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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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the proposal is beyond bloodthirsty and, most importantly , it was made absolutely seriously, so it’s impossible to do without an educational program. in the summer, the water in the kitty warms up to more or less comfortable values ​​around 20° celsius, but for crocodiles, regardless of whether they are nile or indian, this is not enough; they begin to feel unwell if the water is colder than plus 25 and are guaranteed to die at temperatures thermometer is less than +5. american alligators are much tougher and can easily survive. even in winter, literally freezing into the ice for hibernation, although it attacks people extremely rarely, which means they are only relatively suitable for the role of guards and borders, so it would be more correct for border guards to opt for other representatives of the fauna of the united states, aquatic copperheads, such snakes are very fond of settling near rivers, swim excellently and are consistently included in the top five species, which account for 95% of all snake bites in america, their venom causes severe pain, swelling and tissue necrosis, just right... so that
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a desperate swimmer does not get from the ukrainian coast to the romanian one, but ukraine has enough poisonous snakes, alligators, which are no match for these animals, there are such poisonous vipers that destroy all living things around, and the banks of the tisa river, they are already mined, there people on tripwires are blown up when they go there they are trying to go, and why is an alligator needed, there is enough of one tower with a machine gun that will shoot everyone here... that’s all right, that is, to save the budget they will not buy alligators, they will buy cartridges. be that as it may, recruiting personnel for disposal somewhere near volchansk it is going much slower than the leadership of the junta would like, and therefore the illegitimate team is clearly counting on help from abroad, for example, a widely circulated article according to which germany intends to drive as many as 900 thousand people as friends, everything is presented like this , as if berlin had announced mobilization measures. out of solidarity
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with kiev, he will soon send a gigantic army to fight the russians directly, but in fact, the head of the bundestag defense committee, strack zimmerman announced plans, quote: to activate reserves, that is , to register citizens with experience of military service, with the exception of former soldiers of gdr officers, and this is a purely bureaucratic procedure very far from the real strengthening of the armed forces. the bundeswehr has shaken a number of people in recent years. scandals related to the crisis situation in which the german army found itself. in the current situation of escalation in the world, yes, which we are seeing, the bundeswehr is trying to resolve some problems, one of which is and for a long time, critically, this has not been the recruitment of personnel in the army, which has already led to the fact that foreigners very easily get into the bundeswehr. who, in general, are not particularly
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passionate about germany, and service in the army is of little prestige, it is rather neglected. in addition, it should be noted that de facto there simply would not be enough resources for an army of millions. today , the bundosphere reservists association numbers 115,000 people, but only 34,000 of them regularly participate in training and maintain some kind of combat capability. this is when what the german command considers the necessary minimum. 60,000 reserve soldiers who can be called upon if necessary. at the same time, the current personnel of the german armed forces cannot cope with their own support. over the past year, only 58,000 sets of uniforms were issued to the military against an order of 72,000; similarly, helmets and body armor were not received. the total shortage of these items of equipment was about 45.00 units. yes , not everything is going smoothly with the personnel. of the 200 thousand soldier officer positions, about 10% remain stable. vacant, all these
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9000 that walk around germany and are shown on ukrainian tv, this is propaganda, this is this picture, so that a person sitting in front of the screen, relaxes a little, thinks, well, yes, hans will come and protect us, hans with a swastika on his leopard, with white crosses, he has already been here, well, he will return again, now he will protect us, but even if someone is sent, it will not be these main regular armies to expose europe, they are there ...may sending their weapons, everything that concerns business, that concerns people, here the matter is more complicated, because when the coffins arrive , when all this rises with such stinking smoke to the skies, they will not be able to sort it out, on the other hand, victory can well be drawn from indirect participation nato countries in the conflict, a striking example of sweden, whose authorities have either already handed over, or are going to hand over to the bank gang a pair of early warning systems complete with their aircraft, saab carriers, according to the version.
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the skills were generous with literally unique cars that ukrainians didn’t even dare to dream about. well, apparently, the thirst for new terrorist attacks among the neo-banderaites is so strong that the power of the american global hock drone for reconnaissance of targets is no longer... enough, but even the unian agency eventually had to admit that both aircraft were essentially written off by stockholm, they had been standing for a long time there are queues for replacement, therefore we are facing another episode when ukraine is given something unnecessary, but the zombified audience for the wunderwaffe will do absolutely anything. and in this case , the supply is quite profitable, because sweden is getting rid of its junk, sweden is getting rid of its old planes, they are being delivered to ukraine and they will be there quite quickly. in place of sweden's old weapons, new modern weapons will come from, of course, the usa, they earn a lot of money, and just after the disposal of old equipment, sweden and swedish taxpayers, most importantly, will be forced to purchase modern american aircraft. in addition, the technical
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characteristics of these flying reconnaissance aircraft are not at all sensational: in the absence rotating device, the visibility of the swedish radar does not exceed 120° from left to right, so they appear in front from behind. and dead zones, the detection range seems to be quite good, up to 400 km when rising to a height of six kilometers, but at such a distance the radar is capable of detecting only large and preferably static objects, like moored ships, and stealth combat aircraft, for example the russian su-57, glow on radar screens much less, that is , they may well approach saab at a distance of 300 or 250 km, nothing will interfere here exchange the longer-range r-37 missiles, their maximum radius of destruction is the same as ... in itself, such an aircraft was generally created and was created based on the concept of complete air superiority, and even that the enemy against whom these strikes are being carried out means he is, as it were,
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not is already able to counteract this aircraft, which is a very large vulnerable target, so either most likely these aircraft will be quickly enough... lost , or they are generally meant to be transferred after the end of hostilities for restoring the combat effectiveness of the ukrainian army. next to another interesting topic, promoted by the publication strana ua. its authors, in particular, found out that a criminal scheme for the export of human anatomical materials, including human organs, was uncovered in ukraine. and here, of course, we cannot do without reminders of how black transplant surgeons are repeatedly stigmatized. an invention of the russian media, both unwanted foreign agents from medusa and ukrainian schemers themselves tried to find some semblance logical justification, they say, while there is an armed conflict, there is not enough time to engage in illegal surgery, but now not only the existence
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of underground operating rooms has been revealed, but also the concealment of their work by an entire ex-deputy head of the ministry of health. but all this can rise to a level where ulyana suprun’s team was located, who... are behind these black and dirty deeds, this is also a separate horror, when - ukrainian medicine was dealt with by the doctor of death, who has nothing to do with ukraine there, she's an american, she got hers, when ukraine turned not just into a country of medical tourism, but turned into the main donor, despite the fact that this did not happen at the request of the people, well, there is a person lying around and he is recorded as missing, but where is he found? then inside some french-italian, because they took it apart into pieces and transported it all over the world, be that as it may, to catch russia, but the lies traditionally failed, even if they admitted it later than they should have, here is the scale of the lies of the western politicians constantly go beyond the bounds of reason and rarely lead to inadequate consequences
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, take at least the recommendation of british deputy prime minister olver dowden, they say, in the face of some kind of threat, which clearly means russian, the subjects of the kingdom must take measures and specifically for this... a special website has been created where they ask to purchase a set of food for 3 days, as well as water, batteries and medical supplies, but the people, as difficult as it may be to guess, interpreted the advice of the authorities in their own way when the public begins to ask questions, and what is actually happening, in this case it is necessary to use manipulation, including against one’s own citizens, the most important manipulation is, of course, manipulation of emotions, and fear is the strongest emotion that a person has when the authorities say that the conflict is getting worse, that it is possible to escalate, including... direct confrontation, that it is necessary to urgently prepare, prepare your food supplies, of course, for an ordinary person who is scared, who has been scared purposefully, he rushes to the store, he buys everything he can, spends his savings in order to prepare some kind of strategic food supply.
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in a word, if someone needed another confirmation that russophobic hysteria does not lead to good, then they got it, and the chances of preserving mental health, perhaps, remain only for those who soberly assess the situation. total propaganda knows how to separate the truth from ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia tv channel 24. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. hand steamer or car refrigerator with discounts up to 19% on the yandex market. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. i am something good, the best, and i am
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eldarado is the premier whitewashing expert. pairs, roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price. italian style, delicious, period. donetsk direction, the fighting is intense, the number of captured ukrainian military personnel is increasing. today we are advancing in the kurakhovsky direction, in the direction of karlovka, and this ukrainian serviceman was captured by attack aircraft of the fifth brigade of the first army corps of krasnohorivka. here is the moment of capture: mortars are fired at the ukrainian assault group, the survivors run out and surrender to
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our fighters. what was your task? what did they tell you? we were told to pick up this piece of hardware here, and what else is there? that's all, we are all refuseniks, and you are refuseniks, it turns out, and they threw you here, i understand, in short they told you to take a piece of iron to gain a foothold, right? well, like, didn’t go immediately?
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only these high-rise buildings go to the northwest, well, accordingly, this is also ours, this is ours, this building, this is everything, this is a hangar, this is a factory, it’s completely our territory, a couple of days ago, a crazy bradley infantry fighting vehicle, theirs with eight people , entered our position, a battle ensued, and the result of the battle was determined from the beginning, an infantry fighting vehicle was knocked out, six people were killed, the enemy was destroyed, two surrendered , these are the same ukrainian prisoners stormtroopers who... so nikolai alexander, i think you probably noticed that no one intends to cause you pain or harm,
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in general we really want to be seen, heard and done the same on the opposite side. yes, so i’ll remind you once again, don’t hesitate to contact the lord god to ask him to put the right thoughts into your heads, when we had work on dressing, i ran away, they caught me, threw me into a pit, they treated me very badly, there was a toilet in the pit , everything was, i couldn’t stand it all, this i breathed everything, the dampness, the conditions were terrible. the parents wrote a statement to the military prosecutor's office, they said: this and that, the son does not respond, does not call, but they took all the documents, took the phone, he does not respond, because the parents called and complained, like they wrote a statement against the commander , and the commander didn’t like it, for this he says, those who
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did not serve well, the next day they told me like this: that’s it, come on, on your way out, they gave me a broken machine gun and threw me out on a mission at night so i realized what it's like they threw death, we drove up there in a car, well , on a rampage, the rear ramp opened, the arrivals began, well, there was heavy shelling like a car, we didn’t get out right away, we shouted to the crew of the car to close this... the rear hatch was leaving, they didn’t do it did, we had to go into the trenches, well, leave the car in the trench so that there would be at least some kind of cover, that is, you came to the place where everything was under fire, i already understood this when they started landing us there, but we didn’t want to , that we realized that we were stupidly thrown, well, how they threw us, it’s like
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i’ll decipher it, well, i’m not the only one who understood this, that like, how can i tell you, they sent you for meat to check the situation, like what ’s going on there, it’ll be like live bait, as i understand it, here are chinese cars, here are the guys who drive, but i got confused, i thought , some young man in a mask, what year is this? i’m the seventieth, our younger generation, i’m all 100. whose car, tyomych, start it, almost all the frames are overcooked, reinforced, all the unnecessary lighting equipment was removed, so as not to unmask their movement,
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accordingly, the frame was strengthened, the frame was strengthened, they reinforced the cargo compartment, scalded it with bars, mesh , and here is also the enemy, but point, point at the administrator, listen, well, how many of them are there approximately, well, only 105 border detachments there and other border guards there were 700 people in any hodgepodge. from a conversation with local residents who are present there in sufficient numbers, and in almost every third house there are military personnel in su, the locals suffer, they cannot go out there,
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since, as i understand it, no one needs them there, otherwise they would they've all been away for a long time we were evacuated, it was not hit in our direction, because there was a case, a woman was walking down the street, was already approaching the plant, she just got a line in the back, that is, it comes to this, that is, those who are trying to come over to our side are peaceful, they are. .. can be killed, they now have a complete ban on movement due to insomnia, that is, whoever they see, they destroy without warning, seriously, yes, my favorite topic is motorcycles, the guys ride uh, some from the fourth grade, some from five years professionally, look, i’m showing you, loose, to make it easier to transport, how much zinc fits here. a little more zinc, everything that needs to be done quickly in advance, deliver, pick up, this is us, every race is
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a world record in motocross, a prize, saved lives of comrades, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, cut, faster, cut , trim, trim. that's it, take it, where is 200 three hundredth, i'm still flowing, go away, go away, go away, passengers on the way back, wounded attack aircraft, what's your name, brother, his, oh, rosary, you still have a go- proshka writing so that you understand, yes, now sweet, yeah, well, just think, the last time i was carrying, uh, three hundredth, he had one leg missing, the other leg was in jelly, he seemed to be... driving, holding on with one hand with the other hand holding this one leg, and he it was very inconvenient, so i had to hold him with one hand, his hand, and
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steer anywhere with one hand, moving in the front-line zone is a lottery, if you are spotted by a ukrainian kamikaze drone, then who will win, we stay close to the military vehicle, because ... there is a system there that does not allow the copter to attack us. and this tank fyodor who conquered the internet and his king-barbecue, steel shell. and a fearless crew. the task was because the cumulative jet flies 80 cm after the impact, it burns through the armor, and that means there should be a distance of 80 cm, yes, here meters to the tank. oh, they also stitched it underneath, that’s right, it will withstand more than one hit, and the most important thing is that it won’t penetrate the tank,
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the cumulative jet will not reach, there’s also protection here, yes, yes, that’s it, that’s it well, here it is, another sheet, that is, a motor transmission the department, well, to the maximum extent possible, we protected it. for the landing from both sides the landing is calmly loading, we installed a camera, there are tablets, video surveillance, the mechanic can also see from above so that he can navigate more, the communication is digital, and the digital communication is duplicated and there are jammers on it, only we appear in another place, there is an enemy copter above us. damn, birdie, birdie, yes, it’s not very pleasant. soon live up, live up. our open movement is a challenge to the enemy. its
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pure, perfect. for them, for them and for us. we're running around here through closed firing positions. yes, the better the disguise, the longer the life. here it is a tank in a closed firing position, yes, yes, this is the second version, ferdinanta, yes, yes, it’s cozy, hot, no, okay, cool, yes, yes, how many shots will you fire, five or six, and the most important thing the enemy - these were the ikhni women who flew in at night, calculated, flew, made drops, and knocked down a fairly large number, four or five. we have jordan and jordan, in my opinion , worked very well in one night i know jordan, and they also took a couple of tanks from us, and by driving the fedia into position, the chances of the vehicle’s survival
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will increase until all this breaks through. administration is semi-surrounded , we are firing at it, as soon as we cover it, assault infantry will go there, 9400 with a maximum of ten, please, the rating is excellent, the rating is excellent, we’re all leaving, yes, we’ve ruined everything, we can’t stay here for long, they’ll kill us, in this at the same time, our attack aircraft are already entering the krasnogorovka administration building,
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they have captured it.
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german authorities are trying to please the distillation both the eu and the usa. this is how the presidential press secretary explained berlin’s new statements about the need to prepare for war with russia. this is what dmitry peskov said in an interview with the author and host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel sorubin. it is important here that this is the german minister of defense announcing preparations. to the war with russia, and how to generally approach this, well, look, again, in the light of what putin said, germany always after the second world war had big problems in terms of a lack of sovereignty and independence, within of course, the german authorities are trying to improve this deficit, they need to please brussels, and the washington park , and...


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