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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel. everything will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. book yours offline, among millions of hotel apartments. i am something good, something better. am i useful? oh yeah. and you control me, regularly. oh, i’m the new vtb loyalty program. choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothes, sports products, get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, who said that only cats can purr, your car can also purr with pleasure when it has teoil diamond motor oil inside.
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the new technology for synthesizing motor oil provides long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under any operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? teboil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. mom, write us a message. for what? or should we call? we found out that the phone works even at zero. i mean, you didn’t listen to the end, but how is that? it's safe, with beeline you're even safe with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, connect support with zero in the beline application, girls, let's talk about security, so we already have beline, beline is the safest operator, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, there are many vacancies at avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place, cosmically.
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delicious, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears, cherkizova, touch the croque star, burger king, water, it tastes better on fire, somehow your money won’t fly away, there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them, maybe an iota, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, the megamarket will just grow with us, i new vtb loyalty program, select the desired categories. you get cashback up to 25% in rubles,
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thank you, no thank you, but in rubles, from january 1 , 2050, shared life insurance for citizens will be launched, what is its meaning: citizens’ insurance premiums will be able to be invested in more profitable assets in shares bring benefits to the buyer of insurance, that is: the principle of classical insurance and investment is combined here, and in order to further guarantee the return of these funds, i propose here, as for long-term savings, to provide state insurance in the amount of 2.8000 rubles. further, today in the regions there is an investment tax deduction mechanism; it allows companies that invest in development to reduce their income tax. from the current year the deduction is tied to
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projects of technological sovereignty and structural adaptation of the economy, this makes it possible to manage the quality of investments and stimulate capital expenditures in priority areas. i ask the government to make sure that the deduction can be applied not only within one company, but also within a group of companies, and also to provide additional resources for the replenishment financing mechanism.
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i'll say more about this later. in addition, i am confident that the regions will support investors directly through their budgetary capabilities, and the regions also have them. grow. let me emphasize that what i said concerns investment tax deductions in the constituent entities of the federation. in addition to it , a federal deduction will be introduced as part of the reconfiguration of the tax system, the purpose of which is to stimulate business investment in development, achieve greater social justice and reduce inequality between citizens. in the near future, together with business associations, we need to identify such ones.
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its task, based on business requests and recommendations, is to provide uniform principles for attracting investors throughout the territory countries, that is, in each region. to form a universal investment ecosystem, create a clear algorithm of actions for business, for locating production facilities, and such support measures, of course, are available to all of us and are in demand. to date, the regional investment standard has been implemented in all subjects of the federation, and specialized specialists responsible for interaction have been trained. with investors, dear colleagues, friends, i want to thank the regional teams and business associations, governments for the work done, i know that there is a proposal to enshrine the investment standard in legislation, i propose that the government discuss this topic with
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the business community and the regions, and i would like to emphasize that now the task is to promote this mechanism, actively apply it in practice, that’s what... our goal for the near future is time in this direction, and for those teams that achieve these best results here, i think it is necessary to provide incentive mechanisms at the level of the government of the russian federation. i note that the launch of the regional investment standard allowed many subjects of the federation to make a breakthrough in the national ranking of the investment climate. by tradition, its results are presented at our forum. i'll tell you a little more about them. over the past year, thanks to the exchange of experience and replication of leadership practices, 74 regions of russia have improved their integral index. this is much more than a year earlier. among the regions
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that showed the best dynamics are the republics of buryatia, mordovia, as well as the lipetsk, ryazan, and arkhangelsk regions. i i congratulate my colleagues on the results achieved and wish you further success. i will add that we will improve the national investment climate rating, including exchanging advanced solutions in this area with our brix partners. in addition, at a recent meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives , we agreed. to finalize the rating methodology, to take as a basis the national model of target business conditions; this is our improved and more objective analogue of international ratings. dear colleagues, the third most important structural change
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that we are seeking is a new quality of the labor market. today in russia unemployment is at a record low; in april it was only two. what is especially important: we have reduced its so -called structural component, that is , youth unemployment and unemployment in those regions and settlements where it was historically high have significantly decreased. even 15-20 years ago, the main question was how to find a job, now where to find it. personnel, in these conditions it is important to reconfigure the vocational education system to respond to the needs of the labor market, to train modern, in-demand specialists, to create opportunities for workers to improve their professional level throughout
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their working career. to do this, we are forming a forecast of the personnel needs of the domestic economy, based on it, a transformed system is based on it. professional education and development, by the end of the current decade , the share of qualified employment in our labor market should increase, that is, specialists working in... industries with high added value, which means higher wages, i repeat, the task of the personnel development system is to ensure such a transformation, the federal professionalism project plays a big role here, it has already made it possible to begin modernizing the material and technical base of colleges, technical schools, updating educational programs for aviation and shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals, electronics, defense and other industries. for these areas, by 2028, about
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a million blue-collar specialists will need to be trained. we this has already been talked about many times, i just want to remind you about it today. as for higher education, in the next 10 years 40 university campuses with advanced conditions for study and scientific activity will appear in russia. residence and work of students, i emphasize again, we will evaluate the work of universities, universities, russia, colleges, technical schools, because of how much their graduates are in demand, how their wages are growing, while our economy needs not only young personnel, but experienced, knowledgeable specialists, who themselves are competent in their work and can teach their colleagues a lot, become real... mentors for them, in this regard, it is important to support
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the desire of people who have reached retirement age to continue working, to be useful, their knowledge, skills, competencies are an important resource for the economy and social spheres, well, what are we talking about, we are talking about the level of wages of working pensioners, here we are... we are discussing this topic, we just talked about this topic with the governor of st. petersburg at a meeting, right before our meeting, i want to talk about a decision that was raised more than once during my meetings with citizens, due to financial and budgetary restrictions, in past years there was no indexation of pensions for working pensioners, during this time the question that concerns millions of our citizens is that...
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rest, but and for those who continue to work, this will be truly fair, i ask the united russia party, together with the government, to prepare a corresponding bill and pass it in the spring session, i know that all other factions represented in parliament will certainly support this. further, fourth, structural changes are directly related to increased economic efficiency. this figure will remain until the end of this decade. defined in the may decree, taking into account the demographic challenges we
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face, the objective shortage of personnel, the most important conditions for achieving high rates of economic growth are associated with increasing labor productivity, this is the most important resource, today i have already spoken about the need to increase investment and update our enterprises, it is important to ensure this on a qualitatively new technological basis with widespread use of automation. thus , in a short period of time, russia should enter the top 25 countries in the world in terms of robotization density. this means the installation of more than 100,000 robots, and their production needs to be rapidly developed in our country using our own technological base, and we certainly have this opportunity. at the same time, it is also important to increase the efficiency of existing equipment and technological processes. the key tool here is the dissemination of methods. production, such work is carried out within the framework of a specialized national project, which already includes
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more than 6,000 enterprises and over 120,000 specialists took part. the current year is the final year for the current national project; it is necessary to extend the federal projects included in it within the framework of the new national project for an efficient and competitive economy. moreover, this practice will have to be expanded by 2030. involve in projects to increase labor productivity at least 40% of medium-sized enterprises in basic non-greenfield sectors of the economy, as well as all state and municipal... social organizations, for for enterprises and companies, this will mean increasing production output, improving the quality of services, and more comfortable working conditions for their employees, and of course, increasing wages. let me remind you that over the next 6 years they should increase at a rate higher than the tax
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internal, gross domestic product, excuse me. the fifth structural change is the real one... the digital platform revolution. in modern conditions , labor productivity is directly related to digitalization and the use of technology artificial intelligence. by 2030, we will have to create digital platforms in all key sectors of the economy and social sphere. these tasks will be solved within the framework of the new national project data economy. let me add that there are at least eight years in the horizon.
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for russian it companies, it will be valid until 2030 inclusive. i ask the government to work out additional measures to support domestic software developers, including determining the level of purchases of companies with state participation from small technology companies and startups. i repeat, this is a guaranteed level below which the volume of purchases cannot fall. we are already using this mechanism and it works quite effectively, we need to continue it, of course, and of course, it is important to actively use digital solutions in construction and the housing and communal services sector, with their help to reduce the time and cost of projects, i note that over the past 5 years, due to the elimination of administrative barriers and clearly excessive requirements,
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the duration of the investment and construction cycle has decreased by almost half, i won’t now everything... to list what has been done, a lot has been done, but there is still work to be done, we will continue this work so that more roads, bridges, plants and factories are built in russia, and of course, comfortable, affordable housing with high modern energy and resource efficiency, in this regard , the housing and communal services sector and road construction have enormous potential, including the use of secondary resources, the use of so-called...
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less than 2% of gdp, in this logic a number of new national projects will be launched in the field technological sovereignty in such key areas as spending funds for these purposes should increase no less than production and automation, new materials, chemistry, promising space services, energy technology and a number of others. these projects will implement a whole range of solutions.
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a basis for business operations, so that companies feel confident and invest in promising knowledge-intensive initiatives with a long horizon. i would like to note that the intellectual creative potential here is we are huge, it is important for us to fully realize it. and positive trends, of course, are visible. so, in the first 4 months of this year alone, almost 8,000 applications were submitted to russia. for an invention and 3,500 applications for utility models, primarily in areas critically important for our country in the fields of metallurgy, energy, transport... engine construction, it is extremely important to ensure the protection of the intellectual property of our developers, as well as the commercial effectiveness of their solutions, so that inventions did not lie on the shelf, but went through
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the entire chain from purchase to its implementation in a specific product, including the possibility of transferring patents for scientific developments, well, some experts believe from the customer, as their creator, as well as to small institutes. these inventions so that they do not fall on the shelves, we, of course, all together in parliament and the rulers should think about this topic. in this regard, the seventh most important
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structural change is the transformation, strengthening the role of small medium-sized businesses, in economic development. today there are about 6.5 million small medium-sized businesses in our country. if 6 years ago we set a goal to increase the number of people employed in this sector to...
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the country thinks ahead, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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our entrepreneurs, including. the younger generation is confidently picking up the pace, occupying the market, and launching production of products that often surpass foreign ones in their characteristics. in addition, russian business understands that its own trademark becomes evidence of quality and solid economic assets. the number of such requests for clothing and footwear is growing, software provision in the region.


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