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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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sergei lavrov said in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin. lavrov also commented on the words of the us president that washington allegedly forbade kiev to attack moscow. if he said this in a clear mind and memory, then he can boast that he did not order moscow to be bombed, and this generally implies that everything else is possible.
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including many westerners and western media, he clearly said that without the direct participation of the usa, britain, and europeans, the strikes would not have been carried out on our territory, in the belgorod region, in the kursk region in other russian territories, they all know this very well, also look at how our french colleagues vibrated, the prime minister suddenly began to say that we do not have an instructor there.
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they play a role in the war unleashed against us, and we know how to deal with it. now there is new information about the progress of the special operation. the russian military destroyed the locations of foreign mercenaries and attack drone operators. a mi-8 helicopter of the ukrainian air force was shot down. in addition, 66 unmanned aerial vehicles were intercepted during the day. devices and 13 american hymers shells. units of the west group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated five. the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region and the dpr, the enemy lost 400 militants there. in the kherson region, one person was killed and one was injured due to new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian formations again attacked a residential area. this time there is a new beacon in the village, said governor vladimir salde. at the same time , today there is mourning in the region because of the tragedy in the village of sadovoye, candles were lit and a minute of silence was declared. friday evening at the armed forces of ukraine they fired at a store in the village twice. died.
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22 civilians, 15 injured, four victims were sent to crimea for treatment. in the lugansk people's republic , a rescue operation was completed today at the site of ukrainian shelling. on friday, militants fired long-range otax missiles at the regional capital, dozens of houses were damaged, and the entrance to one of them collapsed. the result: six dead, more than fifty injured. the consequences mitigation headquarters continues to work, and as the head of the lpr leonid pasechnik said, now the main task is restore buildings damaged as a result of a missile attack as quickly as possible, establish their water and electricity supplies, and provide people with normal living conditions. europe is waiting. today the pan-european voting in the elections to the eu parliament ends. in some states it began on thursday, but the main day is sunday. polling stations operate in most eu countries. after they close this evening, the first results will be known.
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parliament to regional parliaments, and here a voting obligation, not a voting right, but in other countries of the european union the electoral turnout is also currently quite high; today all attention, for example, is drawn to hungary, where the main right-wing representative among the leaders of the european union has already cast his vote, at least this is the image viktor orban is among the leaders of the alliance, having cast his ballot in the ballot box, he said that today...
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i believe that defense and security will be one of the most important issues in the coming months and even years, we constantly hear this about the threat of war. i think europe must become independent, we must invest in ourselves, seek coordination between european
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countries. now think about nato led by the us, over the last 15 years with or without nato, the us has provoked 4.5 million in libya, afghanistan, iraq, syria.
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european parliament, his far-right party will receive about seven seats, exit polls say, while gerit wilders did not stop his campaign, he came here the day before.
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may result in the formation of as many as three factions in the european parliament, especially since the rise of right-wing forces is expected, including today, based on the results of voting in germany, france, italy, and a number of other eu countries, a total of nine eu countries can get a right-wing leader, and nine more countries may get second place from right-wing parties, i’ll add. that the official results, the first official results will appear today around midnight moscow time, when all polling stations throughout the alliance close. regina sevastyanova, emil mirsaev and anna tarasenko, european bureau of vgtrk, brussels belgium. eight medals were won by russian schoolchildren at the asian physics olympiad.
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this year the competition took place in malaysia. we managed to win thanks to both knowledge and character. about the path to success. anton podkovenko. malaysian schoolchildren, five gold and three silver medals at the asian physics olympiad, where there were 28 teams from 27 countries from across the asia-pacific region. a wide smile, a confident look, egor potapov took the asian gold, such an impression playfully, because he was in malaysia let's go the best of the best. russia has a good system of preparation for international olympiads. according to the results. the scalympiad selects about 30 schoolchildren who attend training camps at the moscow institute of physics and technology throughout the year. between training camps , qualification camps are held at the sirius educational center, which make it possible to form
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a team to participate in the asian physics olympiad. this training system allows you to demonstrate high results year after year. on the international level. indeed , year after year, in 2023, russian schoolchildren won eight gold medals at the asian olympics. in addition to knowledge , competitions of this level also require serious self-control, the ability to concentrate on a task, to be extremely focused, our guys know how to do this. after all, kuala lumpur managed to gain some impressions. an unusual mixture of poverty and wealth, different values, a different culture, we visited temples, caves, everything surprised, everything fascinated. during this time we were able to unite as a team, since we carried out many activities together, now we have the results that we have. five gold and three silver are very impressive results. after the competition, the guys had something like a farewell dinner, malaysian cuisine, and the inevitable fruit on the plates. very soon the winners will be greeted in russia. anton potkovenko, olga alvukhina, lead. tucker
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carlson interviewed donald trump's son after a new york jury found the forty-fifth us president guilty of financial fraud. documentation. what did trump pay say? about this in our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv. immediately after a short commercial. well, in the second half of the hour the program is america with valentin bogdanov. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. what will your summer be like? with free shipping, summer will be carefree. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, a set of fabric masks for 399 rubles. i've got k question for you: do you clearly imagine your future? do such thoughts scare you? you can just close your eyes, but you know what
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karabra, the rest of the liars told us that all these people were dangerous rebels, but they were the most pure-hearted and naive, they literally walked with the constitution in their hand and said that this was all wrong, they believed in the system much more than those who imprisoned them to prison, they didn’t believe in the system at all, absolutely, it was obvious, the narrative being promoted, the clips shot to show
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something that didn’t happen, it was all so disgusting. i, i always said that this was the first unarmed rebellion in the entire history of the rebellion, such a rebellion had never been done before by one of the most armed populations in the world, of course, it was not a rebellion, but it did n’t matter to them, for them it was even apparently, they had a hard time believing what was happening, and that’s exactly what you were talking about, you really believed in our system, our norms and our democracy, and i believed, but when it came to that they started threatening me... with prison for treason, a crime punishable by death, well, this changes a lot in the picture of the world, i was like: wait, what, especially when you have five children, at first i’m still, but then the pelina falls away from your eyes, and you start to see all these games of these people who seem to be on your side, all these linsigrams who speak on all these foxes and the like,
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they are like, we need to give them all subpoenas to sort out this whole situation, and i’m like that, but you’re the chairman? after all, this is justice, you have the right to do all this, but you are only talking about doing what you already have the right to do, and yet you do not want to take advantage of this right, in all this, this is what seemed most disgusting to me, republicans, you tell your voters that you are fighting for them, but you understand perfectly well that you are not fighting for them, it is everywhere, it is a betrayal, that is what makes the democrats different, they put the opposition in prison, they stifle it, shut it up, there is nothing. didn't do anything afterwards, so i think and we wrote an accusatory memorandum and no matter what they do to maintain power, that if there is such a difference in the actions taken, then nothing will change, since the democrats will celebrate their victory, gain a stronger foothold and will mock us, nothing will change as long as we let’s not start answering them accordingly,
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i think that for many people, and i am among them, when they saw this verdict yesterday, my first thought was: “after all, they are ready for a lot, they are ready to execute us, me, i’m talking to myself now, and then they will be on msnbc former federal prosecutors will speak, laughingly explaining to their audience that this is what i need, the lincoln project will post a joyful tweet, and i’m like: wow, there’s so much heartlessness, inhumanity and just plain evil, i apparently underestimated them, we all underestimated, but many still underestimate, but having lived through the last 8 years, 10 years, it’s hard not to get this feeling. even if you look at least at the main indicators, i can’t name a single area, not a single one, geopolitics, economics and whatever else, where we have become better, and yet less they constantly explain to us, the media promotes this idea all the time, bidennomics is what you need, and yes, i understand, i am the son
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of a billionaire, but if i look at the prices in the grocery store, i understand my origins, i don’t have a complex . look, how much longer can we go on like this, and all these wars and spending trillions of dollars, and then the republicans stand up and say: “ukraine is the most important thing for all the republicans in the country.” i 've heard this from mitch maconall dozens of times. but that's not true. over the past year i have spoken to more republicans than mitch mccon did in his entire life. and... i asked, i did it live, right during the speech, thousands of people here, 500 there, 500 there, among 65 thousand people, ukraine was in the top 10 list for only three people, one of them was from about washington circle, he was very in favor, but perhaps he makes money on this topic, one of them misunderstood the question, he thought
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what was least important, so for him ukraine is not in the top 10, and since i also asked about the top -three, for one of them she was in the top 10. but not in the top three, i asked him, yes, i asked him, i myself was wondering why? well, i’m from kiev, from ukraine, but i can understand you, so in fact, 65 thousand people were surveyed over the last 2 years, 18 months since the beginning of the war, in my opinion, more has passed, in fact, zero people were worried about this problem, but our senate leader says this is the number one issue for republicans across the country, but that's not true. i was recently in washington, i'm from there, and i had lunch with three people, four people at the table, no one drinking. "i myself love tea, like everyone else three, and it's a good restaurant, but nothing more, i've been eating at this restaurant for years, the bill was 800 dollars, for four, 800 dollars without drinks." without drinks, without delicacy, salad, steak, dessert, 800 bucks, and i thought , for me this is not very much money, but i don’t understand how
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people live here in general, i had a slightly different situation, i took my two sons fishing, when we were at the airport, we went to mcdonald’s, it was me, my eleven year old son and my fourteen year old son, and the total bill was 47 dollars and an eleven year old kid, a fourteen year old kid and me and i'm like, yeah, i won't pretend that it will affect me buying my 700 horsepower pickup truck, yeah, i'm not happy at the gas station, but when they say if you think that the war against russia is the most important thing for the americans, then they are lying. i believe that many people, looking back 4 years, are starting to think that if the democrats rigged the case, then they can rig the election. yes, without a doubt, you understand, what i see in reality on earth, the number of people from groups, who have never voted for republicans before, who... come up to me at the airport or when i was recently in new york, this is something incredible, i myself, i am one
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of the most actively organizing rallies and campaigning like in the sixteenth , so in the twentieth, for example, in october of the twentieth , i think i held 104 events in a month, four a day for a month, i am close to the people, and the energy in the twentieth was even better than in the sixteenth, but they were able to use their own...
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but in order for all this to stop, should someone be punished? yes, absolutely, we republicans have not shown ourselves very well, the democrats are not afraid of us, because they know that we will not act like them, because we really believe in what is just a screen for them, we really believe in these things , and it’s actually difficult for me to say this, since i would n’t want to be like that, but i don’t think that we have any other way left, they’re knocking out wedges with wedges while we give...
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but the list is quite, who else is ready? michaely is also quite a combative fighter, i like michaely, and what’s interesting is that he’s in his sixteenth year mike leigh and i almost got into a fight at the meeting, he and i are very different, but now i write to him almost every day, and what’s interesting is that when you have such a relationship with someone, he may even admit that you were right , but people change their minds when they see evidence, my views have changed dramatically in the last 10 years.
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“sorry, for the holidays, i didn’t mean to, they don’t celebrate christmas, well, they don’t believe in god, they have new gods all the time, gryata tumberg was the high priestess of climate change, fauce was the god of science, yes, science and covid, and now this is vladimir zelensky, the high priest of ukraine, which is apparently the main problem for all the republicans, although i have not seen this anywhere, these people are their pantheon, everything..." has to live up to it until everything goes up in flames, or until people understand who these people really are, and the machine knows about this, the machine’s task is to exist forever, its only task is to maintain
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power “it consists of incompetent people who, apart from the machine , don’t know anything about this life, they are all incompetent. when i see that they understand things well, when i look at the actions of technology companies, this can be seen now, when i look at, you know , the algorithm, it shows me what i want to see, but it will never show anything like that, my accounts are sketchy, i hasn't grown in 3 years, although everyone i meet tells me that i have the best instagram in the world, so people who follow me will see my posts, as if artificial intelligence is programmed so that..." you wouldn't think you were being censored , and that you can watch whatever you want, but he stops your growth, you yourself let it go, the development of the system made it more difficult in the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, when i was censored on twitter version, when they, how do you know that yes because yesterday i had 700 retweets on the post, and today there are three of them, and you know, i manage my social networks myself, when i press this button, i know what to expect, i know when
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a post is quite scandalous and that there will be one.
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does this surprise you? half of the congressmen shouted: don’t let them get away with anything, they can say this and are praised for it. if we say anything like that, then we are literally calling for violence, because our words are violence, tucker. this is double standards. all these congressmen, all these hamas supporters in congress calling for the death of people in the middle east, and that's fine, they can do that, but if we did something like that. then we would be blocked, we would be removed from all social networks, we would be canceled, and these are different games, we play two completely different ones with them and this is a direct threat, even tony fauci has it, he's not even a government employee anymore, but he's guarded by the secret service, he walks his dog in washington and i know about this because i used to walk my dog ​​there myself, and he's guarded by three guys, but they want to take it away from your father , yes, well, at least look at what they did with
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the judges of the supreme court, it has an effect, because then, when you see some of them, they turn out to be weaker than their principles, yes, if i had not been so zealous then, now i would it's not like this when these bigot democrats come to your at home, as it was with me, people are afraid of this, of course, and we see it everywhere, for example, hunter biden’s laptop is a disinformation from the russians, here are the signatures of 52 intelligence officers, it’s probably true, but after 4 years, no, this his laptop, and no responsibility,
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yes, but we... already admitted it, but at that moment you got the effect you wanted, no one was punished for this, this is also interference in the elections. how many were there? 17% of people said that if they knew about hunter biden's laptop, they would in the twentieth they would have voted differently, 17%. this is a lot of voices, but at that time it was the word of god, god forbid you said anything against, but now it’s already difficult to do this, after everything that happened, it wasn’t that long ago. in my opinion, if you are still repeating this lie, then you are already lying to yourself, you are just a liar, but it doesn’t matter if they admit it later, because they got what they wanted from this lie, that’s right, they got what they wanted, because no one was punished, they will do it again, again next 6 months, i said the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is 6 months, and now it's 6 minutes, but in those 6 minutes they get what they need, use it in their manipulations, and i don't see it
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stopping, i see that more and more... people understand this, 6 months have become six minutes, because people...


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