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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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and receive cashback of up to 25% in vtb rubles for purchases. everything will work out together. focus your work on feedback from residents and see the end result. these are the main tasks that we face. before
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the executive authorities in the regions, this was stated in our studio at the international economic forum in st. petersburg by the interim acting head of the khabarovsk territory dmitry demeshin. dmitry viktorovich, hello, hello. in mid-may , vladimir putin appointed you as acting governor khabarovsk territory. previously, as deputy prosecutor general, you oversaw the far east and siberia, how well you are familiar with the region and what priority tasks you set for yourself. thank you, the specifics of the region are familiar to me, well understood, but i know it from a slightly different prism, from the prism of work in the prosecutor’s office, from the prism of the work of law enforcement agencies, of course, we are dealing with problems, that’s my task now, having received the levers of administrative control, namely the processes that exist in the region, through the prism executive power, to correct what i saw as a prosecutor, that is, a large number of problems that exist, these are defrauded shareholders, these are unfinished projects, these are the
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tasks that i set first of all for myself and the members of the government of the khabarovsk territory, and of course, we we solve them for a reason, that is, these are not abstract indicators for us, the most important thing is the real restoration of the violated rights of people, an official, of course, must work for the people, and a person must see the end result of the work of the authorities, this is how since we see our main task, that is , you will be guided by feedback, so to speak, walking the streets and using transport, this is precisely the subject of our influence, so that life around us is better. the far east has now picked up a good pace of development, including the khabarovsk territory, a number of infrastructure projects are being implemented, like...
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on the territory of the khabarovsk territory, we want to introduce our khabarovsk business, so that they supply components, so that we do what we already we can do it on site khabarovsk territory, developing small businesses and integrating them into the chain of cooperation with large businesses, therefore i am convinced that these issues will lead in the future to technological re-equipment, the most important issue that will allow us not to become dependent on foreign manufacturers, also you...
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a lot, but the budget will be spent on this for the convenience of people, and, for example, the road for the sixtieth anniversary of october in the city of khabarovsk, which was due for completion in 2028, we moved to the twenty-sixth year, precisely because of what we proposed the contractor to increase the impact on the road construction network, increase the number of people and equipment, and most importantly, build it at night so that people do not get stuck in traffic jams. in russia’s turn to the east
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, the khabarovsk territory has a special role - this is a 300 km land border with china, how is the foreign partnership developing? yes, thank you, this is really our big deal. competitive advantage, we have ports with which we can work with all countries of southeast asia and have already started working with them, we have more than 300 km of land borders, and of course our task is for chinese investors to also come to us in synergy with khabarovsk, with russian business to develop and offer new products, this should be not only a logistics hub, of course, these should be industrial parks, which i am convinced that we let's start with... assembly plants, but then we'll move on to deep industrial processing, we'll learn to do what we can't do now, precisely at our production facilities in the khabarovsk territory, this is exactly what i proposed industry of the khabarovsk territory, we must provide this synergy between the capabilities of our southern
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chinese, primarily neighbors and khabarovsk business, with measures of administrative assistance, and of course one of the important ones is
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the region in the public space, so that it is visible to people, so that ultimately this influenced the happiness of a particular person who lives in a remote village in an urban
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agglomeration, this is exactly the task that we set for ourselves. if we talk about the agenda of the st. petersburg international economic forum, how is the khabarovsk territory represented here, what agreements have been signed? to carry out, especially to remove the initial paperwork, and accordingly, so that all these projects are implemented in visible matters, so the task that i set for myself for the short term, for the perspective of one or two years, is to ensure that all these papers
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are already integrated into specific projects so that concrete has already been poured, design and estimate documentation has been agreed upon, and accordingly the number of jobs in our region has increased. dmitriy viktorovich, thank you for the interesting conversation. thank you, alexander. thank you. the keels of the rescue tug were solemnly laid at the nezhsky shipyard. presidential assistant nikolai patrushev took part in the ceremony. the vessel is the first in a new series; it is being built using digital technology. and what tasks will be performed and where, tatyana leontyeva will tell you about this. the foundation board symbolizes the beginning of construction. rescue tug, the ship, albeit small, 29 m long, 10 m wide, but very maneuverable, designed for towing large ships and floating structures. in fact, this small tug will be able to solve many problems, it will participate in surveying the seabed, will help put out fires on ships and remove them from the sea, and will also
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be able to transport cargo and pilots to ships. the laying of kiel marked the beginning of the construction of a series of three such ships, one of which will operate in azov-cherny. basin, the other two are in kamchatka and sakhalin. these are the first tugs to be built using advanced technologies in the workshops of the new, first in russia, digital shipyard. construction is almost complete in two. it resumed in 2015, during this time almost three dozen ships were launched here and the enterprise is provided with orders for several years in advance, and the launch of digital technology will allow it to work many times more efficiently, more ships of various classes will be built, and
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more than half a thousand new ones will be created work places. everything goes on time, with high quality, in fact , this will be our first digital plant that will produce products, we are faster we will release the floodwater here, we will build them faster, the reconstruction, the modernization that will be carried out will allow the enterprise... to be competitive not only in the russian federation, but in the world market. the second stage of modernization of the plant is envisaged; 2 billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget for this. launching installations for vessels of higher ice class will be installed here, and a robotic painting shop will be built. re-equipment will allow the plant to produce modern civil vessels, and the company also plans to update tugs, liquefied gas bunkers, pilot vessels and dredging vessels . nikolay patrushev also visited the first
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plant in karelia for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete. construction readiness is about 90%. the equipment is currently being installed at the enterprise ; they plan to put it into operation in july, with a ceremonial launch in august, and ahead of schedule. the presidential aide was shown the factory floors and told about the technology for manufacturing aerated concrete. at the initial stage we produce.
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the friendly match took place in minsk and brought together 22 thousand spectators in the stands for our national team. team, this was the first away game this year, and the report of my colleague danil makhalin. between themselves the team russia and belarus had not played in minsk for a quarter of a century, so before the match it was immediately clear that the stands would be full. the lines to enter stretched far beyond the arena. it was not without the fans of the russian national team, who did not have to travel very far for such a trip, all this created the atmosphere of a big football festival. we don’t have enough of this, we would like there to be games like this all the time, we can play in moscow, it would be good here too. okay, that’s it for the players of the russian national team it started to take shape from the very beginning, a quick goal by ivan oblikov after a pass from alexei mironchuk, the two of whom also took part in another combination, which was completed by konstantin tyukavin with an accurate shot. good
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performers, everyone has a good understanding of football, that’s why it happened. just during the break . this goal was not discussed with valerey georgivich, that everything turned out so perfectly in kazania, no, no, no, they didn’t discuss it, on the contrary, they wanted to add that it worked out, so i’m glad that we played a good quality game and, so to speak, closed the season on a positive note . after the break , another striker fedor chalov appeared on the field for the russians, who scored a double in just 6 minutes. at first he successfully found himself alone in front of the goal, and a little later he got away from the defender and shot into the far corner. first of all... i was probably pleased not with the result but with the game today, because today everyone was determined to do their best, everyone worked, everyone gave their all, and i think we played a pretty good match. as a result, at the dynamo minsk olympic stadium, the russian team wins a landslide victory with a score of 4:0 over the national team
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of belarus, scoring two goals, oblekov, tyukavin and twice scored in each half. spend in one place, because someone always has no time. today we have already held negotiations with the company of konstantin malofeev, the pro-company mira turk, also an all-russian leader in the development of workover, now we have held negotiations with colleagues from kazakhstan, we are preparing for meetings with vladimir petrovich estushenko and eduard kuzyaev srtelecom. the direction is an it technopark, an it technopark
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will be a technopark. at what stage is this now? project? now at the development stage, what are we talking about? because the kurgan region last year took first place in russia in terms of the dynamics of agricultural production, now we are in second place in russia in terms of the industrial production index, and if we take the total index of the real sector of the economy, industry and agricultural sector, then we are in first place, and 3 years ago we began to work closely in the it sector, we created an it college in the region , last year we launched an it institute, on one site the territory is slightly larger than a guitar it specialists are being trained, that is, the personnel base is almost... ready and it companies have been exempted from regional taxes, as far as this could be done, there is a 1% simplified tax rate. in addition, it companies were given the right to locate in a business incubator under.
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in terms of import substitution, we are a center for mechanical engineering, i met with the largest companies in the oil and gas sector, and there are specific agreements on what can be done additionally, yes, this is a huge volume of purchases, accordingly additional opportunities for our enterprises, in this year forum for us to work very well on form, very fruitful, we switched to the format of uh...
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the result in terms of increasing the level of education, educational programs, advanced training of teaching staff and right up to the school, this is an agreement, yes we are already like that we are working with the kurchatov institute, we already have kurchatov classes, we have programs from the kurchatov institute, we are working with hemo, last year this year we will have a summer one...
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we supply serious products to the market, these are heating radiators, and profiles - and others, our production has improved very qualitatively, but these are jobs - and other things, in addition, i myself head the economic investment council, so we have - well, more than 40 portfolios. so we are considering at the investment council and attracting, now we will build a liquefied gas plant, we
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have attracted and we will build, a wastewater treatment plant is already being laid, a wastewater treatment plant , today the forum for us is to see the breadth, depth of everything that is happening, happening in russia, second side the task arises. quite a lot of meetings, the forum is extremely active, we actually sign - in addition to the meetings , we sign important documents for the district, but i would like to highlight several areas that are important for us: and yesterday we signed an agreement with paupolus, for us this is an important topic, because it the topic of the development of our mineral-cerium base, which makes up a large part of the budget of our district. in general , it is important for russia, because we are implementing the largest projects for the extraction of copper, now there will be a project for the extraction of tin, which will transform us from an importer into
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an exporter. but exploration, exploration of natural resources so far in chukotka there is only 32% exploration territory, just pau polyus is one of the five largest players in the gold mining market in the world, we just signed an agreement that colleagues will be engaged in exploration, then for us, this is a definition of our prospects as a region in this economic field. the second direction that i would like to tell you is that we signed today, literally minutes ago, two agreements with the rosatom company, the first we signed an agreement with rossat and the ministry of development of the far east and the arctic, last year the law on northern delivery was adopted, and rosatom was designated as a single operator, respectively
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for... a pilot project, and starting next year we will implement it, very good prospects, firstly, we have built the availability of the fleet, that is, transportation volumes for the next three years, plus, our agreement assumes that we will stabilize the price for logistics itself, for the freight of ships.
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those involved in the attacks in lugansk and kherson. region will suffer inevitable punishment, this is stated in the commentary of mit official representative maria zakharova. she called the shelling terrorist acts of intimidation, in which nato's signature is obvious. in the village of sadovaya, kherson region, 22 civilians were killed , including a child. and our war correspondent mikhail andronik has all the details. a double blow was struck late in the evening in the center of the village of sadovoe. and
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this is the village. is on a significant level.


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