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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. the israeli military freed four hostages in the gas sector, including russian citizen andrei kozlov. everyone is healthy and taken to the hospital. footage of andrei kozlov's return from hamas captivity is published by the israeli foreign ministry. in the video, which you are about to see, right after this plan. here he is in the video. in a white
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t-shirt, kozlov worked as a security guard at a music festival, which hamas attacked on october 7, contact with him was lost, the media wrote about this, as it became known today the military carried out an operation in the area of ​​the palestinian organization hamas facility in a refugee camp, refugees, excuse me, nosirat in the gaza strip, it is reported that the intelligence services had been planning the operation for several weeks, and this morning they attacked two buildings where the hall was located today, june 8, the israeli authorities announced the liberation of the army israeli defense in the gaza strip of four israelis who had been held hostage in the gaza strip since october 7 last year. we share the joy. relatives of all
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these released hostages, and especially, of course, andrei kozlov, who is among the four israelis, was also released today, he has russian citizenship, all these long 8 months we have been in contact with andrei’s relatives, especially with his mother, evgenia kozlova, i especially greet her and congratulate her on this. with a positive, joyful event, we wish andrei, our compatriot, a speedy full recovery of health and a return to a full life after all those, well, frankly speaking, ordeals that he experienced. mourning was declared in the kherson region after the death of 22 people in the village sadovo, the day before you hit a populated area... tsu shells also hit
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the building of a local store; in addition to the dead , there were injured, five of them are in extremely serious condition. as reported by the investigative committee, the ukrainian formations struck from the right bank of the dnieper, the first with a guided missile, the second with a hymers missile. the shelling of the village is being investigated as a terrorist attack. in the lpr, more than 100 people contacted the victim assistance headquarters after. missile strike by the ukrainian armed forces on lugansk. on the eve of the ukrainian formations attacked residential areas of the city, more than thirty high-rise buildings, two schools, three kindergartens and a local college were damaged. one of the rockets hit the entrance of a residential building, killing six people and injuring dozens. mourning has also been declared in the republic today. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations have been clearing away the rubble for the second day. russian air defense systems shot down a mi-8 helicopter of the ukrainian air force, about this.
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reported the ministry of defense, the forces of the black sea fleet destroyed five unmanned boats within 24 hours; four atacoms missiles, seven hymers and alha missiles, as well as more than seventy drones. units of the north group of forces continued to advance into the depths of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense, repelled six counterattacks and defeated the manpower and equipment of two ukrainian brigades in the kharkov region. well, now a short advertisement, immediately after watch eduard petrov’s investigation on how to deal with vapes, which are popular in our country. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. collect auto entry without extra expenses on avito. magnet, flakes. magnit - the price is what you need, in the summer
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of smartphones common 30 from tekna. history in every frame. teekna. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us! smoke without fire, extremely harmful electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular among young people
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in our country. hello, in the studio eduard petrov. the market, i would say, is probably a hornet's nest. you sold it to a minor, do you know? you don’t even ask for a passport, but why does he need a passport, he needs to be sold, but who speaks russian, here we are, no one speaks russian, you sell everything, he was admitted in an extremely serious condition, he did not pass the required amount of air, in our there are problems in schools, they smoke vapes in the toilets, well, at that moment we were very scared, there was a risk of death, their legs were shaking, they could not walk, along the way, that is, they were already jumping like a grasshopper, then i began to shake very violently and... my body began to go numb, it had an effect on the nervous system, i felt bad, hot, my head was spinning, manufacturers chose teenagers as the main target, this is such a business, what can you do, the owner of the outlet is attracted to administrative responsibility, if
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there is a total ban on vaping in russia, then of course russian companies will suffer first, the ministry of health does not want to ban vapes and e-liquid for these. in our country , several thousand units of tobacco and nicotine-containing products, or better yet not start, everyone should work to ensure that children stay away from this harmful drug. history: in june 2023 , a law banning the sale of vapes to minors came into force in russia. such products can no longer be openly displayed in stores. however, getting an electronic cigarette, for example, is still not a problem for a schoolchild. you can buy it online or from some unscrupulous sellers. cola or cotton candy, these flavors will be specially created for children and teenagers. in your
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in turn, manufacturers of fashionable devices never cease to claim that smokers supposedly get nicotine without getting enough of it in a harmless way. but there are more and more cases of the new boar disease. so why are vapes dangerous? what are the consequences of smoking electronic cigarettes, why until recently for children. it was allowed to blow smoke without fire when the vape epidemic swept the country, we lived for this cause and conducted our investigation, vapes are not a toy for children, they explode in their hands, burn in bags, and are sent to
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resuscitation. electronic cigarettes became a part of our lives several years ago. after the introduction of the so-called anti-tobacco law, when smoking was banned in public places, many tobacco users began to look for an alternative and very quickly found it. at first, lovers of sweet smoke, as they say, really hovered wherever they wanted. it soon got to the point where it became impossible to hide from vapers, neither at bus stops, nor on... platforms, not even on airplanes, but this phenomenon very soon came to
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an end: smoking electronic devices equated to smoking regular cigarettes. our information: an electronic cigarette or vep is a smoking device that uses a special cartridge with liquid instead of tobacco. during the smoking process, the liquid heats up and the smoker inhales accordingly. vapor smoke, the smoking process, translated from english, began to be called vaping, and
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a new type of smoker - vapers. concerned citizens often write to our editorial office and ask to find out why weed is openly promoted and sold to children. since june 2023 , the country has had a law that prohibits sale of vaping devices to minors. it’s just that the traders seem to be in no hurry to fulfill it. in order to check how things are going with the implementation in moscow, we, together with russian state duma deputy sultan khamzaev and activists of the federal project sober russia, went to the rail. we came to one of the largest shopping centers in the capital. former hotel sevastopol. this place
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gained criminal fame back in the nineties. robberies, extortion, drug trafficking and even murder. here is a partial list of what was going on here. today in the shopping center, of course, everything is good, but only at first glance, according to some reports, there is wholesale here. they sell electronics at retail to just anyone. this is footage from a test purchase, teenager. enters the pavilion and asks for a vip vaping device, that's it, thank you, it looks like the information about unscrupulous traders is confirmed, followed by a neighboring retail outlet, the situation repeats itself, let's have
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some chocolate. and here is our film crew, together with deputy sultan khamzaev, on the threshold of the ill-fated store. calling police officers, after which we study the point. so, look, edward, why did we come here, can i tell you? here is a notebook, it seems to me that everything is clear in this notebook, you sold it to a minor, you know, exactly 30 minutes ago, here you sold it without documents to a minor child, what ’s going on with this, first, first there was a test purchase, that is, we are a young man, a minor, who bought the web, but without excise taxes, without anything, documents, it’s very easy to understand where it was made and by whom it was produced
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it’s difficult, that is, a young man buys without you even asking for a passport. and there is no question, for the seller the main thing is money, here is a barn book in any tent we have 42.340 36 62, let's rewind the days, all the kolyans have been sold, taba hookah, of course, yes colleagues, hookah-hookah, let's see, so, well. .. the numbers are visible, but no, everything is written why, here is yesterday’s income, yesterday’s income is 42.340, point plus 850, on the twenty-fifth 62.900, almost 63.000, 36. 36. 25, 23, 25, and how much taxes were paid, let’s look through, approximately, yes, yes, 63, 47, 67, 33, 57, 55, well,
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the average is 50, 50,000 per day.
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apparently, cunning traders keep up with the times, a small tent, but there is a wide selection, look, the sale is 150 rubles. here are all sorts of vapes, strawberries, then we go, here is coal, then we look at here more accessories for those who like to smoke, here you can check how it
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all works, a special device, as well as tobacco, tobacco, look with strawberries, well, here's some more potential. i don’t know how this affects, here with orange and so on and so forth, wide choice, look, not a single document, not a single excise tax, and if you look here in the corner, we will see a telegram channel, you just need to point the camera and see what they sell here, and they sell here wholesale in large quantities, but those , who came here empty -handed, well, without bags, you can buy bags right here, fill your bags with this crap , fill your bags with this crap. or put money in, leave this market calmly, there is absolutely no punishment here, come, buy, harass children, people, you went into your neighbor.
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then suddenly a man with a video recorder appeared next to our film crew and began to record everything that was happening on camera, it turned out that this was a representative of the shopping center, listen, the head of the security service, so that later they don’t explain to you all the points in your market, don’t interrupt for a second, listen carefully, i’m telling you that you will tell me what i ’m telling you now. all points that currently sell electronic cigarettes in this form violate the laws of the russian federation federation. but we already visited the sevastopol shopping center in april 2023;
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the law banning the sale of vapes to minors has not yet come into force. despite this, at the sight of a television camera, the sellers bashfully hid their goods and scattered in different directions. well, here's the classic one. of all this business is 95% counterfeit, illegally entering our country, in fact, the market , if the big question arises about what exactly is contained in original electronic
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cigarettes, then what can we say about counterfeit products, but this is what is most often teenagers buy everything, because the price of fakes is several times lower, hello, what is your name, do you speak russian, no, no, who speaks russian here?
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classmates suggested that the young man try an electronic cigarette, the result was sad: the lungs were 90% affected. i was literally suffocating, that is, my bronchi were very compressed and the required amount of air was not passing through. doctors were able to make the correct diagnosis and save the young man. morozov hospital in moscow. he arrived in extremely serious condition. he had severe respiratory failure, severe intoxication, impaired
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consciousness. but in fact this was preceded by 2 months. that is, the patient had been vaping for 2 months without stopping. you can't say the word smoked, because they call it vaping. he used vaping, within 2 months he developed a cough, at first a slight cough, which periodically... intensified, then his temperature rose, and a tendency to fall asleep appeared, that is, drowsiness appeared, then he developed shortness of breath, first with severe physical activity, when he climbed to the fifth floor there, when he ran a kilometer, then physical activity appeared already while climbing to the third floor, and they went to the hospital only when the physical activity became such that he could not walk around the apartment at home to... from the next room, go to the bathtub, to the toilet, all parts of mamaev’s lungs were affected, the picture resembled pneumonia, this is exactly
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what it looks like on a cat, this is how... the ticks are like this, these are v-shaped game-shaped figures along the leaves of the veceral pleura we call, a symptom of wood in the kidneys, these are all compacted interstitiums, compacted bronchili, that is , compacted, which means air is already passing through and, as a result, respiratory symptoms develop, this is cough, shortness of breath, respiratory failure, this is exactly what happened to our patient, this is what we we saw it for the first time when verifying the diagnosis, as a result of which these damages occur, well, it’s glycerin there. but the liquid mixture, which is necessary for veps, contains not only vegetable glycerin, but also other substances, including flavorings, but basically we know that it is this vegetable glycerin, essentially it is fat, these are lipids that, when inhaled, enter the respiratory tract and are dispersed throughout the bronchial tree, they are, as it were,
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imprinted on the walls of the bronchi. we are sure the young man is very lucky. the probability of a fatal outcome would be very high, and we know that the same patients as we were treated with such lung damage abroad could not be treated conservatively, and such patients are transplanted lungs, the entire heart and lung complex is transplanted. next in the program: in which regions are they sounding the alarm because of the disease among vapers, such a state, as if already dying, how did the security forces stop it?
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sales channel for counterfeit electronic cigarettes. is it possible to completely ban vapes in our country? should everyone work to keep children away from this harmful story? watch the continuation of the investigation of eduard petrov immediately after a short advertisement on the russia 24 tv channel. from utah, your money will not fly away, it remains gigantic minutes, we return rubles for them, you can yota, you are thinking about which university to enroll in, you can plunge headlong into studying in the far east, study logistics where the northern sea route passes or make a dizzying takeoff, do it with create
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