, perhaps, these planning horizons at the country level, we will probably adhere to this general logic, because the macroeconomic forecast at the state level is important for us in order to adjust the parameter of our development. sergei vladimirovich, in conclusion, an important question, your forecasts for the development of the banking sector for... the year, these are the key directions,
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the key possible changes, what are you waiting for? we are all waiting for the exact parameters of how mortgages will work after july 1, this really has quite a serious impact on the banking sector, but in general it is already clear from the five months that have passed that the growth will be quite large, that banks will be close to the record results of the twenty-third year, some a little better, some a little less, but overall it will also be very successful.
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so it is important for the state that the released funds be aimed at supporting truly demographic issues that we have on the one hand, but on the other hand provide support to the market housing and the mortgage lending market, because we have accelerated greatly, and you know, as they say, you are responsible for those you have tamed, that is, the state still needs a balanced position regarding the fact that market conditions change, but not instantly. and gradually, taking into account the fact that in parallel we can solve the most important social aspect of the tasks that vladimir vladimierovich set during his re-election, accordingly, i think that this is really a combination that we will not miss, the government will not miss, and the banks with
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on our part, we are ready to support these blue ones as much as possible in terms of lending. sergey vladimirovich, thank you very much for the very interesting answers. what is our time for our interview, thank you very much, goodbye, a smile will make everyone brighter, a smile will wake up the rainbow in the sky, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely. convenient with sberpay, select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look into the camera, receive cashback as with regular payments, pay with your smile with sberpay, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create
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open your eyes to your future, start with a long-term savings program in the non-state pension fund, future, langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue, langidaza against prostatitis, a magnet, juicy sausages and a hot dog will help, 1290.
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thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first , someone will create comfort in apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket are changing the world. megamarket, just grow with us! the best deposit in sberbank up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. we return to st. petersburg. the st. petersburg international economic forum continues its work. the main day and its key event, of course, is the plenary session. you can now see the countdown on your screen. quite a bit of time remains, and the main intrigue of this day has, perhaps, been revealed, we asked this question on
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our broadcast a couple of hours ago, who will be moderator of the plenary session? so, as the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov said, it will be sergei karaganov, this is how dmitry peskov, a wide-ranging expert, that is , a specialist in politics and economics and security issues, described it, so obviously, it is he who will today be able to... political goals, freezing and conversations are already quite specific, and
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the expropriation of russian sovereign assets, among other things, indicates that the jurisdictions around which the modern one was built. financial system has ceased to be reliable, we must take these new risks into account, including when developing the design of payment, settlement and investment mechanisms. in other words, in the course of our discussion we want from...
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and if there is an opportunity to further raise the question, what are the main priorities of the russian government in promoting national strategic goals to ensure safe, sustainable and stable national development and growth. please, valentinovich, thank you, andrey lenevich, thank you for the opportunity to say that whatever, i will try to speak briefly on this topic, i want. welcome the colleagues who are present here today from our friendly countries at this panel session,
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and this is very important, it seems to me that in general, with regard to the role of the financial sector in global economic growth, this is one of the key components, global financial institutions that were called upon, respectively, to ensure the development of those countries that need... accordingly, assistance, the implementation of large projects, ensuring settlement systems, insurance, which is used to provide reinsurance to secure transactions, it is clear that this global system today has received a crack, primarily due to the fact that we see that, as you noted in your opening speech, it has lost their trust, their reliability, because in situations of imposing sanctions, in situations of tariff... non-tariff barriers or global economic wars, we see that these institutions show non-competitive
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methods, let’s say, ensuring everything global financial structure, all funding to please individual countries, years of politics, that is, they have essentially become politicized, although they are called upon primarily to deal with the economy, financial calculations, and so on, as i already said, and of course in this situation everyone sees that this global system requires reform, requires the creation of competitive systems, and in this regard russia, along with its partners, the brix countries, is carrying out the corresponding ones.
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projects will develop, of course, on today, well, such new institutions are inferior to such global financial institutions as the international monetary fund or the world bank, but nevertheless, it seems to me that over the horizon of 5-10 years this will actively develop, and i think that these are not the only ones, say so, such new development institutions, the eurasian development bank, for example, is also one of the instruments that is now actively developing and also... it is designed to eliminate that, well, let’s say global monopoly that exists today within the framework of international financial institutions. as for the calculations, i would also like to note that the financial and accounting schemes created today are actually undergoing a transformation, since we see even in the area that i supervise, already in
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the fuel and energy complex, we see problems associated with: the fact that, by decisions of individual countries, which are completely illegal, payments between countries are limited, and the possibilities of insurance are limited, that is, global clubs there in png, in fact, carry out the instructions of individual countries there according to regarding the ban on insurance on reinsurance, and this in turn changes the logistics. chains of possibility of delivering goods to consumers within the framework of global global cooperation of supplies, well, for example, energy resources, other goods that are marketable, secondly, this forces the creation of new tools and new mechanisms, in particular, over the last 2 years, russia, for example, we switched to trading in national currencies,
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whereas previously our share there was approximately 15%.
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not only, in particular, russia with its partners, but i think that many are looking in this direction, because they take into account the possible risks that have not been created within the framework of the existing global settlement system, and an important area that you noted is translation , of course, the transition to new digital technologies, which are also competitive, which simplify the payment system, becomes significantly cheaper, digital financial currencies,
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developing economies have long been asking to reconsider their participation, quotas, role, their they let them in and don’t give them that role, which today do not play in the world economy, and secondly
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, roman marshain worked there, he says that for the last few years they have not considered issues related to the implementation of projects related to russia there, well, that’s here's one example, yes, the same is the european bank and so on, in such a situation, of course, of course, we need to look for other ways, thank you, i would like to further give the floor to the representative of the country that just joined the association this year brix, this is for mrs. khali el saidi, minister of economy and economic development of the arab republic of egypt, to ask what are the priorities of the state of egypt, as a new
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member of brix, regarding cooperation in this brix association from the point of view of the financial track, and tell us a little, you have a program vision 2030, are there any strategic objectives, goals also formulated for... the financial market and how does egypt see this development, thank you very much, yes, thank you, i really appreciate it it’s a pleasure to speak here before you, thank you for the invitation to participate in the international forum in st. petersburg, greetings to all members of the panel,
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green energy, which would help us in development, and this, and also projects aimed at desalination of water, this is what will contribute further.
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