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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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normandy, amaha beach is a heroic place in northern france, where 80 years ago, on june 6 , 1944, the largest landing operation in history, operation overlord, began. it is not known whether among the veterans invited to the celebration were those who, in the first wave of landings, walked chest-deep in water towards the machine guns of the german atlantic wall, but in any case , the participants in those events should have been at the center of the anniversary celebrations, but no. the owner, president of france macron, ordered otherwise.
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refused them, but now he takes what they give, and macron also plans to train a new brigade in the ssu, over 400 people, it seems that he is going to do this on ukrainian territory, in connection with which the italian deputy prime minister salvini sent the french president there. ukraine asks us to form a military exercise of mobilized soldiers on its sovereign territory. is this an escalation? no, this is not sending european soldiers or... allies to the front line, this is recognition of the sovereignty of ukraine on its territory. macron. to macron, i will say: put on a helmet, body armor, go to ukraine and don’t fool the alliances, fight, but leave behind those who want to live in peace. never will an italian bullet or an italian bomb kill anyone on russian territory. we don't want a third world war. macron doesn’t have time to go to the front, he still has to swim in seni on june 23, if. of course, he will keep his word and
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prove by personal example that the river is suitable for the olympics. and then there is e. coli, hepatitis a. many things today are treated with pills, but not russophobia and ignorance. on the shores of normandy, the west is honoring a hero who, if someone historical represents the ss division golyachin and the punitive battalion nachtigall. 60% of the french, who believe that the americans made a decisive contribution to the defeat of nazism, apparently deserve such a holiday, but...
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corrected the situation, everyone had to correct it. even more awkwardness arose after biden delivered his speech about the greatness of america; he suddenly squirmed, as if he wanted to look at something on the floor or was looking for a chair to sit down. and the weirdness didn't end there. welcoming one of the veterans, biden tapped him on the cheek with his fist, an interesting way to show his respect to a man who fought, who is much older. in general it was noticeable. we are not talking
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about the fact that ukraine is part of nato, we are talking about the fact that we have the same relationship with them as with other countries that we supply weapons so that they can defend themselves in the future. but i was the one who said that i was not ready to support nato integration with ukraine. zelensky, apparently, has internalized the west’s recommendation not to raise the issue of ukraine’s membership in nato. therefore, during it lasting for a week. european holidays did not touch on this topic, but, drawing a parallel with normandy, he asked for the landing of the allies in ukraine, forgetting that the success of the anglo-american landing was directly ensured by the bogration operation on the eastern front, and also asked biden to come to switzerland after all, so called the peace conference, but did not succeed here. as it approaches, the event in burgenstock attracts less and less interest in the world. at the end of the week , the secretary general officially refused to travel to switzerland. but australia confirmed
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its participation in the person of the minister for insurance of disabled persons. the event in switzerland will take place next weekend on june 15-16, but before that on tuesday in berlin. a conference on the restoration of ukraine, followed by a two-day g7 summit in italy, and zelensky was announced as a guest everywhere. that is, he will stay in europe for at least another week. this confirms the fact that he has absolutely nothing to do in ukraine. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lesitsin and andrey putra. news of the week, germany. so it turned out that the world, located in the evening twilight, is capable of supporting itself only with an ever -increasing dose of lies, hypocrisy and hatred. the premiere was the celebration, or more precisely, the political show, which was organized by ungrateful france on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the landing on its shores
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of anglo-american forces to open a second front in europe in the battle with nazi germany. by that time , the eastern ussr was fighting the aggressor on the first front. for more than 3 years now, the radical turning point in this battle in our favor has long passed, our troops they were advancing uncontrollably, there were months left before the final victory, and then england and france decided to join in in europe, otherwise you were completely late, left with nothing. by that time, the red army was already so strong that it could have cleaned up on its own. all of europe from the brown evil spirits, but then what remains for america and england? so they decided to make a fuss under the curtain, and now everything has turned out topsy-turvy. russia in soviet times existed in the form of the ussr.
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our contribution is proportional to the victims, 27 million versus half a million for the usa, and even less for england and france. but russia was not invited to the holiday; instead, in the ranks of western leaders , a representative of the regime, on whose banner the official hero, hitler’s henchman, stepan bandera, was disgustingly showing off. for president putin this is nonsense. listen to me, how can you celebrate such a serious date in the fight against nazism with those. statehood is bandera, but he was today’s symbol of ukrainian one of hitler’s main associates in
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territories of eastern europe, it was at the hands of bandera that thousands of not only russian poles, but also jews were shot. “there are no complaints about the veteran, there are complaints about the artificially created environment in which he was immersed, because the ceremony was dedicated to modern ukraine, which the americans sincerely consider theirs. with complete simplicity , baidin read about this from the prepared prompter.
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it was a show of whipping up irresponsible lies with an appeal to animal fear." "we will not leave, if we do this, ukraine will be enslaved, and this will not be the end yet, neighbors ukraine will be in danger, all of europe will be in danger. in their hour of testing, the allied forces on d-day did their duty. the question now for us is whether we will do our duty in this hour of trial. particularly impressive is the call for duty against the bandera nazi regime. what debt? everyone from veterans to top officials of foreign states found themselves in a stupid position. obviously, not wanting to be an extra in a generally unimportant production, british prime minister rishi sunok left, as we say in english, without saying goodbye. actually,
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well-mannered englishmen always say goodbye, for some reason we just have such a coral expression. but in this case it happened. having been quoted earlier, risha sunok shone with his absence. later they explained the gaping emptiness in place by the prepared protocol for the british prime minister and its low significance. you see, it's like stale bread. "that's how caustically his low self-esteem is reconstructed by the british satirical publication stamp. most of the time, people don't even know that i'm next to them, in which case, why should they notice that i don’t exist, a completely logical thought, i’m not very big, i’m like stale bread, do you ever think, oh, i don’t have stale bread, it’s the same here, why should anyone think about the fact that i don’t exist, but '.
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we propose to train 4500 ukrainian soldiers, equip them, train them and provide them with the ammunition and weapons necessary to defend their own land, and this brigade, if you can call it french, is undoubtedly a very important factor, so there will be french instructors on ukrainian soil , does this an escalation factor, no, training someone in the western region, which is a free zone of ukraine, is not...
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for the purity of relations, let's recall some more historical details and even repeat for the sake of remembering: the total losses of france in the second world war are estimated at approximately 600,000 people . the soviet union lost 27 million in the fight against fascism. france , together with england and italy, was a participant in the munich agreement of 1938. which allowed germany, with the support of poland, to dismember czechoslovakia. this is the actual date
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the beginning of world war ii. and on may 10, 1940 , germany invaded france. france resisted for only 40 days and chose to capitulate. despite the fact that the forces of the french army were quite comparable to the troops of the third reich. french people. for nazi germany, tens of thousands of frenchmen fought as part of the volunteer
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formations of the wehrmacht and ss, invading our land. in his memoirs, brigadier general charles de gaulle, during the war, leader of the free french movement, recalls the surprise of the german field marshal keital during signing the act of surrender of germany in berlin on may 9, 1945, when it was discovered by a representative. france is among the winning countries. in berlin, france was represented by general dilator, who was received by the russians with great honor and respect; dilator encountered protocol difficulties. as a result, the incident was quickly resolved. on may 9 , it took its place alongside the representatives of the other great powers, just as the french tricolor flag took its place among the other allied flags. in the final act of surrender, the french representative delivered its signature along with those of russia, the united states and great britain. general field marshal keitel even exclaimed, bah, the french are here. the representative of france
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ended up at that table only by the will of stalin, because the usa and england did not at all... in december 1944, he personally came to moscow , spent 8 whole days here, and received the frenchman as his closest friend. while diplomats were coordinating the soviet-french treaty on a mutual assistance alliance, the general had a busy cultural program. according to the general's recollections, he spent time with stalin several meetings.
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stalin conducted direct and simple conversations, he tried to seem like a simple man, the beginnings of culture, pronouncing complete judgments on the most complex problems. he ate everything and a lot, poured himself a full glass of crimean wine, new bottles were constantly placed in front of him, through the mask of good nature , a merciless fighter was visible in stalin. however, the russians sitting around the table were watching him tensely and carefully. the farewell resulted in an outpouring, as stalin loved, “count on me,” he said.
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if you or france need us, we will share everything with you, right down to the last piece of bread. suddenly seeing. next to him was podzerov, a russian translator who was present at all the negotiations and translated all the speeches, the marshal sharply said to him with a gloomy look: “and you know too much, i really want to send you to siberia.” i left the room with my employees, turning around on the threshold, i saw stalin sitting alone at the table, he again began to eat. one way or another, degol left moscow having acquired a powerful ally. france managed to get into not only the group of powers...
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the spaniards and the french. they go to fight against the bolsheviks to the accompaniment of a warlike song composed by goebbels’ propagandists especially for them.
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yes, that’s actually all you need to know about the historical ingratitude of france. god be with them. now about the states. what the hell is there? it seems like a presidential race, but in
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politics in relation to russia, its ending will not change anything. as putin said, we don’t care, another phenomenon is much more interesting and important. the states are burning themselves from the inside. what's in it's happening in the states.
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in domestic policy, but in economic policy, i think that today's, today's administration is making one mistake after another, one after another, even sometimes you are surprised when you look at what is happening. our correspondent, valentin bogdanov, is forced to live and work in this environment. we are grateful to valentin for his consistently interesting reporting. in the minds of the jury, donald trump is, of course, guilty, but he is not guilty.
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thank you guys for all your hard work. the message was published the day before ahead of trump's sentencing on wednesday, may 29. in the letter, merchen does not indicate whether this publication is reliable or whether the courts are investigating it, but this is certainly a very alarming development. if the user named michael anderson who left the message actually exists, if he is not lying or organizing a prank or intentional stuffing, then in american legal terms it is called mistrial.
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the trump team, they need to get to the bottom of this... trump needs to get to the bottom of it, the judge warned them and gave them enough information to start an investigation, they should already find out if it's true or not, then if it's true , they must file a motion, then the question will be: was there any misconduct on the part of the jury and did that lead to an unfair decision against trump? well, without additional petitions, the decision regarding trump was considered unfair by millions of americans voters. there are the first data from large
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surveys. our new survey in


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