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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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thank you, no thank you, but in rubles, the hair lacks vitality, gliscur is exceptional moisturizing. fills hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors, try gliskur - exceptional moisturizing. in empidio and eldorado there is a 50% discount on the second household appliance product. cupersberg built-in dishwasher for only 17,500 rubles. wb video and eldorado. attacked by credit card debt? i will show you. a couple
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of tricks, we collect all credit card debts in one go, we conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and also don't forget about installment purchases? kholva, simple installment plans. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million. every 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, 100 lotto. selfish, that is. heartburn is burning, we will extinguish, but i have heartburn from your food, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it, extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes, close , come out, look how beautiful you are, from your smile, look, it’s you!
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brighter for everyone, a smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow, share your smile, it will come back to you more than once, hello, me. hi, i have a kopachina, please, please pay, please, or you can pay with a smile, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely, conveniently with sberpay, cool stuff, thank you, one of my friends went into the wrong area, uh, kid, there is a call, yes i myself counted zero, but you have a megaphone, mega- power communication at zero, already included in the tariff for free. and the precipitation
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is extreme, why is central russia this summer has turned into humid subtropics, we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we’ll touch on, super rain, mega rain, call it what you want.
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in some areas of moscow it was easy to transfer to boats; not only the capital was flooded, many cities of central russia were submerged, and st. petersburg was also affected. it is clear that rains in summer are quite common , but why were they so intense? let's explain what's going on with the weather immediately after reviewing the main disasters of the week. cars are flooded the buses are flooded, we are all standing still. i don’t know what’s next, there’s a bridge above us. there has never been such an abundance of precipitation at the start of summer in moscow in the 21st century. the capital was drowned in rain floods twice this week. there are people walking. at the aircraft engine station, people climbed onto the fence to get around a huge puddle. near the botanical garden, drivers tried to catch the floating cars using cables. during the super-rainstorm
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, more than a fifty-liter barrel of water spilled onto every square meter of moscow streets. really decided to dive, schoolchildren they began to organize swims on the capital's lakes, which formed on the streets after extreme rains, huge cumulonimbus clouds grew over the megapolis, inside of which powerful electrical discharges were formed, lightning set fire to the roof of the children's center on the territory of vdnkh, all the pupils at once... and in the sviblovo area from a thunderstorm the child was almost injured. his mother took him away from the bicycle literally a minute before the children's transport was hit by a discharge and the plastic completely melted. a kaleidoscope of dangerous phenomena in moscow was decorated with a tornado, which spotted in the kaluga highway area. the atmosphere
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over the russian plain is now unstable, so bad weather has affected many regions of the european part of russia. on thursday. a dust storm hit the city of sol iletsk in the orenburg region. the building, in the sverdlovsk region , in just one day, two tornadoes were recorded at once, one of them was seen by residents of nizhny tagil. she twisted, twisted, twisted, twisted. spun it. large hail fell in the republic of bashkartastan. in the kushnarenkovsky district its size reached a walnut. the present a light show was observed over saratov, lightning flashed in the sky, there was a heavy downpour, the city was flooded, there was waist-deep water on the roads, in a matter of minutes st. petersburg was under water,
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the heat, atypical for the northern capital, abruptly gave way to a downpour with a thunderstorm, the participants of the st. petersburg economic forum i had to get a little wet. the rains that hit the mid -latitudes of the russian plain turned out to be... truly phenomenal, not only that in many areas the daily rainfall records were updated, the first week of june turned out to be quite historical, for example, in vologda and rybensk there were no such rains at the beginning of summer for the entire period of instrumental observations, and moscow and pskov were flooded with the most powerful downpours in the era of global warming. unprecedented rains are well explained by those observed on the planet. climate change, so for 12 months, starting last summer, the average temperature of the northern hemisphere has been steadily at a record high level, exceeding the norm of the pre-industrial period by more than a degree, and of course, this could not but affect
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global circulation systems of the atmosphere. we are talking about the so-called hadley cells. this is one of the main climate-forming factors. circulation mode, due to intense heating of the air at the equator, a powerful convective jet is created, carrying heat into the free atmosphere. rising currents also form fields of cumulonimbus clouds, which explains the excess moisture in this part of the planet. further, the warm air, gradually cooling, moves north in the latitudinal zone of 30-35° north latitude and already becomes cold enough, thus... downdrafts develop, so a planetary band of high pressure, an anticyclone, is formed in the subtropics, this explains the prevailing sunny, dry weather here, due to overheating of the northern hemisphere, the hadley cell increases in size, its northern
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border retreats further into high latitudes, accordingly, the subtropical anticyclone moves, this has a direct impact on... weather conditions in central russia, the fact is that cyclones are activated on the periphery of the source, and these vortices air masses are brought to us from the mediterranean, in the coming days the situation in the atmosphere will not change dramatically, if on the weekend the anticyclone can slightly slow down the express that carries heat and moisture to the russian plain, then with the beginning of the new week it will again work at full capacity. the fact is that a center of high pressure will stretch from the mediterranean to the urals, and cyclones activated on its periphery will begin to pump southern heat and moisture into the european territory of russia. so that the black sea and volga regions will once again be engulfed in extreme heat, and
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center of the country - extreme downpours. for example, on the weekend in moscow, significant precipitation is unlikely, but from monday thunderstorms will begin again, by the middle of next week , about half of the june volume of moisture may again pour into the metropolis, but this has its own plus: the showers will moderate the midday heat to +20. on other topics, a large-scale scheme for exporting human organs abroad was exposed in ukraine; the details of this case are shocking to any normal person. oversaw a criminal network, former deputy minister of health independent, all this did not happen while he was simply silent. the consent of the west, and with its active participation, nato countries sent their
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black transplantologists to the hottest areas of the front. evgeniy teshkovets will talk about the working methods of ukrainian and european butchers. is evgeniy being cut alive? vadim, it’s more like a living thing. transplantologists operate in close proximity to the front, disemboweling seriously wounded but not yet dead soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces. organ harvesting activities have gained such momentum. that people are no longer can remain silent, despite the fact that the repressive apparatus of the kiev regime is working at maximum speed, and any dissent is severely punished, a couple of ukrainian women still dared to protest, they say their husbands were returned from the front without organs, we write, they hide, the information is deleted, we we write, they hide, the information is deleted, we will make a poster for the whole of kiev, for all cities, and we are not alone, there are 11 of us tortured guys, like... about the workshops for cutting up wounded, but
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still living ukrainians. the case when it was already officially confirmed in ukraine that the criminal case, the examination showed that think about it, the organs were removed while people were alive, that is, it is still unknown, maybe these people would still be alive if... organs mainly go to the west to european countries, as well as to usa and canada.
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according to the words of prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces, medical personnel, namely foreign ones, these were germans and poles, were traveling in armored vehicles like these. when they saw such a car, it immediately caused a feeling of panic among the soldiers, because in these cars the very people who were engaged in analysis of seriously wounded soldiers for... organs. according to informants from ukraine, due to a shortage of donor material, black transplantologists from europe demanded that vysu commanders create small detachments for slaughter. such groups were formed from soldiers selected for the necessary characteristics. blood type, rh factor, etc. the unsuspecting vysushnikov were driven into the outpost, and then they themselves fired at them with mortars or artillery with only one goal: to quickly dismantle the wounded and hand them over to the customer.
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the criminal group consisted of 11 people, including it included the ex-deputy minister of health of ukraine, his name has not yet been disclosed, central doctors. kiev hospital and a number of other clinics, organs were removed from people who were in a helpless state and then sold. all members of the criminal group were informed of suspicion under three articles of the criminal code, they face up to 12 years in prison, says the source. black transplantology in ukraine is an established business. this specific industry has been actively developing
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since 2014 after the coup. some the media claim that in due time. meeting with the minister of health, she was supervised by a ukrainian with canadian citizenship, ulyana supron. there is a lot of money in this area. there has already been information about prices for organs. for a heart, 200,000 dollars, that is, about 17 million rubles. for kidneys 25,000 or about 2 million rubles. the list also includes the liver, bone marrow, lungs , eyes, and limbs. if you take all this from one soldier in so, you can calculate its approximate cost on black. market it turns out to be somewhere around 350,000 dollars or 31 million rub. therefore, the cutting conveyor in ukraine is unlikely to stop on its own. the kiev regime has so far found the energy to operate special refrigerators, but the population is calling for strict savings in electricity. even in the west
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they no longer believe that ukraine will be able to dig itself out. energy hole, for example, the british publication financial times wrote this: ukrainians must prepare for life in the cold and darkness. tatyana belova will continue the topic. tanya, this is a painfully gloomy forecast about so-called partners. vadim, yes, the article turned out to be a bit gloomy for kiev regime, the ukrainian ministry of energy was even offended by the financial times and immediately accused british journalists of working for the kremlin. ukrainian officials did not like the headline. the article entitled russia has destroyed more than half of ukraine's energy, has signs of an information-psychological operation and promotes russian narratives, and the statement that ukrainians should prepare for life in the cold and darkness is aimed at spreading fear and panic among the population. following the same logic, the ministry of energy of ukraine could calmly make claims against their colleagues from
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ukrenergo, where they recently stated that there is not a single complete thermal power plant left in the country, but hydroelectric generation. suffered colossal losses, or, for example, accuse the former minister of fuel and energy, mr. plochkov, of working for moscow, who caused a disaster in the next heating season, and advised ukrainians to move to the village because there was baked heating there. or maybe there is even a russian agent in the ministry of energy itself, because back in april the department called ukrainians are preparing to purchase generators for the blackout. how is this fundamentally different from living in the cold? darkness, ukrainian officials say that the population of ukraine is stocking up on firewood and generators, this is unconcealed information, it is impossible to hide, the energy system of ukraine is really collapsing, and i think a couple more blows, in principle, they will return to where they dreamed in the middle of the 15th century or 16th century era
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of ruins, well, where, strictly speaking, was their ideal for them, in general, the painful reaction in kiev to the british ... article is not quite it’s understandable, because essentially the thesis in it is the same as in ukrainian propaganda, with the help of heartbreaking stories about the problems of the ukrainian energy sector they explain to the population why the government had to double the tariffs, otherwise how will the utility companies fix everything. at the same time, british and ukrainian propagandists do not mention one small but very important detail. absolutely all bills of ukrainian citizens for electricity. in ukraine, western countries pay, americans and europeans pay, and the zelensky regime is being disingenuous when it says that ukrainians must pay more because generation is falling. zelensky and his company, they are simply profiting from the misfortunes and difficulties of ukrainians. let us note one more idea that runs like a red thread through the financial
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times article. you know what, in their opinion, will save the ukrainian energy industry. there is no supply of components for the construction of power units for airplanes and air defense, they say kiev needs to pour more weapons, then the country will shine. in this way they also beg for military assistance, in particular air defense, saying that look, they destroyed our the entire electric power industry, there are nuclear power plants left, supposedly russia will bomb them too, so give us an air defense system there and other weapons. the advice to ukraine, let's just fight, is still the most relevant. colleagues from the ras space research institute. this week a real detective story unfolded around the sun. the focus is still on the
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same active region that created a geomagnetic storm on the earth in mid-may. last week she returned from the far side of the star, while maintaining huge energy reserves, which happens extremely rarely. barely peeking out from behind the edge of the solar disk, irrepressible. the center of activity instantly released two powerful volleys of plasma, one of the emissions was directed towards the ground, this is where the confusion began: first, the world astronomical centers predicted a strong blow to our planet, then literally half a day later they completely changed the forecast, saying that the ejection was actually flying in the opposite direction from the earth side, then we checked the data again and changed our minds, in general, for... this area is over
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completely energy, in a sense we are recording that those events that began back in may and which now had such a continuation, well, in a sense, they are still completely completed at the moment, and the area still has some energy , but she is clearly dying in our eyes again... there will be no more. the increase in activity in the sun continues. the other day the information was officially updated that we have reached new peaks. the star is already 30% ahead of the highs of the previous cycle and retains the potential for growth, however a local break in the sun is expected next week. according to model calculations, the situation will be calm at least from monday to friday. respectively. magnetic storms are not predicted on earth; some increase in activity is possible this coming weekend, when new
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active centers should appear on the line between the sun and the earth. that's all for me, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us, my new invention for a clean toilet, with breath there is an easier way, bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref is number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. a friend of mine is getting ready for a new party and needs costumes. i’m dad, we’ve run out of internet, and so have the minutes, and dad will now activate the megafamily service, combine up to three numbers for free and get bonuses gigabytes every month, only in a megaphone, i am
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we begin our issue with the situation in lugansk, where they continue to clear out the rubble afterwards.


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