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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 3:00am-3:29am MSK

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so we are in a very difficult time right now, it’s almost impossible, we are creating a new new city, so the community itself. after this , the infrastructure is available to host international conferences in zimbabwe. we
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don’t have infrastructure built long ago, we are only growing. i like that we will be able to achieve the standards that are necessary for holding regional conferences. this means that in the future, we will be able to hold a summit.
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we focus on this, we are proud of everything that we have created such an infrastructure, so i am waiting for the day when we will hold a summit, zimbabwe russia, and my brother will come to us, in the same premises, because
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i am now to build we... and we see what our dear brother is doing, thank you very much, we are waiting in guests, thank you very much, last question, vladimir vladimirovich, to you, and you are a russian european, a native of the city of st. petersburg, st. petersburg, the favorite city of many russians, including.
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not to get lost along the way, as we do very often in russia when we throw out the baby with the bathwater, maybe do st. petersburg the center of real european culture, to hold festivals here for real europeans to finally declare that we are europe, we are, of course, northern eurasia, first and foremost a civilization of civilization, but st. petersburg did it.
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is fading, new york has become different, maybe we’ll make st. petersburg the center of world culture, not vysyuki, everything has already been built here, we just need to create a few festivals and a few, excuse the englishness of happenings, events there that will attract huge crowds number of people it will be beneficial for st. petersburg residents, for everyone -
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we are not turning around in connection with some, for some cultural reasons of today, this turnaround. is happening in the world, in the world as a whole, in connection with the growth of new centers of economic development, and we began this work long before the tragic events of today in the ukrainian direction, i said at the very beginning, the volume of the economy is declining, the impact on the global economy, the acting are still centers of world development.
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the inevitable course of events, there's nothing wrong with that no one can do it, that’s what wouldn’t happen, this trend will continue, and of course, as you and i just discussed this, peter opened a window to europe, since here was the center of economic development, prospects, markets, technologies, boots.
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in my opinion, this is the key thing, we, by definition, to a certain extent become
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centers of traditional european culture of traditional european values, which, if you look a little back into centuries, are founded even for non-believers, in general based, of course, primarily on christian culture. for us, for russia, for a multi-confessional country, you said, i don’t know who the author of these words is, that this means, first of all, the military machine of the russian people, whoever said this, i do not agree with this, because russia was originally was developing as a multi-confessional state, let's remember the instructions of the same catherine and our others how...
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to develop further precisely on the basis of their traditional values, whether they succeed or not, we will look at results of the elections to the european parliament, but what exactly can and should be done is, of course, we need to develop our country on the historical traditions on which it was formed as a multi-national and multi-religious state, you said about...
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this picture on the right to the right of me isaac's cathedral, even to the right is the building of the senate and synod, here on the left is the admiral of the church, this is the view. from the side of the university where i studied, from the side of the twelve colleges, this is the first government of russia, here is the palace to the right menshikov, from this side there is the arrow of vasilievsky island, the rasstral columns, the exchange building, again isaki, and this is the view from the hermitage, but if we move to this
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side and look in the opposite direction, that is, at the building of the twelve colleges or at the armitage , it will be just as beautiful, but why? and why? because all this is done on the basis of the most important principle and law, which is called harmony. we will build our policy precisely on these foundations, harmoniously, and russia certainly. will be part of this multipolar, harmonious world, and naturally, it is natural for us that we will largely rely on european principles, on european culture, since its carriers are certainly the russian people, but we will treat the culture and traditions
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of other peoples of the russian federation with no less respect, in this unity our strength . the ukrainian army struck the kherson region, in the village of sadovaya more than twenty people were killed, including a child, and several more were seriously injured. kiev militants hit the store, where at that moment there was there are many visitors... find out more from our war correspondent michal andronnik. a double blow was struck late in the evening in the center of the village of sadovaya. this village is located at a considerable distance from the dnieper, that is, from the line of military contact. and of course, the local residents did not expect anything like this. the governor of the kherson region, vladimir saldo, has already commented on this tragedy. the most despicable
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act that happened today is apparently zelensky gave a gift to someone already invited. together with macron, so cannibalistic it turns out that first they hit a small store near the private sector, this is a small village, not far from the dnieper, the store was destroyed, when the neighbors arrived and tried to help, a second strike arrived, the first was a controlled french aerial bomb, the second was a hymers shell, known to the american one. it should be noted that in the dnieper region, especially closer to the kinbur spit, to the nikolaev region, settlements are trying to live. in ordinary peaceful life , every day there are markets where there are a lot of visitors, shops that open daily, some right on the banks of the dnieper, in fact, where these villages are located, literally the day before, our film crew visited one of them, and we witnessed ukrainian kamikaze drones hitting civilian houses, that is, houses where
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they live ordinary peaceful people, they didn’t find some kind of military target, they hit a moving target, like...
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well, we are in tver, in fact, this is the unofficial capital of the military, the twelfth division is based here. transport she calls the heaviest division in the world, why? because the an124, the largest
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mass-produced aircraft in the world, is now in service, ruslan is no longer there24 and before that there were the legendary antei, which this year, unfortunately, we are stopping operation, the aircraft was produced around 60, 67 vehicles, some remained in ukraine, we had about 60 in the fleet in ita, why is the heaviest division, the long arm of the government. the long arm of the union, the long arm of moscow, well , there are such expressions, in general the idea is, the long arm, it was and is, it was like here is the military component, all these operations, including these latest extreme peacekeeping, well, all these, let’s say, man-made events of a bad inclination, there is an earthquake, spetak, ashgabat, tashkkent, peru, this is all this kind of help, when the state it’s needed, it’s rising, why is it rising, because we have great transportation capabilities, such strategic ones, we’re rising.
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generals were assembled to conduct a military council of 217 people. comrade officers, comrade officers, i understand that military transport aviation always a little in the shade, but without it nothing will happen, i understand how much you love.
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“the country should know and love you, in the thirty -first year officially, the date of creation is the thirty-first year, where it came from, in the thirtieth year in the kiev district there were exercises for the first drop of paratroopers from tb-3, paratroopers come out from the wing and so on, i have only one shaman and also says: you are the elder brother, i say, wait, how are you in the thirtieth year, i am the thirty -first, you are the elder brother, no, you are the elder brother, the airborne forces in their restoration of development it..." left the air force, was part of the air force structure, which means that after the war,
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marshal skribko, nikolai alexievich, becomes the commander of airborne transport aviation, he was the deputy commander of long-range aviation, and he becomes, that means, in forty, forty-seven , in my opinion, yes, in forty-seven he comes to transport aviation, which is in the airborne forces, as part of the air force, in 50... the fifth year, in fact, he is the founder of this uniform structure, which today is the vta, this is marshal skribko, who in the fifty-fifth year justified the introduction, the creation of a separate branch of aviation, like military transport aviation, it moves from the airborne forces and becomes a separate branch of aviation, like the airborne forces, this is the fifty-fifth year, here we are passing by, here is a stand on the left, these are the commanders of the legendary regiment.
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developments of the antonov design bureau, as some comrades or whatever they call it, now they say, a ukrainian development, nothing like that, antonov, oleg konstantinovich from novosibirsk, well, the soviet design bureau had all the planes in italy practically exploited, but in the future the regiment was reduced as fleet, was reduced to a squadron, and subsequently the squadron was added to another regiment, and in a word, now we are finishing this aircraft this year . well, i continue about the paper clip with the arrival of the marshal, so he justified the separation of aviation into a separate branch and the creation of this means of the supreme high command. a22, the first was an aircraft of this class, then ruslan came to replace it, which we’ll talk about a little later, we’ll see, well , the barkle 76 was the main workhorse before the collapse of the union, we reached about 700 airplanes. ukraine for a minute took 200
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of their new latest models, which were then successfully destroyed commercially, to be honest, but thank god, the situation was assessed, the development, expansion of reproduction of these l76 in bulyanovsk, accordingly, thanks to viktor vladimirovch livanov, who substantiated the need to re-create an aircraft that has been flying for six decades, we had a regiment near novgorod the great, there was such a village as krichavitsa, here was the regiment commander at that time...
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he took aim instead of taking off from the runway this one caught fire, starts taxiing at it, there is fire aimed at it, it taxis towards this burning plane, picks up the people leftovers there, takes almost everyone there... he's being hammered by all these nurses, which means that when he's taxiing, there are explosions in the clothes of these shells, respectively , in a word, he begins the takeoff, he doesn’t mind windy aerodynamics, and accordingly , a tailwind makes it even more difficult, the plane doesn’t go, doesn’t go, and he’s sitting on the right as an instructor, the pilot is on the left, he’s done, we have to stop, stop, we’re taking off, why is he didn't take off height, highlands, sparseness.
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tailwind, the most important thing is that when he landed, how he sat down, yes, he crossed the border, sat down, crossed, the plane had four wheels out of twenty, it took off on scraps of wheels, why didn’t it accelerate, when people arrived, they realized that they had survived , well, there, as according to slavic traditions, it’s customary for a trial, so to speak, tea and coffee, then he says: listen, why did they start talking about paratroopers, we were saved by paratroopers, wait, paratroopers yes, but after all... pilots standing out for a minute, that’s why they got it, i think he has the thirteenth star of the hero of russia, stepanovich has the 14th, from memory, i say, this is one of the episodes of such a peaceful, let’s say feat of peaceful life.


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