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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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those who produce special equipment and weapons of the company, they also produce civilian products, and this combination of two directions gives a very good synergistic effect in attracting not only investments, but in attracting high technologies, in general we are succeeding, we have a plan appropriate, and it is constantly in effect, it is constantly in effect and is being implemented, so if we say, last year we had a level... of launches by enterprises of the military-industrial complex at the level of civilian output production was about 25 with a small 25.1%, in my opinion 2 2 then the year before last in the twenty-second, then last year it was already almost 30%, 29 with a tail, so this process is constantly going on with us, well , of course, we must definitely think about how... our military spending corresponds
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to the needs of today, the level of development of our economy, because we cannot parasitize on anyone, as they do, say, in the united states, here they have a level of deficit, deficit trade balance, current trade balance account, a trillion dollars a year, a trillion for the united states, what is this, right here... all people, i think, will understand what i’m talking about, this is neocolonialism in its modern version, using the monopoly position of the dollar in the united states, they consume a trillion dollars a year more than they produce, so they pump out these resources from other countries, so we talked about - oh -
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we remembered now about the pandemic period, because everything was done, i don’t remember now , how much they printed in the states, in my opinion, about five and a bit trillion dollars, which by the way, in europe they printed about 3.5, 3.4 trillion euros, what they did next was distribute these pieces of paper within the country, then they began to buy food products on the world food market. like a vacuum cleaner, they swept everything to themselves, for the first time in many years they became not, not importers, but became net buyers, importers of food products, immediately food inflation jumped all over the world, but we cannot behave like that, since we do not have such a monopoly on world currency. per us dollar, and we
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do not and never have behaved like colonialists or neo-colonialists. in this case, we must, of course, rely on the capabilities of the economy, evaluate, evaluate. realistically, we are doing just that, in order to balance the situation in industry today and in the real sector of the economy for the future, we, of course, are thinking about diversification, that’s how everything is happening, great, thank you, i’ll ask one more question about economics, because i know that this issue is of great concern to a significant part of audience, me to a lesser extent, but nevertheless i feel these vibes. corrections of those monstrous mistakes or whatever that were made during that tourist privatization, but those reforms were
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really stupid and we created capitalism without protecting private property, and this is the reason for the deepest corruption, because actually. it was possible to defend either by going to the state, this is corruption, or to bandits, or even by taking it abroad, but now some correction is going back, privatization, but where are its limits, where where privatization, where are its limits, may still be definable, because if we say that we are correcting the mistakes that were made in the nineties, then all the mistakes were there, because we...
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i don’t think that this was purposefully done for some criminal purposes, yes, in many ways it was wrong, it was based on the opinions of world-famous economists, including those of russian origin, who said that it was necessary to privatize
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everything, as much as possible faster and no matter what, even for one dollar, the main thing is that it ended up in the hands of effective owners, who... whom the state cannot be, well, life has shown that in our country, in the conditions in which we lived and live now, this is, to put it mildly, an inaccurate approach to obtaining the maximum results, and maximum efficiency, it turned out that the state can still be an effective owner, and in many cases this is demonstrated, especially in industries that involve large investments, large investments, because for a period of time no one had any investments, and then all sorts of fraudulent schemes arose, when during this false privatization, in fact, theft
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of state property, they took money from state banks, paid three times less for some asset, and then from the work of this asset they returned.
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illegitimate, politically, illegitimate, even legally illegitimate from the point of view of even
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that no longer established state that exists there, but how is it even possible to conduct any kind of negotiations with them without first exasperating them, and without leaving, respectively, without achieving complete surrender and without presenting, relatively speaking, a pistol there. to our western opponents, so that they don’t twitch anymore, because in principle, any agreements now will not be implemented until there is a defeat, illegitimate, illegitimate and unreliable partners, how to deal with this, well, yes, well, as govorovich, we have other writers i don’t have it, he spoke in relation to the writers’ union. the ussr at one time, when beria came to snitch on them once again, he said, other writers
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i’m not here, well, these are the partners, what the hell should we do now, fight with everyone or something, but we need to achieve, of course, such agreements and such conditions that would correspond to our interests and would be as reliable as possible, you are right that that it is very difficult to negotiate with such a public, they deceive at every step, say one thing, do another, and this is sad, but, but all, all, all armed conflicts end in some kind of peace agreements, however, as one of the former leaders told me , a fairly significant european side, all these agreements can be based either on the basis of military, military defeat, or on the basis of victory, we... of course, we strive and will achieve victory, the question is the question
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of the legitimacy of those with whom we are negotiating, yes there there are problems here, of course, because the current authorities, apparently, even a preliminary preliminary analysis of the legislation of ukraine shows that they are the executive authorities... have lost their legitimacy, there is a third article of the constitution, which says that the president is elected only for 5 years, there is the eighty-third article of the ukrainian constitution, which states that in conditions of martial law the powers of the verkhovna rada can be divided, the powers of the verkhovna rada can be sold, nothing is said about extending the powers of the president, there is a law on. .. the law on the essence of martial law,
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the martial law regime, and it says that under martial law, presidential elections are not held, but it does not say that they are prolonged, i am still a graduate of st. petersburg university, law faculty, and this is very important, these are significant things, if they are said, then they are not in the criminal code. the corresponding article, which talks about the usurpation of power, it seems that we are dealing with the usurpation of power, but negotiations can still be conducted, because in accordance with...
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to win this war, and for this we need to take the stairs much tougher escalation and be ready to use, but also return this nuclear fuse to the international system in order to prevent movement towards a huge wave of conflicts, because who will do this besides us, who will do this besides you,
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you have a huge responsibility and... if we crawl so slowly up this ladder, although movement is certainly happening, then i am afraid that we are responsible for this , well , we’re kind of evading, although i understand the gravity of the moral choice, look, we’re talking about nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric, i don’t remember the name of this lady, the former prime minister of great britain, who...
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and there everything is written, i was there yesterday too i spoke with the heads of these news agencies, i said about it, we have everything written there, this use is possible in an exceptional, precisely in an exceptional case in case of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, in exceptional cases, i do not believe that such a case has arisen, and there is no such need, but... this is a doctrine, this is a living instrument, and we are carefully watching what is happening in the world, around us, and do not exclude making some changes to this doctrine, now this is connected with testing nuclear weapons, it means that we once not only signed it, but also ratified it,
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the americans signed it, but did not ratify it, so in today’s conditions we have withdrawn our ratification. as for speed, as for results, you said that i have a great responsibility, yes, indeed, is it possible to increase the speed? it is possible to solve the problems facing us, but this is directly proportional to the losses. understanding my responsibility, i still proceed from what... the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is concern for the life and health of our guys who are fighting at the front, so
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combat work is going on, just since the beginning of this year, 40, 7, i think , settlements have been liberated, 880 km, i think, we... gradually we are pushing out the enemy from the territory of donbass from other adjacent territories, the general staff, the ministry of defense have plans for the implementation and achievement of all our goals, we are acting according to this plan, i am sure that all these plans will be realized.
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we understand perfectly well that accelerating movement along the ladder of nuclear escalation can save a lot of life because it can make sense. i hope that such a statement will appear in our doctrine, it will cool down our opponents a little, and will also save our soldiers
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sooner or later, of course, now it ’s probably too early to go nuclear, but we need to move towards this so that we can cool down our opponents, they went crazy, especially the europeans, they are getting into a war for the third time... in almost 100 years they are getting into a war for the third time, well, the americans are much more careful, they fed them, fed them ukrainians push them themselves much more carefully, but europeans go to war, here we are, uh, i’m a hunter, i know how animals behave, if you’re attacked by a pack of wild dogs or hyenas, you have a stick, then you can beat them from ... drive them away, and there is a chance that you will drive them away, but most likely they will tear your trousers on your legs, and then, if you get tired, they will bite you to death, that’s if.
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again, i repeat this question, i bring it to the end, and if we do not go more decisively along the ladder, escalation, then won’t we thunder even the almighty, after all the almighty indicated. we once had a path when he , for wantonness and debauchery, destroyed sodom and gomorrah with a fiery rain, after that humanity remembered this for many years and behaved carefully, they now, but now they have forgotten about sodom and gomorrah, so maybe we will remember this rain, and this is where we will try again to bring some sense to humanity.
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this means, well, if, god forbid, it comes to some kind of strike, then everyone should understand that russia has an early warning system, a system for warning early warning of a missile attack, the united states has it, more in the world there is no such developed system anywhere, we have it, in europe there are no developed systems, they are in this sense, more or less defenseless, this is
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the first thing. second - second - the power of strikes, our tactical nuclear weapons are three times more powerful than the bombs used by the americans - against kheroshima and nagasaki, three to four times, we have many times more in number, on the european continent and even if the americans bring theirs from the usa, we still have many times more. but if it comes, god forbid, that i really don’t want to, i’ll cross myself, that means, but then you said, we will reduce the casualties, but they can increase indefinitely, this is the first, second, of course, these same europeans will have to think, if, then, those with whom we exchange such blows will not exist, will get involved, americans in
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this exchange. strikes are already at the level of strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it, and the europeans should also think about it, that’s for sure, but i still proceed from the fact that it will never come to that, we don’t have such a need, because our the armed forces are not just they are gaining experience, increasing their efficiency, our defense-industrial complex is demonstrating its effective work, i have already said many times, i can repeat it, we have increased the production of ammunition there by more than 20 times, we are many times greater than the enemy’s aviation capabilities technology.


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