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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical new russia” program. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that returned. to its
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historical roots: in novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find typical features, recognizable signs of the past. and that's what we'll talk about today. children's holidays in novorossiya, how adults organize it, what and how to talk about. with children on vacation, opinion of a program expert. the eastern wall, which did not save nazis, the breakthrough of the line is here. with the beginning of summer , parents think about the most important thing, how to keep their children occupied, who are no longer in a hurry to go to school in the morning. what to do to make the holidays fun and beneficial for the health and development of the child. summer vacation
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for children is a serious and large-scale task; a whole army of adults, teachers, psychologists, counselors, swimming instructors and physical instructors, in total more than 620 thousand people, are involved in its organization, and this is not surprising; over the summer they will have to improve their health, look after, entertain and give new knowledge skills of over 5 million children, part of this cheerful company, more than 300,000, will spend the summer on the coast. black and azov seas. in donbass and novorossiya , almost 500 summer camps, recreation centers and health centers will host children on vacation. this year, new regions of russia for the first time received subsidies from the federal budget for the development of tourism and recreation infrastructure, beaches, water parks, landscaped areas and entertainment centers. the total amount is more than 300 million. in addition, in the republic of novorossie from this year.
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federation council program spread to modernize children's camps, not only old buildings are being repaired, but new ones are being assembled easily and most importantly quickly, using modern technologies, and in half of them children will be able to relax in the winter. now, while a special military operation is underway, in novorosye they are doing everything to take children for recreation to other regions of the country, to safe areas of the republic of regions, to leave them under reliable supervision. in summer school camps. a branch of artek and the red carnation children's center are already operating in the zaporozhye region. this year they will be there for the first time children from the lugansk and donetsk republics are on vacation, and from the dpr alone they plan to bring more than 13.00 children to camps and recreation centers in the russian regions. they are expected in artek, orlyonok, children's centers alla and parusa, young patriot and many others. a network of school camps has also started operating. in the dpr from june 3.
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about 200 of them were opened . anna efimova’s story tells how adults will take care of the summer holidays of the children of novarossiya. 6:00 in the morning at the station in lugansk there is no crowd, here parents, children, accompanying children on summer holidays are seeing off children from different parts of the republic, but there is something that the first thing you want to do when you arrive and check in is to change clothes and immediately play football ahead of the 8:00 road to berdyansk, and there is the warm azov sea and... once upon a time it was an all-union children's health resort, after the collapse of the ussr, square was one of the few that managed to stay afloat without going bankrupt, although its condition, to put it mildly, left much to be desired. now the buildings have been completely
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renovated, and the kitchen has been built from scratch and made the same as in artek, because red carnation is now a branch of the main children's camp of the country. today we accept order. for children, all programs have been developed exactly the same as in the artek children's health center, we will work on the same programs, and 16 counselors from the artek children's health center also came. this summer, the camp in berdyansk is exclusively for children from new regions. the first shift started at the end of may: children from the frontline, gorlovka, lisichansk, melovoy, melitopol, berdyansk, the village of lugansk, makievka, donetsk and a dozen other cities will sing, dance, train, but the main thing is to communicate and... and make friends, the guys deserve this vacation like no one else, now i will get to know everyone, i will find new friends, i want to wish everyone a good holiday, i am very glad that i came to the red carnation, i wanted
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to come here, i didn’t expect that my application would come here, cool. the crystal clear sea has the recognizable outlines of mount ayudak, also called mount bear. hiking ayudak is a long-standing tradition of artek, they say that at the top you make wishes that are sure to come true, however, there are several such places here. here you can make a wish for yourself and your loved ones. last year , artek held 15 shifts and received more than 2,500 children from the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, as well as kherson and zaporozhye. and almost... guys from new regions have already rested in it, however, separate statistics are announced here only at our request, because artek is one big family, where guys not only relax, improve and share something new from all over russia, but from abroad. last year, like i traveled, we met from different countries,
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there from germany, sweden, yes, well, we still even keep in touch. it seems to me that there are no plans as such for this shift, but perhaps i want to become a star at artek again. the guys actively participate in the programs that artek implements, as well as programs that artek’s thematic partners implement during the shift, these are absolutely any areas, scientific, technical, cultural, educational programs, programs that allow you to get acquainted with the sea, our maritime profile is famous, this tourist programs, photo vision, djing, that is, a child can... the trick of this shift is musical performances, try in absolutely any direction, here are dance numbers with trombones, modern choreography and especially infectious folk dances. but this is a completely different style. lina stepanova, 15 years old, from
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donetsk, says that her strong point is modern choreography and flash mobs. with her dance group, ilina has already covered half of russia; the last time, for example, she won the grand prix at competition in kazan. and to get to artek i went through many qualifying rounds and competitions, but i admit that it was worth it. we became friends with the kurazh team, they are from some district, i don’t remember what it’s called, but they live very far away, so we became friends with them and are still in touch, that is, for the past year, and we are together, we support each other friends as groups, and in general i love them, and there is such peace here, because in our city, unfortunately, this is... no, comfort immediately appears, calmness, probably for your safety, because at the moment the situation in the city is such that you are afraid, but here it’s good, you don’t have to worry about your life, our beloved
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orthotech, of course, they try to take children out of the north military district zone as much as possible, if in school in camps, using the example of the dpr, 6.00 children will rest this summer, including 200 children with disabilities. then twice as much will be exported outside the republic; the geography is wide, from vladivostok to kaliningrad. the help of regional chefs is priceless here, because we ourselves would not have been able to cope with such a task, such... relax, gain strength, health, and most importantly, optimism, the chief of the region plans to bring 13 thousand children from us, and the children are changing, in fact, children from our republic, from each municipality there, go to one region or another, they generally change completely in their worldview , this is important for them, they see all this that... is happening, how the country is developing dynamically, and like ours upon arrival, they also see changes, yes,
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we now also have the infrastructure of our republic, enough for serious the level rises. by the way, it’s just now accepting applications for another project - university shifts, and it is especially valuable for high school students, because in essence it is an opportunity for 10 days to immerse themselves in the student life of one of the leading universities in russia, attend lectures, excursions, museums, theaters, learn about russian history and culture its peoples. there it is very important to tell young people about what opportunities there are for them in our country, what they can get, where they can go, what activities, events, projects there are for them, and the university additionally gives them a certain career guidance component so that they can decide, including where they would like to move next in the future, because this is the only way we can move forward together, and children are our future and how much we take care of them our tomorrow depends on it today.
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talk to children during this summer holiday in an informal setting? it is very important
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now that before certain work even begins with children, that they see examples that will lay a grain of doubt into this picture of the world that they received earlier. they saw growing poverty, because, by the way, this is the work of the forbidden azov with normal children.
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they said that when this doubt arises, then you can start working with them. in the summer camps outside novorossiya there will be children from the recently liberated regions, but also children from the donbass republics, who, since 1914, have experienced all the hardships of what in ukraine for a long time was called an anti-terrorist operation, which was in fact a civil war. here communication of these children with their peers from other regions, what can this give?
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proposals that are constantly feeding society, unscrupulous politicians, the children of donbass can just share their experience with their peers from greater russia, i believe that this will be a very useful communication. thank you very much for the very detailed story. the experience of the great patriotic war, the battles of that time on the territory of new russia, are perceived today. specially plans to create a memorial in the zaporozhye region complex of the breakthrough of the eastern shaft. those events of autumn 4 may not be as well-known as the battle of stalingrad, the bulge of kursk or the battles for sevastopol, but here in the dnieper steppes , soviet soldiers showed no less military valor and dedication. after the defeat
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at stalingrad on the kursk bulge in the donbass, the troops retreated to a new defensive line, the eastern rampart. its northern part, the panther line, began near the estonian narva, passed through natural barriers, the velikaya river, pskov and peipsi lakes, ended in belarus. the southern part, the voton line, ran from the sea of ​​azov along the molochnaya river and further along the banks of the dnieper. the nazis sought to unite them into a common defensive line, from the baltic to azov. one of the centers of that defense was melitopol in the zaporozhye region, a line 150 km long and up to 40 deep, the nazis began to prepare. on the approaches to the city, they turned literally every village into a fortress. for this purpose , sapper and engineering units were transferred from
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berlin. the troops of the southern front, which then became the fourth ukrainian front, advanced in the steppe, sometimes without serious numerical superiority. our fighters were opposed by more than 200 thousand enemy soldiers, numerous anti-tank and anti-personnel barriers, pillboxes and bunkers. the battles were fierce and bloody. at what cost was the breakthrough of the eastern shaft on the line? why is it so important today to preserve the memory of these events? in the story of olga mokhova. in 1972 , a diorama was opened in the melitopol museum of local lore. assault with soviet troops on the line here it is in october '43. there were still some back then. many are alive participants in the legendary breakthrough, in addition to collective images, the artists depicted real witnesses of those events. for example, maria botrakova, the future hero of the soviet union. she replaced the dying
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battalion commander and led the fighters into the attack, while she herself was wounded. the entire melitopol operation, it was short-lived from september 20 , 1943, and it ended in november, november 5, 1943, and the city is ours. liberated in 10 days; the american press of that time in 1943 reported that the german command believed the battle for melitopol and the lands of the melitopol region with small stalingrad. the section of the eastern rampart on the approaches to the city covered an important railway line. it connected the main enemy forces with crimea. for the soviet troops, it was through melitopol that the path to the liberation of the crimean peninsula lay. true, our commanders, they wrote about this. in their memoirs, inspired by the victories on the mius front, they underestimated the thorough german defense. a very important thing is always the ratio of people against the two hundred thousand sixth army, reinforced,
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again, due to transportation from the toman peninsula to tolbukhin, vasilevsky had a little more than 300,000 people. and it is clear that with such a balance of forces and good positions of the germans, it was difficult to expect. that the defense would immediately collapse, our troops had an absolute advantage in tanks and self-propelled guns, about 500 versus 150, but the nazis hit them with long-range guns, which, like the newest panther tanks, had just begun to arrive on the german front. that is why several attempts at a frontal assault did not result in to break through enemy defenses, then the soviet command decided to break into the woton line directly in the city. why was this good, in contrast to the bare steppe? where, in general, any tank was a target for an anti-tank gun or an enemy tank, in urban conditions the situation was a little different, although the germans used self-propelled tanks
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that supported defense units in the neighborhoods, despite this, it was easier to make your way through city streets. melitopol is located on the right bank of the molochnaya river, the bank is high up to 80 m. red army soldiers found themselves under heavy fire from german guns, this was precisely the moment. filled with shells, some warehouses could hold several trucks, this was the most significant breakthrough success, which was not just for the twenty-
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eighth army, but for the entire front. the twenty-eighth army, already reinforced by troops of the fifty-first army, approached the outskirts of melitopol, every house and every street of the city was turned by the germans into impregnable fortresses, all approaches to...
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that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you later meetings.
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the ukrainian army attacked the kherson region in the village of sadovaya. more than 20 people were killed, including a child, and several more were seriously injured. kiev militants hit the store, where there were many visitors at that moment. find out more from our war correspondent, michal andronnik. a double blow was struck late in the evening in the center of the village of sadovaya. this village is located at a considerable distance from the dnieper, that is, from the line of military contact, of course, local residents.


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