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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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hello on the air. international review in the studio fedor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. unexpected result of indian elections. modi's party has lost popularity. materials of our program. towards the conference in switzerland. solving the ukrainian crisis without russia. or
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how to learn to divide by zero, european litas are worried, the russian factor in the elections, the european parliament is updating its composition, ेता, असंभव को संभव कर.
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to unite the country to a large extent under these slogans of unity, and hindu unity, he does not deny the diversity of india as a whole, but he seems to pay tribute to its hindu majority, which, it seems to him, should play a more prominent and more unifying role in the life of the country . what he
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actually did all the years he was in power, and we can say that in comparison with previous years before coming to power in 2014, there really was an impulse from the political leadership to all layers society began to take place more effectively, that is, india at some stage simply lost its diversity in a controlled manner.
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possible, perhaps simply insufficient for a country with such a scale of tasks, with such a scale of problems, so one of the most acute problems in the country is, of course, unemployment, and probably the results in this area that the government shows in the economy are insufficient for so that large segments of the population feel satisfied with what... is taking place in the country, plus growing, growing the cost of living, there is inflation, and perhaps, that is, mm, perhaps, these reforms are not enough to move india forward - better, more
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successfully, at a faster pace, that is , this is simply explained by the huge scale of the problems and difficulties that face before the country, that is, growth rates of 7-8% are good, but they must be higher than 10, 12, 13% in order for the quality of life of indians to improve on a large scale, plus, of course, there are problems with attracting foreign investment, in this the sphere is slowing down a slowdown is being demonstrated, which is, in principle , associated with global processes, yes, the outflow of capital from emerging markets, so... but this is what is important for india: creating jobs, developing the economy, curbing inflation, curbing inequality, reducing inequality in society, these are the tasks that are quite urgent, perhaps not all, but voters
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see the results of the bdp’s work, so the party will have a fairly significant number of seats in parliament. lost, but most preserved. in september 2014 indian prime minister narendramodi launched a program called "make in india". the new industrialization program involves turning the country into the largest production workshop. mozi called on investors not only from abroad, but also appealed to citizens of the country to invest money in national production. direct investments. in 2015 alone , the world's economies grew after the united states and china. apart from 23%, the country itself has become the third largest dela program in india, the government has initiated several more. for promotion level of education to create a qualified
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workforce, the “skilled india” program meets. infrastructure projects are being implemented. digital india is the widespread introduction of affordable... high-speed internet, and india will pursue a more active policy, for now they are so significant and popular that it is enough for them to do nothing at all, just maybe this is not enough for them? the scale of the tasks facing india, primarily the indian economy, of course dictates that india needs to be more active foreign policy, solve its economic problems, just india's strength.
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it will simply change, there is strategic patience, there is strategic autonomy, and there is a focus on solving one’s internal problems, that is, some kind of momentary situation, it does not dictate a decision, there is a more global understanding of where the country needs to move as a whole, that’s what -this may give the impression that india is just reaping the benefits.
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summer decline, but in december 1998, during the visit of prime minister yevgeny primakov to dally signed an agreement on military-technical cooperation. and 2 years later, vladimir putin and prime minister atal-bihari vachpai signed a declaration on strategic partnership. the largest economic projects then began to be implemented in the field of nuclear energy. back in ninety-eight , rusatom and the state atomic energy corporation of india signed. rosatom
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is also negotiating india’s entry into the breakthrough project, the creation of new fast neutron reactors with a closed nuclear fuel cycle, which will eliminate accidents. behind over the past 5 years, the volume of mutual trade has increased fivefold. in the third year, india rose to second place and reached a share of 8% in the total volume of russian foreign trade. after the outbreak of the war in ukraine, india did not join western sanctions and was able to buy russian oil at a large discount. as a result, russia became the leading oil exporter to india. russian-indian trade turnover almost doubled last year and reached $65 billion. according to the indian statistical service, moscow ranked fourth place among
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delhi's largest trading partners, after the usa, china and the united arab emirates. in addition to oil and petroleum products, india imports coal, fertilizers and diamonds, and supplies russia with medicines, rice, spices, textiles, ceramics, steel products and other goods. in july of the twenty-third year , sberbank received permission from the central:
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india takes a wait-and-see position when it is beneficial for it, or, for example, when it is beneficial to emphasize that russia does not have the strongest position now, yes, that is business sees that it is quite easy for indians to dictate their terms, perhaps simply because we are now not in a position to dictate ours. but - this is the situation, it has developed objectively, i would not say that this is the result of the activities of the bjp or narendrmode, rather, it is the result of objective processes of the growth of india’s influence and the growth of the indian economy over the past, not even 10 years, more, but there are already 15 years, 20 years, and on rendermode his rise to power in 2014 at the national level, he simply became - a manifestation of growing self-confidence
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on the part of india, the growth of its national self-awareness, but on rendremode it just seemed to ride this wave of india’s self-confidence. in the current situation, what worries india the most is russia's growing dependence on china, or at least that is how it develops. india interprets this triangle, but this is explained by the complexity of indian-chinese relations, india maintains a dialogue with china, trade remains between india and china, but of course india would like russia, let’s say, not to strengthen china’s position, so in this confrontation between india and china, but... india is not a country that tolerates dictatorship and is not a country that dictates
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something to its partner. trade between russia and india is growing, despite these difficulties, businesses of the two countries are talking to each other and looking for new complementarity. let me remind you that the trade turnover between russia and india in the twenty-third calendar year amounted to 65 billion dollars, the imbalance that has developed in favor of russia in this trade, in general between ours, is being corrected very slowly. india is interested in russian resources, india is a global supplier of personnel, human resources for the world economy, that is, we need to look for ways to interact, this is not so easy, since historically our relations were built on the platform of intergovernmental
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contacts, for example, we are losing to the united states in this area. china, we are against them for rapprochement with the united states, it turns out to be a complete disorder. after the collapse of the ussr, india began to reassess its relations with the united states. the first major step towards rapprochement was a change in position washington on the issue of nuclear status. in 2001, the administration. india, then the trade turnover between the two countries was
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61 billion dollars, now it is approaching 150 billion. in the economy, india and... the united states are brought together by their mutual opposition to china. in may this year, the indian government excluded huawei from the list of participants in 5g network trials in india. its place was taken by nokia, ericson and samsung. cooperation in the fields of defense and security is expanding. since 2008, india has purchased 15 billion worth of weapons from the united states. dollars. as part of the quat alliance, india along with the usa, australia. these are pakistan, afghanistan and problems related to climate change. russia, india, china and
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the usa, ratio. in this quadrangle, this is the most interesting, in my opinion, geopolitical issue of our time, in relations between india and the united states, everything is not as clear as they sometimes try to imagine, for example, in our russian press, saying that india, seeing that we are turning away from india towards china, floats towards the usa, everything is actually much more complicated, because let me remind you that the united states... is the country in trade with which india has a trade surplus, that is, india sells more to the united states than it imports from the united states. this is a very significant source of earning e-currency for india. new interesting growth opportunities are emerging in trade with russia. for example, even in
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such a traditional article as drug supplies, india has now come out on top, yes, among. suppliers to russia, coal supplies from russia to india are growing, and russia is taking a leading position in this area, but if we take indian exports to russia, then, for example, the export of electronics, smartphones and so on is growing, that is - that's all - these are india's efforts to build up its own production base, to create those very jobs that i'm talking about... she said that they are reflected, among other things, in russian-indian trade, here there are new opportunities for cooperation for us, for example, in personnel training, that is, in india , although there is a big plus in human resources, we are seeing a situation where unemployment is especially acute among
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trained youth, but in production ... “i will make your work even easier, now you don’t need to ask questions, you just need to listen.” hasan bleibel from lebanon, general elections in india, the vacuum that is created on rendromod, with the hope of a grand success for the ruling party. nanda sobben from south
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africa: the successes of indian nationalists are causing concern, india is voting for secularism, the secular nature of indian power is becoming more sacred than any other religion. another english-language newspaper - times of india, artist sandvayuchy and his column “lines of lack of control”. a voter between different parties, whose voice is louder. parez above with criticism of government fashion. this is written on the construction equipment that drives through the ruins of civil society, as a result of fashion politics. india is the fourth country. in which elections have been held in recent months after egypt, russia and south africa, the fifth will be iran in 3 weeks, are electing a president to replace the deceased ibrahim raisi.
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in south africa, by the way, the final results were announced, they are partly similar to indian. the ruling african national congress won, but with a shaky advantage, and partners will also be needed. the party is debriefing, but the observers are generally happy. for the first time at first. the african national congress, which has ruled continuously for 30 years, has lost its majority and will have to join a coalition, it is not clear exactly how this will happen, there are very heated discussions, but one thing is clear, the role of parliament will increase, because it represents more of the diversity of society, its different segments will have to enter into dialogue, it is very important that political parties have received a sobering impetus. not only ankh, the other two leading parties, the democratic union and the economic freedom fighters, they did not get what they expected, this is good, because
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everyone will have to be more pragmatic, less ideological and engage in the coordination of interests, a healthy check of the entire political system. we have already addressed the topic of democracy more than once, how capable it is in modern reality, political exaltation is enormous. v indonesia is now discussing changes to the constitution, as they say, exclusively in the name of democracy, everything is completely legal, but illegitimate. we always talk about legality, legality, but the main thing is legitimacy, how certain decisions are perceived by people, whether they are in their interests, in democracy everything is legal. a mosquito won't hurt your nose, but for some reason people are often unhappy. once you get carried away with democratic values, it’s easy to forget. how to run a country anyway? second,
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a democratic system must operate where people understand how to use it, we need a country with a developed education system and generally well organized. finally, a democratic system cannot be introduced from the outside, like an injection. this is a long, gradual process. it is believed that the united states serves as the standard, look what is going on there, indeed, american democracy, in terms of the conflict between the legal and the legitimate, promises to become a leader, however, for large, complex countries , democratic procedures are useful, although, to paraphrase lenin, not as a dogma , but as a guide to action.
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we've just gone through an exciting election process and we don't know what the politics will be when the coalition is formed. i think this is a strength of the current system. we have the opportunity to check how our democracy meets our needs and our culture. discussions about democracy often become moralistic and classical about what it should be, and this destroys the diversity of views, without which everything loses its meaning. and, by the way, the conversation about... therefore acquires an excessive emotional character, in conditions when the world so divided, it is better to maintain calm within countries. it is necessary to take a pragmatic look at how
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society. ready to survive in this chaotic world. this is the meaning of democracy, and not the extent to which a procedure corresponds to criteria once established by someone. after the commercial, again about the elections. now in europe. slana petrovna, good afternoon. your bank's security service. another moment and i would have access to money. i called the bank and hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get them out of you money, hang up without talking.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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let's watch to know everything about russia, the best! historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website in europe this week the european parliament is chosen, voters as...


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