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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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there is mourning in the kherson region today. following the tragedy in the village of sadovaya, the eugenic center lit candles and held a minute of silence. on friday evening, the ukrainian armed forces fired at the village store twice. and as the governor reported, 22 civilians were killed and 15 more were injured. four victims were sent to crimea for treatment. for victims of ukrainian shelling from orbit , lugansk people's republic. according to the ministry of defense, on friday militants fired long-range atak ms missiles at the regional capital. dozens of houses were destroyed. entrance of one of
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collapsed completely, killing six people and injuring more than fifty. over 100 residents turned to the emergency response center for help. the president of moldova, maia sanda, is persistently dragging chisinau into the war, as stated by the former head of the republic, igor dadun. this, according to him, is indicated by the endless exercises about the moldovan army with nato troops, he also spoke about american planes that constantly land at local airports and trains that transport through moldova are unknown. cargo from romania to ukraine. the politician noted that all this is happening on against the background of a sharp increase in the defense budget, weapons purchases and the active involvement of reservists from the military registration and enlistment office. thus, sandu will bring the country to the situation in which ukraine is now, he emphasized. in the south of france, demonstrators are desperately trying to block the construction of a highway, and almost military operations have broken out there. and all the details are in the story by anton tadykin.
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more than a thousand radical environmentalists and 1,600 police officers staged a real battle in the south of france. activists tried to block the construction of the expressway highways. the authorities banned a two-day environmental protest in the tarn department from the very beginning, because they knew that unrest could not be avoided. anarchists specially equipped to confront the police came to the south of france from all over europe.
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each has its own color, the militants received instructions on sheets of color for their squad, which is also a pass to the tent camp, they placed a base on the lands of a farmer who opposes the construction of the highway, special forces tried to block this area, it did not work, groups of protesters infiltrated past the barriers and attacked the construction site synchronously, from four sides at once. the anarchists burned several police cars, and there were casualties on both sides. the reason for the unrest is a section of the castres toulouse highway, construction costing almost half a billion euros began last year; supporters of the project claim that the road will be beneficial and will reduce travel time by 20 minutes, which means harmful emissions into the atmosphere. opponents of the route are sure that the construction was pushed through by a large pharmaceutical company, and a new route is needed for its plant. under construction road that duplicates. already existing
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highway, this will have to be paid for by the destruction of fields, forests and biodiversity on 366 hectares, all for the sake of the interests of big business. the police knew about the joint action of anarchists and militant environmentalists, but were unable to prevent the unrest. french experts are wondering whether the authorities of the fifth republic are capable of protecting the summer olympics in paris from the same radical environmental activists. you have.
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thousands of residents of serbia and republika srpska gathered the day before in belgrade, where the all-serbian council took place. the program includes services in the temple, negotiations of the delegation, signing of agreements and exhibitions. one of the results is a declaration on the protection of political rights and a common future. and my colleague grigorov will talk about the main provisions of the document. the climax here is in the very center of belgrade on the square. several thousand people have gathered here now. one people - serbia and the republic of srpska, the event is held under this motto. serbs from all over the former yugoslavia came to the rally in belgrade, including bosnia and herzegovina and montenegro. the cathedral is intended to demonstrate national unity
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and the connection between belgrade and baneluk, who continue to pursue their own policies under serious pressure. one example of this policy is the refusal of both serbia and republika srpska. as part of bosnia, to introduce sanctions against russia, the serbs do not intend to succumb to pressure, serbian president vučić told us this in an exclusive interview. there is a lot of pressure against serbia and our country, but so far we have withstood these pressures and we have not imposed any sanctions against the russian federation and we will not impose any sanctions. the all-serbian council in belgrade is, in fact, also a response to the resolution adopted by the un general assembly. responsible for the massacres. serbs throughout the balkan peninsula perceived this document negatively. they believe that the resolution is purely political in nature, it is a tool of pressure on the serbs, who do not want to blindly follow the course of the eu, usa and nato,
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unlike other neighbors. yes there is, there is. the pressure is very strong on serbia, on republika srpska, and we are trying to stick together with the help of our brothers from russia. other countries. the all-serbian council began in the morning with a prayer service in the church of st. sava, which was attended by the entire top leadership of serbia and the republika srpska. and after that a joint meeting of the two governments took place. after signing a number of bilateral agreements, the two presidents adopted a declaration on the protection of national political rights and the common future of the serbian people, stating that the serbs are in a particularly difficult situation today, the president said aleksandar vucic at a press conference. we have difficult days ahead.
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february 15 will also be celebrated as republika srpska day in bosnia. the two parliaments must ratify this declaration within 90 days. the declaration is essentially a national document. she gives us answers to many questions. these are answers to questions that concern us at the present time, but they are also a guide for the future. the rally in the center of belgrade ended solemnly. those present first stretched out a huge serbian flag, and then over the republic square.
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i would like to believe that everything i believed in as a child was true, but everything turned out to be a lie, it’s all a lie, and we have to fix it, and we are fighting to fix it, but that’s exactly what we saw on january 6 , yes, i understand that jos scarbrough
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and the rest of the liars told us that all these people were dangerous rebels, but they were the most pure-hearted and naive, they literally walked around with the constitution in their hand and said that... this is all wrong, they had much more faith in the system than those who imprisoned them to prison, they didn’t believe in the system at all, absolutely, it was obvious, a promoted narrative, clips filmed in such a way that...
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the democrats are different, they put the opposition in prison, they stifle it, shut it up, there is nothing
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they won’t do for the sake of maintaining power, and we wrote an accusatory memorandum and then did nothing, so i believe that if there is such a difference in the actions taken, then nothing will change, since the democrats will celebrate their victory, gain a stronger foothold and will mock us, nothing will change until we start responding to them accordingly, i think that for many people... and i am among them, when they saw this verdict yesterday, my first thought was: wow, but they are ready for a lot, they are ready to execute us, me , i’m talking to myself now, and then there will be former federal prosecutors speaking on msnbc, laughingly explaining to their audience that this is what i need, the lincoln project will post a joyful tweet, and i’ll be like, wow, there’s so much heartlessness, inhumanity, and just plain evil out there , i apparently underestimated them, we all underestimated, but many still underestimate, but... having lived through the last 8 years, 10 years, it’s hard not to get this feeling, and even if
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you look at least at the main indicators, i can’t name a single area, not a single one, geopolitics, economics and what there is another place where we have become better, and yet they constantly explain to us, the media pushes this idea all the time, bidennomics is what you need, and yes, i understand, i am the son of a billionaire. but if i look at the prices in the grocery store, i understand my origin, i don’t have a complex because of it, i'm just lucky, but even if i'm already shocked by the prices, then what can i say about the country, and i see what's happening with the interest on my mortgage, i'm like, listen, how much longer can we continue like this, and also all these wars and expenses for trillions of dollars, and then the republicans stand up and say: ukraine is the most important thing for all the republicans in the country, i've heard this from mitch maconall dozens of times, but it's not true, over the last year... i've spoken to more republicans than mitch macunel for his entire life and i asked for it, i did it live, right
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during the speech, thousands of people here, 500 there, 500 there, among 65 thousand people, ukraine was in the top 10 list of only three people, one of them was from around the washington circle, he was very in favor, but perhaps he could make money from this topic, one of them got the question wrong, he thought what was the least important, so for him...
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and this is a good restaurant, but nothing more, i dined at this restaurant for many years, the bill was 800 dollars, for four it was 800 dollars , no booze, no booze, no deli, salad, steak, dessert, 800 bucks, and i thought, for it’s not a lot of money for me, but i don’t understand how people even live here. there was a slightly different situation, i took my two sons fishing when we were at the airport, we went to mcdonald's, we were me, my eleven-year-old son and my fourteen-year-old son and the total bill was for 47 dollars, and the eleven-year-old child, the fourteen-year-old child and me , and i'm like that, and yeah, i won't pretend that it will affect me buying my 700 horsepower pickup truck, yeah, i'm not happy at the gas station, but when they tell you that the war is against russia - this is the most important thing for americans, then they go wrong. i believe that many people, looking back 4 years, are starting to think that if the democrats rigged the case, then they
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can rig the election. yes, without a doubt, you understand, what i see in reality on earth, the number of people from groups. i myself, i am one of the most actively organizing rallies and campaigning both in the sixteenth and in the twentieth, for example, in october of the twentieth, i, in my opinion, held 104 events in a month, four per day for a month, i am close to people and... and the energy in the twentieth was even better than in the sixteenth, but they were able to use hawit for their own purposes, we saw all this nonsense, now everything is even stronger, there are still 6 months ahead, this does not mean that they will not, i will not even pretend , that i think that this time everything will be fair, they won’t try anything, yes, i used to think that they also have a certain limit, so what are they,
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that they will roll out this grandfather in a wheelchair and pretend that earlier i still thought that they... had at least some conscience left, but no, this not so, i think they don’t care anymore, they laugh when they say the word democracy, they laugh at this word, they got away with the war in iraq, the exit from afghanistan, lies about covid, the elections of 2020, or russia, russia, russia , they didn’t just get away with it, they got new positions, they either retained their positions, or went as hosts to senn and there they talk about preserving democracy, if you raise children like this, then they will become sociopaths, if allowed. boomer parents allowed their children a lot, but in order for all this to stop, should someone be punished? yes, absolutely, we republicans have not shown ourselves very well, the democrats are not afraid of us, because they know that we will not act like them, because we really believe in what is just a screen for them, we really believe in these things , and
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it’s actually hard for me to say this because i would n’t want to be like them, but i don’t think we have any other way left. they knock out wedge with wedge, while we slap in the face, they beat with fists, they will continue to win, they will continue to seize power to hold this power, and they will also laugh in the process, there are few fighters on our side, let's be honest, let's look at the republicans, there are few fighters there, for example, if i wanted, with whom would i go into battle, which of them is ready to fight, who among them will not bend under pressure from washington? are there any? we are very different, but now i write to him almost every day, and what is interesting is that when
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you have such a relationship with someone, he may even admit that you were right, but people change their minds. when they see the evidence, washington is problematic because it have changed, i think for a conservative , my views over the last 10 years have dramatically represented an easy life, you can be a republican in washington, if you're a republican, you know, like, say whatever you want in your city to your ten assembled people when if you go back to washington, vote like a republican 80% of the time, but on a really important issue, if you vote with us, the washington post won't stigmatize you, there won't be protests outside your house, your life... will be easy, you you will be invited to christmas to celebrities, oh, sorry, for the holidays, i didn’t mean to, they don’t celebrate christmas, well, they don’t believe in god, they have new gods all the time, gryata tumberg was the high priestess of climate change, fauce was the god of science, yes, science and covid, and now it’s
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vladimir zelensky, the high priest of ukraine, which is apparently the main problem for all republicans, even though i don’t think so. i didn’t see, these people make up their pantheon, everything must correspond to this until everything burns in fire or until people understand who these people are in fact, and the machine knows about this, the machine’s task is to exist forever, its only task is to maintain power, it consists of incompetent people who, apart from the machine , know nothing about this life, everyone is incompetent, when i see what to do here, when i look at the action of technology companies, this can be seen now when... i look at you know the algorithm, it shows me what i want to see, but it will never show anything like that, my accounts are sketchy, i never grew up for 3 years, although everyone i meet tells me that i have the best instagram in the world. so, people who follow me will see my posts, as if artificial intelligence is programmed so that you don't think that you are being censored, and that you can watch whatever you want, but it
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stunts your growth, you yourself are aware of this, the development of the system made it harder in '16, '17, '18, when i was censored on twitter version 1.0, when they, how do you know that yes, because yesterday i had 7.00 retweets on a post, and today there are three, and this you know, i manage my social networks myself. when i click on this button, i know what to expect, i know when a post is quite scandalous and that it will be viewed when the numbers grow for about 30 seconds, and then you see exactly what they do, they are constantly improving in do not show their censorship, and at the same time they continue to promote the ideals that they consider correct, no one interfered in the last election more than mark zuckerberg or google, sergey brin, that's right. and that's what i want to ask you. trump was found guilty on thirty-four counts, but your father gave everyone the middle finger and said he was going to win anyway. and almost immediately this monster, bennie
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thompson of mississippi, a democrat congressman, said he proposed a bill to get rid of the secret service. essentially, they are saying, now we will kill you. they talked about this before. if he goes to prison, then we will take away his security, the secret service, that is, we will put him in a cage where...
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yes, well, at least look at what they did to supreme court judges? do you think they could do the same thing they did to that jelly this week, we'll force him to resign because his wife hung a flag upside down, she can't even express an opinion, what were they trying to do with clarence thomas, what they did to gorsuch and others, this is crazy, if they picketed in front of ruth beidersburg's house the same way they did at amikomi barrett's house, then it would have been a problem, then the protesters would have gone to jail. but when the judge is a conservative, well, let him suffer a little, we will try, and it has an effect, because then, when you see some of them, they turn out to be weaker than their principles, yes,
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if i had not been so zealous then, now i would not be so, when these democrat fanatics come to your house , as it happened to me, people are afraid of this, of course, and we see it everywhere, for example, hunter biden’s laptop, this is disinformation from the russians, here are the signatures of 52 intelligence officers, it’s probably true, and after ‘ but now it’s already difficult to pull this off , after everything that happened, it, it wasn't so much a long time ago, yes, but in my opinion, if you are still repeating this lie, then you are already lying to yourself, you are just a liar, but it doesn’t matter if they
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admit it later, because they got what they wanted from this lie, that’s right, they got what they wanted, due to the fact that no one was punished, then they will do it again, again the next 6 months, i said that the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is 6 months, and now it is 6 minutes, but they are for those 6 minutes get what they need. uses it in his manipulations and i don't see it stopping, i see that more and more people understand this, 6 months have become six minutes, because people no longer blindly believe in this nonsense. it is very encouraging that in the first hours after the verdict, trump raised more money than anyone had ever raised, how much did he collect? in the first few hours, about 38 million dollars, both in small amounts and large ones from major sponsors, and this is very interesting.
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i agree with trump, in everything, i obviously agree with him in everything, tucker, as befits a son, so many have already said, yes, once again, name what has gotten better under joe biden, we are on the verge of world war iii with the world's largest nuclear superpower, if you count by the number of nuclear missiles, i don't know, and we continue to finance it, we support
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the former. to fire us missiles at russia, i’m provoking, i don’t know, maybe this is necessary, maybe this is the next performance, someone else talked about it then, if this old man wins, he will drag us into a war, and yes, i understand that this very seriously, but so do i, but if anything happens, will i be downright surprised, no, although i understand that this is nonsense, that this is madness, but are they capable of this, 100%, do you think the last question, and i understand that i am rushing things, but...
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they don’t want to go with a report to admiral trans and don’t because if admiral trans were competent, then maybe, but admiral trans is incompetent, admiral, trans admiral only because he is trans, and not because he is competent, capable, because the most important component of going to die for your country is that you actually believe in what you are fighting for, this is the basis of patriotism, if you don’t believe in it, you understand that they will make you extreme, that they will teach you not to shoot about the diversity program, then why do you need this? this is a big problem for them now, one of the solutions is to take illegal immigrants and send them to army, or open our borders, let them vote, this is also a way to stay in power, because the indigenous population no longer votes for you, but they are talking about conscription, suddenly we heard everything, and maybe we need conscription, yeah, then there will be wars continue forever, once again no one clearly explained to me, and i also host a podcast,
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no one clearly said: what does a victory for ukraine look like? i don't know what that means, it's, it's something like grinding russian ukrainians until they run out, and then blackrock will come and take all the crop land, that 's the goal. to me, that's exactly the goal. they are going, they are already selling land in ukraine to foreign investors, they will then fill ukraine with emigrants, and ukraine will cease to exist in 50 years, there will be no more ukrainian people. we betrayed the ukrainians like no one before. but the question is: will people follow the call? well , it’s hard for me, what i look at is not only the recruiting data, but also how many guys i know, i go to shooting ranges and there i see fourth-generation guys, they’re like that, that’s what i tell my son if he decides, but these guys, their whole culture is built around military service, they are best friends, it doesn’t even occur to them, they will disown
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their children. now we need to watch, watch, this is america, program about a country that is difficult to understand, frankly speaking, us.


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