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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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in the kharkov region, battles for volchansk, artillery are coordinating their actions with assault groups. gun, shot. the enemy's losses are growing, the kiev regime is over. the second congress of the moldovan opposition bloc pobeda is in moscow, its leader elon shor has already arrived there and the first statements about the upcoming presidential elections in moldova, how sandu’s opponents intend to act, frightening footage from the leningrad region, where they are on a dose. a tornado swept through and
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a crater formed. forecasters give their explanations, but the most surprising reaction of local residents is how did they act? narendromodi took the oath as the new prime minister, he becomes the head of the indian cabinet for the third time in a row. the ceremony features multi-layered security measures, with the presidential palace guarded by five companies of the military and a commando unit. in the kharkov region, battles for volchansk are currently ongoing, the data that is coming in at these moments is known that our artillerymen are operating in close conjunction with assault groups, the enemy is transferring elite units, but this does not change the overall picture, russian units are being squeezed out enemy, report. gun, shot! the crew
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of the m-46 howitzer only has time to load the shells; the artillerymen of the north group of troops have a lot of targets that day. one shot, shot! during minute breaks we communicate with the crew. a fighter with the call sign simon reveals his secret to handling the gun. me s. 45, 45, and she’s probably already close to 70, well, yes, older than me, almost like my mother, the gun is still soviet, but it opened up to its fullest in the north air, a 33 kg projectile can easily be sent up to 30 km, these shots of objective control were not seen even themselves artillerymen, precision strikes against the enemy entrenched in the industrial zone of volchansk. ready,
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a high-explosive fragmentation shell hit the enemy personnel in the volchansky direction, let the artillerymen advance to our infantry, shot, we won’t respond forward with fire, which means the infantry ahead will suffer, the boys are also waiting for us, it’s impossible to advance without the support of artillery and volchansky attack drones, and the enemy takes refuge in buildings in the basements, suffering huge losses. it was even necessary to pull elite forces into the city for defense units of the main intelligence directorate, including the brotherhood battalion, in just a week , three militants from this extremist organization banned in russia were captured by our attack aircraft of the north group, they just wanted to earn money. of course , one cannot expect revelations from a twenty-one-year-old intelligence officer of the armed forces of ukraine, but in general terms he describes the picture of what is happening in gur. in intelligence , what is the percentage of such young people now, what is the greater number? younger, well, usually from 18 to
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forty, from 18 years old, yes, that’s absolutely almost schoolchildren, yes, that is, they are also taking more and more of them, and they are also taking eighteen-year-olds, the tasks of such eighteen-year-olds include, in addition to sabotage, opening the position of our troops, including artillery, the gun commander with the call sign dad knows this well, if the drones arrive, the day before yesterday here are two, more than one was shot down, and before that the rear one too.
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ukrainian formations again attacked a residential area, this time in the village of novaya mayachka, said governor vladimir salda. at the same time , the region is in mourning today due to the tragedy in the village garden. the candles were lit and a minute of silence was declared. on friday evening, the ukrainian armed forces shelled a store in the village twice. 22 civilians were killed, 15 were injured. four victims were sent to crimea for treatment. in the lugansk people's republic today they completed a rescue operation at the site of ukrainian shelling. on friday, militants were released in the regional capital.
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a tornado swept over lake lembolovskoye. it was especially clearly visible from the village of vaskelovo. the main question on social networks now is how did something so unusual for these people arise? places natural phenomenon. forecasters explain that the cause of death is an unstable atmosphere. a cumulus rain cloud formed over the lake, in which a funnel was created. however, such tornadoes only occur over water ; they do not go beyond the boundaries of the reservoir. well, it’s unlikely, of course, that the local residents were aware of such details, but they showed phenomenal composure. lech, what's wrong with the meat, there will be meat there soon, there's just a tornado already going on, now almost a little more, a couple more there a little bit before the tornado is not far away, well, the situation is much more serious in the orenburg region, where they are now eliminating the consequences
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of bad weather, a hurricane with heavy rain passed through the aleksandrovsky district, several roads were flooded, strong winds knocked down trees and fences, on some streets and in local villages water entered the courtyards. as a result , four residential buildings were sunk; let me remind you, there has been a storm warning in effect in the region for several days now; there are thunderstorms and hurricane winds in places in orenburg and the region. well, these are shots from rostov-on-don, literally the city a month's worth of rain fell in an hour, a large hailstorm fell, and now utility services are already eliminating the consequences, protecting storm drains, removing fallen trees and debris from sidewalks and roadways. rescuers are evacuating cars. walking through flooded areas is intermittent. israel will continue to take decisive action to free its hostages and defeat the radical hamas movement. this was stated by foreign minister israel-katz. and he added that tel aviv completely denies the accusations of war
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crimes. let me remind you that the day before it became it is known that four israeli citizens were rescued from captivity at once. among them was a native of st. petersburg, andrei kozlov. the young man was not injured - he was reported. security guard at an electronic music festival. on october 7, hamas militants crossed the border and suddenly attacked vacationers. some were killed, the rest, about 250 people, were taken hostage. now, according to the israeli authorities , a little less than half have been released; at least two russians remain in captivity.
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so, a truly historic day for india, millions of viewers on television screens across the country, live broadcast of leading indian tv channels, here on rendra fashion, just a few minutes ago, in the very in the center of newdeli, in the presidential palace, in the presence of the president of the country, he took the third prime minister’s oath in his political career, he also swore an oath to keep state secrets and made an appeal.
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together with mode, members of the new cabinet of ministers took the oath, about 30 people in total, and here is an interesting point: the national democratic alliance, in which the main role is played by the pharatiya janata party, led by prime minister mode, won the last parliamentary elections in india , for the first time in many, in the last 10 years the party did not win an absolute majority, so it is likely that some positions will be taken by representatives.
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also dreams of holding the olympic games in india, really wants to send an indian astronaut to the moon, well, in general, to make the country a prosperous state in 2047. for the centenary of india’s independence, well , of course, such a plan for such a plan, the essence of which, in short, is to catch up and overtake the whole world, and a significant part of the indian society supports, today is a historic day, under the leadership
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prime minister modi's government will be formed for the third time, historic decisions will be taken in the third term, i say hello to... in newdelhi today there are increased security measures, thousands of police and military personnel are patrolling the city from the ground, from the air, all because on about 800 high-ranking guests were invited to the inauguration, these are politicians, businessmen, these are, of course, bollywood stars, and the leaders of some countries in south asia, these are india’s neighbors, such as sri lanka,
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the maldives, the seychelles, bangladesh, until completion there is only a little time left for the ceremony, but it will take place later. thank you, our own correspondent evgeniy davidov was in direct communication from india. patriarch kirill of all russia is completing his primate visit to kaliningrad; today the head of the russian orthodox church performed the divine liturgy at the cathedral of christ the savior on victory square. the revival of orthodoxy on kaliningrad land is, for non-believers, the strongest proof of the existence of god. it would be impossible to do this by any human force. i want it again i can say that it is possible to build, but to change human souls and human consciousness so that
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today i can see this huge number of people. modern people who pray in this holy church and partake of the holy mysteries of christ are impossible without the power of god. a congress of the moldovan opposition bloc pobeda is taking place in moscow today. the delegates plan to develop a strategy for the upcoming referendum on european integration and the presidential elections. but in moscow they gathered for security reasons. the opposition's homeland in moldova is being threatened, as stated by the head of the gagauz autonomy.
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“shor believes that moldova today is indeed captured by pro-european forces, in
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contrast to the european union, he insists on a eurasian union, and shor also announced in this light the creation of a project, ambassadors of friendship of peoples , the task of 50 thousand people will be to inform the citizens of moldova about “the activities of the victory bloc are precisely on the eve of both the referendum and the upcoming ones.” from all over the country and from abroad, like this one the criminal regime and its friends in europe and the usa are preparing to ensure mass turnout and
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falsification, they are already raising the entire administrative resource, all state employees, where in areas where the turnout will be small, they will simply reprint, reprint the ballot. throws them into the trash can. the only way is for all of us to find ourselves to vote against their referendum, against sandu, against corruption, against lies, against betrayal and against paz. and also special attention within the framework of this congress was paid to the pressure that turns out to be the opposition within moldova, which is actually the main one.
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in the kurakhovsky direction, the famous tank is fighting there, tsar mangal, well, right now alexey kazakov and the exposure of dill propaganda in the stopfake program. the kiev regime claims that all the atrocities of ukrainian military commissars and raids on potential conscripts are depicted by russian propaganda, and the mobilization of cannon fodder into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is supposedly going strictly according to plan, but why then, are the scientists serious? propose to bait crocodiles, more about this about new we will tell you about the enemy’s virtual victories right now in the program stop fake on russia 24. so, the kremlin is conducting
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a grandiose information and psychological operation against ukraine, the task of which is to discredit tcc employees and create the illusion of widespread non-compliance with the rights of men of military age. the corresponding temnik is now being fully worked out by knowledgeable resources at the suggestion of the speaker of the armed forces of ukraine pletenchuk. right here. it turns out that margarita simanyant, who will be involved in a little, a lot of staging provocations. in
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general, the puzzle of black media has already come together. definitively, but, as usual, it is spoiled by an important nuance. and if these are fake videos where they are being beaten, screwed up, but you tell it to the guys who are now there, your guys, go tell it, and the rallies that are now taking place at the shopping center, when women come there with pitchforks and torches, to smoke out these robbers who captured them from the men, and then also demand an answer, why the one you they took him, he died there, and ttsk, this three -letter word, which can already be called swearing in ukraine, it evokes hatred, it raises the same fierce energy from within a person, which will soon force them to take up arms and shoot en masse those who come after them , but this is like the horseman of death, in fact, you don’t have to look far for examples, only from the recent one, firstly, the desperate attempts of a resident of the city of khmelnitsk to fight off a whole crowd of human hunters, and secondly, the forcible delivery of a summons
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to a sixteen-year-old teenager in the capital. .. odessa, where a guy who did not want to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine was literally dragged along the asphalt. and fourthly, frightening footage from kharkov, where passengers of an ordinary bus are being mobilized right on the move. we managed to find all this in the ukrainian segment of social networks, spending a few minutes, and if desired , there would be enough shocking videos for an entire film. however, now zelensky’s sofa troops have. a universal response has been prepared for each such publication, the ukrainian media space quite classically handles any negative attitude towards as a rule, they try to shift the responsibility to themselves, they try to say that this is the work of russia, to say that this is the work of the russian mosfilm, it is mosfilm that shoots videos there about how civilians are captured, you can even recall the famous article financial times, a classic american publication, which published an article that ukrainians
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are sitting in the cold, without heating, and even the kiev regime accused the financial times of working directly in moscow, that it is spreading russian propaganda, true, serious doubts arise about the effectiveness of blatant lies, not least because it is clearly refuted by the ukrainian henchmen themselves, he runs away, shot him in the head, will not run away again, and it would be nice if this fiery monologue was an exception to the rule, but no, there is already a whole trend taking place,
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including the president, they have significantly tightened border security, and we know that they are even placing mines in some areas, although it is hard to believe, and they are shooting to kill, and before that those dozens of corpses in question, who allegedly drowned, well, based on these reports of shooting, most likely did not drown themselves, and of course, the danger... the danger grows crossing this very yew tree, but still, of course, in advanced units at the front, the danger is disproportionately higher, however, the statements of boris ovcharov, who is a so-called veteran of the prohibited right sector, and also a generator of valuable ideas for the fight against hijackers, provoked especially much noise. i would go to tisza again released crocodiles, that is, they are not afraid
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to dive into the tisa, no matter how much. they are drowning, but they are afraid to protect their family, their home. the proposal is extremely bloodthirsty and, most importantly , it was made absolutely seriously, so it’s impossible to do without lekbez. in summer, the water in tisza warms up to more or less comfortable values, around 20°, but for crocodiles, regardless of whether they are nile or indian, this is not enough. they begin to feel unwell if the water is colder than plus25 and are guaranteed to die when the thermometer is less than +5. american alligators are much hardier. they easily survive even in winter, literally freezing into the ice for hibernation, although people are attacked extremely rarely, which means they are only relatively suitable for the role of guards and borders, so it would be more correct for border guards to opt for other representatives of the us fauna, aquatic stink bugs, such snakes are very they like to settle near rivers, swim well and are consistently among the top five species that account for 95% of all snake bites in america, their venom is...


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