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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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this is russia-24 and we continue broadcasting from our on-site studio at the st. petersburg international economic forum. as we have already noted, the main event of the entire forum, traditionally, is the plenary session, in which vladimir putin and his colleagues from bolivia and zimbabwe took part this year.
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conflict, what conflict? putin is courting new business partners who are ready to turn a blind eye to the fighting in ukraine. even in britain they saw that russia cannot be killed by western sanctions; it still remains one of the world's economic leaders. conflict on ukraine’s russian partners don’t care; they envy russia’s economic successes. in london, they choose their words modestly, but still note that moscow is striving to develop relations with countries that have not joined western restrictions. russia says western sanctions on its critical industries have made it self-sufficient, with domestic investment remaining strong and oil and commodity exports continuing to countries such as india and china. what is happening in st. petersburg proves to the world: russia, international contacts have been established, and this is despite pressure from the united states and its allies, spiegel states. at the forum, chinese
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entrepreneurs gave specific examples of how they are helping russia implement projects thwarted by sanctions. this is true. and it seems that the usa got scared, the military is taking the floor. russians are everywhere, they are in space, cyberspace, they are in africa with their african corps, they are in the arctic, they are in the atlantic ocean, russians are everywhere. like this, everywhere, but without the west. she doesn’t need relations with the old world - europeans are surprised journalists. the president of russia also noted that his country will develop its domestic market, i note that moscow is doing this really well, it sells energy resources, the demand for them continues to grow. strong without you - the italian newspapers shout, the theme of the russian dovos is a political manifesto, the formation of new growth territories as the cornerstone of a new multipolar world, notes the press of the world, which russia does not threaten anyone, the russian president said and was heard.
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to scare people into agreeing spend huge sums of money on the military-industrial complex, ensure that you fight on the side of the globalists and incite ursophobia, they succeeded in all this, just ask yourself what europe has that russia would like, it is quite obvious that nato is bending over backwards, in order to attack russia, nato is already attacking russia simply unofficially, nato leaders have the motivation to start a conflict with russia, they have an angry population that needs to be subdued and the military-industrial complex that is needed. milk, russia knows how to be friends, it unites people, as stated in the media, only an absolute fool thinks that russia wants to attack nato, but in the usa and europe they have to fanatically adhere to this scenario in order to make money on fear. the west values ​​big money, europeans write on social networks.
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maria skorodilka, news. hit the knee. there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can iota, anywhere appetite, only dad will tame sausages, dad
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can, in the russian loto we will play country houses and in honor of the anniversary a golden barrel, an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw, tickets on the website. one of my friends is getting ready for a new party, we need more modest costumes, dad, we’ve run out of internet, and so have the minutes, and dad will now activate the megafamily service, combine up to three numbers for free, get bonus gigabytes every month, only in a megaphone, be on your feet all day and ... my back gets tired, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect my joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule per day to protect the joints of the spine. remember what they told you
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when you decided to open a business. you can’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems. but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. our friday is white and white. because only we have white discounts on white equipment. even if it's red. and she will come to you herself. dazzlingly white friday. chief expert on white technology, one of mine a friend came into the wrong area, but i ’m just getting used to it, i’ll be there soon, uh, kid, i have a call, but i myself have zero account, and if i find it, and he will find it, you have
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a megaphone, you can even call in instant messengers without money, mega power communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember, he is on a megaphone, he is with a mega. call me if you need me. megaphone word. traditional russia-24 is building its own studio here at the forum in st. petersburg, it is two-story. this year we made no exceptions. we have two main points, where the work is going on. here is the second floor, and there we see just a white chair, that’s the point where i’m standing now, here. there were also chairs and guests of our studio came here in total 145 people, that’s how many interviews my colleagues and i took during the days of the forum, during such three intensive days of work, and today is the day when we are already summing up the results of all sessions, plenary sessions , discussions,
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of course, interviews, which were also discussed here. in our interviews, we touched, of course, on a variety of topics, all relevant questions, what they talked about, what they managed to discuss. my colleague nika yankovaya knows, she made a digest in which she will now talk about the main statements. nika, you have the floor. alexandra, thank you, well, let me remind you that the main theme of the forum this year is the foundation. multipolar world, reformation of new growth points, and the business program was divided into four tracks: the first is the transition to a multipolar world, the second is dedicated to the russian economy, goals and objectives, another topic is technologies that provide leadership, and the fourth is healthy society, traditional values, as alexandra said, more than 150 guests have already visited our studio, many striking statements have been made, here are some of them, for example, in an interview on...
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imports, and parallel imports, we made a decision with the government to blurt out its next year, the twenty-fifth year, i mean the gradual reduction of the directions and products indicated in this list from the range that is today allowed for delivery through this mechanism, on the eve of its own. traditional breakfast was held by sber, participants they talked a lot about tax changes, well, in
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an interview with our tv channel, the president and chairman of the board of sberbank german gref touched on the topic of debt overload, in particular , he noted that he does not see such a problem, now there is a fairly significant increase in wages and people can pay interest, that is, a credit bubble on he doesn't see the market. if your salary grows, then you can attract more funds. speaking in terms of the total amount, yes, people attract more money, speaking in terms ability of people to pay off these loans, then the debt load is not growing, that is, you do not see a credit bubble anywhere, in any sector, no, we do not see it, the head of the federal tax service daniil egorov touched on the topic of tax changes, it caused a heated debate here on on the forum site for all 3 days, experts discussed this. participants, daniil egorov stated that the main principles of the upcoming tax changes are based on three
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main factors: fairness, balance and stimulation economy, and he also spoke about what changes await small medium-sized businesses. we have very seriously expanded the ranges for the simplified taxation system; if previously the restrictions concerned revenue of 250 million, now it is 450 million. the government has proposed to lower it. rates for those who previously had rates in excess of revenue over 200 million 8 and 20% return to rates of 6:15, that is , a flat rate is obtained that works for the entire simplified taxation system, of course this is balanced by the fact that a tax is being implemented on added cost for companies with a turnover of 60 million rubles. general director of aerof.
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rosatom has agreed with yakutia on the construction of the second power unit
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of a low power nuclear power plant in the region. this was stated by the general director of the rosatom state corporation alexey likhachev. initially, it plans that construction will be limited to one reactor with a capacity of 55 megatons. only 90 are needed for mining projects, approximately five to seven megawatts of consumption are requested by both uskuyga and kyuchus, which means exactly. together with the yakut leadership about the transition already to a two-block, actually small modular power plant in uskuig. these are just some of the striking statements that were made at the forum and in our studio, but i give the floor to alexandra. nika, thank you, nika inkovaya spoke about what statements
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were made here at the russia-24 visiting studio at the st. petersburg international economic forum. now let's start with a really short advertisement and then continue. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and the service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. techniques, we collect all debts on credit cards for debts on credit cards, i will show you a couple of one holwa, we conveniently repay it in 24 months, and
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and we also discussed this issue with alexander novak, let me remind you that the deputy prime minister now oversees not only the energy sector, but also the economy, in his opinion, this is exactly what the solution now provides balance in the economy so that, on the one hand, all the goals of the task set by the president are realized, but on the other hand, of course, it is necessary to restrain that same price increase, so now, of course, the regulator makes all decisions based on the current situation, but of course, we shouldn’t forget... the overall foreign economic situation that we find ourselves in today is, of course, worth mentioning separately, among those positive figures is rospromproizvodstvo,
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also fresh data came out literally in the first day of the st. petersburg economic forum, we see that now, based on the results of april , rosstat always sums up some data based on the results of last month, and a little later in april, almost 4%, and of course, this is now also reflected in that figure by height. which i was talking about, well, of course, one of the tracks that we discussed here is the situation in the personnel market - this is unemployment, the latest figure is now noted at the end of april at 2.6%, although i will remind you, back in the message to the federal assembly, vladimir putin at the end in 2023 he called the level a record, then the mark was 2.9%. and, of course, all the measures that exist today to stimulate the economy. they are reflected in these certainly figures, the day before we also discussed here with the speakers of our studio, on the sidelines of the forum at sessions, we talked about
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how today we can make sure that, on the one hand, this mark is in no way an increase in unemployment in our country, but on the other hand, how to make sure that, on the one hand, the need for personnel, because absolutely all industries talk about this primarily in those areas of the economy. which are basic, on the other hand, how to make sure that, given the availability of personnel, we develop the proper level of automation and robotization. everyone says that only in a balance between these two main things can the goal set by the head of state be achieved, but even though the forum is economic, the statements here are completely different, here, of course, they talked about healthcare and the development of creative initiatives.
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the cultural program of the pme is no less impressive business. as part of the st. petersburg seasons festival, dozens of museums and exhibitions are open for forum participants and its guests from 136 countries, music concerts and open-air performances are held, which once again confirms the axiom. st. petersburg is the cultural capital of russia. on the eve of the forum, the russian museum presented for the first time an exhibition dedicated to russian entrepreneurship and merchants. secular portraits of the stroganovs, demidovs and sapozhnikovs. patrons and philanthropists who played a key role in supporting russian art. the exhibition included more than 200 works, not only paintings, but also graphics, nomesmatics, household items and porcelain,
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made in the country's best manufactories. according to the figurative expression of the general director of the russian museum, collectors of cultural property had not only deep knowledge in the field of art, but also a certain business intuition. by purchasing works by unknown artists, they revealed new names to the public.
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social mission, business and the state are making a real investment in human capital. with the support of uralchem, for example, which annually invests about 1.7 billion rubles in social projects. tabakerka will show the play the inspector in perm, kazan and kirov, for large families, teachers, doctors, participants in a special military operation. as part of the golden mask award, the union of theater workers of russia will bring the winning performances not only to moscow, but to the regions, and the snuffbox will launch to educate. the uniqueness of this school is that we recruit children all over the country, after the ninth grade, a small number, 23 people, we bring the most talented guys, they study with us fully supported, it’s free education, we rely only on talents.
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they study with us for 5 years, receive a diploma of higher education, from the first year of study they go out together with their teachers, acting theater actors on the stage of a professional theater, only next to professionals can a young person study and learn faster and more effectively. this year, russia and china are celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the anniversary will be celebrated on a grand scale, according to initiative of country leaders, 2024-2025. declared years of cross-culture, more than 230 events of a wide range of profiles are planned, from musical and theatrical arts to librarianship and museum exchanges. the geography of the initiative covers almost 90 cities. the moscow kremlin, the hermitage, the tretyakov gallery and the state historical museum are already preparing exhibition projects in china; in russia, an exhibition of works by han yuchen, a contemporary artist who devoted
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his life to the study of tibet, has already been successfully held. according to minister of culture olga lyubimova pays special attention to joint projects in the field of cinema. in terms of economics, china's cinema industry is now number one in the world. and of course, every russian producer is fighting for the right to have his film released in china. russian producers, in turn , are very attentive to the chinese markets for audiovisual content, because you know that in asia they really love our animation. very. they love smeshariki and chinese children in some provinces think that this is a chinese project. by the way, our smeshariki chinese children loved them so much that their creator had to introduce panda pandi, the niece of bear kopatych, into the series. on the sidelines of the forum, the parties also discussed the joint production of the film red silk. judging by the ratings, this is one of the most anticipated films of next year. several scenes have already been filmed in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. the action takes place in 1927. the main
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character. express across the country secret documents that will determine the future of the ussr and china, she does not listen to the guests and curses them leisure, their unexpected arrival and long visit. during the forum , another significant event was celebrated in st. petersburg - the birthday of the sun of russian poetry. on the palace square in the very heart of the northern capital there was a musical and poetic ceremony. a performance dedicated to eugene onegin, a work in which, according to belinsky , pushkin’s entire life, his love, soul and ideals were reflected. for 4 days of the pmf work here at the forum site , it’s already been a while.
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india, russia, africa, or large countries, russia, china, they meet with each other to establish new connections and, of course, to discuss current issues. among the topical issues that were discussed a lot here, of course, are energy problems, and one of the discussions, for example, about rosneft, was devoted precisely to this. thank you guys, good morning, dear ladies, gentlemen, colleagues, friends, we are starting the work
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of the energy panel.


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