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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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those involved in the attacks in the lugansk and kherson regions will suffer inevitable punishment, this is stated in the commentary of the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova. she called the shelling terrorist acts of intimidation, in which nato's signature is obvious. in the village of sadovaya, kherson region , 22 civilians were killed, including a child. and our war correspondent mikhail andronik has all the details. a double blow was dealt towards the center late in the evening. sadovaya, and this village is located at
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a considerable distance from the dnieper, that is, from line of combat contact, and of course, the local residents did not expect anything like this. the governor of the kherson region, vladimir saldo, has already commented on this tragedy. the most vile act that happened today, apparently, zelensky gave a gift for a dinner party together with macron, such ludoetsky, it turns out, first they hit a small store near the private sector, this is... a small village not far from the dnieper, the store was destroyed when the neighbors drove up, tried to help, the second blow arrived, the first was controlled a french aerial bomb, the second was a hymers shell, known to the american one, it should be noted that in the dnieper region, especially closer to the kinbur spit, to the nikolaev region, settlements try to live an ordinary peaceful life, there are markets open there every day, with a lot of visitors, shops that open daily, some... right on the banks of the dnieper,
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in fact, where these villages are located. just the day before, our film crew visited one of them, and we witnessed a drone hit ukrainian kamikazes hit civilian houses, that is, houses where ordinary civilians live, they did not find any military target , they hit a moving target that they found. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, vestilan region, four residents. killed and more than fifty wounded in lugansk as a result of an attack by american atacoms missiles, dozens of residential buildings were damaged, as well as kindergartens, schools, a college and a university building. 68 people contacted the victim assistance headquarters. the operational headquarters for eliminating a missile strike will work around the clock. and well, here is new information at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a residential building in lugansk. all structures up to the first floor have been dismantled. this was reported to the mc.
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rescuers are dismantling the basement. the prospects were shown by footage from the work site. the president of russia assessed the current use of nuclear weapons in the future, speaking at the plenary session of the international economic forum in st. petersburg. vladimir putin said he hopes that the world will never come to this and emphasized the nuclear potential of our country, high, the early warning system about the threat is also working. development goals, if, god forbid, it comes to some blows, then everyone should understand that russia has a sprm system, a warning system, early warning of a missile attack, the united states has, nowhere else in the world has such a developed system no, we have, in europe there are no developed systems, they are in this sense, more or less defenseless, this is the first, second, nuclear
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weapons are three times more powerful than the bombs used by the americans against kheroshima and nagasaki, three to four times, at there are many times more of us in number, of course, these same europeans will have to think, if that means those with whom we will exchange such blows will not exist, the americans will get involved in this... with an exchange of blows already at the level of strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it, and the europeans should also think about it, of course, but i still proceed from the fact that it will never come to this, during the discussion at the plenary session, they also talked about the topics of conducting a special military operations, vladimir putin said, they can speed up. but the price will be too high.
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is it possible to increase the speed of solving the problems we face? can. but this is directly proportional to the losses. understanding my responsibility, i still proceed from what the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is caring for the life and health of our guys who are fighting at the front, so combat work and only for the beginning of this 40 years ago, people settled there...
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this is how the chinese foreign ministry commented on biden’s policy in this area. what plans does the pentagon have and what is happening with us nuclear arsenals. anton dadykin understood this. the us space force conducted two consecutive training launches of the minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile, the main strategic nuclear warhead in us arsenal. according to the pentagon, the tests were planned and had nothing to do with it. worsening the situation in the world, but the actions of the white house cast doubt on this. the president signed updated orders on the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons. they take into account the new nuclear era. emphasizes the need to take into account the growth and expansion of the diversity of
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the prc's nuclear arsenal, as well as the need to contain russia, china and north korea simultaneously. the united states is strengthening the nuclear triad and has announced work on a gravitational atomic bomb. 61. the service life of strategic submarines with nuclear missiles has been extended. new types of weapons are being developed. in the coming years we may come to a point where we need more nuclear weapons. we must be fully prepared to embody life is the decision of the president, if it is made. pentagon sources say a more aggressive nuclear weapons strategy will be developed. and all this, despite the fact that the us military constantly... complains about a lack of money. the air force of the nuclear triad is at a critical juncture in its history, our operational capabilities are stretched to the limit, our resources are stretched to the limit. another new item concerns promises to strengthen allies'
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nuclear deterrence capabilities. australia has already received long-range ship-based missiles. berlin and paris are developing new ground-based installations. all this activity has the un extremely worried. we need to take a step back from the edge of the nuclear abyss, the risk of using nuclear weapons has not been this high since the cold war, the non-proliferation regime is weakening, we need nuclear disarmament immediately, the nuclear powers must set an example for the world to resume dialogue. the british telegraph notes that nato is preparing a mechanism for complete military control over key ports routes of europe, so that by order of washington it would be possible to quickly transfer.
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so the west will take a retaliatory step, this provokes a russian response, leads to escalation, we are now in the last minutes, centimeters from the point of no return. nato almost continuously conducts military maneuvers near the russian border in the spring, involving more than 90 thousand military personnel, about 50 ships, 80 aircraft and more than 100 combat vehicles from all 32 nato countries. these maneuvers ended on may 31, and already on june 5.
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and also destroyed in the ovdeevsky direction nato bradley infantry fighting vehicle. the fighters of the center group of troops distinguished themselves. in this case, the calculation of the fpv drone. the operator, having noticed the target, carried out a combat approach and dived the drone into the front of the enemy vehicle, hitting it with cumulative ammunition. russian football union. the russian media group holding company signed a new cooperation agreement on the sidelines of the st. petersburg economic forum.
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athletes and artists of the holding have been actively working on common projects for a long time. this is how show business stars perform at football matches. matches, for example, at the friendly game between russia and belarus, which took place the day before. the russian media group also provides information support for football. we have already become fully involved in this partnership , cooperation with the rfu, we are already working. not the first month, the results of our work can be judged by past matches, in which we attracted artists, we provided media coverage, media support in general, we did it to the maximum, we will continue to do the same, because we believe in collaboration in the whole media and sports, we we support sports, a sports direction, and as part of the trip that the president asks us, a healthy nation, a healthy people, we support sports unconditionally and... in the first months of this year
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, over 3 million questions were received from russian citizens requesting this type of communication power and society is constantly growing. the head of the non-profit organization dialogue, vladimir tabak, stated this in an interview at the international economic forum in st. petersburg. vladimir, hello, hello, alexander. considering that ano's dialogue is first and foremost is engaged in the digitalization of citizens' appeals, we know everything about it. the requests themselves are divided into three categories. there are so-called information requests,
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they are related exclusively to issues of, let’s say , insufficient information on some decisions that the authorities have already made. the second is situational problems, this is when something is conditionally broken here now, and it needs to be fixed. and thirdly, these are strategic, for example, when it comes to building a big road or a hospital. still, when we take third, strategic systemic, here, well, back. communication through new communication channels cannot provide anything additional in solving these problems, but if we are talking about such situational, informational ones, here, of course, this can speed up the process of routing these complaints, it can speed up the process of putting them under control, yes it can speed up the process even of solving, so in this sense we focus on these two categories, we work with them, and if we are talking about information requests, then together with in the regions, we have now begun to conduct such preventive information. companies so that these questions do not arise, relatively speaking, this is what work with feedback looks like from
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the point of view of dividing it into categories, and within these categories there are different categories, this is, of course, housing and communal services, this is, of course, landscaping, these are problems related to healthcare, roads , that is, well, in fact, there are all those standard problems that residents often talk about through various communication platforms, but globally, globally, of course, it’s probably ours anyway. is that these seem to be small problems that are quickly solved, which often do not have time to pay attention to, so we pay attention to them and help solve them, well, besides, we know about the work is severe, this is the regional level, what is being done at at the municipal level and how is the work being carried out by the mcu now? well, the work of the icu is actually just getting underway, but we are now launching a pilot project, there are seven regions in it, this is important, because i already said, that our number of requests has increased sharply, from year to year it is growing and... 67% of them are at the municipal level, that is , it is important for us that this infrastructure be completed, since the demand is growing, and
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the infrastructure is already with it difficult to cope with, so the first, most important task of the mcu is to improve the quality of work with feedback, the quality of analytics, so that just these problems are solved in greater numbers, well, i repeat once again that 67% of these requests they fall on municipalities, after all, tsur is such a regional one. the mcu will allow us to make such an addition, and this addition will be informal, this addition will allow us to, well, really qualitatively improve this process of solving problems. well, speaking about what topics are being raised here today, they talk a lot about the future, and you yourself will take part in the session. from the citizens' side, what problems are they concerned about in the future? well, actually
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it seems to me that people from generation to generation are concerned about the same problems. housing problem? no, it seems to me without. medicine, that is, they dream about cures for cancer, yes, well, that is, in fact, those things that simply improve or prolong life, they are associated with problems, let’s call it that, they conducted sociology, a lot of questions, death, to be honest, because here we are , but i can say that there is a very big demand for digital literacy, and there is a demand for new technologies, that is, in this sense , the people of russia see the future as technologically advanced happy because there will be no disease in him. well, on this optimistic note, good luck to you at the session, at your work in the forum. thank you very much, vladimir, thank you. the keel of the rescue tug was solemnly laid at the nizhsky shipyard. presidential assistant nikolai patruzhev took part in the ceremony. the vessel is the first in a new series to be built using digital technology. and what tasks she will perform and where she will perform them,
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tatyana liontiva will tell you about this. the foundation board symbolizes the beginning of construction of the rescue tug. the ship, even small, 29 m long, 10 m wide, but very maneuverable, designed for towing large ships and floating structures. in fact, this small tug will be able to solve many problems, it will participate in surveying the seabed, will help put out fires on ships and remove them safely, and will also be able to transport cargo and pilots to ships. the laying of the keel marked the beginning of construction. a series of three such vessels: one will operate in the azov-black sea basin, the other two in kamchatka and sakhalin. these are the first tugs that will be built using advanced technologies in the workshops of the new, first in russia, digital shipyard. construction is almost complete; in 2 weeks they will begin installing equipment here. these are semi-automatic machines, these are new presses, machines for cleaning, we will be
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working soon and we will really be working perfectly. in other conditions, now the amege plant has received a second life of work, it resumed in 2015, during this time almost three dozen ships were launched here and the enterprise is provided with orders for several years in advance, and the launch of a digital shipyard will allow us to work many times more efficiently, more ships of various classes will be built, and more than five thousand new jobs will be created. everything goes on time, with high quality in the very... not only the russian federation, but on the world market. the second stage of modernization
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of the plant is envisaged; 2 billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget for this. launching installations for high-class vessels will be installed here. ice class will be built by a robotic painting workshop. re-equipment will allow the plant to produce modern civil vessels, the company also plans to update tugboats, liquefied gas bunkers, losmany vessels and dredging vessels . look at the 2 minute diagram first to make it clear, right? nikolay patrushev also visited the first plant in karelia for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete. construction readiness is about 90%. now at the enterprise. they plan to put it into operation in july, with a ceremonial launch in august, and ahead of schedule. the presidential aide was shown the factory floors and told about the technology production of aerated concrete. at the initial stage we produce 199 cubic meters per day, in annual terms this is 65.0 cubic meters per year. this means that after a small modernization, which
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we have already planned, we reach 341 cubic meters. accordingly, this will already be 111.00 km per year, with the installation of the third autoclave the plant will reach a capacity of 165,000 cubic meters per year, 100 million rubles. have already been allocated for the purchase of necessary equipment. these volumes of aerated concrete will cover the needs of individual housing construction in karelia. therefore the products will be supplied to neighboring regions. tatyana leontseva, alexander kokorin, evgeny evdakimov, roman savich, kirill menshikov, vesti kaaralia, petrozavodsk. and now to the topic of wildfires. amphibious aircraft three mi-8 helicopters extinguish fires in the trans-baikal territory. there are almost 40 outbreaks in the region. over the course of a day , firefighters extinguished 10 fires on an area of ​​30,000 hectares, and as the nature of the region reported, there are almost no ground fires, mainly those in the so-called air zone, which cannot be reached, are dropped there by paratroopers and airborne forest protection paratroopers, in
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500 people are involved in their work; also , to extinguish fires in forests , artificial precipitation is caused with the help of a sounding plane; blasting operations are carried out using the oncoming fire method. i am the situation in the middle east, israel continues to launch strikes in the central part of gaza. footage of the shelling of the nuseirat camp, where thousands of palestinians were sheltering, is being published on social networks. dozens of people died, including women and children, gas health officials said. because of this, the un has already included the israeli army in the blacklist continues to demand a ceasefire. and the famous astronaut william anders died in a plane crash. the emergency occurred in the us state of washington, near the border with canada. the footage shows andersen at the controls of an old model airplane that could do a loop. as a result of the maneuver, the car fell into the water and sank. let me remind you that the military pilot
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was one of the crew members of apollo 8, which for the first time in history flew around the moon; it was anders who took the widely circulated photograph of the earth’s satellite. the first one took place in the czech republic day of elections to the european parliament. according to local media, the turnout was prohibitively low; people voted. only 20%. the president of the republic peter pavel came to one of the polling stations and also noted the low voter turnout. but in bulgaria , preparations for early elections are being completed. the parties and the coalition must stop campaigning so that citizens can make their choice. danish prime minister matt frederikson was attacked in copenhagen. an ardent supporter of support for the kiev regime. it is reported that she was beaten by an unknown person in one of the squares of the danish capital. man, the politician’s health is not in danger, she escaped with fright, but was very shocked, as they said in the government office,
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st. petersburg. hello, thank you for coming, hello, tell us how the st. petersburg economic forum helps today kazakhstan should also establish and establish the necessary connections; in general, this is not the first time kazakhstan, to put it mildly, has participated.
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and for us, the st. petersburg economic forum is already such a phenomenon, where every year we prepare and come and even sign some documents, arrange, well, the form, it’s no secret that even our president, as far as i remember, came a few years ago, was guest of the st. petersburg forum, and you know, this is a good opportunity for our companies, for our... business delegation for ours, for me personally, i, if it’s not a secret, i’ve probably spoken with eight or nine governors now, met, yes, that’s why it’s such a good platform for us, we’ll constantly support it and we’ll come, because it has an effect, it’s good, it means there’s trust, if you can directly with the governors, they are very cool, yes, that is, we plan this in advance, so now i actually came running from the meeting of the two first deputy prime ministers, manturov and sklyar,
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just in a wide circle. they discussed issues with the participation of business, in which areas we are today especially close ones, we have become very close, i mean we cooperate in economic spheres, in what other areas could cooperation be greater? well, we probably cooperate in all areas, there is no such thing that any area is directly excluded, well, we must boast, this is a lot of work that has been done and is being done within the framework of industrial cooperation between the two countries, 135 projects are included - more than 40 of them have already been implemented, there are still almost 40, 50 at the stage, this is done in manual mode, in fact, this work is being carried out, it turns out to be so distributed economics, yes, when one enterprise, for example, in kazakhstan, depends on an enterprise, there is a good example, there is a good example, for example, kamas, it works in kazakhstan and produces some of its components in russia. good
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examples and the work of statneft, that is , there is one, there are flagship projects that we can safely show and talk about, good, they have hit their stride and we can already say from them that this, this is better to do, how to do more, faster work, so we are very happy, for example, today there was a large project has been signed that will unite the work of the so-called digital ecosystem from selyatin to siyanie through kazakhstan, including the railway, yeah, so we are also moving in this direction, kazakhstan is now paying more attention to logistics, transport infrastructure, we will have big projects in this direction too, we see demand, demand is growing, russia has turned to...


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