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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the thirty-fifth separate guards motorized rifle brigade began its journey on april 21, 1942; it participated in the liberation of kiev from the nazi invaders and continues its great history as part of a special military operation. during another trip, i talked with the chief of staff , colonel vasily khoshilenko, and the hero of russia, battalion commander mikhail petelin. thirty soldiers are fighting. direction
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is technological, harmonious, professional, the most important team is coordinated team work, difficult in training, easy in battle, in thirty-fifth, these rifle commanders know perfectly well what is happening right there on the front line, because all the time with their fighters, their experience proves the decisive role of fortitude in achieving victory. let's watch the movie and then go back to the studio. thirty-fifth, guards, volgograd-kiev, good set, volgograd, kiev, volgograd, kiev, kiev they took it, yes, that means we need to take it one more time. order of lenin,
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red banner, powerful. orders, suvorov, kutuzov, separate motorized rifle brigade, well, that is, she began her journey on april 1 , 1942, the formation of the corps, yes, she went through, that is, great traditions, great traditions, she took the first battle near stary oskol, continued the war in volgograd, naturally, a counteroffensive. let's liberate all the cities and the main one is the city of kiev. toch colonel chiliche veterans for the opening of the hero of the russian federation, captain petelin were built. decree of the president of the russian federation in 2023 for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty to the captain. gold star medal, that is, 27
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years old hero of russia, that’s right, the rank of major, well , 27 years old major is not bad, which i recently received in march, and what rank is my father’s, lieutenant colonel, and who is in command, we are in different battalions, although it has become easier ? pussy dad, yes, there is a reason, when we go out for restoration, we are also deploying the battalion command post in the basic version, exactly the same as deployed in offensive operations, somewhere in populated areas, in basements, here it is improvised, everything for training is equal to combat , that is, as actions, therefore, in armor, therefore in a fairy tale, so that they would get used to it and not lose the habit, so to speak, but the layout
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of the terrain, on which they actually practiced entering the battle into the village of ocheretina, our task was to block and clear a block of multi-story buildings, the guys were already familiar with the terrain there, they were already finalizing their thoughts, they had already reached multi-storey buildings, they blocked the postal street, they blocked the embankment street, they blocked their supply, their main delivery was carried out from the school, from arkhangelskoye, that’s the enemy, they tried to knock them out of multi-storey buildings, but since they had a significant number of large-caliber machine guns, they did not butt heads, so the commander of the eighth company proposed his unconventional solution, they literally there, in about two hours, made so-called carrots from grenade launcher ammunition, smeared their gasoline. they smeared it with oil
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and just burned it out, how many guys worked for you, in general, the actions were based on five people in avdeevka, when we left at... we had already begun to catch on to the first five-story buildings, that is, the group, well, other neighboring companies began to operate in the forest belts, that is , the alignment of the very front, presented to the hero’s task, that’s right, we’re waiting, that’s right, and how old are you, 28, no, that’s right, we’re from the same school, he i studied a year younger, we still knew each other from college, well, the blacks decided that, but the blacks offend you like that, of course, they don’t offend you, they blocked you, the poet was already busy with his task, he had already started cleaning up, why are you a poet, there are artists in the brigade , musicians, i thought so, why not be so, you tell me, but positions, who is older, you or dad, i skipped him a little, but you left and
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came back, yes, i was retired, and then i realized that i couldn’t, yes, they returned a long time ago, a year, my son called, himself. he was against it, i dissuaded him, you’re worried about your father, well, naturally, i was at the parade, my father was here, i felt a little uneasy, under the banners of the combat units that liberated donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev, odessa during the great patriotic war , a parade squad of participants in a special military operation is taking place, at the head of the formation, a hero of russia, a lieutenant colonel.
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what troops were there? well, i served in different troops, i served in aviation, in the military administration of the local military registration and enlistment office, but where do you do what? deputy battalion commander, yes, yes, well, what exactly is the job? political officer, political officer, well, one was raised by an exact hero, so the rest will have to, yes, i hope, we have to fight, we have to, we have to. there is such a need, but where is the wife? my wife is at home, my daughter is at home, she said that i won’t let her go home, why is she waiting? where is he waiting? no, i didn’t say that, she’s a military wife, mom, she probably said, thank god, the garrison doesn’t
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need to be changed, who is he, the man who is fighting now? well, these are volunteers coming, the man realized that the homeland is in fact in danger , the homeland is in danger, and he realized this, and he came to fulfill his duty, as he is cooking now, well, here you yourself know that it all starts with individual training, if young recruits arrive, they work out a 21-day course for young fighters at our training ground, tactical medicine, individual training, their own weapons, fitting - this is completely... basics of tactics - this is natural excerpt from a single trench, because this is the main thing for us, came out, won, gained a foothold, were trained in the unit, naturally, the selection has already been carried out, distributed into assault groups, well, here
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we mainly work out, well, we get the task already close to the terrain, there i have one company, roughly speaking, the task of passing through the forest belt. my guys there got to the point where the mechanics and drivers took the ammunition and went to the guys and silently brought it in.
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everything is as we like it, now we have already started working on mobile groups, so to speak, motorcycles on the indurs went and two people on motorcycles, that is, they flew into the air and got caught in the okra.
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i have to do it and don’t want to run, so let the guys go, they must go, it’s as it should be, 10% with the unit, that’s it, tasks arrived, that’s it, they left, if a person is not allowed to go on vacation, then what’s the point of him, of course then there is just a peaceful life there, yes, an idyll, well, yes, cherries, strawberries, flowers, with the local population, what is the relationship like, no, nothing here. yes, i’ll give an example from the local population of ocheretina, oh, here’s ocheretina,
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grandma comes up and says, boys, yes, teach me, there was an evacuation, we evacuated local residents, she says, yes, we are ours, about the passport for now, here we are, russia, well, i don’t believe it, is it really us, russia has come, yes here is russia, well, it’s true, russia has come, she, well, doesn’t believe, people still don’t believe that... after all, everything is our territory, which means you found yourself surrounded and dragged the drivers, all the other bulls to the guys, yes , before that, we played the night before, the so-called carousel with bmpp tanks, so that the enemy would not come close to me, and the guys were already there from the ground was adjusting the fire, the enemy initially did not know. how the situation itself turned out to be funny, even my guys dropped into the first house, my grandmother comes out from
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the next basement and says: guys, here she says, this is our people, there are no people here in this basement, she says, they went to the next one, she thought that, well ukrainians, that’s it, the guys are passing on to me, this is happening here, i say, that’s it, now the boys will come up, the guys have taken up a perimeter defense, they’re coming to me, he says, here you go... after that it was already revealed that we had hooked on the populated paragraph, what did you do, why did they give you a hero, don’t be modest, well, i’ve always been like me, of course, here’s the political officer, he was my deputy back then, my commander back then, he always scolded me for going with the guys first, that is, i was calmer that i would be in front, the guys would follow me... they would follow, i was sure that i would complete the task, before that the krasnolimansk direction was, the liberation of the estuary, there, too, always
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in front, you fly in front, you are with machine gun, yes, i have always participated in shooting battles, you lead them yourself, yes, that is, you i like to shoot, i taught myself that you are a commander, your weapon is two walkie-talkies, they taught, but they constantly talked about it, every time, every time he went on a mission, we tell him, misha, you must control the battle, manage. that you are brave, and you can, just the people themselves, you know, that’s how it is, yes, the golden hoof, this is the golden hoof, the bullets are just, as they say, his, they, when they walked with him, they were we are sure that everything will be 100% calm, the task will be completed, i adhered to the rules, winners do not judge, i was scolded before entering, after entering i was not scolded, well, on the other hand, in a war there is no luck.
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we are in yekaterinburg, the fourth most populous city in russia, svertlovsk region, the industrial center of the urals. the current strategy for the socio-economic development of the region is designed until 2035. the sverdlovsk
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region will remain in the industrial regions, while the share of high- tech production in creative industries will increase. yekaterinburg should become the student capital of the urals and a major logistics hub. sverdlovsk region ranks ninth in the vsg ranking of russian regions. eighth place in the ranking for the state of the labor market. it takes into account socio-economic development, wage levels and unemployment. and second place in the list of event potential of the regions. it is compiled annually by roscongress. let's start with black metalgia. in nizhny tagen , the evrras plant operates one of the cleanest blast furnaces in the country. let's see how companies from other areas are developing. in the sverdlovsk region there is a special economic zone, residents of which are implementing esg principles. then we will tell you how the education system is changing. a world-class student campus is being built in yekaterinburg.
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finally, let's look at high art. the hermitage ural center opened 2 years ago and the project is underway. important role in the development of creative industries. the main industries of the sverdlovsk region are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. evrras ntmk is one of the city-forming enterprises of nizhny tagil. now there are two modern blast furnaces operating here. evropnizhnetodinsky metallurgical plant launched a blast furnace oven number 7 in 2018. projected 2.5 million tons of pig iron per year. almost 6.00 filters are collected. they clean the adhesive supply; as they say in the company, this blast furnace is one of the cleanest russian blast furnaces. the house is equipped with two foundry yards, the control is fully automated, the intelligent system itself collects and analyzes information, more than 12,000 parameters, after which it determines the optimal operating mode, emissions during cast iron releases are captured by the
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aspiration system, thanks to which the degree of purification air is 2 and a half times higher than in the house. which we collected and then sent them for recycling, so to speak, of the waste that we collect, it is now clear that almost everything is immediately sucked up to the top and nothing reaches here if it weren’t for now. in the support installation, you and i would not be able to stand here, because we simply did not see each other. the plant has been modernizing its equipment since 2000; over the past 20 years, evrras has reduced emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by almost 40%. the enterprise participates in the federal clean air project. we have an approved program that contains nine
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activities, six of which have been completed to date. and they gave the expected effect, even more. in the sixth year, the region pays great attention to the topic of ecology; several companies are simultaneously developing waste recycling projects. in yekaterinburg , the construction of a complex has been announced that will allow the reuse of broken bricks, wall blocks and concrete in construction, here’s another one an example of an existing production facility. in the svertlovsk region
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, the production of street furniture from recycled plastic has been operating for 3 years; it was organized by a company. yes, the uniqueness is that disposable dishes, lids and plastic bags are used. the product consists of 30% plastic, another 70% is a mixture of river sand, and they plan to partially replace it with crushed glass. for example, it takes 5-6 to produce one bench. cellophane bags. outdoor furniture made of polymer sand material does not rot, does not burn and practically does not collapse. the cost is a third less than that of conventional manufacturers. we'll see. it means, as other like-minded people do, there are already about 15-16 enterprises in russia, this is not the first one we started, but we saw that there are such... a network of such eco-factories, we really liked the strategy, and we decided to invest money in the twenty-third year, here alone we processed about 45 tons of plastic, and
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2,800 products were made from it, but we are at the initial stage, that is, in fact, we have just started working, this year, according to our plans, all this should be if satisfied, raw materials are purchased from companies that accept waste from the population. prepares them for processing, one of them, uralftorma, is located in a nearby building and processes more than 600 tons of waste monthly. our production workshop is divided in such a way that one part of it is used for processing polymer waste; there are four stretching plants of different production capacities and one large press-sorting line for paper fractions. we remove extraneous factions, we do this everything is ordered by a company that is engaged in translation or production. personal products, they set appropriate requirements for us, and we are already preparing it. the goal of the project is not only to reduce the amount of waste, but to save trees. in the meantime, many developers
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prefer to buy wooden outdoor furniture. the sverdlovsk region is one of the leaders in terms of the influx of investment in fixed assets and the number of highly qualified personnel. in 2010 , a special economic zone appeared in the region, its participants receive various benefits. income tax only two. land and transport property tax - 0%. the titanium valley special economic zone includes two sites, their total area exceeds 390 hectares. we are located on the uktus site, whose residents specialize in the production of components for aircraft. in total , there are 25 companies on the list of participants in the special economic zone, three of which will launch their production before the end of this year. presidents of the second site verkhny solda. work
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places. in december of the previous year, sber developed an esg strategy for titanova valleys. it is designed for the period until 2026 with long-term maintenance until 2030. an audit was carried out, and the second stage has already begun detailing. tasks, we, together with the team of the special economic zone, just stormed, and what could be changed, as a result, a strategy was born with an implementation plan until the thirtieth year, the goal, it is based on the fact that we introduce new control elements in terms of the electric power industry, those emissions, which are carried out, a lot of attention is paid to training and enterprises, employees who start differently look at yours. the titan valley icg strategy is based on a roadmap that includes more than thirty specific initiatives and projects. all of them are distributed in three blocks: in
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the environmental block, reducing pollutant emissions and effective management of water resources. in social terms, the priority is the health and safety of employees, decent working conditions for the development of human capital. in terms of corporate governance for the development of science and technology. education. under construction in yekaterinburg world class student campus. the first stage is already ready. there are dormitories with 8,500 beds. community center, medical
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center, sports arena. the total area of ​​all objects will exceed 4000 m2. the campus is a large-scale and unique space, designed not only for study, but also for a comfortable life for students, and includes educational and laboratory buildings, co-working spaces and technology parks. again a training field with athletics tracks, within walking distance of the water sports palace. all these heritage sites of the international festival university sports. it was held in yekaterinburg in august 2023, in parallel with the celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the ural capital. an important event occurred: in the twenty-third year, all interested students received a place in the dormitory. this is a holiday both for us and for them, it is clear that in these comfortable conditions they live in five common neglected places. the creation of such a modern campus should increase the attractiveness of the region for foreign students, now there are 45 of them, in
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the future the figure may increase by 10-15 companies, together with the collection, the university will create yekaterinburg center for the development of artificial intelligence. the partnership has already launched master's programs in applied data analysis and technosphere risk management. bank employees regularly give lectures on responsible financing, isg transformation and project management. cooperation is taking place in various areas, first of all, the training of new specialists, who also occupy
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leadership positions in ours. largest large enterprises, we give lectures, share our experience in terms of approaches towards responsible financing. in recent years, more and more new museum spaces have been opening in yekaterinburg; the city is positioned as one of the regional centers of contemporary art. in 2021 , the hermitage ural center opened; all three floors are in one way or another connected with the armitage, expositionally or historically. on the first... there is a hall for temporary exhibitions from the state hermitage, on the second there is a permanent exhibition of objects of western european art, most of which were donated by the hermitage as a gift of gratitude for the preservation of their collections during the great patriotic war, on the third floor there is a memorial area dedicated to the events of the evacuation period. and behind me, for example, there is a work by jacob jordaens, mellagra atalanta, it... one of those objects
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that was given to us by the hermitage, in gratitude for saving their collection in wartime, we bring two exhibitions a year from the armitage collection, each since these are first-rate things, absolutely brilliant in concept and composition of the exhibition, if you think about it, it’s completely unique an opportunity for the regions, why, because over the course of 15-20-25 years the entire permanent exhibition of the hermiotage will pass through this building. at the end of 2023, tactile copies of works of permanent exhibition of western european art of the 15th and early 20th centuries appeared in the museum. they are accompanied by signs with braille and objects that help to more accurately reveal the content of the exhibits. approximately 100,000 people visit the ural hermitage every year. this is how the sverdlovsk region is developing, introducing environmental standards, social and corporate governance. and
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we... let's go further next time , we'll tell you about the stavropol region. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using technology artificially.
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in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one; we love traditions and honor our history. we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.


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