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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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the russian army successfully repelled 14 attacks in so, zelensky’s formation lost almost 1,500 more soldiers and mercenary officers, two tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 25 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems, mainly produced by nato countries. the locations of foreign fighters were hit, 66 combat drones, an mi-8 helicopter and 13 shells from american hymers systems were shot down. about promotion in the kharkov region, egor grigoriev. gun, shot! the crew of the m-46 howitzer only manages to bring and load shells to targets on this day the artillerymen of the north group of troops have a lot of troops. shot, in minute breaks we communicate
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with the crew, a fighter with the call sign simon reveals his secret of handling the gun, i’m 45, 45, and she’s probably already under 70, well, yes, older than me, almost like my mother, the gun is still soviet, but it opened up at full speed in the northeast military system, a 33 kg projectile can easily be sent up to 30 km, these shots of objective control were not even seen by the artillerymen themselves, accurate strikes against the volchans entrenched in the industrial zone... the enemy, ready, the high-explosive fragmentation projectile went personal the enemy's composition in the volchansky direction, the artillerymen allow our infantry to advance, a shot, if we don't respond forward with fire, it means... the infantry ahead will suffer,
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the boys are also waiting for us, it is impossible to advance without the support of artillery and attack drones in volchansky, and the enemy is taking cover in buildings in the basements, the losses are huge, it was even necessary to pull elite units of the main intelligence directorate into the city for defense, including the brotherhood battalion, in just a week three militants from this extremist group banned in russia organization captured our attack aircraft of the north group, he just wanted to earn money, wait for revelations... a one-year-old intelligence officer of the armed forces of ukraine, of course, is not necessary, but in general terms he describes the picture of what is happening in gur. in intelligence , there are so many young people, what percentage are there now , more older, younger, well, usually from 18 to forty, from 18 years old, yes, they are almost schoolchildren, yes, that is, they also take more and more of them, and they also take eighteen-year-olds , the tasks of such eighteen-year-olds include, in addition to sabotage, revealing the position of our troops. artillery, including, the commander
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of a gun with the call sign dad knows this well, looking for drones, they fly in, the day before yesterday two, no, they shot down one, and before that we also shot down one of the rear ones, dad got his call sign not only because of his age, for each of the personnel calculation, you have to look for your own approach, you need to approach each person with your own, it’s very easy, you need to puzzle him with something, for example, prepare shells, charges, improve camouflage, a howitzer... the m46 gun is far from new, but very reliable, perhaps the main disadvantage is, of course, its dimensions, its weight is not easy to move from position to position, so the camouflage must be thorough. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, news. the zelensky regime is urgently creating a military police. the goal is to cope with mass desertion and flight from the ukrainian side, which the kiev authorities are catching. and sent to the front.
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outraged citizens are increasingly fighting back. evgeniya petrukhina will tell you what tricks military commissars use. tcc employees and the police literally drove the victim into a corner. and look at these desperate attempts dozens of buyers gathered to cope with the onslaught of the ukrainian military commissars. this is a market in poltava. disputes with shopping malls in odessa if a potential soldier is caught on the street alone. this is the usual pattern, they forcefully push me into a person who now grabbed me, and then in a minibus, this is kiev, no one wants to defend this territory with this political composition in this political configuration, they are trying in every possible way to avoid this, including by dressing up as women, in including running away, including paying huge amounts of money to go abroad. they don’t want to, because
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they don’t believe in the idea of ​​ukrainian statehood as a whole, they don’t completely trust zelensky, and therefore ukrainians are running in every possible way, running, including to the border with moldova, or are preparing to... from the trousers, you if you want to let someone go for meat, i won’t succeed, you are not patriots of ukraine, you are the ones who are not so confident in their abilities, dress in women’s headscarves, and walk along the streets, trying not to attract attention to themselves, but soon such the method may not work, here is the deputy minister of defense square kolmykova says that there are now 67 women in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine.
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the west can at any moment punish the already illegitimate zelensky for the fact that he, promising that he would mobilize a large number of people, received weapons for this cause, but does not fail to fulfill his obligations. tcc works for the interests, exclusively for the interests of zelensky, he is trying instead of himself, instead of his life, to push the lives of other ukrainians into this hellish cauldron. including those who are almost retired in the american photo bank for the media like this photographs of mobilized ukrainians. under fifty still look, went for bread, went to the front, that’s it, those who are 50-60 years old, they are calmly taken, sent to the front , they think that in this way they can get rid of another category of beneficiaries, from pensioners, pensions maybe then don’t pay in the future, but for those whom the tsk
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has not yet reached, the vushniks, they recommend learning to fight online, mastering how to use a stinger or javelin using a video tutorial, they say, don’t waste time, otherwise it turns out that those who went out for bread and who... the central control commission was forcibly thrown into a trench, they don’t even know how to reload a machine gun, so it turns out that there is already a meager replenishment of personnel, and even with zero effect. evgenia petrukhina, andrey sapegin, news. germany is not an independent country, so chancellor scholz's policies are contrary to national interests. this was pointed out by the press secretary of the russian president. this is what dmitry peskov said in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin. what is important here is that this is the minister of defense germany, declares preparations for war with russia, and how do you generally feel about this, well , look there, again in the light of what putin said, germany always after the second world war had big problems in terms of a lack of sovereignty and independence, within
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the framework of this deficit, of course , the german authorities are trying to get things done, they need to please brussels, and the washington park , and... they make statements at different levels, so their position is such a difficult one. but the nato countries led by the united states do not rule out conducting a ground military operations against russia, the new york post reports. according to the publication, in such a scenario, poland will become the main transshipment point. in warsaw they are afraid that eventually poland will simply cease to exist. former us presidential candidate vivekoswami, sure. the goal of the west is to plunder russia, for this biden and his supporters want to change power in moscow. the victorians are no longer in the state department, but the mood there remains the same, they do not openly talk about the objectives of the war, because they count on achieving their main goal, what
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wanted from the very beginning, regime change in russia. the elections to the european parliament are ending, and the right has received a significant portion of the votes. for example, germany, an alternative for germany , took second place, surpassing the sdp party, chancellor scholz. europeans are clearly fed up with politicians who are actively destroying the economy so that the united states can make good money. in austria, the right-wing freedom party won a landslide victory, gaining 27% of the vote. about how the elections are going, anastasia. elections to the only elected body of the eu happen once every 5 years, this time many politicians believe that residents of european union countries will vote based on their preferences in foreign policy. polling stations have already closed in ireland, the czech republic, latvia and malta, and voting has taken place in italy, where
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current prime minister giorgia miloni is projected to win a landslide victory. she arrived at the site in the suburbs of rome, one of the first, a few minutes after the opening. fondel benefits from escalation; under this sauce , she is gradually taking control of more and more
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areas that were previously exclusively under the jurisdiction of national governments. after health issues, brussels intends to manage the military policy of 27 countries, with plans to create a special commissioner for defense. however, there are those who are openly against it. i have never seen the question of choice between war and peace, which we face today, prevail in all countries of the european union. this is really more than just the election of members of the european parliament. this is a choice for war or for peace. the main thing that we will learn from the voting results is the opinion of eu citizens on this issue, so i hope we will see that the majority is for peace. pro-peace prime minister of slovakia robert fica, who survived a political assassination attempt, stopped his election campaign and voted from the hospital, judging by the first exit polls, he lost to the opposition. breaking everything apart. a few pros. i voted in the hospital because this election is important too. it is necessary
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to elect members of the european parliament who will support peace initiatives, and not the continuation of the war. western democracies do not want peace, but an escalation of tensions with the russian federation, which is sure to happen. french president emmanuel macron has succeeded more than others in this field in recent days. after further statements about the allocation of arms money to kiev, his party’s rating dropped by another percentage.
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temperature changes caused a series of tornadoes in russia, so in the chelyabinsk region, due to the whirlwind , eight villages were left without power supply for a while, but now there is already electricity. tornado walked around the leningrad region and was seen over lake lembolovskoye. however, this has been a frequent occurrence lately and no one was particularly scared. everything there is with meat, there will be meat soon there will be a tornado already going on there. now almost a little more, a couple more lyokha, a little bit before the tornado is not far, in the orenburg region
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there was a powerful storm, several roads were flooded, strong winds knocked down trees and fences, some houses were flooded, in rostov a month’s norm of precipitation fell in an hour, except in addition, there was a large hailstorm, utility services are already eliminating the consequences, clearing out sloughs, removing fallen trees, the tram runs with... interruptions. the current authorities of moldova want to completely deprive the country of independence. this was discussed at the second congress of the opposition moldovan victory bloc. it was held in moscow because delegates faced threats of political persecution at home. varvara nevskaya has all the details. in the midst of the second congress of the political bloc pobeda, which this time united supporters of both moldova itself and representatives of the large russian diaspora, let me remind you that it exceeds half a million people, in total
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about 400 people take part in the congress, and this is precisely the main goal of today events in contrast to sandu’s course towards joining the european union, to unite people around the idea of ​​​​developing relations between moldova and russia, which is important on the basis of mutual respect for the preservation of national identity. delegates to the second congress. which is taking place in moscow, have really developed a strategy for action both in the upcoming referendum on european integration and in the presidential elections. the leader of the block spoke about this in more detail. i am sure that today we can resist this wild, savage west only together, as one big family, only as one big family, we can build our rich, prosperous future together. yes, the center
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of the eurasian union is russia, a point of attraction too, and we must say this. face a friend and tell the truth. that is why today we must unite all together, take hands, drive out this disgusting european scum from our land and reach the end. shor believes that moldova today is indeed captured by european forces, and as a counterbalance to the european union , he insists on a eurasian union. also shore announced the creation in this light. of the peoples' friendship ambassadors project, the task of 50 thousand people will be to inform the citizens of moldova about the activities of the victory bloc, just on the eve of both the referendum and the upcoming elections. also within the framework of the congress, ilen shor said that the moldovan opposition is launching a real battle for a referendum, and the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutsol, also stated this. we
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see and receive signals from all over the country and from abroad, like this criminal. the regime and its friends in europe and the us are preparing to ensure mass turnout and fossilization, they are already raising the entire administrative resource of all state employees, where in polling stations where the turnout will be small, they will simply reprint the ballots and throw them into the ballot box. the only way is for all of us to find it. vote against their referendum, against sandu, against corruption, against lies, against betrayal and against paz. also , within the framework of this congress, special attention was paid to the pressure that is being put on the opposition within moldova, which is actually the main reason why this congress
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is being held for the second time here in moscow, in separation from the country itself for interests. which the victory bloc is fighting, much attention was, of course, paid to the moldovan diaspora on the territory of the russian federation, and from the lips of representatives of this large, truly commune, which once again exceeds half a million people, the following important statements were made: first, the diaspora plans to submit a class action lawsuit for the possibility that moldovans living in russia could also vote by mail, as at the moment.
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no, members of the allied party will also be included in fashion. however, as indian political scientists say, senior positions in key ministries, the foreign ministry, the ministry of defense and the ministry of finance will remain with representatives of the kharaatiya janata party, which means that modi’s course will continue. he has a lot of plans. modi wants india to become a permanent member of the un security council, will insist on holding the olympic games in the country, intends to land an indian astronaut on the moon , promises to turn the country into a developed nation by 2047, the centenary.
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increased security measures have been taken, the city center is blocked, thousands of police officers are working, air patrols are underway in the indian capital, today businessmen, bollywood stars, representatives of all political forces who took part in the elections have gathered, about 8 thousand guests in total, including leaders of some south asian countries from bangladesh, bhutan , maldives. sri lanka, sechelles, mauritius and nepal, after the ceremony a gala dinner was held for the guests of honor. evgeny davidov and matvey popov, news from newdeli, india. eight
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medals were won by russian schoolchildren at asian physics olympiad. this year , the competition in malaysia was won thanks to both knowledge and character. on the path to success, anton potkovenko. the triumph of russian schoolchildren. about 30 people who attend training camps at the moscow institute of physics and technology throughout the year; between training camps
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, qualification camps are held at the sirius educational center, which make it possible to form a team to participate in the asian olympiad in physics, this training system allows from demonstrate high results year after year at the international level. indeed, from year to year, in 2023, russian schoolchildren won...
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the winners will be greeted in russia. anton indispensable fruit very soon potkovenko, olga alvukhina, news. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfa bank. bring your friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer russia. what will your summer be like? with increased cashback, the summer will be active. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, bifree t-shirts for 699 rubles. heartburn from food, take it, extinguishes it, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with
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mikhail mishustin paid a working visit to the republic of belarus and took part in a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council. the focus was on a wide range of issues of deepening eurasian economic integration. separately, council participants discussed the development of transport infrastructure and the topic of customs and tariff regulation. the formation of modern eurasian routes will, of course, help us ensure the sustainability of production and logistics chains, and that the consequence is to speed up the delivery of goods, simplify the conditions for introducing business activities, we count on strengthening active cooperation in the field of transport, which fully meets the interests of all states of the union and the eurasian region as a whole. chairman
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of the government. in russia took part in the plenary session on food security of the eurasian economic union, which was held as part of the international specialized exhibition belagro 2024. the task of ensuring food security security without exaggeration is of key importance for both russia and all participants in the eurasian economic union. it is very important that citizens have. affordable, high-quality, healthy, and, of course, a variety of food products. russia and the eec play a key role in ensuring global food security. this is facilitated by its favorable geographical location, availability of resources, and development of its own production, including fertilizers. level of security yas own agricultural food supply is growing from year to year.
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plans to significantly increase production and export of agricultural products. we have always been a responsible international partner and conscientiously fulfill all commercial and humanitarian obligations. and we will continue to adhere to the same principles in the future. mikhail meshustin also visited the international specialized exhibition belagra 2024 in minsk. at the exhibition, russia presented its national stand with domestic products. the exposition is dedicated to the tastes of russia and presents brands from the agricultural regions of the country. the government has allocated funding for the implementation of projects to create comfortable living conditions for citizens in the regions. to implement social development plans.


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