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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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in the lugansk republic, mourning has been declared for those killed as a result. strike by the ukrainian armed forces on june 7. during the night, the bodies of two more people were recovered from the rubble. in the kherson region, 22 people were killed as a result of yesterday's attack. happy salvation. in the serdlovsk region , children were found who got lost in the forest 3 days ago. our correspondent in the region will tell you how the search went. let's sum up the results of the st. petersburg forum. what is the total amount of contracts and are there any records? today.
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final day on the agenda: youth program and forum of creative business of countries brix. four-day elections to the european parliament are in full swing in the european union. according to experts, most of the seats may be occupied by right-wing populist forces. our european correspondent will tell you how the voting is going. in the svertlovsk region. almost three days later, the lost children were found alive. ten-year-old vika and her twelve-year-old brother gregory went into the forest with their grandfather, but at some point they ran ahead and got lost. more than 600 people took part in the search. all the details are known to my colleague ksenia usoltseva. she goes out to direct connection with the studio. ksenia, hello, how are the guys feeling now and how did they survive for 3 days in the forest. daria, greetings, indeed, we
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are now at the children's emergency department of the regional clinical hospital number two, it was here that the found schoolchildren were transported, ten-year-old victoria, twelve-year-old gregory, they were brought here to tyumen by the disaster medicine board of the sverdlovsk region, immediately after the schoolchildren were found and hospitalized in the intensive care ward of slaboturinskaya hospital in a state of moderate severity with a sign. dehydration, this information is given to us by the press service of the ministry of health of the sverdlovsk region, i suggest listening to the doctors what they say about the condition of the children. it’s okay, it’s okay, i wasn’t worried, everything was fine, i knew everything would be fine, i was confident in you. without involvement
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, the whole country followed the search for tyumen schoolchildren. let me remind you that a brother and sister went fishing with their grandfather; according to various sources, on june 4 or 5 they got lost in the forest after a long search involving a huge number of people, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations, police officers, volunteers, volunteers from the sverdlovsk and tyumen regions. vic and grisha managed to find the children early this morning around 6:00 am, volunteers from yekaterinburg. of course, they were immediately given clothes so they could warm up in the water. and according to the volunteers, they seemed quite calm; of course, a psychologist was involved in the work at the hospital. grisha and vicky, their mother arrived, here are the shots of this touching meeting. i wasn’t worried, everything was fine, i knew everything was fine. just at the request
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the mothers of grisha and vika took the children to tyumen, now their condition is being assessed by doctors from the tyumen regional hospital based on the stories of schoolchildren in the forest, when they were left there alone at night, they warmed up by hugging their four-legged friends, dogs also scared wolves away from the children, everything was in search 654 specialists and 98 pieces of equipment are involved, i note that the volunteers who managed to find the children early this morning are planning to be nominated for a reward. daria, i give the floor to the studio. ksenia, thank you, our correspondent, ksenia, was in direct contact usoltseva, who told how the children felt who were finally found after 3 days of searching. st. petersburg investigators have completed their investigation into the murder of igor tolkova. he was shot dead behind the scenes of the concert hall in october 9. according to
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the investigation, this was done by the concert director-artist valery shlyafman. initially, in the nineties, he was accused in absentia of murder by negligence, since the nobleman shot at another person.
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igor tolkov attempted murder of igor malakhov, committed by a generally dangerous person.
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but we publish local literature and historical literature, we publish authors who write about the northern military district, they publish people who came from the northern military district, they want to express their, well, their emotions, their attitude to this, it’s all published, we have enough, okay the printing business is represented, that is, several printing houses, publishing houses, now i represent here local writers of the zaporozhye region, this is the melitopol akimovsky district. who write gory literature about heroes, about people who lived on the territory of the zaporozhye region, who became famous throughout soviet union. from vasilyevsky spusk to the historical museum, red square is home to
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more than 400 publishing houses from 58 regions of our country, as well as 13 thematic platforms, from modern prose to comics and antique second-hand books. books, a large layer of historical literature, as well as meetings with authors are held at the history of the fatherland site. here is an opportunity to talk about the book, about the serious processes that are happening and people are listening. that is, apparently, what comes to red square is not some select elite public who comes listen to some of my elite circles, and i can see in their eyes that people really listened. although the questions are complex and related to our present day in our history. a colossal educational cultural and entertainment program includes presentations of new books, meetings with writers, lectures, and master classes. so, today, for example, the super final
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of the international competition for young readers, a living classic, has started, in which more than a million people from all over the world take part every year. usually 10 people take part in the super final man, this is also related to the formats, there are so many events on red square, i would like there to be 100 of them here, well, here are 10, they are very difficult to select, but they are selected, i don’t remember which countries, that is, this year there too someone from the netherlands, someone from the united states of america, despite the sanctions, despite attempts to ban them there, this means what is called bans on russian culture, the russian language cannot be banned, russian literature is impossible. over the 4 days of the festival , more than 500 different events are planned from presentations, concerts, discussions to direct communication between the writer and his reader, but red square is, of course, an opportunity to buy new books, favorite
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authors, the most important works with a significant discount, let me remind you that the main book festival will last until june 9, inclusive. daria. thank you, varvara. varvara nevskaya was in direct contact with red square, where a large book festival is taking place. in the lugansk republic, today is a day of mourning for the victims of the ukrainian attack. dozens of houses were damaged, the entrance to one of them completely collapsed, six people killed, 60 injured. our correspondent mikhail ermishkin found out what kind of assistance they are receiving and what is happening today at the site of the tragedy. during the night, rescuers dismantled the building of the destroyed five-story building down to the first floor. work is currently underway in the basement. there is a possibility that there are still bodies of people under the rubble, he reported.
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are in hospitals, including two children. the operational headquarters for eliminating the consequences of a missile strike on a residential area in lugansk is working around the clock. there was a meeting this morning, from which we have just the head of the lugansk administration, jaan pashchenko, returned to rio. a decision was made today to inspect all houses by the end of the day, naturally to work with people to receive compensation for destroyed housing, and to provide assistance if resettlement is necessary. provision of food for the first time, today by
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the end of the day we hope that we will calculate the volumes, our regional chefs will begin work in the near future. this morning , representatives of the administration and utility companies arrived at the site of the impact, they are assessing the nature of the damage to houses from missile strike by the ukrainian armed forces. work to eliminate the consequences continues. today mourning has been declared in the lpr. mikhail ermishkin, nikolay pyrkh, lead lugansk. armored vehicles of the dnepr group of troops are operating in the southern sector of the special operation. the crews of armored personnel carriers and tanks participated in the liberation of rabotin, and are now preparing to carry out new complex tasks. from the war zone, reporting by stanislav vasilchenko. under heavy fire from machine guns, artillery and drones, the crew of armored personnel carriers burst into the territory of rabotin. success depended on the professionalism of the driver rotation or redeployment of units. in armored personnel carriers, assault troops entered the work, under the cover of a thirty-millimeter cannon, the soldiers
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dismounted and occupied strongholds. meanwhile, the car itself, as quickly as possible, so as not to become a target for drones, went after the next group. to protect the crew from drones, special canopies are welded to the vehicles. due to the shape of the structure , the military personnel nicknamed them barbecues. the metal network does not allow drones to fly close to the armored personnel carrier. they simply bounce off the canopy, and even if the drone explodes, the crew will not be harmed. this is not the first grid, there were hits in the battery compartment, the gunner and i , well, the drone was hit, okay, he was alone, we drove to a safe distance, we stopped, put out the lights, reported that this is the situation, this is the situation, often the crew of an armored personnel carrier deliberately distract the enemy's attention, if he is disguised, the shooter opens harassing fire, as a result the enemy tries to maneuver, gives away his positions and only then artillery or crews work on him, but...
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which cannot be said about these vehicles in rabotina, where the terrain is open, the most important thing is speed and maneuverability, in which the t-72b3 tanks have no equal. t-72b3 is considered the most.
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igor shuvalov, he emphasized that work is now underway on a new strategy, the goal of which is to invest 30 trillion rubles in the economy by the year thirtieth, priority will be given to technology companies. the totality of supported projects is the money of all our organizations and, of course, the money of commercial banks and the initiators themselves, we reach a figure of approximately 22 trillion, when preparing the strategy, which should be approved in the coming months, our strategy for technology and innovative development is probably the most important block of the strategy, and for us this task is
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to combine traditional projects with new knowledge with new technologies, among the projects of the strategy. for technological development of the russian federation, innovative schools, universities, as well as a base that supports startups. at the same time , the corporation has more capital to launch new projects than the projects themselves. we have an approximate the reserve is now at least 2 years in order to launch large medium and small projects, in total, this is trillions of rubles. of course, gas chemistry, physical infrastructure, and... the urban economy play an important role in these trillions, but everything that is associated with acquiring new knowledge, and putting this new knowledge on an industrial basis, is a big challenge for us. in the second half of the hour on our air there is news from the central asian region in a review by robert frantsev, immediately after the advertisement , watch the program of vladimir bortok, a look from st. petersburg. neta phosphoglyph not
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at one significant meeting, i thought maybe this speech would be interesting to you. listen, i will read to you, what i want to tell you is in no way consistent with the position of our ministry of foreign affairs , it hardly coincides with the direction of russian foreign policy, these are my thoughts of a simple russian film director born in moscow, but...
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not only i, what worries me, i am sure, worries a significant part of our people. i want to start by talking about language. from the point of view of the founder of a common language of knowledge and philosophy of language, wilhelm von humbalt, language is a continuous activity of the spirit. the language is saturated with the experiences of the past.
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and it means to live in russian, like most of ukraine itself, i affirm, as a person who lived his childhood in kiev, studied at school, then at the institute, got married, gave birth to a son, made his first movie on this land, my mother, my grandmother , the mother and father of my wife, are buried in kiev, where entry for me... is closed, but i, and people like me, this is ukraine, they often
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show you the fighting in ukraine, listen to what language the ukrainian soldiers speak among themselves ahead of the mortal danger, they ended up where, probably, the hand, the medic, the medic. there, went for badano, went, turnstile, turnstile, please, quickly, put the turnstile on top, they speak their native language, which their mother spoke to them, they speak russian, and the current president spoke russian while living as a child in the russian city of krivoy rog, founded in the kingdom of mother catherine ii. yes, actually , the former president. ukraine kuchma and former president yanukovych painfully remembered the words of the language of the state they led in front of the tv. over the course of 30
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years, the language of the people living on earth is being replaced by another. that is, an attempt to make it a different people. erase memory. visited the grand duchy in 1523. profess one faith. what should i say? according to research by the american gallop institute conducted in 2008, 83% of ukrainian citizens surveyed prefer to use it for interviews with representatives. something russian, that is, they answered like this, as it was easier for them, that is, in their native language, i repeat, 83. percent language is the world,
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it is one space, speaking means living, speaking russian means living in russian. on december 8, 1991, the heads of the three republics, the founders: kravchuk - ukraine, yeltsin - russia, shushkevich belarus, signed the belovesh agreements on the termination of the existence of the ussr and the creation. commonwealth of independent states, why is it that the majority of the russian people call yeltsin a traitor, russia reeled even after the defeat of the august pike of the state emergency committee, 24 august ninety-first year, the supreme council of the ukrainian ussr declared
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independence. you don’t have to think for a long time, this is necessary for those who came to our land with regularity, at intervals of approximately 100 years, charles x, napoleon, hitler, and our current partners in the west want to do exactly this.
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national security advisor to 39 us president jimmy carter, with ukraine russia is a power, without? well, they do it so that without. another quote from this author. i note a government official. russia needs divide into parts. it will then consist of a loose confederation.
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for me, the meaning of this war is not only the defense of donbass, although of course, the long-term shelling of the city, the death of civilians, women, children, must be stopped. and any means for this are good, for me the meaning of the war is a return to my territory, to the territory of the russian language, the territory of the historical beginning of russia, from the baptist prince vladimir, for 1150 years this land was the russian world, yes, in 1242 kiev was completely demolished. .. eastern
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conquerors, leaving not a single one alive person. the princes fled to the north, then this depopulated land was captured first by lithuania, then by poland. but did the people living on this land become poles? no, it was a conquered, conquered land. and 350 years ago, the very people living on this land joined the russian kingdom. to my brothers and for 350 years it was russia, me and my compatriots wanted it to remain so for the next 350 years, this is the original russian land, i feel it with my skin, believe me, the majority of our people think the same, and this is 150.


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