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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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recreation, including the construction of hotels and small campsites, ski resorts and amusement parks. our economic and social policy measures must be not only effective, but fair, in this sense , the next ninth structural shift is reducing poverty, reducing inequality, increasing the income of russian families, which in turn directly affects the quality of life of people, increasing domestic demand and ... the bones of the national market, all tools must work to solve this problem, including payments to families with children, tax deductions, social, social contract, and of course, the main tool, as i already said today, is to ensure rapid growth of wages, here i will add an important decision that concerns the indexation of the minimum wage, it already exceeds the subsistence level , as defined. in the constitution and
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in the future we will tie its indexation to the general growth of wages in the economy; starting next year, the ratio of the minimum wage to the median will be established the salary that most people employed in our economy receive. in 2025 , mrod will make up 48% of the median salary, so it will exceed 22,000 rubles per month. that is, it will grow by about 15%. then the ratio with the median salary will increase so that, as agreed, by 2030 the salary will be at least 35 thousand rubles per month. finally, the tenth, integral, inherently structural changes are improving the quality of life of russian families. this was discussed in detail in the message federal assembly. i repeat, this is fundamental. all
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areas are important: supporting the birth rate and large families, protecting motherhood and childhood, increasing the accessibility of the long-term care system for the elderly and disabled, improving the education and health care systems, and the quality of the living environment. the result of government changes should be an increase in life expectancy, with an emphasis on the growth of an active, healthy life. and, of course, the formation of equal opportunities for realizing the potential of younger generations to increase the standard of living of russian families. dear colleagues, friends, the global economy has entered an era of serious, fundamental changes, a multipolar world is being formed with new centers of growth, investment and financial ties between states and companies. the russian economy also responds to these challenges.
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sustainability is changing, gaining greater strength, to a huge extent, this is the merit of our workers, engineers, managers, and, of course, entrepreneurs who are increasing their investment in the development of their companies, enterprises, cities and regions, they introduce and bring to the fore values ​​such as responsibility, trust, service to their people and their side, we will increase support for positive changes in society and the economy. it is on this, on achieving national development goals, that our long-term systemic plans are focused on strengthening the financial, technological, personnel sovereignty of our country, improving the business climate, in this work we are open to the widest cooperation with all interested partners, foreign companies, countries, integration associations, i thank you for your long-suffering, i wish you
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success, thank you very much, thank you, thank you very much vladimir vladimirovich for the bright speech, i think that it instills cheerfulness in those present, in those listening to us throughout the country in our guys who are fighting at the front. against another western aggression, this is the right thing to say, now it is with great pleasure that i give the floor to luis arza, the president of bolivia. please, sir ars.
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muchísimas gracias.
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y tendremos profundos debates en torno a la transición to a new multilateral, multipolar model of the world economy, in which, without any doubt, we can learn from the valuable experience of the russian economy
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and see what a serious role it will have in the new world, it is this exchange that is very important.
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liberation, industrialization and import substitution of our country has been an important part of the agenda since
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the 19th century, and we must win true economic political independence sovereignty in order to achieve this goal. the united states is the hope for development, cooperation and complementarity. between countries, as we know, today's world
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reflects a multi-system, crisis of capitalism with many dimensions.
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this is a model that differs from what neoliberalism tried to impose on us, because ours is very serious.
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ensuring sustainable development and growth with a broad-based economy, in our case we strive for import substitution, also attracting tourist flows, tourism development, increasing agricultural productivity, always in harmony with mother earth.
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our model of economic, social, mutually reinforcing development of bolivia is an alternative for developing countries, this model has shown that it is possible to stimulate sustainable growth, less subject to fluctuations, fluctuations,
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unlike those countries that are proponents of free markets.
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of its economic political structure, and this should be the motive throughout the world, we see that we have, our model is an alternative to dollar-based neocolonialism, which wants economies to depend on it and undermines multilateralism by imposing a unilateral
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world order on our economy. economic involvement of people. we reduced inequality and were able to create a more homogeneous society. thus, the hypothesis is proven that a country can grow faster when income is distributed. more equal. it is true that developing economies are trying to strengthen their domestic market, increase incomes and decline, but what differentiates
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our bolivian model is that we have been able to become one of the most dynamically developing economies in latin america over the past two decades.
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we understand that there may be new pathologies, new diseases in the future, at the same time, we are fighting for a healthier society, which
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is based on values, our thousand-year-old traditional cultures, indian cultures, which are alien to the principles that have become today.
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we need to guarantee food for the world's population, which continues to grow. we have already talked about that one of the serious problems
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of modern capitalism is the food crisis, and the solution to this problem must, of course, be carried out within the framework of the multipolarity paradigm, it is necessary to create cooperation programs that have the goal of producing food around the world. for this there is no doubt, it is necessary to exchange technologies that will increase agricultural productivity, this should also be one of the basis for the economic development of a multipolar world, we see that today unfortunately, many countries have high rates of poverty, malnutrition and a lack of public services. we see that many, well , large amounts of money are directed towards the arms race, the construction of bases in other countries that are not the territory of the
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countries that are building these bases. we see today that there is an oligarchy that serves other people's interests, we talk about this at conferences, at academic conferences, at security conferences. for example, such a resource resource as bolivian, can help industrialize russia, china and other developing countries.
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and come to a multipolar world, this is the road that guarantees stability, peace, development, happiness of our peoples in balance and harmony with mother earth, we must live well on our planet, thank you. thank you,
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mr. president, for a very interesting and instructive speech, it once again proved that science-economics is not a national science and is not a science at all, it is an art, each country must choose its own model, in this regard i have... right away - a question to vladimir vladimirovich: vladimir vladimirovich, maybe we’ll decide after all, and you instruct us, with the participation of such economists as arsy, to collect, develop our own model, we have something, we we are doing something, obviously, but it is completely clear that we have not yet decided what we are doing, so, moreover, we have started, we have begun
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to develop strongly.


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