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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. a two-day mourning period has been declared in the kherson region. after an attack by ukrainian militants in the village of sadovaya, 22 civilians were killed. five people are in critical condition. with the support of nato specialists, they first aimed a french bomb at the store, and then from the american hymers they attacked those who came to the aid of the wounded. a criminal case has been initiated under the article of terrorist attack.
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emergency situations ministry specialists use bulldozers to remove collapsed concrete floors. during the night , rescuers dismantled the destroyed building five-story buildings up to the first floor, work now.
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tragedy collects part of the surviving personal belongings, at the time of arrival her parents were in the apartment on the fifth floor, well, they didn’t understand, as if they were in a wave, because they were not in this bedroom, they were on the other side of the window back, so it’s like that's it, the owner of this apartment in the building opposite went to the market to do some shopping half an hour before the shelling, i came up to smoke, there was no home, well, that is, how can i go in? people start screaming, they took the girl away and there was a knot in her neck, and then later everything was cordoned off, we didn’t they hit, that's it, the children climbed up, thank you, from the height you can clearly see the damage caused by the missile from the ukrainian armed forces, first it hit this sixteen-story building, then tangently, it went further, here on the roof you can clearly see massive destruction, here is the largest crater, it was left enemy projectile. fragments of western missiles hit at
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lunchtime, when there were a lot of people on the streets, something hit me, i fell, woke up, there was noise in my head, i couldn’t hear anything, i was covered in blood, there were shrapnel from my head, blood was pouring out. doctors at the republican hospital are working hard mode, all patients had injuries of varying severity. 5 people have been operated on, they have positive dynamics as of this morning, although they remain in an extremely serious condition, the patients have been brought out of shock, people go to the operational headquarters, which works around the clock, all day long, bringing food and things for the victims, those who have lost housing, the authorities provide temporary housing, 112 people have contacted us directly to date, 55 have contacted us by phone, this is to solve various
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problems related to the restoration of housing and etc. today mourning has been declared in the lugansk people's republic. flags on all government buildings were lowered at half-staff and all entertainment events were cancelled. mikhail ermishkin, nikolay pyrkh, jaana aleshina, vesti lugansk. to stop such attacks, the russian army is systematically pushing back the enemy. successfully repulsed 14 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, zelensky’s formation lost over 1,600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. seven armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as two dozen howitzers and self-propelled guns, over seventy combat drones, five unmanned boats and a helicopter were shot down mi-8, four american atacoms missiles and seven rockets. france, germany, the usa and other western countries crossed the line when they decided to fire their weapons at russian territory. this was stated by the austrian minister of defense, claudio tanner, but did not talk about the consequences, citing. to
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the neutrality of austria. the red line has been crossed, so i am glad that nato secretary general jens stoltenberg has clarified that the alliance will not be sending after all. troops to ukraine. the israeli military freed four hostages in the gaza strip. including russian citizen andrei kozlov. in these shots he is wearing a white t-shirt. in particular , prime minister netanyahu spoke with him. kozlov worked as a security guard at a music festival that hamas attacked on october 7. the idf carried out a liberation operation in the nosirat refugee camp in the gaza strip. special forces attacked two buildings where the hostages were located, and then they were evacuated by helicopter. well, hamas claims that some of the hostages died; israel did not comment on this. israeli police used water cannons and mounted units to dispersal of an illegal protest in tel aviv. rallies against
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government policies and support for the release of hostages from the gaza strip. they got lost while fishing, their brother and sister left alive with their grandfather in a deep forest, almost 700 volunteer rescuers found the missing children in the urals, ksenia usoltseva found out how the children managed to survive.
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back on june 4, grisha and vika went with their grandfather to the local river, they wanted to walk to the nearest store, but they got lost. grisha lost his voice because they were shouting all night, help, save! the kids told the volunteers how their dogs helped them escape; they drove away wolves and kept them warm at night; the children walked through the forest in a tramp; they lost their shoes while crossing the swamp. let's see. that there were children walking along the road, our eyes even seemed to see, the brain did not yet understand that these were children, but the children’s mouths were already screaming, they put them on an atv so that they could warm up from them, gave them a drink of water, a little snack , and after that, having seated the dogs with difficulty, because they did not understand what was happening, we slowly
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moved back to the village of irmolino, from ambulances, first the dogs jump out, then they carry vika in their arms, then grisha comes out, limping slightly by the hand with the doctor, schoolchildren... were taken to the troshchina airport, there they were met by an ambulance, and now vika and grisha were taken to the emergency department of the regional clinical hospital number two. the children were already examined by tyumen doctors. the children are in a state of moderate severity, that is, at the moment their lives are not in danger.
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the children's mother elfiya wore her feet down to mozoli, she also took part in the search for grisha and vika, i hardly slept. when they met, the children said that they were very worried about her and their grandfather, who had recently suffered a stroke. actually, it was then that roki and red appeared in the family, and the children were largely saved thanks to the dogs. i knew that my children were smart, and i knew that the dogs would not abandon them, well, it was just raining, time was running out, i was afraid of this, that they might panic, after all, even adult people panic. now vika and grisha are regaining their strength, and the volunteers who found the children were rewarded for their efforts. efficiency and professionalism. ksenia usoltseva.
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in his last interview, igor onlynov says: “this is my friend, after a few hours he will suddenly become a key participant in the tragedy in which the musician will die.” valery shlyakhman was charged with manslaughter back in 1992. the murder case was suspended several times; in 2021, tatyana talkova, the widow of the popularly beloved artist, turned to the head of the investigative committee with a request to take the case under personal control, and now the department has come to the conclusion that the hitman remains the main suspect, he was aiming at singer aziza’s bodyguard igor malakhov, but hit talkov. a significant amount of investigative actions were carried out throughout russia and more than 150 witnesses were questioned, including pop artists and employees. the sports center and police officers present at the scene of the incident carried out a number
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of genetic studies, interrogated experts who carried out examinations in 1991-92, one of them had cutouts taken from the nobleman’s shirt with traces of blood, which were essential for establishing involvement of the defendant in the murder, igor tolkov was not going to perform at a group concert of russian pop stars that october day, but in st. petersburg. he still had to go; he needed to agree on equipment for the upcoming series of performances in moscow. the event at the jubilee was already approaching its climax when a brawl broke out behind the scenes. the security guards and concert director talkov quarreled with the singer aziza’s bodyguard because of the artist’s desire to go on stage not before tolkova, as originally planned, but after him, it was considered more prestigious. it was ninety-one and the conflict quickly turned, in the language of that era, into a showdown. gas pistols and firearms were sent, one of the shots hit tolkova in the heart. all the police
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present in the hall urgently unhook the jubilee house of culture, since they had just shot at igor tolkova. at first, suspicions fell on igor malakhov, who was called the provocateur of that brawl. he was wanted for 10 days, but he confessed. during the investigative actions he stated that in didn't shoot the person. and when i was already falling, falling, i produced something somewhere, in this area. during the same interrogation , the shlyafman also testified. igor was gone, i ran to the toilet room and put him down like this. investigators never found the murder weapon. the charge of murdering smalakhov was dropped in december of the same year; the investigation soon came to the conclusion that tolkova was shot by shlyafman, but by that time he had left for israel, where in recent years he has been living under the name of his second wife, vysoski. the former concert director is not to blame for talkov’s death. admits now. i live in israel, here. a country that doesn’t listen to all this nonsense, they start from the facts. any
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fact is a documented document; the fact that for 20, 30 years the russian side has not been able to provide the documents requested by the israeli side already indicates that this is a dummy and a soap bubble. igor talkov became popular in the mid-eighties as a performer of lyrical songs such as clean ponds. but the closer the country came to collapse, the more songs with social, if not political, meaning. in the same last interview, tolkov did not hide his views. people change places, so to speak, but the essence, in general, remains the same, and now i am speaking precisely against , so to speak, those who have changed today, changed, so to speak, signs, but have not changed their essence, so in general specifically whose side are you on? i’m on the side of the people,
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so it’s not surprising that conspiracy theories began to arise around the musician’s death. this is really a person who went against the system, and of course, when he was killed, a huge number of different conspiracy theories arose about who could benefit from this, in fact , it was beneficial to everyone, because igor tolkov was absolutely inconvenient to any authorities. but the conclusions of the investigation are clear. valery shlyafman is accused of the murder of igor tolkova and the attempt on the life of igor malakhov, committed in a generally dangerous manner. the case was sent to the prosecutor's office for approval of the indictment, and then it will be sent to court. ilizaveta khramtsova, olga albukhina. news. in the south of france, activists are trying to block the construction of a highway and there they have practically turned around. combat operations with details anton dadykin. more than a thousand
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radical environmentalists and 1,600 police officers staged a real battle in the south of france. activists tried to block the construction of the expressway. the authorities banned a two-day environmental protest in the tarn department from the very beginning, because they knew that without order they could not avoid it. to the south of france. anarchists came from all over europe, specially equipped for police confrontation. several hundred well-trained anarchists specially arrived to destroy everything, attack... with incendiary mixture, they resolutely used a homemade catapult against us, which they loaded the law enforcement forces with bottles, think about it, these people are committed to violence. the french press notes that the security forces are opposed by paramilitary forces with strict discipline. the anarchists were divided in advance into four groups, each with its own color. the militants
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received instructions on sheets of their own color detachment, aka a pass to the tent camp, place it. a road is being built that is already duplicated by the company; a new route is needed for its plant.
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existing highway, this will have to be paid for by the destruction of fields, forests and biodiversity at 360. the police knew about the joint action of anarchists and militant conservationists, but were unable to prevent the unrest. french experts are wondering whether the authorities of the fifth republic are able to protect the summer olympics in paris from the same radical environmental activists. you have an audience of 11 million game guests and maximum attention from leading media. this is the perfect moment for everything.
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from belgrade with baneluka, who continue to pursue their own policies under serious pressure. one example of this policy is the refusal of both serbia and the republika srpska within bosnia to impose sanctions against russia. the serbs do not intend to succumb to pressure, president serbiy vucic told us this in an exclusive interview. there is a lot of pressure against serbia in our country,
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and so far we have withstood these pressures. and we... the all-serbian council in belgrade is essentially also a response to the resolution adopted by the un general assembly on the genocide in srebrenica, which actually recognizes the serbs as responsible for the massacres. serbs throughout the balkan peninsula perceived this document negatively. they believe that the resolution is purely political in nature, it is a tool of pressure on the serbs, who do not want to blindly follow the course of the eu, usa and nato, in contrast. from other neighbors, yes there are, there is very strong pressure on serbia, on the republika srpska, and we are trying to stick together with the help of our brothers from russia and other countries. the all-serbian council began in the morning with a prayer service in the church of st. sava, which was attended by the entire top leadership of serbia and the republika srpska, and after that a joint meeting of the two governments took place. after signing a number
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of bilateral agreements, the two presidents adopted a declaration on the protection of national and political rights and... the common future of the serbian people, that the serbs today are particularly difficult situation, president aleksandar vucic said at a press conference. difficult days await us, not only because of the position of us serbs, but because of what is happening in europe and the world. if you look at europe and america, they cannot, as they say, allow russia to win. on the other hand, the russians must say that they dare not lose. otherwise, otherwise they will lose their land and everything else. this is slowly but surely leading us towards a major global catastrophe. the adopted declaration contains, albeit symbolic, a step towards rapprochement. now serbian statehood day, february 15, will be celebrated and how. republika srpska day in bosnia. the two parliaments must ratify this declaration within 90 days. the declaration is essentially
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a national document. she gives us answers to many questions. these are answers to questions that concern us at the present time, but they are also a guide for the future. the rally in the center of belgrade ended solemnly. those present first stretched out a huge flag of serbia, and then five serbian fighters.
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responsibility to galina borisovna volchika, to oleg nikolaevich efremov, to oleg pavlovich tabakov. the tenth red square book festival is taking place in moscow. more than 400 publishing houses from all over the country presented their new products. including from new regions. varvara nevskaya found out what they were writing about. for the tenth anniversary , one of the largest opened in the very center of our city in the heart of our capital.
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fiction, history of the fatherland, modern prose, nonfiction and of course, children's literature, the range in this category is very wide, including classics whose names are known to everyone since childhood, as well as modern authors. not long ago , the presentation of the first book of children's poems by actor anton shagin took place. children's literature is being created and a lot of interesting things are appearing in different publishing houses, i followed this, i really wanted to do something of our own, unusual, and i think that we succeeded, i think that this vector of russian literature, fine literature will develop further, and we will work for the benefit of our viewers and readers. 13 thematic platforms from comics to antique books, and also traditionally...
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as part of the performance, the actors present war poems by sergei mikhalkov, created by the writer during the great patriotic war. it was born where it is scary, it was born where it perishes. and that is why these verses are of great importance today. it is today when those verses are needed.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website.
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on june 1, 1931, a contract was concluded between usa and ussr about the participation of american engineers in the construction of soviet factories. western propaganda. uses this fact as an argument in favor of the fact that supposedly industrialization in the ussr would have been impossible without the help of america, this is said in order to belittle the achievements of our country in the field of technology development, this is part of a large-scale agenda to abolish russia and instill russophobia.
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there was soviet russia. so here is a completely unique technological sponge, we took all the leading best practices for ourselves, because it was necessary to increase the security of our country, exactly 100 years ago, for that historical period, for this historical period, we see such a technological request from civilization, it was very important to answer this technological request, and of course, in these conditions, soviet russia actively negotiated and was ready to learn, ready to create personnel, we needed to grow new potential. people, people who are capable of technology, people who are capable, precisely with the help of a russian idea, to improve these technologies, therefore interaction with the united states of america helped us create our own school, which we initially had at a fairly good level, but new technologies helped us make our school even better. the united states of america played its game, in world politics, unfortunately, there is no concept of good or
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bad, there is in world politics. national interests, interest


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