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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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fights among themselves, but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of state policy. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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and here is another result of the elections to the european parliament: in france, the conservative national association of marine le pen is gaining 32%, according to polls from polling stations, while macron's revival party comes second with a significant gap of almost half as much. and as it just became known,
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president macron announced the dissolution of the french national assembly parliament and called early elections for june 30. the convulsion following the results of parliamentary elections, extraordinary in france, may change the government. news of the week correspondent grigory vdovin went to one of the most mystical and legendary places on the planet - tibet, which is called shizan in china. gregory's first travel notes vdovina watch right now. white scarves are worn by dear guests already at the airport in ningchi. this is the custom here already, but not yet as it will be in the future. the height is now approximately 3.00 m above level. the specifics
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of the excursion here are as follows: the bus has oxygen cylinders with individual masks that you can use. shortness of breath does appear a little faster than you expect, but if everything is really bad, there is such a large medical oxygen cylinder in the cabin not one, but two. the roads are bilingual, all the signs are duplicated in tibetan, even the emergency button for opening the doors on the bus is labeled twice, children are at school. they are busy with wushu in physical education, archery, they try to show us the brightest sides of the educational process, a ceremonial meeting in national costumes. you can see what the lesson looks like together with the teachers, the children seem to be trying to shout out the next room, there is no usual silence in the classroom, and for completeness. sound impact lesson
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music using folk instruments. during the spelling class , schoolchildren learn local calligraphy; those who know only chinese will not be able to understand anything written. our school was founded in 1962, now we have 116 teachers and 1403 students, 36 classes. our philosophy.
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manually, we have saved this process, it. making paper like we do here consists of several important stages and the slightest mistake in each of them can ruin the entire batch, this is a great art it doesn’t work out right away.
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here it is customary to treat you to a local drink, milk tea, our guide shows his traditional clothes, there is only one sleeve on it, with his left, since the right hand is believed to have to work more while the left one rests, it is the hard work of the population of tibet, and according to chinese xijian, that has led to the calm and confident development of this territory with the full assistance and support of the central chinese authorities. grigor vdomin and ivan lavrikov, news from sendzyana for the week. tibet, china. june 6th turned 225 years since the birth of alexander sergeevich pushkin. all of russia celebrated the anniversary. our tv channel broadcast live from the
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boldin nature reserve museum. a grandiose concert took place there. about how it was. dmitry castro. in the thickening june twilight, over the quiet pond and the estate with its hundred-year-old linden trees, the lines of the great pushkin poetry sound, like a chadian from a ship to a ball, a reflection concert in bolden brought together on one stage the artists beloved by the whole country. can you imagine, here pushkin walked, here, here he stood, walked, it’s difficult, to realize such happiness, the sky seems to be overturned. in the mirror of the estate pond, where they placed a stage from which the presenters daria zlatopolskaya and andrei malakhov seemed to invite everyone to the pushkin era. pushkin, he is not just our contemporary, he is, as it were, more modern than any of us. you read pushkin, and you yourself rise to his level
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of understanding, accuracy, assessment of certain situations, phenomena, people. and it seems, what does reflection have to do with it? at first glance, we are talking about the physical effect of what the surface of a large pond carries. but in fact, speech after all, it’s about something else, about the connection between the times of the past and present of russian culture, through the great figure of pushkin. pushkin is a man of the universe, not only a poet, but also a broad national thinker, one of the fathers of the doctrine of the russian world. he believed that the future of the russian world lay in this unification of the slavic peoples. and pushkin owns the words. that slavic streams will merge into the russian sea. it is here in boldeni, in small tragedies , that many metaphors of the historical destinies of the motherland will be born, among which is the disastrous delight, which centuries later will be sung about another poet: along the cliff over the abyss.
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it’s great that this happened, it’s so necessary, it’s so important for everyone. i've never been here. here. thanks to alexander sergeevich, his birthday, i ended up here, what a delight, this village, imagine, steppe to steppe, there are not a soul of neighbors.
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what exactly did he want, there is no persuasiveness in slander and there is no truth, where there is no love, no matter what he spoke about, about children, about love or about politics, he spoke so freely and so sincerely, with such mozertian ease, now he has already become canonical answer to another prominent liberal and democrat chiodayev, who called the history of russia a gloomy , dull existence, i am far from admiring everything that i see around me, but... with honor, that for nothing in the world i would not want to change my fatherland or have
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a history other than history our ancestors, the way god gave it to us. well, who is the tallest gun? this is the fate of the people, the best thing in the world, you can only be proud of, it can never be taken away from us, and its greatest language, the wilderness, the green oak, the golden chain on that oak.
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at a fair in pskov he sees pushkin in red shirt and the same pants, holds an orange in each hand, squeezes them so much that the dryness flows through his clothes, and the local police captain reprimands him, saying that it is indecent for a noble person to behave like that, pushkin laughs, this pure pushkin laughter sounds in every one of his page, and the mysteries of this gift.
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the word itself is autochthon, and this is a variety that is made from grapes, how many people know, at least it grows in only one place in the world, most of all in our country there are grape autochthons on the don, from the don autochthons, veronica god, what's in africa? the jungles on the don are bayrak forests, spreading along the slopes of balok bayraks, where you can find vines of wild
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grapes. a very strong bush, we can see three branches here. the vines have been registered and identified; these are bushes of krasnostop zolotovsky. poplar, oak, hawthorn. for many decades, the vine hid under these trees, entwined them, and came out into the sun, where the grapes are now blooming. a kilometer away , something is happening that hasn’t happened here since the end of the last century. it's being laid. vineyard, maybe you haven’t tried it, but you’ve heard that krasnostop zolotovsky is the most famous autochthon in the world, that’s right, yes, in fact, he is the personification of don viticulture and winemaking. grapes appeared a lot on the don. centuries ago, together with the tribes and peoples who came here , it became woven into the way of local life; millennia of constant registration gave it the status of autochthon, which is translated from greek as local indigenous. khuttor krymsky is its highest point, there is even a rapper from the early 20th century preserved here, from here it is clear that in there are vineyards in every yard. people keep memories of finds. here we carried out
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excavations, at one time they found a wine pipeline. facts: amphoras, mokitras, grape knives. so, what varieties do we have? i'll tell you now. faina vasilyevna is 85 years old, her husband, a veteran of the great patriotic war, vasily prokhorovich, is 97. they cultivate their own vineyard. we planted grapes, then i’ll take a cat and go and invade something in the mines. grapes saved people from hunger, they were wages for working days, it was juice. wine, dessert, dried on palats, soaked in barrels, ice cream, we lived in the old way, like the cossacks, yes, yes, yes, in the old way, like the cossacks, and how the cossacks lived, this is how the cossacks lived, this is how they lived, this is how they cultivated themselves, cultivated their land , they planted vineyards, planted them in a special way, dug up the old hole, new bushes grew from the buds, but did not separate from the mother bush, over
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time filling the entire slope, how long do you think the wine sits on this slope? yes, they answered them, well, there are somewhere from 80 to 120 to 150 bushes, they say, no, just one, we’ll be there now try tsumyansky black, vidishka in oak barrels, from the grapes that are cultivated on an industrial scale, donskoy is the northernmost in the world. we have covered winemaking, the vine is constantly under stress, it’s hot during the day, cold in the evening, all this forms our unique don terroir, and it’s our indigenous... varieties that reveal our don potential of the don land. more than 50 don autochthons are described in the scientific literature. tsymlyansky black is the oldest, it is a thousand years old. atsimlyansky black - this is our answer to pinonoir. we make the same thing out of it, we make regular wine, we make rose wine, we make sparkling wine out of it. and in all these variants
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, tsimlyandsky black is no worse. he is completely different, a champion, completely different. but from my point of view. it’s delicious, worse than frost, drought, the phylaxera pest , it turned out to be the ax of the so-called anti-alcohol company, when you cut down the vineyards, you were probably told by your people there, what it was all about, of course, what people said in this one, people said it was first of all blasphemy. the wooden carved iconostasis in the oldest stone don church is completely permeated with vines and hung with bunches of grapes. let me remind you that christ also says, i am the true vine, and so... that we are these berries that grow on this vine. mikhail senyavtsev was one of the first who began to revive local varieties, i had no money to pay wages, in order to cover these costs, i was engaged in growing table grapes, wheat, sunflowers, they sold everything in order to give people a salary, in order to get out, and why i do this, i don’t know, i can’t explain it,
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it was a dream i shared with the writer and ardent defender.
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bull's eye, this is our incense, as we called it, okay, wine okay - it's generally, well, the same powder, that's why the pukhlyakovsky farm, here the powder flourished, kalinin settled on the estate in the pukhlyakovsky farm in 1946 and never left anywhere else, the cossacks took a liking to him, especially since the writer went through the war, and that means they began to bring him chibouks to teach how to plant grapes, in the end that whole farmstead... ours was occupied by grapes, we had 65 donskaya chasha bushes. the don cup is an ancient method of shaping a grape bush, facing the sun on all four sides, a masterpiece of national esteem. this is a plow, this is a plow, a plow, yes, otherwise it’s slightly, uh-huh, this is the lower bed, this is the upper bed, at lyudmila alexandrovna’s farmstead there are 18 don bowls, enough to understand
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why the vineyards here are called gardens, a person from four groups blood and grapes out of four blood groups, the first of them is vitisvinifera, which includes european varieties such as cabernet, merlot, well, all of them are known to all of us. our don autochthons, and this is called rootstock. yuri khimichev is a third -generation winemaker; his father refused to cut down the vineyards, putting his membership card on the table. in
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memory of him, his son revives the besergenevsky variety. the plantation grew from two miraculously preserved bushes. how does the state support this work? yes, i think there has never been such support. the largest and most historical enterprise region tsimlyansk wines, has undergone modernization. rebranding is improving the territory, building a large tourist complex, now at the moment we are doing very large-scale plantings, we set a goal this year to plant 160 hectares in the spring, tourists, enogastronomic travelers, and authoritative experts have flocked to the don valley. the krasnodar region is good, but there are a lot of international varieties there, and the uniqueness of the don lies precisely in the fact that there are rare things and... the wines that are produced here are their can't be done anywhere. the shock of the 20th century devastated the grape gardens. in search of the remaining ones, the regional branch
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of the russian geographical society is conducting an expedition. the task is to find, describe, understand what is lost and what is alive and, in general, how many unique don autochthons there are. veronica bogma, eduard ilyin, denis denisov and vladimir shumakov. news of the week, rostov region. well that's all for today, all the best. see you next sunday.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in application or website. shoplifting, robbery, gas, you
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ran away from the orphanage five times, six. for those who got away from the hands, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, they need repulsed mentors, forgive me, lord, what did you want from me, a miracle, this is your obedience, i only save others, i saved myself, after all, i have there was no contact with you either, but what did you do, stop lying, disobedient people, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, taking russian digital solutions to a new... height there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours more brutally, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials, exports, what is it like, our product.
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“slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the machine operator would have had access to the money, there was a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account was running for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money could be transferred i contacted the bank securely and hung up on myself , whoever they pretend to be scammers out to get money out of you, hang up without talking, it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a zip fake, change your voice.
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