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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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slept quickly, if there is a chance with you, take it, legon, it was bad for him, there is still someone who will do it to whom, naughty people, i also you.
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now they are returning it to the field again, and in the most negative way for us, so work with the global south is necessary, by the way, the global south, so we argue about this, they themselves use, well, i don’t like this term, because the global south , well, as it were, well, they, they themselves use this term, so to work there and explain not only our current line, but also what was happening in the past, this was practically our task, one of the main tasks.
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so what are we talking about, who arrived, then left there, so what is it all about, the marquis of lafayette, lafayette, so he, he was an african-american irishman of italian descent, but not stupid, he’s also an african-american, yes, and now he’s also it turned out that he was a frenchman, but the truth is, he didn’t discover the chinese root in himself, alexey, so far, yes, rabinat, this is funny, because rabinat is a faucet in french, yes, well, this plumber, ah, very i wonder how the chinese media reacted when they just said who would lead the plenary session, the final session, and before it started, this is very interesting, so they started calling me right away, and we were already on the site, and china, the chinese, the hong kongers , the singaporeans, that is, everyone who somehow he speaks chinese, with questions that war will be declared, that a nuclear strike is here, right now, i say, where does this come from, well, look, who is leading? this session, you
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understand, they just couldn’t put him in jail, i explained, you know, they ’re deliberately irritating you, look, you’ve already you are interested, he says, yes, you are interested, great, that’s when it all ended, how it ended, the same ones started calling with comments, on an exhale, you know, this is what we wanted to hear, because for asia, not only for china, it is very important that there is a reasonable understanding of the use of nuclear weapons, this is what the president said that there is a clear one. the idea of ​​when, as you should note, he deliberately steered away from aggression all the time, for asia, this is an extremely important point, this is the first thing i noticed attention, the second point, there was an interesting topic at the forum, it was raised in different ways, and it was also raised by vladimir zakharova, it was quite interesting, and it was picked up by many asians and africans, this topic is very useful. but in a slightly different way
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from the way we talked about it, she raised the topic, where i supported her a little with the question of what when western countries try to blame. russia and asia are that they do things wrong, they finance the wrong people, and in the wrong amount. good question, why have western countries never offered to compensate for colonial losses, colonial conquests, losses from colonial conquests, not what africa should demand from them, this is a complex issue, but you want a gesture of goodwill, neither in asia nor in africa, not a single western country has officially stated, at least at the level of repentance. regret, compensation for how these countries have been constantly crushed for more than 100 years. the queen of england, in india , apologized, yes for the geno, yes, yes, it was, but to say so to england, but to return, for example, no, no, looted, it
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didn’t occur to you, like apologies aren’t enough for you, you could still be given the crown with the kokhinoor diamond, at least yes, well , what does it have to do with africa, and there was an explanation why? that we have enough brains, industry, and funding to constructively do something important for ourselves, this is what we talk about all the time, we don’t have to wait all the time that china should help us financially or economically, moreover , china this time, in my opinion, behaved
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very quietly, and the discussion there about how china can communicate with russia, i mean in terms of economics, it was, in my opinion, absolutely meaningless and... not that bad, but one day we had to make sense of all these empty slogans about let's be friends with china, that's all right, we're friends, of course, but as soon as it comes down to it, we 've been seeing performances by the same people for years now, who say the same very good things, but who don't take a single step done in order to actually, for example, create a joint enterprise or joint production, the opposite of, for example, what is being done in... in the russian far east, in the primorsky region, they talked about it here, i watch how the governors in the far east and the amur region, and orlov and everyone there, they , being on the spot, create enterprises that are very actively working with china without slogans, which are also increasing
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the industrial mass in russia, which have noticeably learned how to do technology transfer well, what people who have never understood how it is done say . on on earth all this is being done very well, this is what makes me very happy, because i see that a reasonable division has finally taken place, i apologize to the blatunovs, well, it should be them, they exist, they are important, yes, excuse me, i understand that this probably inappropriate, but when they were talking about how this is done, i had such an episode in my biography when i was hosting a program together with a fellow member, i sang a song that it seemed to me then only a few already remember, it was called:
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china wants to work, or let’s say there are a number of other countries, there are malaysia, indonesia, let's work, you just want to engage in great friendship without specific ones, but we have a great friendship, a great friendship, yeah, the chinese need to get a visa in russia, the chinese need it, we need to get it, also for great friendship,
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this is an excellent question, well, i'm sorry, before still, at least as we are now , belarusians need to get a visa to china, no, but what about the chinese in belarus? but i’ll ask differently, but a frenchman needs to get a visa to china up to 15 days, no, an englishman doesn’t need to get one there , and others, all sorts of other things, but what are we afraid of? that the chinese will come and do what? will they leave their money with us? well, fine, let them come and leave. well, because there is a certain legacy of fear of the past. he and masha spent time together, i had to ask masha a question. yes, maria vladimirovna, i think i ’m just for it, that is, these decisions are made by a very , very intelligent person who knows china very well. that he was educated in china, because his parents, outstanding sinologists, maria vladimirovna speaks excellent
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chinese, by the way, are very highly respected in china, absolutely, more moreover, i defended my dissertation on chinese national holidays, so that’s all, not on political science, i don’t want to offend anyone, just on traditions, i also respect her, i ’m talking about the foreign ministry in principle, about diplomacy, which one you criticize, i’ll explain this, whoever i criticize, i criticize absolutely destabi. promote goods and services, i remember my time, when the task was sharply , but because they didn’t want to study our experience, money was allocated to the state and entire structures were built that worked as sherpas for foreign business, they said, if you you need to come to us to buy, so we take you by the hand, what are they? tell us what you need, here is a list of companies, we will help, here are banks that can work with you,
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you need to come here, we will organize everything for you, you don’t need to pay us anything for it, just come to work, but we have until covid , there were no visas with them, we had them, we had a very short period there in the nineties, when it was possible to bring groups without visas, then there were visas actually all the time, here we see an interesting thing that the whole forum. landed on the russian economy, this is a very important point, by the way, i absolutely agree with alexander mikhailovich, this is a terrible fear of overheating, this is in china, as we know, overheating occurs from time to time, but overheating is not like the chinese the economy has collapsed, everything is closed, and goods are lying on the streets, no one takes them, there is regulation of this overheating, but what is overheating in china, is when the industry produces at 96% or more.
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many goods with inflation expectations, how can there be overheating at the same time, when there is a lot of money, but there are no goods, it does not occur to anyone that this is mutually exclusive idiocy, so, that is, it’s like there is money, but there is no goods that you want to buy, so we have a different situation . i’ll give a simple example, when there was overheating in china in the nineties, two thousand years, where goods were dumped on russian territory, when now they tell us, i know real cases, let’s finance the production of, say , grain and grain crops, oh, where are we going? russia, we have such an oversupply, what if they don’t buy from us, so china, malaysia, and they are ready to buy, we are the only one, in my opinion, among the large countries that does not stimulate.
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who should i ask a question about, and just like regarding the construction of protective engineering structures at the airfield, ask who? look, before this question was not asked for one simple reason: we had a terrible problem with the underdevelopment of production in russia, now we are asking completely different questions than a year ago, we can build relationships with all asian and african countries, we are not asking them to give them money, we are saying, let’s discuss what we can do for you...
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we are complying with the wto standards, yes oh, we are complying with the standards of the organization that is giving money, this is generally, that is, so terrible - the fact is that we have repeatedly said in this audience that there are... people, in my opinion, including in russian government circles, who think that we will soon return to the west, everything will be fine, there is no need to offend them earlier time, no, we will continue, in my opinion, to do what we are doing now, and by this people have a proposal, so you, in your personal capacity, go to the west, and don’t ruin the side, you know, in events like the st. petersburg forum, the atmosphere is very important, that
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’s the feeling that was on the sites and such dynamics, determination, confidence, was really felt there ,
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it matures from some kind of synthesis, even those discussions i’m afraid to mention this name, because as soon as you name it, you’re immediately accused of either one way or the other, even this discussion about ilina that ’s going on, it’s important indicator that society has a demand for ideologies, there is this discussion that is developing, i think it will come sooner or later to some result, another very important point, from the trends that the russian president noted, there is a race for strengthening in the world. sovereignty, that is, sovereignty is the most important indicator of the effectiveness of the state, in fact, what we observe among our european, i don’t know, neighbors, what to call them here, are no longer neighbors, because well, neighbors are a kind word after all, some people who are to the west of our borders, you just don’t need
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to say anything, they constantly care about the sovereignty of belarus, they say: you know, we are so concerned about the independence of the sovereignty of belarus, we are so concerned. we can’t eat straight, we can’t go to sleep, a specific example, he’s a liverwurst, not a liverwurst, macron, this gali, negali, so they sit and say, you can’t supply some kind of weapon there, you can’t do something there , biden comes out and says, but we allow strikes on russian territory, and then they immediately follow him with such statements, what kind of sovereignty, as soon as americans say something, even at the level of statements, they simply repeat:
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how do people think, we speak with movie quotes, quotes from works, constantly, constantly, here is tarantino, she has a specific film language, a lot blood, dialogues, there is such a film, the hateful eight, and there one of the heroes, john ruth, the hangman, says, the accused daisy, whom he is taking to hang, says, let's develop a communication system with you, if you get hit with an elbow, you must shut up, got it? this is the language that they understand, not a warning, not words, not drawing red lines when they get hit with an elbow in the face, that’s all, and i think the situation is escalating towards the point where they get hit with an elbow, without this there is no diplomatic language, nothing will help in principle, they live in the world of these
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tarantino heroes, they understand only the language of power, they understand this, if you like, aesthetics, and we must understand this, but it feels like we are not talking to these people , a we are constantly looking for some shadows in them, for churchill. degol, adenaur, bismarck, and we are talking with that europe, this, by the way, was also heard in the plenary session that, well, yes, european values, gene-europeanism, everything, and we are trying to incorporate them, so we in macron are trying to consider walter, well or lafayette, i don’t know who, at least napoleon, this is completely different, it’s about something else, it’s better not to consider lafayette, otherwise we’ll run into a fishnet, but maybe they’re different, but we’re still pampering ourselves with this illusion,
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we must, we must look after them, we must we cannot observe intra-european politics at all, but in principle they cannot worry us, the same applies to the second world war, but now they began to talk, draw parallels, and excuse me, but what these people did throughout the second world war is absolutely correct , they are after the second world war, they completely devalued the principles of victory, there is a famous song by yevtushenko, do the russians want war, and there are words that we remember who we are...
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the commanders who threw corpses at us when they came up with this image of zhukov, who clears minefields, letting soldiers in there, they came up with all this, because of the pain of not taking berlin, they came up with a myth about some failed plan for the berlin operation, they constantly broadcast it, and this all migrated to the post-soviet space, they created an industry of falsifying the memory of the great patriotic war, radio stations, their media... the nematograph, which they directly paid for, was broadcast in the languages ​​of the countries of the socialist bloc in russian, of course, this whole lie, which is now becoming, has already become
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official in ukraine, which is being repeated in europe and so on. this did not happen after 2014, this did not happen after 2022. if we say that there is a war of meanings, a war of memory, then in many ways the events of 2014-2022. years were the result of this policy, they were the result of a divergence of ideology, the result of a divergence of values, when what is dear to us is sacred, there is no place for it in the system that they invented, there can be no entry, they see no place for us, they do not see a place for our meanings, therefore the economic and military-political confrontation is largely the result of this ideological confrontation. why did they hate communism so much, because it challenged capitalism, it challenged hegemony, why now they hate this image
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of a new russia, a real russia, so that later they can say that we have exceeded this, this is a good strategy, for use by many governors, i think , including russian politicians, but it is important that these regions they lived not only from humanitarian aid, not only from the fact that we help them, but they earned money so that industry could develop there, agriculture would develop , so in this struggle, in this dispute, i think that this very image is born in us the future, and the image of the future is the main thing for ideology, in fact,
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station, russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original questions, what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product like?
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