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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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in these trillions , gas chemistry, physical infrastructure, and the urban economy play an important role, but everything that is associated with acquiring new knowledge, and putting this new knowledge on an industrial basis, is a big challenge for us, and if we talk about personnel , the platform economy, in general, in principle , the web is turning into the outline of such a platform, i don’t know if it’s possible to compare this with such a platform that unites 400 companies, but it’s like... there are some such motives, for example, our main unit in innovative development, the skolkovo innovation center, we, for example, are launching there now together with business, and a businessman like komarov is building a school that will launch completely new approaches in education, this is a school that will have serious skills in training professionals, not just general education , but also professional, and of course, within our framework there is... as i
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see it, the main high-tech innovative university, skoltech - this is our responsibility, and we are now a project as a whole skolkovo and skoltech are relaunching together with the moscow government, we have had great success, as was announced yesterday, even despite the sanctions and more foreign students have been accepted this year than before, that is , skoltech has had great success, and skoltech, as you know , differs from other universities because their main responsibility, in addition to... education and knowledge, also needs to be sold, created a business, sold, patented this knowledge, skoltech does this first-class, so we have schools, we have a first-class university, we have a base that supports startups, igor drozdov has great skills and competencies here, precisely because he showed himself so well in the development of skolkovo, he was invited to the web in order to now unite all existing ones. organizations,
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including rfrit, the innovation assistance fund and the federal investment fund, and here roman at least said that he did not want to go to this session, because they mainly finance traditional e projects, so there is this task for us, traditional projects with new knowledge, with connect with new technologies. therefore, here we are now at such an important stage in our development, and it was important for us to hold a session with those who need infrastructure. a strategy that we will support in terms of capital, we will meet the target figures, and of course, this will be or will have a great contribution to ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country, well, all the plans that the president announced until 2030 . thank you very much, i couldn’t have said it better, colleagues, thank you. the ukrainian army
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attacked the kherson region, killing 22 local residents in the village of sadovaya, including one child, several other people were seriously injured. according to governor vladimir salda, kiev militants also hit the store, where at that moment there were many visitors and staff. the russian investigative committee stated that those involved in the shelling will be identified. four residents were killed and 53 injured as a result of a terrorist attack by american missiles on a peaceful city. three kindergartens, two schools, a college, a university building and several dozen apartment buildings were damaged. all details at svyatoslav dolgachev. the sound of the impact was heard throughout lugansk; five atacoms missiles flew towards the city, four of them were shot down, one hit two apartment buildings. reported to
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the ministry of defense. ukrainian militants fired at a residential area of ​​lugansk. there is a market nearby. there are always a lot of people on the street on friday. i just went to the stall that's all. has everything fallen apart? well, yes, as you can see, even the aircon flew off. and the inca girl was working nearby and it came to mind. well, fragmentation, this one here. concrete floors and wooden floors collapsed into this entrance ukrainian militants bore the brunt. there are fluffy toys here, these are traces of the life of the world. 50 people were injured, four died, rescuers arrived promptly, managed to pull seven survivors out from under the rubble, you can assess the nature of the damage, you can see that the concrete floors had completely collapsed, we didn’t even understand anything, i just said it, i’m telling my wife and a falcon passed this desk, everything has already been measured, i say lie down on the shelf, only they lay down on the shelf and there was no connection , there was no explosion, everything fell down, we everything flew off the sideboard, glass. and
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then there is no bedroom at all, i wanted to go there when more than ten buildings were damaged from the ornette, among them three kindergartens and two schools, windows were broken in neighboring houses, in the courtyards... damaged cars, at first there were two or three explosion, somewhere nearby, then one very strong one, well, it turned out that above the sound wave , the door brought me to my dad and mom and saw shards from the glass. as a result of the strike , both adults and children were injured; the city’s hospitals continue to treat the wounded, for their lives luhansk residents are fighting doctors. 46 people. asked for medical help, four are children, an eight-year-old boy, three young people, also boys, all children are in a state of moderate severity, adults, about ten people are in serious condition, five of them are in the operating room, you have
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an explanation, a statement and will inspect your injuries, a humanitarian tent has been set up near the site of the impact, medical psychological assistance is being provided here, it was decided to... work for 24 hours, that is, we are now setting up a tent city for the night, we also send local residents to a temporary accommodation point. an operational headquarters for helping victims has been created in the republic; representatives of all ministries work here; those who are left without housing are accommodated in city dormitories. humanitarian aid is given to all those in need who need it, at the moment, mainly water goes to those working to clear the rubble and search. victims, food packages will also be provided to everyone who needs resettlement. to help lugansk doctors from the southern branch of the medical center disaster specialists were sent. debris clearing continues at the impact site. rescuers are using heavy equipment; there may be two more people in the collapsed entrance.
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svyatoslav dolgachev, kirill genser, stanislav shila, mikhail ermishkin, nadezhda astapushenko, ekaterina tehmanovich, maria blugakova, vesti lugansk. so. the ukrainian army attacked the kherson region, in the village of sadovaya , 22 local residents were killed, including a child, and several more were seriously injured. kiev militants hit the store, where at that moment there was many visitors. our war correspondent, mikhail andronnik, has details. now he is in direct contact. mikhail, hello, what did you find out? anton, hello, yes, indeed, today a double strike was delivered closer to
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the ukrainian ones on civilian houses, that is, on houses where ordinary civilians live, that is , kamikaze drones, the operators of the komikaze drones did not find any military target, they simply hit here at some moving target that was found. current death toll has already increased to 22 people, there is a dead child, 9 years old and... 15 people are injured, five of them are in very serious condition. anton, yes, thank you, mikhail, our correspondent, mikhail androni, was in direct communication from the kherson region. kiev militants attacked the village of sadovaya, killing 22 local residents,
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including a child, and wounding several more people. and there are several statements from the russian foreign ministry after the terrorist attacks. i'll read it out. so, moscow considers ukraine’s strikes on the lpr and the kherson region in advance planned and carefully prepared acts of intimidation. shelling.
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to prevent such attacks, the russian army is pushing back the enemy along the entire front line, vladimir putin pointed out this at a session of the st. petersburg international economic forum. the president is confident that the world will not reach nuclear missile strikes, but stressed that russian nuclear forces are significantly superior to similar weapons.
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is it possible to increase the speed of solving the problems we face? it is possible, but this is directly
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proportional to the losses, understanding your responsibility, i still proceed from what the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is concern for the life and health of our guys who are fighting at the front. all our goals, we are acting according to this plan, i am sure that all these plans will be
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realized. there is no need to mobilize in russia, vladimir putin emphasized. i noted that since the beginning of this year alone , 160,000 russians have voluntarily signed contracts with the armed forces. we have no need to mobilize. we are not planning this, because last year, the mobilization that we had. passed, we conscripted 300,000 people, but last year , without any mobilization, our men, our patriotically minded people, voluntarily came to the military registration and enlistment offices and signed contracts with the armed forces, there were over 300,000 people, this year, since the beginning of the year the military registration and enlistment offices came and signed the contract.
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no atomic weapons are needed for final victory, a lot of attention to social programs that... during this time, the question that concerns millions of our citizens, as they say, is overdue, and today we have the resources to
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begin solving it in the interests of the people. i propose to resume indexation of pensions for working pensioners from next year. from february 1, 2025, and every year thereafter, pensions will be increased not only for those who have already retired, but also for those who continue to work. it will be really fair. margarita semenyuk will speak in more detail about the social agenda of the forum. the train with the famous name aurora will again begin running between st. petersburg and moscow. the corresponding memorandum was signed today at the forum sites by transmashholding and the federal passenger company. the trains will start running by the end of 2024, and at the forum sites we were told about the number of flights and the cost of tickets. it is expected
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to operate daily, twice a day, departing from moscow and st. petersburg are mirrored to meet each other, morning departure is approximately at 6 am and afternoon departure is approximately at 14 o'clock, the cost is expected to be around 2,500 for accommodation in a standard carriage with standard places. the train, designed for 1.00 seats, will have 15 double-decker carriages, all of them are comfortable, there are both business class and standard class, first class design, and here new interior solutions have been applied, everything, as you can see, is done in new calm colors , first class seats have the ability to turn 180°. yes, of course, he can try, and demonstrate it, that is, you can turn around like this, yes, if you turn around together, yes, or someone prefers to always drive in the direction of travel, for the second time at the st. petersburg international
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economic forum, an exhibition of science in faces is being held, where people from different regions are represented. science, 24 people were represented at the stands, and today the exhibition was visited by irina alekseenko, candidate of biological sciences, she created the first non-viral hyterotherapeutic anticancer drug in russia, it has passed all clinical studies and is already helping people, one protein kills cancer cells, the second attracts immune system cells to it in order for the anti-inflammatory immune response to develop, and i when i started this development, it was as
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part of my dissertation and it just so happened that we received a molecule that had a therapeutic effect. and then my mother died of cancer, and now i really want to finish this drug so that other mothers don’t die and can live a long time. at the forum, a number of questions were devoted to supporting families, including large families who find themselves in a crisis situation; now the focus is not to limit these families, but rather to motivate and support them. very it is important that regions, public organizations, government bodies concentrate, just the phrase you said, focus on the family, yes, so that. concentrated on supporting families so that we remove this taboo attitude that if a family is alcoholic, if there is a problem of a financial or domestic nature in the family, then we definitely need to take the child and separate him from the mother. margarita semenyuk, mikhail vikulin, petriy shevilev, conduct st. petersburg. joe biden has changed the us nuclear strategy, this applies to orders
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on the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons. washington allows for an increase and modernization of the arsenal. to contain russia, china and north korea. the development of the b-61 gravity atomic bomb has begun, the service life of strategic submarines with nuclear missiles will be extended, but the united states claims that it is not going to develop nuclear weapons for deployment in space, but the early press did not rule this out. we are modernizing every part of our nuclear triad, improving command, control and communications. in petrozavodsk at the onega shipyard an ice-class tugboat was laid down at the plant; ships
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of a new series will be built using modern technologies; the first digital rope in russia will begin to operate at the plant. presidential assistant nikolai patrushev took part in the ceremony. tatiana leontyeva has all the details. the mortgage board symbolizes. the beginning of the construction of a rescue tug: the vessel, albeit small, 29 m long, 10 m wide, but very maneuverable, is intended for towing large ships and floating structures. in fact, this small tug will be able to solve many tasks, he will participate in surveying the seabed, will help put out fires on ships and remove them, and will also be able to transport cargo and pilots to ships. the laying of the keel marked the beginning of the construction of a series of three such ships, one of which will...
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the plant received a second life. it resumed work in 2015. during this time , almost three dozen ships were launched here and the enterprise is provided with orders for several years in advance, and the launch of a digital shipyard will allow it to work many times more efficiently. more ships of various classes will be built, while will create more than five thousand new jobs. everything is going on time, with high quality, in fact, this will be our first plant.
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with the installation of the third autoclave, the plant will reach a capacity of 165 cubic meters per year; 100 million rubles have already been allocated for the purchase of the necessary equipment. these volumes of aerated concrete will cover the needs of individual housing construction in karelia, so the products will be supplied to neighboring regions. tatyana leonteva, alexander kokorin, evgeny evdakimov, roman savich, kirill menshikov, newswoman arelia petrozavodsk. i'm walking in 2024. why do you always fly into the past? for my
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combo, dasha vereshchagina’s star combo for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16. to a delicious point. what we bring from our trip with avito. cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito journey will pass. booked and with cashback, bonuses, where are you, you’re at the pole, and i’m looking for you, don’t disconnect, there are so many people, the connection may be interrupted, it’s easy to get a signal on the table, there’s something more convenient than a pole, a smart network so that the connection doesn’t was interrupted, the beeline smart network, you remain connected to it even where there are a lot of people, beline is the safest operator, dazzling white friday, discounts up to 50%, narrow washing machine bcos for only 22.999
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delicious point in life’s whirlwind of successes, failures, hope fills you with vicquanch, in the rhythm of the worker there are many tasks, your break fills piclunch, meat sauce, sytin is hot, meat and noodles fill viklunch, warm sunset over the roofs of dachas, viklunch fills life with joy, in russian lotto we will raffle country houses in honor of the anniversary for a golden barrel, an additional chance to become a millionaire in every circulation. tickets on the website in stoloto brand stores, we present the new perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai, new baltika 7 non-alcoholic, experience the perfection of taste, tishkina at the dacha, relax to the fullest, unlimited table and competitions with prizes, summer
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per million in... advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. tboil diamond - the engine purrs from pleasure. come to the island , book, take off, shoes offline among millions of hotel apartments, vacation begins on oh, we found out that the phone works even with zero, with zero account, with beline you are safe even with zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, connect support at zero in the beline application, belay is the safest operator, bonisi, seryozha, just eat, roman burger with fragrant
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rukla. mozzarella rings, limonad capri and ice delux papa mango in italian, delicious , period! thanks to shopping at the mega market, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us! sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house! the program is very dense, it’s just that the st. petersburg site is very convenient for holding all the negotiations conducted throughout the year in one place, because someone always has no time. today we have already held negotiations with the company of konstantin malofeev, the company mira turk, too all-russian leader in cattle development, we have now held negotiations with colleagues from kazakhstan, and are preparing for meetings with vladimir.
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we created an it college in the region last year, launched an it institute, on one site , an area slightly larger than a guitar , one and a half it specialists are training, that is, the personnel base is almost ready, and we exempted it companies from regional taxes, to the extent that this could be done there 1 % rate of the simplified tax system, in addition , they gave it companies the right to locate in a business incubator at a rental rate of 1 ruble per 1 km, that is, we have created these conditions, but in the it business, the most important thing is personnel, and
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today to...


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