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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

4:30 am
so i continue about the paper clip with the arrival of the marshal, so he justified the allocation of aviation into a separate company and the creation of this means of the supreme high command. the a-22 was the first aircraft of this class, then ruslan came to replace it, which we’ll talk about a little later, we’ll see, and the barkle 76 was the main workhorse before the collapse of the union, we reached about 700 aircraft. ukraine for a moment took away 287 new latest models, which were later successfully ... in commerce, well, they ruined it, to be honest, but thank god, the assessment situation has been achieved, development, expansion of reproduction of these e-76s in bulyanovsk, respectively, thanks to viktor vladimirovch livanov, who justified the need to re-create an aircraft that has been flying for six decades, we had a regiment near novgorod the great stood in krechevits, such a village, here is the commander regiment at that time, evgeniy alekseevich zelenov, ninety all, ninety- second, ninety-second de.
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this is a man from the urals, such a shy person , he started talking probably in the sixty-first, so he’s like that never anything, tell stepanovich how he will never share, well, in one word , he makes a decision, starts hammering, this one caught fire, starts shooting at him , instead of taking off from the runway, he taxis towards him , fire is aimed at him, he taxis up to this burning plane, takes away the people leftovers there , takes almost everyone there, hammers at him all these nurses mean he when...
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the plane doesn’t go, doesn’t go, and he ’s sitting on the right as an instructor, the pilot is on the left, he’s everything, we have to stop, stop, we’re taking off, why didn’t he take off, altitude, highlands, discharge, tailwind, and most importantly another thing, when he sat down at... the plane had four wheels out of twenty, it took off on scraps of wheels, why didn’t it accelerate, when the people arrived, they realized that they had survived, well, it’s like according to slavic traditions , it’s customary for people here to have tea and coffee, so to speak, then he says: listen, what about us, they started about the paratroopers, the paratroopers saved us, wait, the paratroopers, yes, but the doctors were still there for a minute, so that’s why they got it from... i think he has the thirteenth
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stepanovich’s star of the hero of russia, in my opinion, is the fourteenth from memory, i say yes, this is one of the episodes of such a peaceful, let’s say, feat of peaceful life, what is an afghan turn, an afghan approach, what is the plan, what is the runway , such a safety zone is being created, well, about 4-5 km, the plane comes out here let's say the landing comes from here, it comes out here at a higher altitude.
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at a height we entered the safety zone, then we descend peralali inside the safety zone, that’s how the strip is, that is, we exit at a height where shame does not reach us, it comes out like this, here it turns like this, like this, that is, here it is important that the starting point is higher than.
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let's go and see, the speed is somewhere around 300 no less, maybe good, good, the hell is great, watch the speed, watch the speed, with such rolls you can and should do it.
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this regiment has traditionally been carrying out the task of landing on the north pole for 20 years, the so-called borneo operation, so we were involved in our regiment, in particular this year , we also carried out the task accordingly the only thing, let’s say, unfortunately, they probably found an ice floe, prepared them, parachuted people there, equipment will land there, these people will land there , they will prepare the strip, the strip, the ice floe cracked , the landing didn’t work out, these tasks of the expedition were not completed. when they flew to wuhan, they didn’t know where they were flying, they put on masks, helmets, on the plane, they flew, the first boards, who flew where into the unknown, actually, returned here, well , alive, alive, and what to do, but god knows, they were given 10 days of imprisonment, so what? alive, well, let's continue to fly, well,
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we also had one, we also flew, well, a number of moments like this, we are in a regular parking lot, the plane of a local regiment. so who are you commander, i am senior lieutenant sidorov, senior lieutenant there are already 76 commanders, when they fly at the parade over moscow, when the senior lieutenant, the captain, sounds there, is it true that the captain is flying, i say, of course, everything is real, these are these young guys, what year are you , 2020, commander of the ship, when did you become commander, last year on march 25, 3 years later you commanded 76, this, this is all true, what kind of flight time this year, this year the flight time was... 82 hours in six months, in six months, our norm is 80 hours a year, well, 80-100, but in fact the flight time, overflying there today is 250-300 and there are even 100 hours, that is, well , the work is going on according to the most senior of that crew, who is your position, who
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prepares borscht, father and mother, well... nothing, it will be good, he will rise to the rank of general, and he is a lieutenant assistant, yes, so exactly what year of manufacture, twenty-third, not even a year has passed, what flight time this year is 63 hours, too normal, in general for the entire school, he had 63 hours, probably yes, here in six months, that’s why they go to itaa, they all have such a rumor, no advertising is needed, they will all come on their own, i say, to us , the division was based for 20 years.
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the second deck is 225, that is, this is the option, well, for transporting people, it means that 120 order of paratroopers land here and knocking, they are allowed to leave in four streams of the plane, but in peaceful conditions we work in two streams at the doors, left and right, according to military time is possible in left, right and two the flows go to the rear through the ramp, if he’s talking about a new plane, well, the comparison means that on this plane the twos are distanced. old thing, it weighs about 8200 from the parachute system, the new bmd4, which took a long time to accept, took a long time, so to speak, to explain, justify, it is 16.5 tons, this plane will not lift three such cars, it will not lift
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the engines, which means the most important thing will not lift, or rather it is impossible to land due to controllability, that is, such an imbalance occurs 16 tons - this is not 8 tons, an airplane may not be able to resist. therefore, the new aircraft has a slightly different balancing, that is, a stabilizer, some other angles are installed, a slightly larger range of angles, which means there is also a sanitary option, there are four options, which means there are options for installing up to 100 people here, and such stretchers, there is an option for installing modules, the same plane, by the way, is in chkalovsky, it’s called a scalpel, it’s a flying operating room, yes, yes, that means, what else is the task, it would seem not typical for us, but somewhere about 10 years ago we actively mastered it , and for comparison, in the ministry of emergency situations there are two or three such leveling devices of these 42 tons, two pipes, we have 12 of them for fire extinguishing, and we are now actively used in all the regions, so to speak...
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he said to the cabin, he is base-base there zou- zou zou-zou, then we go to the navigator, i say open it, show what it is? i say the on-board computer is the computer, he again, what is this, in general, asked me three times, well, so to speak, he apparently thought that we were fooling our heads, well then he said, yes, you russians are apparently invincible after all, that’s why it’s still we actively use this, well, the machine programs turning points, the coordinates are entered, and the automatic control system carries out the flight using the entered coordinates. it’s clear that a western pilot will never be able to steal our car, he just won’t even understand that he won’t be smart enough to do this, and
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even less determined, therefore, that is, you have the best view, the best view, yes, on takeoff, on landing , well, crew jobs, respectively, commander, co-pilot, engineer, road operator, standard set of instruments, flight control, aviation control instruments engine, we call them alarm clocks, like many pilots, but now, while flying on a new plane, there is a guy sitting, also a captain, a lieutenant, he tells me, i say, and this is like a computer, all a glass cockpit, he says to me, well you know, he says, it’s probably a bit difficult for you to master, i looked at him, speaking of the radio operator, i say, listen , i say, well, who else should teach anyone, well, they really grasp all these buttons, they get it done quickly . which in general gives
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an important reserve of power and fuel economy moment, i want to tell you about the escape system, the regular workplace, the crew is equipped with a parachute, well, i’ll say it again when we work with people, we don’t have the right by law, this mine, the so-called assaults, comes out from there, they open from there, the hatch opens. the crew leaves, accordingly presses and goes out there, conveniently, accordingly, the commander is the last, here is the flight attendant, who is there in the cargo compartment, he can leave through the doors, so this one is designed so that under you can’t get into the engine, but down, just down under , you can’t get under this on this suction flow, it closes here, we’ll collapse here, well, there are all sorts of different things, hooks, air conditioning systems, oil systems, hydraulic systems, well, various miscellaneous stuff, well, the standard cabin is a bit basic . 50 years were celebrated this year and will not be put aside until 2021.
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50 years of operation of the aircraft came into service around 74 years ago, that is, the boys use equipment that is older than their parents and grandfathers; for me, grandchildren , some of them are already, in essence, successfully mastering once again they switch to new equipment with a click for them, it’s right there, there’s really a different cabin there, well, it’s nice there, i sit there when you’re flying, i tell the engineer, listen, you’re not tired , he sits, doesn’t do anything, it’s all on its own. here on ruslan there are 600 square meters, here we generally
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have to walk in safety ropes, but i don’t think it’s slippery now, there is a means of rescue on board for the crew of passengers above the water, there is a psn hatch, an inflatable rescue raft for six crew members, such sweats six pieces on the plane, that is, if splashdown, it can also splash down, release of the hatch and... there is 90 tons of fuel in the wing of the aircraft, this is the wing storage, this is the slat, the front part comes out, deflects, this is the flap, the multi-slotted flap, which means there was such an academician chiplugin, a great aerodynamicist as he actually looked at the idea of ​​a flap, he
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looked at how to reduce the plane, in order to reduce the speed, you need to somehow, but it doesn’t hold up at high speed, you need to somehow, that is, either the speed. or the wing area, the lift force formula is a component, so here it is he saw how he landed, watched how the bird landed on the water, it splits up like that, p and lands, and the idea came to create this flap, there are two factors, an increase in area, such cracks are created, they also press the air onto this flow , which creates lifting forces, this is the idea of ​​the banality of the bird, nature’s abundance, as the great mikhail valentinovich kovalchuk speaks about, yes. you have to look at nature, which means the height of the stabilizer is 14.7 m, there is such a hatch inside, it’s called las navozhilova, you need to go there because it’s without a belly to climb, accordingly, well, there the bartach climbs, sometimes it wraps against, well, when there is ice there, such situations, the bartachs must be thin and must be built, these are the so -called black boxes, they know, yes, that they are
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orange, and in order to be found, they can withstand overload 20 units, temperature.
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this is called a pressurized flap, it closes and seals the cabin so that people can stay here. lift it up, how it closes, come right here, please come here, the central one is closing, the side ones are coming now.
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so who is the shooter, now show me, open the workplace, we’ll go in there, my cabin is small, it’s all, but just right, yes, okay, that’s it, let’s figure it out, well, it’s not about the little things, it’s the boss, then do you have a sight?
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and we pull up, we lift up and pull ourselves up, we put on the headset, we all release the brakes, the crew takes off, we begin the takeoff, we look at the distant end of the runway , we taxi with our right foot once, now we’ve taxied, now left, right, i feel, i ’m now holding the direction with the pedals, feel. we’re taking off, we’re raising the plane, we’re raising it, i’m cleaning everything, here’s the door of the neighborhood, we’re seeing the whole row on the right, the volga, here’s the volga river on the right , so we accelerate the speed a little,
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here’s the variometer at zero, we’re not descending, altitude 600, speed 400, roll 20, while we’re doing it the first turn, we make a course to the left, we also set the bank to 20, so we fixed it and supported it a little so that it does not decline, just a little. here we are at the heights, now there will be an airfield on the left, now there will be an airfield ahead, a little further ahead there will be an airfield, if nothing happens touch it with your hands, it flies, but it doesn’t interfere with the plane, like a pilot, there’s no need, he says, to reinvent the wheel, but in fact, when you balance it, in fact it’s really balanced, it doesn’t interfere with it, it will withstand everything, well, a little bit of height now we’re recruiting, now we’ll lower it a little, here’s 600, how much 60 took, we’ll lower it a little. 660 here we take the wearable one to the tarets we go to the tarets stripes we need to go out 8-10 m
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to sleep great little gas little gas and take yourself a little take yourself like this hold hold hold hold hold op landing. this here is sergei pavlych, sveshnikov has now been awarded a presidential decree on april 22, which means that what is happening is a takeoff from the ivanovo airfield, a scheduled flight to the airfield in ita, to the northern, to the northern part of the country, which means the same thing happens on takeoff for about 30 minutes , a fire breaks out , the crew is working normally, not a single word of informal vocabulary, not a single one, i... he acted so calmly according to this scheme of the shortest external approach that i speak on this, we need examples, we are now
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teaching this to everyone, so here are these last ones moments, here is the cemetery, here here is the so-called village of bogorodskaya, this is, well, this is ivanovo, if it had been a degree here, a degree here, there would have been no village, such a plane has 60 tons of fuel, or... a cemetery, that is, the crew has done everything that is like it is said that he could, that he knew how, what he was trained in, military transport aviation, there are means of rescue, there are, but when we do not use them with passengers, we are sitting on parachutes, but we do not have the right to use them if the people on board, paratroopers, for example, yes, there, first again, the landing is first in technology, let's say work, then the crew, naturally, extremely.
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the country has lost true heroes who, despite the danger of difficulties, always fulfilled their duty to the end. the heroic deed of the pilots will forever remain in the memory of everyone who knew them personally and who saw their work. i even just heard about their exploits. the awards presented today have become a symbol of recognition of respect from the state and society. it shouldn’t be like this; parents shouldn’t keep their children. there are some laws of nature, laws of life, when this happens tragedy. it is impossible to find a simple explanation, a brilliantly prepared crew who did not lose their composure made
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a terrible choice, valuable to their lives, they saved the lives of others, it is impossible to imagine the emotions of the seven, thoughts that are indisputable. i can’t help but remember how worthy people you raised, what a high standard the departed fathers set for the remaining children, for this i thank you very much.
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all my obediences are over, they are over, not all of them, forgive me, lord, all my hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, myself you will be saved, i only save others. there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, hakhalay, makhalay, because i would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, blacks, throwing the gang away is also a sin, it’s time to pay, water hence, i was confused that if i was alone, therefore, quickly
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fell asleep, if... there is a chance with you, hold on, i didn’t do anything bad to the children, there is still someone who will do it to whom, naughty people, i’m still with you.
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kherson region.
5:01 am
six people died.


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