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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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and who is fighting next to him? in the neighboring battalion, his father, no, he’s a colonel, no, a lieutenant colonel, he left a long time ago, retired for many years, but decided that i wouldn’t leave my son, well , how can such a people be defeated, and so , by the way, these european ones, it’s interesting , when he said that we’ll boil this rooster because he’s a chicken and doesn’t trample hens, he was hinting at macron, no, no, i’m just saying that
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this is, yes, i understand a roasted rooster, but if i understand correctly , it’s french, yes, it ’s gaelic, yes, well, i don’t know, it means gaelic, but french, i’m just joking, because i don’t know what macron has to do with the gauls, i don’t want to offend the gauls, oh, my god, and most importantly, this is where these people got their confidence that he would stand up for them, you’ll pay attention to the very interesting quote from kirby, it is very important. explains a lot. the president has been clear from the beginning, kirby says, that we're not looking for a third world war here. and we do not seek war with russia. and he knows, he has said many times, that the escalation of this conflict to such a degree would be terrible, not only for the ukrainian people, it would potentially have catastrophic consequences for the european continent. and this does not serve our interests in the united states. the president does not hide this and will not
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do so in the future, they do not see a threat to themselves, they see a threat to themselves on the only condition that they do not plan to launch any strikes in the event of the outbreak of a limited nuclear war in europe, which is quite perhaps if, for example, the same mirages fly out from territory of a nato country or from france, we will... be obliged to destroy them there, and it is no coincidence that vladimir vladimirov, on friday, we have this fragment, yes, when will they not intervene, if, god forbid, it comes to what - strikes, then we must still understand that in russia there is an spr system, a warning system - the united states has early warning of a missile attack, nowhere else in the world has such a system been developed. no, we
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have, in europe there are no developed systems, they are in this sense, more or less defenseless, this first, second, second, the power of the strikes, our tactical nuclear weapons are three times more powerful than the bombs used by the americans against kheroshima and nagasaki, three to four times, we have many times more in number. on the european continent, and even if the americans bring theirs from the usa, we still have many times more, but if it comes, god forbid, yes, which i really didn’t want, i’ll switch, that means, but then you said, we’ll reduce victims, but they can grow indefinitely, this is the first, second, of course, these are the same europeans will have to think, if...
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it means that those with whom we will exchange such blows will not exist, whether the americans will get involved in this exchange of blows already at the level of strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it, and the europeans should also think about it, this is unconditional, but i still proceed from the fact that it will never come to this, we do not have such a need. because our armed forces are not just gaining experience and increasing their efficiency, our defense-industrial complex is demonstrating its effectiveness work, i have already said many times, i can repeat it, we have increased the production of ammunition there by more than 20 times, we are many times greater than the enemy’s capabilities in...
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in aviation equipment, we are significantly superior in armored vehicles, and so on and so on, so we don't even need to.
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this is a monstrous force of conventional weapons, you know how many troops they have lost so far, 350 thousand killed or wounded without the participation of at least one american soldier, thanks to supplies weapons needed by ukrainians. well, we have already said that these figures are false, but at the same time the same biden says: i know what the level of corruption is in ukraine, that’s why they don’t need nato, that is, based on this, they don’t hide it, everything happened. is used for only one thing, to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, and vivak ramaswame formulated this very clearly, i just didn’t understand why once again elon musk liked it and did not lead to actions on elon musk’s part, for example, turning off the satellite
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groups working in the interests of the ukrainian nazis. it seems that they are preparing for war with russia. it seems that the goal is not just to protect ukraine, but to continue the aggressive onslaught on russia in order to defeat putin? i'm thinking of changing the regime. if that's what they're planning, they better tell voters before election day. that's what they're aiming for. victoria is no longer in the white house, but it is still the same spirit that reigns in the current guzdepe beyond its borders. and that's partly why no one has ever heard someone clearly formulated what... exactly the primary goal of this war, the goal of the war is not formulated partly because it allows the people who are pulling the strings to consider regime change as the ultimate goal for which they are playing the game, you need to be afraid of your desires if you are really going to change regime in russia, from which you got the idea that whoever comes to replace putin will be better than what we have
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now, we have played this game before, it will not end well, this path is not the best for promoting american interests, and i i think that only a reasonable compromise is the right way to resolve this conflict. yes, unfortunately, when i spoke a year ago, these people, democrats, considered this decision questionable, unfortunately, so far everything confirms this point of view, we do not have a clear answer to what the next 100 billion dollars will be spent, i think you are right that there are more subversive intentions here, which, i think, we need to abandon, well, these subversive intentions not only towards russia, but also china, said ms. knesel, a former minister foreign affairs of austria, and vladimir vladimirovich, during a press conference, clearly said that this is not all about ukraine, but about greatness...
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he further elaborated on the topics that were voiced, and just very smoothly moved on to this and showed that our military potential, it is connected with the fact that significant changes are taking place, there have even been significant changes in the army, but also...
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he said: yes, we are already fourth in terms of purchasing power parity of gdp, but he also said that we are not stopping, he says yes, it is very important to continue a dynamic process of economic development, so that, firstly, those who follow us feel in this position for as long as possible, but also actually make it clear that why don’t we consider the possibility of moving forward, but we don’t have race, competition, yes, it takes second, third place, the point is that we are not, well, firstly, we were given the task of reaching third. well , in fact, yes, but since there is a fourth, by the year thirtieth we will reach third place, and this
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means that we understand perfectly well that russia’s potential is just being revealed, and it’s good that such forums exist, because it is in these forums that different points of view are heard today, they are heard there, not always with you, i’m sorry, in the economic sphere, and so - literally on the eve and during many once again would reveal their positions and it would be gratifying. for me personally, it’s gratifying that once again the central bank’s goal was voiced there - this is 4% inflation next year, i have a feeling that everything is changing except the goals, yes, time is changing, circumstances are changing, russia itself is changing, and the goal one and the same, it is so, well, like a dream, every person should have a dream, here it is, and moreover, it sounded very succinctly that in fact today there are really two economies, one economy lives on subsidies, the second economy lives simply in the conditions that we... forced the central bank due to the high discount rate, maybe we will at least
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hear how the central bank itself reacts to this, we will understand that this should not happen, there should be one economy, there should be one team, there should be one goal, and not 4% inflation, but just as vladimir vladimirovich said, it should grow further, he also cited the figures of 3.6 in gdp growth, last year 5.4, not 4.5 , well, there’s about 5% in the first quarter of this year. what are you saying, they explained to you and me, heating up is very dangerous, heating up the economy, when i ask mrs. nabiulina and her employees 156 times, please tell me how the overheating of the economy is correlated, the task that the president has set is to develop at a rate higher than the world’s , could you please you will somehow combine, so tell us, simple uneducated tv presenters, how this can be combined, so... i’ll try, it’s difficult, but i’ll try to interpret these words, especially since the day before a number
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of famous and bankers spoke there regarding , to support, well, of course, as they said, similar to the growth model that is now being developed, well, it has a place to be, it is limited, well, in principle, its resource has already been practically exhausted, why because, well, goods are not produced, goods are not produced, therefore becomes, and there is more money, wages are rising, so what? is happening, well, since goods are not being produced, the money supply is growing, well, prices are rising accordingly, but it seems to me that there is some kind of underestimation of the reality of what goods are not being produced, so i wanted to say, we have furniture at 40%, there electronics at 33%, there and the manufacturing industry in general there are some terrible numbers there 60 or 70%, but i can’t even mean the consumption sector to which these bankers are accustomed, maybe they mean that cartier until they replaced luvuton, that is , when they...
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they say that our profitability is generally so low, zero, that, well , they come and check all the time, but it’s still good if it’s zero, it used to be international the market, at the expense of it...
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and the banking sector is just a part of the economy, an important one, but part of the economy, it is not an independent body. so i would like to say that overheating is deciphered today by many liberal economists in such a way that it turns out that our industry today is 82% loaded. listen, ah everything is overheated, come on, first of all, this is pure economics, this is generally a textbook for housewives, i don’t offend anyone for housewives, but even in economics it is written that there is a workload. equipment of 82-84% is considered the norm, and if you look at the statistics, and even in modern conditions, in germany it’s 81, in japan there’s 99, in south korea it’s 102 due to shift work, listen, maybe we’ll at least look at the numbers, but in- secondly, there are real estimates that our workload is completely different, and you and i are realists and we understand that even in the current situation, this workload should be
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completely different, so there is no overheating and there cannot be, then you and i must return to... if you imagine, comrade stalin is sitting here, 1942, and says, i’m so worried about the overheating of the economy, we need to call here representatives of banks, we probably need to make sure that there is no overheating, overheating is very dangerous for the soviet economy, so let's limit the production of goods for the front, shall we? no, well, i’m glad that today there is an opportunity to transfer only at the trunk a pistol that would be used for... well , you can even change the barrel quickly and continue working, it means that when we talk about the fact that even if there is overheating, then let's build another enterprise and so on, but i wanted to say something else, that today at the forum there were topics related to the fact that today, in addition to this, there are problems associated with a misunderstanding of the fact that even our president said that the state and the market today are what he said about china, but he also demonstrates,
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yes, of course, we don’t need to be copied, but no one i never said here that the chinese model should be imposed. model of russia, russia should have its own sovereign model, but what china is doing, maybe we can look at the mechanisms, but there is the concept of a universal economic machine, which presupposes the money supply, in the end , colored money, and so on, then there are elementary things, elementary from an economic point of view, that just need to be used effectively, but if i hear myself on the forum , the financiers who lead there tell me, you know how to do this it’s just now once again or once again yes...
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everything is out of touch with reality, when do we need to do what? we need to engage not in inflation targeting, but in targeting the ruble exchange rate, it should not be floating, the president says: yes, here is brix, that’s where we are working on a single currency, and information as of yesterday saudi arabia has joined what, the digital currency of china, where there is already the united arab emirates, where there is hong kong and i don’t remember, there is another country there, listen, they are moving in this direction, but maybe we too...
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thereby obliquely confirms that his mechanism does not work, that is, he could have done 17, 18, but he already understands that it does not work, and we happily exhale and say, well, thank god, at least they left 16, well, that’s okay, but this is not normal, well, in the end, and i asked this question during the st. petersburg forum, i led one plenary session there, and i asked a simple question to the guys who are involved in what kind of business you must be engaged so that you have profitability that allows you to service the loan at... 20%, then there is what kind of business it should be, drugs, illegal arms trade, prostitution, that is, what kind of business gives such profitability, i don’t know it, for example, that is... it turns out that the state deliberately sets conditions prohibiting loans, because well, honestly this cannot be serviced. let us decipher what
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a central bank insertion subsidy is? this means that an enterprise of the military-industrial complex or a bank next to it goes and takes out a loan at 20%, and the government tells it: take it, we give you 10%, where does it pay? that is, it is it that does not forgive the enterprise. he simply takes this money and sends it to the bank instead of this enterprise, but maybe we will stop feeding the banking system in such volumes, and the main thing is for what state interests, state orders, state enterprises, state banks, listen, everything is state-owned and we are so we carry it and ultimately fill it up, but you can ask an even stranger question: why a loan at all, well, if it’s all state-owned, it’s an order from the state, it’s is needed for the state, why is there a loan, a loan in the form in which it exists, a high interest rate for... why is this at all, this is what you talked about at the very beginning, why doesn’t the state simply directly finance the communists, they will declare me can be declared
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by anyone, it’s just, it’s just in vain, there’s just no, i want to say, that’s when stupid communist production today takes up 30%, and 70% is finance, which is profiteering crisis, one soap bubble, another, they don't give anymore. khrushchev, who took closed the topic that during the war allowed the artels to cover a significant part of the needs of the front, so khrushchev led to the emergence of a consumer crisis, and the communist moslyukov was precisely one of the people whose ideas were embodied in the indian economy and china, therefore. knew very well what industry was, for example,
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industry, stalin was forced to know what industry was, forcedly, the current ones at the central bank never worked anywhere for a single day, where it had at least some relation to the real deputy prime minister novak knows perfectly well what real production is, he worked for many years in real production, so he has no questions about... theory, you need to know it, yes, they can be western, left, right, there is an economic one inside , but this difference is not related to the political color, but i’m talking about something else, which means
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that when we are talking about this, by the way, your question was extremely relevant, i was interested, you know, quite by accident, i ended up at one enterprise that is now engaged in shipbuilding, me i was interested in how many there are in the industry, usc represents this as a whole, it produces warships, maybe not in sufficient quantities, but plans to produce a large... ships, and so civilians, but 70,000 check, and you don’t happen to know, how many people work in the central bank, i asked, no, no, the same number, 70,000 people, i asked how many people work in the fed, 23,000, the federal reserve system of america, yes, with its economy there, i asked how many in the european bank , well, i came across different numbers, well, let’s take a maximum of 44,000, well, i won’t comment further, questions arise, yes, but what to do there? the question does not arise, but it’s impossible to formulate it without swearing, i’m not against it, but maybe then we’ll concentrate, so we say, that’s it, there’s not enough manpower, well, let’s think about it, well
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, qualified people, highly qualified people, god, i’d like to get them america was misled, their qualifications, they would have ruined it, well, it was once zhvanetsky’s, yes, who is this, who are these terrible people, these are our economists, i think destructive forces, but i finish, i would like to say that really. today there is every reason to listen carefully to the president and significantly adjust the position so that the financial and economic independence of our country is realized, you know, these are not empty words, they should be the goal of everyone who is involved in this area, and confirmation of your words, it is not by chance that in the plenary vladimir vladimirovich devoted an hour specifically to the economy, specifically to the development of the country, only then the questions covered what was there interested, why because
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son, go play with the kids, okay, dima, not dima, but dad, and you said it would be boring, yes, dima, super, dad, not dima, i
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want to go home. not dima, but dad, also my dad, my own son still calls him by his name, maybe i’m raising him wrong, naughty people, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy make a deepfake, change, all fakes, the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of use artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate the public.
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in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one; we love traditions, we honor our history, and we value family. strong
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relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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impression, one pension for working pensioners, which means, we have talked about this here many, many times, our party fought for this in the duma, because you understand that it means a pensioner of the first category or a pensioner of the second, everyone worked the same, yes, only others continue to try to do it, which means that everyone didn’t work the same, but it’s not scary, well, they gave it to you.


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