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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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attacked the village of sadovaya in the kherson region twice. both times a store with many people inside came under fire. 22 people were killed, another 15 were injured. rescue efforts have been suspended due to the threat of drone attacks. the blow was struck on the right bank of the dnieper. this was announced by the governor of the kherson region, vladimir salda. the most despicable thing that happened today was apparently zelensky giving a gift for a dinner party with macron.
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it turns out, first they hit a small shop near a private sector, this small village not far from the dnieper is located, a store was destroyed, when neighbors arrived and tried to help, a second strike arrived, the first was a controlled french aerial bomb, the second was a hymers shell, known to the american one, in lugansk, as a result of attacks by american missiles from tacoms, four people were killed and more than fifty were injured in... the sound of the impact was heard throughout lugansk, five missiles flew at the city in an attack, four of them were shot down, one hit two apartment buildings, the ministry of defense reported. ukrainian militants fired at a residential area of ​​lugansk, there is a market nearby; on friday there are always a lot of people on the street. i just. i went into the stall, everything
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was scattered, well, yes, as you can see, even the air conditioner flew off, and inka the girl was working next to her, and what hit my head was, well , this shrapnel, the concrete floors, the wooden floors were collapsed, the main blow of the ukrainians fell on this entrance militants, there are all sorts of toys here, these are traces of the life of civilians, 50 people were injured, four died, rescuers arrived quickly, managed to pull seven survivors out from under the rubble, here you can assess the nature of the damage, it’s clear that the concrete... ceiling collapsed completely, we didn’t even understand anything, i just told, i’m telling, my wife and this guy that a regiment came to measure everything, i say, lie down on the regiment, only they lay on the shelves and the explosion, everything fell down, everything flew off the sideboard, glass was flying, and then there was no bedroom at all, i wanted to go there when i got there, but it wasn’t there, more than ten buildings were damaged, including three children’s kindergarten and two schools.
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windows in neighboring houses were broken, in courtyards damaged cars, at first there were two or three explosions, somewhere nearby, then one very strong one, well , it turned out that during the sound wave of the hike, the door blew out on me, on my dad and mom , fragments from the glass, as a result of the impact , both adults and children, the city hospitals continue to treat the wounded, doctors are fighting for the lives of luhansk residents. 46 people sought medical help, four are children, an eight-year-old boy, three young men, also boys, all children are in a state of moderate severity, adults, about ten people are in serious condition, five of them are in the operating room. an explanation, a statement and will examine your injuries, a humanitarian tent has been set up near the site of the impact, and medical psychological assistance is provided here. it was decided
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to work around the clock, that is, we are now setting up a tent city for the night, we are also sending local residents to a temporary accommodation center, an operational headquarters for helping victims has been created in the republic, representatives of all ministries work here, those who are left without housing are placed in dormitories cities. humanitarian aid is given to all those in need who are needed, at the moment, mainly water goes to workers. while clearing the rubble and searching for victims, food packages will also be provided to everyone who needs relocation. specialists were sent from the southern branch of the disaster medicine center to help lugansk doctors. debris clearing continues at the impact site. rescuers are using heavy equipment; there may be two more people in the collapsed entrance. svyatoslav dolgachev, kirill genser, stanislav shila, mikhail ermishkin, nadezhda astapushenko, ekaterina tehmanovich, maria bulgakova, vesti lugansk. and in the black sea
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, an unmanned boat of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed by personnel from the k-27 ship search rescue helicopter. the ministry of defense shared it with us. they show how small arms fire is fired at the target and the enemy boat explodes. earlier, the ministry of defense reported the destruction of three more unmanned enemy boats that were trying to break through to the crimean peninsula. assessment of the situation in the zone of special military operation.
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slay, but the most important thing is that they are aimed at one change for the better that every citizen, in a variety of areas, should feel. if most of the initiatives were announced at the plenary session for the first time, then one became known a little in advance, even before the start of the meeting, and vladimir putin talked with the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov, who conveyed the appeal of social workers , and the residents of st. petersburg recalled that... that the pensions of working pensioners are not indexed today, here is alexander. beglov conveyed this very request to the head of state to still consider the possibility of indexation. due to financial and budgetary restrictions, in past years there was no indexation of pensions for working pensioners. during
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this time, the issue that concerns millions of our citizens has become mature. and today we have the resources to... begin solving it in the interests of the people; i propose to resume the indexation of pensions for working pensioners starting next year. from february 1, 2025 onwards, pensions will not increase annually only to those who have already retired, but also to those who continue to work. it will be. it’s really fair that if the speech at the plenary session was mainly focused on economic issues, then within the framework of communication with the moderator and with his colleagues, the head of state answered, as usually happens, to a variety of questions, some of them,
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of course, quite predictable, this makes it no less important for absolutely every citizen of the country. for example, the question of conducting a special military operation and its pace, which... i proceed from what the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is concern for the life and health of our guys who are fighting in...
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we are gradually pushing the enemy out of the territory of donbass and other adjacent territories, here...
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this year, since the beginning of the year, military registration and enlistment offices have come and signed contracts for over 160 thousand people. every day we have about a thousand or more come voluntarily, you know, that ’s when - when we see what russian character is, what russian character is citizen, we understand this, we rely on this, we do not need any atomic weapons for the final victory of the atom. or nuclear weapons, the russian president mentioned, of course, not by chance, in the context
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of permission to carry out strikes deep into russian territory with the help of western weapons, permission that, strictly speaking, those same western countries give one after another, questions about the possibility of using nuclear weapons are being raised today more and more often, but the head of state today was very specific and asked in the fuss that this quote about nuclear war is not remember, if... god forbid it comes to some kind of strike, then everyone should understand that russia has an early warning system, a warning system, early warning of a missile attack, the united states has such a developed system nowhere else in the world, no, we have, in europe there are no developed systems, they are in this sense, well, more or less defenseless, of course, these same europeans will have to think, if that means those with whom we will be...
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therefore, the topic of a world order that should change is probably one of the key and absolutely, important at the st. petersburg international economic forum, what the new multipolar world will be like is , of course, unknown in all its details, but absolutely, according to vladimir putin, it should become harmonious, and russia will take its rightful place in this harmonious world. anastasia efimova, lead. behind vladimir putin's speech. at the plenary session of the pmf , the entire world media watched, the speech of the russian president was broadcast and even commented on
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live. there were some surprises about the violent reaction of the west, he will tell you in detail maria skorodilka. russian president vladimir putin made a statement: all attention to the personal life of vladimir putin is a story about his daughters. it seems like everyone was watching this speech from vladimir putin, catching the words, carefully looking for something to latch on to. words, but still note: moscow seeks to develop relations with countries that
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did not join western restrictions, but by holding such a large-scale international economic forum, russia is again demonstrating openness and winning, scream the headlines of american newspapers. russia says western sanctions on its critical industries have made it self-sufficient and domestic investment remains strong. exports of oil and raw materials continue to countries such as india and china. what's happening in st. petersburg. proves to the world that russia has established international contacts and this is despite pressure from the united states and its allies - states spiegel. at the forum, chinese entrepreneurs gave specific examples of how they help russia implement projects thwarted by sanctions. this is true. and it seems in the usa got scared, the military took the floor. russians are everywhere, they are in space, cyberspace, and not in africa with their african corps, and not in the arctic, and not in the atlantic ocean. russians. everywhere, like this, everywhere, but without the west, she doesn’t
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need relations with the old world - european journalists are surprised. the president of russia also noted that his country will develop its domestic market, i note that moscow is doing this really well, it sells energy resources, the demand for them continues to grow. strong without you, the italian newspapers shout, topic russian dovos political manifesto, the formation of new growth territories as the cornerstone of the new.
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russians have a big heart, unlike many europeans, they are able to forgive easily. and the difference in worldviews in our studio at the economic forum in st. petersburg was spoken by the former head of the mit austria, karin knasel. i'm very glad to see you here. we already met last fall in vladivostok. then i asked about your views on european politics. my point
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was that europe is just followed the rules established by the united states of america. but you then said that e is so unreasonable, provided that they are the first to suffer if something suddenly goes wrong. and then it seemed to me that he explained all this quite clearly. but yesterday, at the celebration of d-day in normandy, president macron spoke about the need to go even further and continue to put pressure on russia. they're not going to stop. i have never agreed with the russian point of view that europe
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is just a vassal of the usa, and that it is blindly follows orders from washington. no, when. was a minister, i never had any difficulties with the united states; on the contrary, the initiatives i put forward were supported by russia, the united states, and turkey, but the european commission blocked them. do not underestimate the power of the bureaucratic system strengthened by groups of lobbyists, governments come and go, so we have witnessed changes in the government of slovakia, changes are also possible in other countries, but the basis of this entire system does not change, this is especially noticeable in germany, poland, austria and the baltic countries . i'm talking about an antagonism that has always existed , determined by history and geography. i knew nothing about russia, and now i think that i know almost nothing, especially if you compare my second knowledge with what i know, for example, about the history and language of arab countries. i speak arabic much better than russian. the fact is that now from europe we see a manifestation of hatred and
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aggression, which is actually more than just hatred, contempt at all levels. i do not agree with the words of russian officials about that we see such an attitude not from ordinary people, only from the elites, you know, if only the elites or only the media were to blame for this, i would not have had to leave my native country, but i physically felt this hatred of attempts to ignore me everywhere , when friends stop inviting you to visit, because their friends or relatives are farted by your too pro-russian position, and this is in 2020, then you are left without communication, it all goes into one piggy bank, and the media is in full view of us all, we we read but...
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from my village, from the outsiders, not the elites, perhaps this is difficult for a russian person to understand, but i felt hatred from the residents because you tend to have a softer and more humane attitude towards people, you are inclined to forgive, you forgave the second world war, you forgave much more, many russian students and journalists are now telling me, that now this whole show will pass, life will return to normal, and in 2-3 years we will become friends again, in response to this i say that right away... it is impossible to forgive and return to the previous relationship, an apology will be required, it will be required by law compensation for losses due to everything that happened, and although i understand the desire of many russian companies now... this accelerated the course of events, so why look back
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, the change in course was inevitable, the war is just back, i myself try not to do this, although there are moments when i wonder why it all happened on a personal level. fortunately, i'm too busy right now to think about all this. i decided that if i ever return, it will only be if i am given an apology and given... compensation for damages, i think that russia should treat everything in the same way, there is no need to be too kind and forgiving. russians are just like that. that’s right, i admire you, i know very little about you, before this i never thought that russians had such a big heart, that they were so ready to forgive and forget insults. by the way, for the european spirit, the russian language sounds much more military, especially when it comes to the eternal struggle and victories. having been translated into other languages.
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session, russia - brazil, russia - venezuela and russia - all latin america. well, after at the end of the plenary session , sergei brilyov, who himself flew to the forum from latin america, spoke with the bolivian president. the venezuelan orchestra, which gave a concert last night in the st. petersburg chapel, completed the entire latin american layer of the forum. the peak is when the day before, together with the president of russia.
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and ideas, i somehow became imbued with what is happening here, listening to the answers of the president of russia. so the european crisis has affected at least the prices of fuel and food, the question is what to do about it?
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