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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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igor sergeenko, all decisions in the csto are made collectively, where everyone is listened to. we have never positioned ourselves as a military-political bloc with a rigid hierarchy of members and an aggressive orientation. our organization is flexible. an instrument for ensuring sovereignty and independence, aimed at preventing the resolution of the conflict, primarily through political means. the csto is not an opposing party, but a partner in ensuring global security. the most important area of ​​work of the csto is countering criminal communities, penetrating into the territories of the organization’s member countries. these are problems that are especially relevant today for the central asian region. high terrorist danger, again, illegal drug trafficking,
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udc of a number of special operations, this is a channel operation to combat drug trafficking, drug trafficking, an illegal operation to counter illegal migration, a proxy operation against the use of information technology for criminal purposes. information technology has become the main tool for citizen engagement csto countries into illegal activities, parliamentarians state. various terrorist extremist organizations conduct extensive propaganda.
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conditions for holding democratic elections that fully reflect the will of voters, we have them open, legitimate, transparent, the european state and washington need to learn from the experience of states that are part of collective security organizations. there is consensus on all key issues. parliamentarians are confident in the role of the csto. as a guarantor of security in states participants will only increase. alexander laktionov, nikita kharaskin, sergey gordeev, vladislav alekseev, parliamentary hour. in the second part of our program, see: support for youth sports, protection of nature and problems of children's recreation, and more about the work of regional deputies. he showed how to live and love the country. in moscow they said goodbye to artur chelengarov.
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only new footage, the rest showed these events, stupid, generally like this table, but with us it’s always especially interesting, it’s like publishing on a bicycle, an unusually exciting country has been waiting for our program all week, attention is now on the screen, which they watch and quote in order to see more trainees. moscow,
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kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00. the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. the council of the state duma considered , sent a fifteen-day newsletter for discussion in the regions, bills introduced by the government aimed at improving the tax system, as well as a number of other initiatives. vyacheslav volodin spoke about this. we are talking about amendments to the law on the federal budget. budget code, laws on annual payments to working parents and pensions.
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from the government already through electronic communication channels. the amendments to the federal budget are aimed at fulfilling the president’s instructions during his address to the federal assembly. in particular, this year over 66 billion rubles will be allocated to extend family mortgages in regions with a low level of housing construction and small towns. almost 49 billion in payments in the amount of 450 thousand rubles will go to large families to pay off their mortgages. more than thirty. 3 billion rubles provided for an increase in monthly remuneration for classroom management, 1.5 billion for increasing wages for teachers of fundamental disciplines. more than 1.100 million rubles. will direct the introduction of payments to advisers to directors of education in
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schools and colleges. and a very important part of the package is the law on annual payments to working parents with two or more children. for this category of citizens , personal income tax will actually be reduced by 7%. the bills also provide for indexation of pensions for military pensioners write-off of regions in two-thirds of the debt on budget loans. vyacheslav volodin said that government initiatives in the first reading of the state duma will be considered at a plenary meeting on june 20. a law has come into force that makes it possible to provide those who have been seriously injured with special means of transportation. including manually driven vehicles. we are talking about participants in a special military operation who, due to injury , find it difficult to move independently; now , in more detail about other laws that are coming into force effective in june. when calculating average per capita income for the purpose of assigning a single benefit
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, the amount of alimony will be taken into account in a new way. if they are established by the court, then the amount of money received is considered. if the parents have agreed on the elements, they will take into account the amount indicated in the application, but not. less than the minimum guarantees provided for by the family code. income from part-time work of minors will also not be taken into account. the government will determine the types and categories of complexity of tourist routes that require accompaniment by a certified instructor-guide. regions will be able to establish such routes on their territories. instructors and guides will be required to notify regional executive authorities that they are accompanying tourists on such a route before and after its passage. and about the sphere of recreation in the far east, it will become easier to travel by sea. russian cruise ships will be able to enter points and ports adjacent to the territories of the arctic zone and the far eastern federal district, without going through border control. behind deputies increased
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responsibility for poor quality housing and communal services. fines for resource supply organizations for supplying dirty water, turning off lights and heating in winter have been increased to 100,000 rubles. amounts of penalties for the resource. companies that operated until june did not change in 2007, so for violating the rules, officials were punished with a maximum of one thousand rubles, and legal entities with 10 thousand. starting this month, criminal liability will be introduced for involving children and adolescents in the commission of three or more crimes of minor or moderate gravity; the perpetrator will face imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years. before the adoption of the measure, the criminal code did not provide for the division of liability depending on quantity. crimes for which release. we are talking about cases where children involve children. women with children under 4 years old will be able to receive parole if convicted for a minor crime and are in the orphanage of the same correctional institution where the mother is serving her sentence. according to current
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legislation, the child’s age should not exceed 3 years. mandatory foreigners who enter russia not to work will undergo doccyloscopic registration. the passport and visa service of the ministry of internal affairs has been involved in the provision of government services in the field of migration for more than 90 days. how industrial enterprises impact the environment will be assessed by experts. moscow region, republic of dagestan, construction of a new anti-tuberosis
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hospital, environmental forum, energy issues, sporting events, what other topics were raised by deputies in the regions on which sites they worked, yana will tell dobrovolskaya. vyacheslav volodin worked in his constituency in the saratov region, he visited. a new anti-tuberosis hospital in saratov, the construction of which is in its final stages. in two weeks the medical center will be put into operation. the equipment is currently being installed. this is a long-awaited event for the region. the existing anti-tuberosis dispensary is located in the city center. in the building before the revolutionary construction, cramped wards are located in adapted rooms, and the new a high-tech anti-tuberosis regional hospital with 453 beds was built according to modern standards.
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people are going to the hospital. the head of the energy committee, pavel zavalny, took part in a meeting of the relevant commission of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia. the meeting participants discussed issues of cooperation in the field of the fuel and energy complex. the process of deep integration continues. and work is underway to create a common electricity market of the union state. one of the main tasks now, noted pavel zavalny, this is to ensure the technological
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sovereignty of the union of belarus and russia. we need cooperation and interaction at all levels of government, the executive branch, relevant ministries, departments and individual companies, as well as at the level of the parliamentary dimension, this is within the framework of parliamentary control. the energy commission of the russia-belarus union parliament is essentially an ideal platform for balancing the interests of both russia and belarus, both business and the state. chairman of the state duma committee on labor and social policy and veterans affairs yaroslav nilov visited the simulation center on the basis of the capital's scientific and practical geranto-psychological center. here, with the help of advanced technologies , they simulate situations in which older people, muscovites with disabilities, cognitive impairments and mental characteristics find themselves. the institutions provide practical skills to 130 specialists from gerontological centers, care assistants and... as well as home-based social workers . the parliamentarian noted that
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it is necessary to be more active in obtaining such experience attract specialists from the regions. now the long-term travel system will be a norm that does not operate in pilot mode in certain regions, it is now the basis of our state policy, social, it will further develop taking into account what is happening in a special military operation, and those citizens who will return , and combat disabled people and... those who in general will need, over time, maybe not immediately, some help, the help of a social worker, this is obvious, near future. bisultan khamzaev devoted all days of the regional week to inspecting the social facilities of his constituency. in the villages of the republic of dagestan, the deputy met with residents, discussed a possible major overhaul of the hospital, checked the progress of construction of educational institutions , and attended the opening of a new kindergarten. everyone’s task is to have more such gardens.
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we need to look for federal funding, work to ensure that there is a hospital and a kindergarten in every village, in every city. here look at what a gorgeous school you are building right now. all this, thanks to the great presidential programs of our supreme commander-in-chief, is working throughout the country. and the task of each of us here on the ground is to make sure that there is a lot of it, that it happens. good and it was high quality. in the orenburg region, chairman of the committee for family protection on issues of paternity and maternity. and childhood, nina ostanina took part in a meeting of deputies of the local legislative assembly. among other things, we discussed issues assistance to flood victims, as well as support for svo participants and their families. nina ostanina paid special attention to the problems with organizing children's health recreation in the region. how many school- age children are there in the region? yes, there are almost 20,000 of them. and
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it turns out that every fourth child will be healthier. and the rest of the children, why take the kids somewhere far away, if it’s possible. here today we can decide on the spot, these are children, guards, these are children from orphanages, they used to rest here, but why then kill the institution, in general, which, which carried such a high humane mission within itself. previously , parents asked princess ostanina to understand approaches to organizing children's recreation in the region. the parliamentarian took control of the issue. the fifteenth anniversary international ecology forum was held in moscow under the chairmanship of nikolai valuev. this is an authoritative public platform for discussing current issues in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management. the deputy noted that ensuring environmental well-being is one of the national development goals of russia. we generate an incredible amount of clean
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air and oxygen due to the fact that we are essentially light.
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the head of the just russia for truth faction , sergei mironov, attended a poetry evening in support of the northern military district fighters, which was held as part of the red square book festival. the winners of the annual literary prize of a fair russia for truth read their works. thank you for your poems, thank you for your poetic courage. thank you for being today you are together with our multinational. people, and we are all really looking forward to our common victory, and since our cause is just, we know that victory will be ours. from the stage, the parliamentarian addressed words of support to the servicemen of the motorized rifle regiment of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. for their mass heroism and courage , perseverance and courage, by decree of the president of russia, they were given the honorary title
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of guards. the recording of the video message will be sent to the special operation zone. and in naginsk, moscow region , the deputy chairman of the committee for physical culture and sports amir khamitov attended the moscow region boxing championship in memory of stanislav sorokin, the famous soviet boxer, bronze medalist of the olympic games. the deputy presented gifts to the children's boxing school and a set of sports equipment for training. amir khamitov emphasized that supporting children's and youth sports is a national task. the more children will be involved in sports. the more actively sports schools, halls, sections develop, the healthier our future generation will be, the more more correct life guidelines will be instilled in them. yana dobrovolskaya, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. an example of how one should live, how one should love
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a country - this is what state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said about arthur challenge at the farewell ceremony for the outstanding one. arctic and antarctic. hero of russia and the soviet union, state duma deputy artur chelengarov passed away in 805. fellow deputies came to see him off on his final journey to the transfiguration church of the cathedral of christ the savior, representatives of government bodies, business scientific communities. arthur nikolaevich, a treasure of the whole world, a man of planetary scale, always sought to go to his voters and provide them with support. to do everything possible for him, for the state duma he was not just a deputy, he invested part of his soul in the development of russian parliamentarism, having been elected to the first convocation and passed into...
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for science, this is difficult to assess, for centuries they will study the experience of chelinggarov and those who was next to him, well, how do i come to the thought, i look, the hero of the soviet union, i look at him as if he were a god, and he is an ordinary person, always positive, joyful, always so friendly, you know, this was very attractive, and you know, it seems to me that he is for young deputies, for young people. .. he was simply an example as a politician. arthur chelengarov was buried with military honors at the novodeevichy cemetery.
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arctic and antarctic explorer, scientist, politician, a person who devoted his whole life to exploring the distant and unknown. it's all him, artur cherengarov. drifting station, on the ice, you need to find an ice floe, this is a home for polar explorers. he participated in all famous expeditions. in the arctic, he entered the guinness book of records as the first person in the world to live for six months at the south and north poles, and the first to sink to the bottom of the arctic ocean. one world for fedorov, one world for fedorov, communication. he always supported his desire to explore distant continents within the walls of the state duma, and advocated the study of new territories, as well as their preservation. today the state is interested in the development of the arctic problems that exist there. i... he was one of the oldest parliamentarians, almost 30 years in
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politics, a man, a legend, this is exactly what his colleagues said about artur chelengarov, he himself believed that for conscientious deputies the duma is a home, and he really lived here at all times time for the country, i, as a single-mandate, this is a very important responsible work before. krosnoyarsk territory, khakassia and tuva, received citizens right in his office on okhotsk ryad. despite his advanced age, he worked a lot and relaxed like a real polar explorer. i,
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as having the status of a hero, he had the right to additional leave. i use it mainly on arctic expeditions ; i have never given up everything related to the arctic. and the arctic did not leave him. she always presented surprises, although not always pleasant ones. i had to spend the night on the ice, without contact with the ground, after a plane crash, or compete with a wild animal, once he was almost eaten by a polar bear, and it was always like that, he seemed to live on the edge, but everyone who worked with him , they knew that if it’s hard or difficult, you need to go to chelengarov, he knew how to support, give advice, cheer up, they listened to his stories about expeditions with special interest, and he always said, if they tell me to go tomorrow, i will go, despite my age and condition.
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these are my principles of life, that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on the air. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public
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consciousness. of course, with the help of the americans , ukraine is very active, nothing new come up with something new in technology, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state, intelligence and counterintelligence that compete fights among themselves, but in the end the result of everything is determined by the quality of state policy. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value
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family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there is more ahead of us more achievements. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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water enters residential buildings and floods the first floors of the building. the orenburg region is in the grip of bad weather. the aleksandrovsky district is affected by thunderstorms and hurricane winds in places. lighted candles and a moment of silence. in the kherson region there is a two-day mourning for the victims of the tragedy in the village of sadovaya. as a result of the attack in the ssu, 22 people were killed. another tranche of military aid for ukraine. kiev
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will receive air defense systems and artillery. ammunition, armored vehicles. total weapons more than $200 million. last day of elections to the european parliament. how is voting going and when can we expect the first results? let's ask our correspondent in brussels. the russian foreign minister called paris's statement that the french. us president that washington allegedly lavrov also commented on the words forbade kiev to attack moscow. if he said this in a clear mind and memory, then he boasts that he did not order moscow.


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