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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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different approaches, different understandings and different tasks for business. another important story within the framework of the st. petersburg forum is the discussion of cooperation with the brix countries. here, of course, moscow also has something to share, this is the direction of urban planning and also transport development. in general, urban planning in moscow is very convenient now, and in many areas that we are discussing. what do you discuss with your partners from the brics countries, what are they most interested in? well, they are not interested in anything at all, everyone lives on their own thinks that everything is great with them, to say that they came to moscow right there, please teach us here, there is no such thing, listen, well, in china, cities are developing the best in the world, from the point of view of urbanism, understanding the development of transport, they have 100 points they will give it to anyone, in india there are also huge cities and so on, that is, well, we are self-sufficient partners and just like that...
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it’s impossible to say that we are teaching someone now, although, of course, in moscow, according to international experts, for example, in the field of transport, well, moscow is number one in terms of development dynamics and passenger-centricity and so on, colleagues are looking more at what they can get from us, what kind of synergy, when we start offering this kind of project, we see huge interest, well, for example, and then there is the development of fashion within the framework of brix, that is , all countries come, all countries, all specialists, that is, the fashion center or there is a design festival within the framework of brix, every single country there, a huge number of specialists come, now we are developing, that means, well, moscow hollywood, there is a huge film shooting site, a huge industrial site, essentially modern film production. both the chinese and
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the indians come there, sign filming agreements, well, how does collaboration happen, it’s interesting, you know, you need to be interesting, then they’ll come to you. another question that i can’t help but ask you about, a pressing question, migration policy is being discussed again about how it should be correctly adjusted in the conditions in which we now find ourselves, moscow, of course, in i am very interested in migrants, in foreign workers, but... how to maintain this balance between interest in foreign citizens and safety? well, this is absolutely accurate, we need to find such a balance, those migrants who come to work, to work, they have one paradigm in their heads, those who come simply to rob, kill or rape, this is a different category of people, no need to get into it, 95% of migrants are these are hardworking, law-abiding people, these five must be severely cut off. therefore, today the
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duma is considering a draft law on conducting an experiment when we, in the moscow transport hub, will completely control all visitors. all biometrics, fingerprints, photographs and even the genome, yeah, in order to know who is coming to us, who is leaving in the event of a crime , to accurately find and punish those who commit a crime, in moscow, well , crimes, robberies have decreased tenfold, and this means burglary, car theft, due to the fact that we have created a powerful video surveillance, control and security system, few people in the world have done this. we need knowledge, exact knowledge of who comes to us to ensure the safety of our citizens, this is one of the main elements, on the one hand, on the other hand, we must know exactly where this person works, for which businessman, what money he receives, pays
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taxes or no, they need these two things systematically, not with slogans, not shouting that we are russians there or there, let’s go against everyone there, but we are so cool here, we don’t care.
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go to the consolidated budget of our country , due to this, a national project is being implemented, the same defense expenses and so on, if such a decision is made, it is of course necessary, and in many ways fair, probably, well, yes, especially if you look at other countries, where taxes also , of course, differ significantly from russian ones, so of course, it’s probably necessary. sergey semyonovich, i thank you for your comment, for your time, i wish you success. in your work at the forum and in general, of course, success in the development of our beloved city, moscow, thank you for your support, thank you. so, to the guests of our studio on pitersky sergei sobyanin was at the international economic forum, but i now give the floor to my colleague anastasia efimova. yes, natalya, thank you very much, we will return to the analysis of
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what was said today at the plenary session, especially since there is something to talk about here, a very voluminous speech and not only by the russian president. let me remind you that the guests of the current plenary.
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states, they are the hope for the development of cooperation and complementarity between countries. of course, among what was said today, a whole block of statements related to international security situation. it is clear that the current situation is extremely difficult, this is obvious from the statements that come from...
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it must be said that sergei karaganov quite firmly defended the position of the need for the preventive use of nuclear weapons in order to, as he put it, the st. petersburg forum of the plenary session , the president said a lot of important things,
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i don’t even know where to start, but of course, i don’t know where to answer, because the session is really so intense and long, and the president went over a very wide range of issues, so it won’t be easy for you and me, yes andreyvich, and most importantly, i was surprised, although we all seemed to know how horseshoe is probably not the right word, how deeply immersed the head of state is in economic terms, well, there are just a lot of numbers that even we economists can’t reproduce from memory, the preparation of the head of state was obvious, it’s generally striking in the president, i noticed this back in 2000, when i accompanied him in the first campaign election campaign, here he comes to a car plant, as if he had been producing cars all his life, we come to some other enterprise, as if he was in this industry, he has amazing skills.
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experts have talked a lot about this for a long time, and the president also talked a lot about it, but now, and as was
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said later in the discussion, the question is about accelerating those processes in the world economy and world finance that happened, they happened because our for some reason , former partners chop off the branch they are sitting on, about this the president said, and that trust in the dollar and which, as always, we said back in childhood, i remember they told us the dollar, it’s always a dollar in africa, here it is now in...
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confirmed that when the dollar was a means of international payment, when it was based on trust , by the way, as a means of saving, investment, it was impossible to undermine trust, it was impossible to turn it, as in the west they say in japaneseization, into a weapon, it was impossible to rattle this weapon, threaten and use it, because otherwise it would become too risky , not only for us, but in the next china, there may be some other large state.
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system can harm them, so the process will certainly be gradual, slow, it can do this too, if the collapse of the american one does not happen now, but today we had a session. today there were six countries represented, six countries, each of them said that reform of the world system is required, that it is unfair today, inadequate, it is risky today, so as they say, the process has begun, yes, really in fact, it will definitely happen, and it is already developing, the president said, almost half of our trade is already carried out in friendly currencies, and with china we generally have 90% of trade
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in yuan, and not in the ruble, that is, there are great opportunities and this is not then... certainly more than 10 years there, but realistically 20, or maybe 30, at first there were 40 chinese reforms, but this process, in the opinion of the west, has probably gone far, they want to slow it down, but it turns out that now it is in preservation it turns out that they are interested in the dollar system, or rather in temporary preservation, that’s what i want to clarify, it’s not even the americans anymore who
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could take advantage of this general situation, reset all their debts to zero and leave these huge investments that i spoke about today...
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5-10 years, when an even larger percentage of gdp will be spent on servicing debt, because current interest rates, yesterday the european central bank cut rates, and what do you think, if we move on to specific finances, will the world’s central banks now withdraw from such an ultra-tight monetary policy, the fed will stop reducing the balance, they have already greatly reduced their withdrawals of money , or... after all, they will still play at some kind of toughness, well, they have had a soft policy for a long time; they, you remember, that the rates were generally a little whether negative in europe at one time, this, of course, did not stimulate the economy in any way, in this regard it stimulated the economy, but of course it jeopardized the financial sector very much, and the population,
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so i don’t think that there will be any sharp drop, i think some...
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the bank also had other managers, and yes , the exporters said, why is it necessary? everything is convenient, that is, as if today our colleagues , our partners, they are also probably slowly maturing, especially when blinkin comes there and says the chinese cannot do something, yes, they also understand that living like this is why i think that the conditions must mature and these issues must be worked out, they are not easy, you all know that europe was going... somehow, although the west has already felt, look, we have been talking here for a long time about what is necessary, what necessary swift, remove swift, yes, the americans have already
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said that they will remove swift, we will be against sanctions in general, this is not a sanctions topic at all, if i want to transmit messages not through swift, i can do it by telex , this is ours, this is ours , this is an internal problem of any bank, so they say, no, you will then connect to the spfs, the system in general. which are not in any way a violation of even their rules, you will be disconnected, so here everyone is already crossing the red line, as with a map of the world, a map the world does not provide for the dollar at all, but in general these are sanctions; if the dollar is not provided for, they generally should not be applied in this case, because it has nothing to do with the american financial system, and they have a principle, in principle, that if you are related to banking and finance, they say, well, if you are a bank, and you have like...
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probably the main tasks, as in their time it was the main tasks of the soviet government, so here it is. well, good, since bankers, financiers and shipbuilders know where to go, and this is wonderful, andreyvich, thank you very much, andrey kustin, the head of btb was in contact with us, anastasia, i pass the floor. yes, thank you very much, very interesting assessments from andrei kostin, especially, of course, it’s good that we know where to go, we understand what to do. obviously, the head of state today. this is already a statement by the head of the ministry of finance anton siluanov
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after the plenary session, he answered questions from journalists, let's hear what these answers were? a number of economic initiatives were announced, for example, indexation of pensions working pensioner next year, how he plans to implement this project. the ministry of finance has been discussing this topic for a long time. they defended the budget there, which means parliamentarians often asked this question, but then the pension fund did not have such a financial opportunity, and it would have had to allocate additional funds from the federal budget, now there is money in the pension fund, there is money, the task of indexing pensions for working pensioners, in the same way as for non-working pensioners, it can be realized, the president said about this, in within the framework of the resources that come to...
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continued its action in small towns, in regions, in regions with a low level of housing construction, in order to
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stimulate this issue as well.
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this was confirmed by the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov even before the start of the plenary session. but economics, of course, is closely connected with politics, and an example of this does not need to go far, the united states, a hegemony that, de facto, was founded for several decades. on the strength of the dollar , including the imposed strength of the dollar, only the dollar is now losing this very strength , largely thanks to politics again, but the politics of the same united states. there is no other guarantee, as they say, except trust in the american economy in today’s global financial system, and of course. the united states
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is exploiting its monopoly position in the global financial market, it is from this exploitation that they make serious money, this is what the american financial authorities are doing today, in the american authorities, like in england, ludists, yes, they broke that equipment for where they worked, today's american authorities are today's authorities, they are breaking their tools.
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a fairly significant european country, all these agreements can be based either on the basis of military defeat or on the basis of victory, we, of course, strive and will achieve victory, we will definitely return to the speech of the russian president. at the plenary session of the st. petersburg international economic forum, and in the meantime , on our air there is an interview with deputy prime minister of the russian government vitaly savelyev. vitaly gennadyevich, good afternoon, hello, allow me to congratulate you on your appointment to the position of deputy prime minister, i would like to immediately ask a question, what issues will be in your area of ​​activity? yes thank you.


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