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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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from 500 dollars to 2,000, well , in order for you to definitely want to get to know uzbekistan better, let's take a look at the true pearl of the east, ancient samarkand, and local resident gulbahor abdurrahmanova will tell us about it. the attention of tourists today is attracted by the mausali of amir timur; a mandatory visit for our guests is considered the famous samarkan ragestan square and, of course, it is considered the embodiment of the parade of the monumental style of architecture.
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of course, numerous theaters, and in order to leave a memory of samarkandi with yourself, you can visit our famous colorful market, the so-called seab bazaar. that's all for now, see you as usual in the center of asia next week, take care, you are a great audience, bye everyone! you owe the bank, you still owe the bank, i already ordered an anti-credit card from rosbankrot on valberes on the yandex market, millions of russians. choose
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why central russia this summer turned into humid subtropics, we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we’ll touch on: super rain, mega rain, call it what you want, no epithet will convey all the colors of the violence of the elements in moscow, but after all, the cataclysm could repeat itself when up to half a month’s worth of moisture falls on the capital again? in ukraine , a network of black transplantologists was revealed, how extensive it is, how much is donor material from soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine now, life ahead in the cold and darkness, this is how the british encourage the ukrainians, describing their future prospects, but why
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did ukrainian western propaganda actually begin to actively spread horror stories about energy hunger, you look: in some areas of moscow it was easy to
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transfer to boats, not only the capital was flooded, many central cities went under water russia also got it in st. petersburg, it’s clear that it’s raining. in the water, it’s just hard, in the underground passage of the rizhskaya metro station a waterfall has formed, on aircraft engine people to get around the huge puddle, climbed onto the fence. near the botanical garden, drivers tried to catch the floating cars using cables. during the super-rainstorm
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, more than a fifty-liter barrel of water spilled onto every square meter of moscow streets. let's dive into the village! by the way, some actually decided to dive. schoolchildren began swimming in the capital’s lakes, which formed on the streets after extreme rains; huge cumulus rain clouds grew over the metropolis, with powerful electrical discharges forming inside them. lightning set fire to the roof of the nursery center on the territory of vdnkh, all pupils were immediately evacuated, in the area... the plastic completely melted. a kaleidoscope of dangerous phenomena in moscow was decorated with a tornado, which was noticed in the area of ​​​​the kaluga highway. the atmosphere over the russian plain is now unstable,
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so bad weather has affected many regions of the european part of russia. on thursday to the city of sol ilets. its size reached a walnut. a real light show was observed over saratov. lightning flashed in the sky, there was a heavy downpour, the city was flooded, and there was waist-deep water on the roads. in a matter of minutes , st. petersburg also found itself under water; the heat, atypical for the northern capital, abruptly gave way to downpour and thunderstorm.
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participants of the st. petersburg economic forum had to get a little wet. the rains that hit the middle latitudes of the russian plain turned out to be true. not only have daily rainfall records been updated in many areas, the first week of june turned out to be quite historic, for example, in vologda and rybensk. there were no such rains at the beginning of summer for the entire period of instrumental observations, and moscow and pskov were flooded with the most heavy rainfall in the era of global warming. unprecedented rains are well explained by climate changes observed on the planet. so for 12 months, starting from last summer, the average temperature of the northern hemisphere has been steadily at a record high level, exceeding it by more than a degree, but... before the industrial period, and of course, this could not but affect
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the global circulation systems of the atmosphere. we are talking about the so-called hadley cell, this is one of the main climate-forming factors of the circulation regime. due to intense as the air warms up at the equator, a powerful convective jet is created, carrying heat into the free atmosphere. updrafts also form cumulonimbus cloud fields. this explains the excessive moisture in this part of the planet, then the warm air, gradually cooling, moves north in the latitudinal zone of 30-35° north latitude and already becomes quite cold, thus downward flows develop, so a planetary high -pressure band, an anticyclone, is formed in the subtropics, this explains the prevailing sunny, dry weather here due to... the northern hemisphere, the hadley cell increases in size, its northern border
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retreats further into high latitudes, accordingly, the subtropical anticyclone moves, this has a direct impact on weather conditions in central russia, the fact is that on the periphery of the source cyclones are intensifying, and these whirlwinds are bringing air masses from the mediterranean to us, the situation in the atmosphere in the coming days. will not change dramatically if on the weekend the anticyclone can slightly slow down the express train carrying heat and moisture to the russian plain, then with the beginning of the new week it will again work at full capacity. the fact is that a center of high pressure will stretch from the mediterranean to the urals, and cyclones that have become active on its periphery will begin to pump the heat and moisture of the south atlantic into the european territory of russia, so... the seaside and the volga region will once again be engulfed in extreme heat, and the center of the country - extreme downpours.
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for example, on weekends in moscow significant precipitation is unlikely, but from monday thunderstorms will begin again, by the middle of next during the week , about half of the june moisture volume may again pour into the metropolis, but this also has its advantage. showers will moderate the midday heat to +24-26. this is only 3 degrees above normal. on other topics, a large-scale scheme for exporting human organs abroad was exposed in ukraine. the details of this case are shocking to any normal person. the criminal network was supervised by the former deputy minister of health , independent, all this happened not with just the tacit consent of the west, but with... its active participation, nato countries sent their evgeniy teshkovets will tell black transplantologists to the hottest
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areas of the front, and evgeniy teshkovets will tell about the methods of work of ukrainian and european butchers. is eugene being cut alive? vadim, it’s more like a living thing. transplantologists operate in close proximity to the front, disemboweling seriously wounded but not yet dead soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces. organ harvesting activities have become so widespread that people can no longer do it. to remain silent, despite the fact that the repressive apparatus of the kiev regime is working at maximum speed, and any dissent is severely punished, a couple of ukrainian women still dared to go out to protest, they say their husbands were returned from the front without organs, we write, they hide, the information is deleted, we write, they hide, the information is deleted, we will make a poster for all of kiev, for all cities, and we are not alone, there are 11 of us tortured guys who returned without organs. without organs. black transplantologists act completely cynically. telegram channels
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contained information about workshops for cutting up wounded but still alive ukrainians. the case when it was already officially confirmed in ukraine, a criminal case was opened, an examination showed that think about it, organs were removed while people were alive, that is, it is still unknown, maybe these people would still be alive if their organs had not been taken away. this only shows that the market is so tough that transport specialists are in conflict with each other, and this information was simply leaked within the framework. competition. a lot of vsushniks are listed as missing, or are recognized as dead without a body. for example, the media wrote that in the donetsk direction in krasnogorovka, where fighting is currently taking place, a month ago there were guarded refrigerators in which the donor material was presumably stored. organs mainly go to the west, to european countries, as well as to the usa and
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canada. the estates of prisoners of war of the armed forces of ukraine moved in armored vehicles like these. medical staff, namely foreign ones, these are germans and poles, at the sight of such a car, it immediately caused a feeling of panic among the soldiers, because in these cars the very people who were engaged in dissecting seriously wounded soldiers for organs came. according to informants from ukraine, when shortage of donor material, black transplantologists from europe demanded that the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine create small detachments for slaughter, such groups were formed from soldiers selected under...
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his name has not yet been disclosed, doctors of the central kiev hospital and a number of. organs were removed from people who were in a helpless state and then sold. all members of the criminal group were informed of suspicion under three articles of the criminal code, they face up to 12 years in prison, says the source. black transplantology in ukraine, business is on stream. this specific industry has been actively developing since
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2014 after the coup. some media claim that at one time he served as minister of health. it was supervised by a ukrainian with canadian citizenship, ulyana supron. there is a lot of money in this area. there has already been information about prices for organs. for a heart - 200,000 dollars, that is, about 17 million rubles. for kidneys - 25,000 or about 2 million rubles. the list also includes the liver, bone marrow, lungs, eyes, and limbs. if you take it all from one soldier in the mtr, then you can calculate its approximate cost on the black market. it turns out somewhere. 35,000 dollars or 31 million rubles. therefore, the cutting conveyor in ukraine is unlikely to stop on its own. the kiev regime has so far found the energy to operate special refrigerators, but the population is calling for strict savings in electricity. even in the west
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they no longer believe that ukraine will be able to dig itself out of the energy hole. for example, the british edition of the financial times wrote: “ukrainians must prepare for life in the cold and darkness.” the topic will continue tatiana belova. tanya, a very gloomy forecast from the so-called partners. vadim, yes, the article turned out to be a bit gloomy for the kiev regime. the ukrainian ministry of energy was even offended by the financial times and immediately accused british journalists of working for the kremlin. ukrainian officials did not like the headline, saying the article was called russia. destroyed more than half of ukraine's energy sector, has signs of an information-psychological operation and promotes russian narratives, and the assertion that ukrainians must prepare for life in the cold and darkness aimed at spreading fear of panic among the population. following the same logic, the ministry of energy of ukraine could easily file claims against its colleagues from ukrenergo, which recently stated that
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there is not a single complete thermal power plant left in the country, and hydroelectric generation has suffered colossal losses. or, for example, accuse the former minister of fuel and energy of nezalezhnaya, mr. plochkov, of working for moscow, who caused a disaster in the next heating season, and advised ukrainians to move to the village because there is baked heating there. or maybe even a russian agent has wormed his way into the ministry of energy itself, because back in april the department called on ukrainians to prepare for blackouts by purchasing generators. how is this fundamentally different from living in the cold and darkness? ukrainian official. they tell the population of ukraine to stock up on firewood and generators, this is not hidden information, it is impossible to hide, the energy system.
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tariffs, otherwise how will the utility companies fix everything, while british and ukrainian propagandists do not mention one small but very important detail: absolutely everything bills of ukrainian citizens for electricity in ukraine are paid by western countries, paid by americans and europeans, and the zelensky regime, he is disingenuous when he says that ukrainians should pay more because generation... is falling, zelensky and his company, they are simply profiting from troubles difficulties of ukrainians. let us note one more idea that runs like a red thread through the
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financial times article. do you know what they think will save ukrainian energy? do you think there is no supply of components for the construction of power units: aircraft and air defense, they say it should be kiev needs more weapons, then the country will shine. in this way they also beg for military assistance. uh, in particular, the air defense says that look, our entire electric power industry has been destroyed, there are nuclear power plants left, that supposedly russia will bomb them too, so give us an air defense system there and other weapons. advice to ukraine, let's just fight, is still the most relevant in the opinion of the british. and now our traditional section: the space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the institute... institute space research ras. this week a real detective story unfolded around the sun. the focus is still on the same active region that created
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a geomagnetic storm on the earth in mid-may. last week, it returned from the far side of the star, while retaining huge reserves of energy, which happens extremely rarely. barely peeking out from behind the edge of the solar disk, the irrepressible center of activity instantly appears. released two powerful volleys of plasma, one of the emissions was directed towards the ground, and that’s where it started confusion, at first the world astronomical centers predicted a strong blow to our planet, then literally half a day later they completely changed the forecast, saying that the ejection was actually flying in the opposite direction from the earth, then they checked the data again and changed their minds, in general, in 2 days the forecast was written... four times, approximately the middle of the week, however , in any case, our activity began to decline, this area has completely run out of
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energy, in a sense, we are recording that these are the events that began back in may and which now had such a continuation, well, in a sense, they are still completely completed at the moment, and the area still has some energy, but it is clearly dying in our eyes ; there will be no sun again. activity continues to increase. the other day the information was officially updated that we have reached new peaks. the star is already 30% ahead of the previous cycle's highs and retains the potential for growth, but a local break in the sun is expected next week. according to model calculations, at least with monday to friday the situation will be calm, accordingly the earth is magnetic. not predicted, some increase in activity is possible over the coming weekend, when new active centers should appear on the sun-earth line, that's all for me,
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enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. 24. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. got tense inside america, outside it. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about the country. hard to understand.
4:56 pm
4:57 pm
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the russian foreign minister called the statement in paris that there are no french instructors in ukraine a lie. sergei lavrov stated this in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin.
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commented on the words of the us president that that washington allegedly forbade kiev to bomb moscow, if he said this in a clear mind and memory, then boast that he did not order moscow to be bombed, and this generally implies that everything else is possible, well, by and large they are everything else they are bombing, but on moscow, remember not so long ago, well... at the beginning of the conflict, strike drones were launched, and no one then shook hands with this zelensky regime, so our western colleagues do not need to try to embellish their own behavior, the president at a meeting with uh media, including a lot of western western media, he clearly said that...


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