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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we have begun to strongly develop the military-industrial complex, but in general we are succeeding using random methods, but in my opinion, we do not have a master plan, maybe within the framework of the economic forum, next to it, we will create some kind of permanent structure , which will use, firstly, its own brains, of course, first of all our brains -
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you said, we are doing something, i spent a whole hour here explaining what we are doing, but we don’t know, i think you lit a little light, not like they grunted, as people say, and nothing didn’t hear what i was saying, i spent a whole hour talking about what we would do, a whole program of ten points, that’s why we are not doing something, but we are working on this new development strategy, we have it, we are a whole ...
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that means, now regarding the creation of a working group within the framework of the st. petersburg economic forum, which could do something on the sidelines of the forum, and well, as you know, that means, well, we know the well-known expression and we know who it belongs to, you want to drop the case, create a working group. and, but i must
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admit to you, we already have so many working groups, i no longer know where i should chair these working groups, when another group comes along, i need you to lead it, i usually go , okay, i ’ll definitely think about it, in the fields, here it’s possible, but only in the summer, because in winter in st. petersburg it’s cold in the fields, let’s... but, but, but, we are, in principle, in a well-known country, not only as an economist, and as a political scientist, and a bright one, to some, in some schools of thought, quite energetically, aggressively, but it is always interesting to listen to such people, which is why i speak without any flattery, without anything, moreover, to consciousness. what i sometimes even
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read means that what you write and say, uh, well, that’s why we don’t refuse, we are open to any discussions that will benefit the development of the russian economy. ok, of course, i agree with my president, only with one, uh, one clarification: what kind of model are we building anyway?
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with world information leaders agencies, we must look at what is happening in the world, as i said, let’s say the chinese model of the economy, many experts recognize it as more effective than what existed before. including the north american or european one, it is more effective, it’s true, well, you just said about it, this is where elements of planned principles and
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a market economy are combined, combined, well, the chinese managed to do this in their conditions, and i agree with this assessment, it is, they talk about it, they talk about it economic growth figures are an obvious thing, but this is for chinese society, for the chinese economy, this is effective, i know what i agree with, when you characterized my colleague’s speech, you said that economics is, well, to a certain extent this is science, but to a certain extent this is art, this is probably the case, it is necessary, because such models are... always based on reality, the schemes do not work or work poorly, we must
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proceed from the realities of our country, and here everything is very important, and history, our culture and at different stages of their development, they bare the inner state of society, very important, very important. real development, what works effectively in our society, what doesn’t, well, of course, there are basic things, we take these basic things into account, the rooster there is not a rooster, but three means what is four tenths of height or 3.6 us last year, which has not yet been fully calculated, this is still an indicator, and 4.5 in the first quarter of this year, this is also according to... and the government, the business community, but this is still the result of our general work to a certain extent, the central bank and the presidential administration, this is the result of our purposeful activities, what
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is the basis of our model, i just said, we are creating this framework and constantly, we are constantly making some decisions related to.. with the adjustment of our economic model, i, like any citizen of russia, am glad that for the last two or three years in connection with the operation that we have been conducting at the fronts, we have finally gotten down to business, before that we were a little drifting, so that’s why. i'm talking about necessity.
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plurinational state of bolivia. dear guests, ladies and gentlemen. let me. express my sincere gratitude to our host, our brother and dear colleague, mr. putin, thank you for your hospitality, thank you for creating this platform so that we can discuss the critical issues that affect us all in the current global situation, your excellency. let me, on behalf of the people and government of zimbabwe, and on my own behalf, congratulate you once again on
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connection with your election as president of the russian federation. your commitment to the well-being and prosperity of your people , protection, independence, peace and security. as well as the territorial integrity of the russian federation is unprecedented. zimbabwe is confident that your continued leadership will accelerate achievement and prosperity in your homeland, the russian federation.
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which is embodied in the charter of the united nations, there is a general consensus that a unipolar world has no place in current global politics and international economic relations. the reality is that there needs to be a redistribution of power between states as well.
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we in zimbabwe are guided by the philosophy that we are friends with everyone and are not at enmity with anyone. we are convinced that mutually beneficial cooperation, partnerships and investments , together with complementarity, are the most reliable foundation for a multipolar world and for...
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new global supply chains require that africa be given the necessary support to ensure its fair shares. in addition, it is necessary to expand the productive capacity of african countries. the need is all the more urgent since africa is endowed with colossal natural resources, valuable minerals, large agricultural lands, as well as a significant population characterized by an entrepreneurial spirit. our
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colossal market. part of the pan-african free trade area, is another factor of development within the framework of a mutually beneficial, multipolar global world order. in the case of zimbabwe, we urge to eliminating the illegal sanctions you mentioned. which are holding back our economic development and progress, this has been happening over the past few decades, what is our crime, the crime of the people of zimbabwe is that they demanded the return of their
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rightful land, so that the people of zimbabwe and... the ancients could be reunited land. we need to move forward, but in zimbabwe it is not easy to achieve our goals given the sanctions that have been imposed on us. us strategic investments are needed in key economic sectors. this is the key to achieving our full potential. such sectors include infrastructure, education, and science.
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cooperation in all sectors of the economy, technology and innovation serve as a catalyst for growth, as they have the opportunity to build bridges between countries, create new sectors of the economy and achieve fundamental changes in the economic system, so that we can... take our economy to a new level, not the wheel needs to be reinvented. in as a result, we are entering the era of the digital revolution, investing in science, technology, innovation ecosystems, promoting the development of education based on,
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promoting digital literacy in all public universities. our ambition is to take zimbabwe to the next level of development, becoming an upper-middle-income country by 2030. for these purposes, we use partnerships and collaboration tools to bring this vision to life. at the level. we are trying to use our strategic geographical location, we are in the center of africa. on its part, we have colossal reserves of talent, human resources, highly qualified, as well as natural resources, and we are ready
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to take advantage of the opportunities that open up taking into account new promising growth in increasing trade, we also cordially invite our brothers in the russian federation, investors from the russian federation , we invite you to study them. numerous investment opportunities in our country, zimbabwe. your excellency in a multipolar world, solidarity and cooperation between countries are an imperative. the challenges we face are in the areas of peace, security, climate change. pandemics, economic inequality, in particular, requires collective action from us, at the global level, they require cooperation, and this should
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underlie our common desire for peace and development, a development in which no one, anywhere, will be left behind .
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being a people living under a sanctions regime, we decided to adhere to the following
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philosophy: the philosophy is that a country is built, developed and protected by its own people. we are a small country located in the southern hemisphere, but at the same time we have vast agricultural lands, modernization and mechanization are observed in agriculture, thanks to this process we can become one of the most important factors of supply. security in our region and we hope that in particular
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the first. you on behalf of the government of the people of zimbabwe, and also on your behalf, for your generous and generous the timely gift you have given to our country.
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to send fertilizers to zimbabwe, this came at just the right time for tropical farming in our country. we note that you support underdeveloped countries such as zimbabwe, and we support you in particular in your strengthening endeavor.
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thanks again to your support in purchasing fertilizers. let me, on behalf of my country, my people, and also personally , express my deep gratitude for your continued support for our sanctioned country. and i also want to promise you, your excellency, that.
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we help your success in your difficult hour, well, now let’s move on to a formal discussion, in general, all states develop on the basis of three main factors, this is the factor of military strength, strength, and the factor of ideas, spirit, will, and, finally, the economic factor. for many
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years we believed, following one president of a very large country, that everything is decided by the economy, remember, everyone repeats, it’s the economy, it’s all about the economy, he was a fool, he was a fool the person who said this, because in reality all these three factors play a role, now, of course, is the moment of a geostrategic turning point, military strength and fortitude, the power of ideas are coming to the fore, but... for me, the economy is important, without the economy there is no there will be strength, without the economy, without bread, the spirit of the people will be undermined, we have already experienced this ourselves, in particular the eighties, so let’s start with economic and political issues. vladimir vladimirovich, i am addressing the eighth point of your program, although you did not say where we are going, but nevertheless all points are wonderful.


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