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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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we will exchange such blows, they will not exist, they will get involved, whether the americans are already at the level of strategic weapons in this exchange of blows or not, i very much doubt it, and the europeans should also think about it, this is certain, but i still proceed from that it will never come to this, we do not have such a need, because our... armed forces are not just gaining experience, increasing their efficiency, our defense industrial complex is demonstrating its effective work, i have already said many times, i can to repeat, we have increased the production of ammunition there by more than 20 times, we are many times greater than the enemy’s capabilities in aviation technology. to a significant
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extent, there is an excess in armored vehicles, and so on and so on, so we don’t even need to think about this topic, please, and i would also ask everyone once again not to mention such things.
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they are fighting not only against us, they are also fighting against our friends in the world majority, because we are the military-strategic root of this, the core this world majority, if they overthrow us, they will begin to suppress them again, i don’t know whether gentlemen presidents agree with this, allow me one remark, the decisions of both mine and my colleagues who... with whom i work
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in this area, they are not associated with any hesitations, there are no hesitations and cannot be, all our decisions must be based on analysis, a real objective analysis of the current situation, and that’s what we do.
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and high-precision hypersound, naturally, and with its own technical specialists, this is could really seriously improve the situation in the world, for example, aircraft carriers, which are generally a meaningless tool now in the current circumstances, will leave the world stage, and people will stop spending huge amounts of money on them, so what will we deliver, when and how? of course, at the same time, i understand that under no circumstances should we do this ourselves, or not, or at least say that we are not doing it, yes, that’s what concerns aircraft carriers, which means you said that they are pointless , no, they are meaningless only in some global conflict, in a strategic sense. from
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the point of view of solving - geopolitical problems as a tool of geopolitics in order to advance them to those territories against which the same americans are there... the french or british want to fight, to force something, they make sense, however, taking into account the presence of modern hypersonic weapons in russia, for example china , they to a certain extent, of course, lose their meaning, you are calling not to spend money on this, let them spend it, why did you say that rumor, let them spend it, at this moment to our chinese and indian friends, they said a lot that maybe there are geopolitical considerations, but in this sense it’s not like it’s not a strategic weapon, it’s just that it has lost its meaning as a strategic weapon, in general why maybe,
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let them spend it in other countries, why not, and now regarding the fact that we are supplying weapons, we are not yet supplying... but we reserve the right to do this to those states or even some legal structures that are experiencing a certain pressure on themselves, in that is of a military nature, on the part of those countries that supply weapons to ukraine and call for them to be used against us, against our russian territory, if they supply them to the combat zone. and they call for the use of these weapons on our territory, why then don’t we have the right to do the same, responds in a mirror to this? well
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, i’m also not ready to say that we will do this tomorrow, because in any case, any such delivery is accompanied by a whole series, a whole series.
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people who are patriotic and voluntary came to the military registration and enlistment offices and signed contracts with the armed forces, there were over 300,000 people, over 300,000, this year, this
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year, since the beginning of the year, the military registration and enlistment offices came and signed contracts over 160,000 people, every day we have about a thousand superfluous comes to the military registration and enlistment offices voluntarily, you know, that’s when, when we see what russian character is, what the character of a russian citizen is, we understand this , we rely on this, we don’t need any atomic weapons. for the final victory, yes, well, to this, to this i can add, to this i can i just want to add that we see this forced mobilization in ukraine, it is undeniable, i have no doubt,
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the age of mobilization will decrease, we reliably know from ukrainian sources that the americans have set conditions for continued support by reducing this...
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and i remember the twentieth year, when we were winning, but the people were tired, so we will still need to start hurrying up at some point, and we snatched defeat from the hands of victory in 1918, now, thank god, because we started, mozhera, explosive lifting the spirit of the people.
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well, of course, i don’t want ideology, but
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a state, a great state, cannot exist without a national ecology, without a great idea, and states that lost this national idea, national ideology, inevitably crumbled, the world is strewn with the graves of such states or the shadows of such states. by the way, we also fell down twice. for at least those people who want to be the leaders of the country, who want to be the elite
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of the country, this is a code of honor, this code of honor is easy to formulate, we know it, it is by the way, i am him, we are working on him, he is very close to the ideal of a confucian worthy husband, we discussed this with religious leaders, our orthodox, muslim, they all agree on one thing, this code can be formulated, why don’t we formulate a code not for everyone, if people want to live an ordinary life, let them live, and that’s good, but if you want to lead, if you want to succeed in society, you must adhere to absolutely clear rules, and these rules must be formulated, i’m not now not i will formulate them, so as not to occupy the audience, because... it’s quite easy to do, but why are we still afraid, there is no need to change the article of the constitution,
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why are we afraid to introduce a single state ideology, obligatory for all those, obligatory for all those , who wants and is ready to serve the state and society, we are not afraid of anything, but we are afraid, there is a constitution that you mentioned, and it says that the dominant...
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today's events show this, maybe in the best way, direct, but inappropriate in the sense of this word, patriotism, these are the people who voluntarily come to the front, not sparing their lives and health, the best confirmation of this, this is patriotism, well, of course, this needs to be done competently, well, thoroughly,
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beautifully, and submit everything clearly, help us, please,
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because of the death of communist ideology , that country died, because we have a vacuum, so we need to fill this vacuum with quite certain things, order, we will do, but only this, then you must offer to society,
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elite, make it more or less mandatory, then... it will work, by the way, the communist ideology worked for us, which was mandatory for everyone, which for many years had a lot of wonderful things, moved our country forward, allowed us to win a terrible war , therefore ideology is needed, you know that i propose not to aggravate our discussion, i, i will be happy to discuss with you, but not only... communist ideology, although this was of great importance in the victory in the great patriotic war, but if this it would be all that united a multinational people, then yes...
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create a body in the government that would be involved in attracting, generally regulating all these issues, would create a modern concept of migration policy and
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would deal with attracting and restrictions, including hard migration, now we don’t have such a policy, well, there’s nothing to object to you, you’re right, it’s true that it’s possible. we need to think about the arrival of interesting people from afghanistan, we now have a lot of interesting people coming from other countries, so, but, but you are absolutely right the fact is that we have not yet built such a meaningful migration policy, we had a single body, once upon a time, it was later subsumed into the ministry of internal affairs for security reasons, whether effective work there is obtained or not, the big question is... we we are discussing this with colleagues, i have set a task for the government, for the security council, to return to this issue as
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quickly as possible, one cannot see that the problem does not exist, it does exist, it is necessary to attract migrant workers, this is obvious, without this, with such almost minimal, almost zero minimal unemployment, lack of workers. becomes a limiter on economic growth, but of course, you are right that we need not just labor migrants, but people of a certain qualification, a certain training with knowledge of the language, knowledge of our traditions, and so on, but, by the way, our colleagues understand this, my colleagues are from countries where most of our migrants come from, and we agree on how to organize this work together, when...
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decent, of course, we need a lot for to do this in this direction, i completely agree, let’s now i just don’t use the excellent experience of our guests now, and i would like to turn to president arsa with this question: what would be an ideal international system that would allow you to develop independently what needs to be developed in it.
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