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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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in the elections to the european parliament, right-wing parties sharply strengthened their positions; in belgium, this has already led to the resignation of the government; in france , president macron had to dissolve the parliament. the party of german chancellor olaf scholdz also suffered defeat. the russian military destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the special operation zone. the strike was carried out by combat crews of the grad multiple launch rocket systems. the scouts managed to find out the coordinates of the target. opponents of the prime minister of armenia set up tents in the center of yerevan. participants of the mass action spent the whole night in front of the parliament building. they demand that the government resign and that the transfer of border goods to azerbaijan be stopped. territories in russia began
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to label smartphones and laptops, the experiment started today, will last until the end of next summer, participation is voluntary, labeling should reduce the illegal circulation of equipment, ensure transparency of supplies and product quality. in europe, the results of the elections to the european parliament are being summed up. according to preliminary data, the european people's party retains first place. factions of the current chapter. the european commission ursolay receives 184 seats out of 720. socialists are in second place, liberals are in third. vonderleen promised to begin working with these parties to create a coalition today. meanwhile, the elections were marked by the success of right-wing forces. and in several countries this has led to major political changes. for example, the belgian government had to resign following the results of the elections to the european parliament. prime minister alexander droo said goodbye through tears.
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our society has been upsetting and shocking lately, but i don't intend to give in to despondency, let the people make the decision, this is better than any agreements, any unreliable decisions. according to the results of the vote in france, the national rally received more votes than supporters of emmanuel macron and the third socialist party combined. this unprecedented defeat of the ruling party marks the beginning of the first day after macron's country that we have to build. i am grateful to the supporters of national unification for their incredible mobilization. i thank all the french who voted for us. our goal is to gather all citizens who want to rebuild the country and restore hope. in germany , the head of the bavarian csu, markus zuider, called for early elections due to the crushing defeat of the parties in the ruling coalition. germany, despite all
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the pre-election scandals, while olaf scholz's social democrats showed their worst result in almost a century, and also beat out the greens, members of the government coalition, and took second overall place. yes, people have become significantly more critical of the euro and more critical of europe, they were. and, accordingly, six seats in the european parliament. during the election campaign , wagenknecht criticized military supplies to ukraine and insisted that... the european union
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used its influence to initiate peace negotiations. parties in germany's right-wing coalition said they were disappointed with the results, but ursula fondeen said she won and won the voters. extremists of the right and left were punished. belgians on sunday elected deputies not only to the european parliament, but also to federal and regional parliaments. two right-wing parties won all of them, and at the level of the european union, the predicted victory was won by the far-right from flams-belan. the less radical right-wing nva came second. the party of the current prime minister alexandre decroo suffered such a crushing defeat that the liberals even refused any celebrations of the end of the election race. the prime minister himself resigned. this is an extremely difficult evening for us. we lost this election. i was the face of this election and this is not the result which i was counting on. i take full responsibility. it shouldn't have been this way. in the european parliament, flams belan is the obvious
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candidate for a coalition with the far-right who won the elections in the netherlands. their leader heirt wilders was in belgium on saturday for the flams-beland rally. in austria, the far-right freedom party emerges victorious. in spain , the right-wing centrists from the people's party defeated the ruling socialist party. in greece , right-wing forces pulled government support away from opposition forces. in italy, giorgia meloni strengthened her position, winning overall victory. and now the fate of the presidency of the european commission, as well as the course that the european union will take in foreign policy with the european parliament of the new convocation, will depend on its position, in particular regarding the alliance with the european people's party. negotiations on factions and appointments to the european commission will begin this tuesday. regina sevastyanova, anton dadykin and olga belotserkovskaya, european bureau of vgtrk, brussels, belgium. in the special operation zone, fighters from the southern group of forces destroyed positions in the ssu. scouts discovered the nationalists' hideout and transmitted
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the coordinates to the artillery. the crew of the grad multiple launch rocket system secretly arrived at the firing position. the fighters struck with 122-mm high-explosive fragmentation shells. the result was. in addition to the fact that this is the only mortar in the world capable of direct fire, it also has a rate of fire. the automatic mortar vasilek is a formidable weapon against manpower; mines are loaded into special cassettes, which increases the speed of operation. in 3 seconds , vasilek can fire four projectiles.
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we deploy them in those areas where the passage of manpower is expected, that is , we are on duty in certain areas, but we also do not allow the enemy to pass. to make the calculation work more efficient. the operational gun is mounted on a wheeled base. the vehicle drives to a convenient position, the mortar men open fire, and then immediately drive away. this allows you to avoid counter-battery combat, which means it saves the lives of the fighters. during one of these sorties, a senior gunner with the call sign botsman destroyed an enemy ammunition depot. they generally shot at manpower, but they didn’t know that they also had a warehouse there. the warehouse shook. the coordinates of the target are communicated to the mortarmen by uav crews, and everything happens automatically. if earlier, to calculate the distance to the enemy. i had to use arithmetic, but today for this you only need a tablet, the bird rises in the air, the correction is given to the tablet for me, accordingly , everything x, y has already been given to me, i don’t need to calculate anything, not a calculator, nothing, that’s it, i’m already handing over the ready-made corrections on
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the gun, we fire everything, then liberation work, the dnepr group of troops continues to move in the orekhovsk direction, russian artillery works day and night, suppressing enemy fire... positions destroy enemy manpower and equipment, while of all the artillery it is the mortars that work closest to the line of combat contact, sometimes from the enemy they are separated by only a few hundred meters. stanislav vasilchenko, sergey eliseev, alexander porhunov. lead the southern sector in a military special operation. three israeli hostages died during the operation liberation of the gas sector. this was reported by representatives of the hamas movement. the press service of the israeli army did not confirm this information, but earlier. reported the evacuation of four hostages, meanwhile, us presidential national security adviser jake salevan noted that the americans are helping to search for and free the kidnapped israelis. salewan also called on the hamas leadership to accept talyawi's proposal for a ceasefire and release all
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hostages remaining in the enclave. but a split is brewing in israel itself. minister military cabinet benny gantz announced his withdrawal from the government, did not note the need for new ones. anti-government protests in yerevan in the center of the armenian capital , demonstrators pitched tents, people spent the night in front of the parliament building, opposition leaders say that... today the action will continue, they promise to block traffic. the participants demand that the government of prime minister nikol pashinyan resign, as well as stop the process of delimiting the border with azerbaijan and the transfer of border territories to baku. on the eve of the large-scale procession , tens of thousands of people gathered, the police blocked the path to government buildings, skirmishes arose between law enforcement officers and demonstrators, but it did not lead to serious clashes. protests in armenia are happening first. may now there are stills from austria where
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strong hail damaged the cockpit and nose of a passenger plane, now these photos are on your screens, the flight was carried out from the spanish palmyra and the cracked windshield the pilots had to land the ship blindly, now here are a few more photos, despite severely damaged, the plane successfully passed through the storm and landed safely at the international airport. viena is reported to have no casualties. now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning, in russia they are starting to label smartphones and laptops. roman, hello, yes, this is still an experiment that will last more than a year. so, an experiment on labeling smartphones and laptops has started in russia. it will last until the end of next summer. innovations will cover not only manufacturers and importers, but also retail chains and marketplaces, as before, participation is on a voluntary basis. labeling will significantly
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reduce illegal trafficking and also ensure transparency and quality of products. in addition, it will help conscientious market participants increase consumer confidence in domestic producers. this will contribute to the further development of the industry. russia, despite the growing sanctions pressure, retains its role as one of the leaders in the global energy sector. this was stated by the head of rosneft igor sechin at energetic panel of the st. petersburg international economic forum. our country, he noted, continues to strengthen its position in the world market, which in the foreseeable future, no matter how much it wants, will not be able to give up fossil fuels, because then we will have to give up the modern way of life. the demand for oil in the world continues to grow, and opec gives quite realistic forecasts in this regard, igor sechin pointed out. oil demand will increase by almost 20% to 116 million barrels per day. by 2045 , oil will continue to occupy about 30% of
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global energy balance. developing countries will be the main drivers of oil consumption in the coming decades. by 2030, the growth in demand in this group of countries should collectively provide 95% of the global increase in consumption; the largest increase in oil demand is expected in asian countries, which are russia’s main trading partners. swedish auto giant volvo is preparing to transfer production of electric vehicles from china to belgium, british media report. according to them, the reason lies in the increased tariffs that the european union intends to introduce electric transport from china. a decision is expected in the coming weeks. recently, many european politicians and officials have expressed concern about the influx of cheap chinese electric vehicles. local automakers, like those in the united states, are afraid of competition. in may it became known that the american. the authorities are going to raise duties on electric cars from canr fourfold.
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the g7 countries may issue a warning to small chinese banks as early as this week for helping russian businesses circumvent western sanctions. at least at least, this is what reighter’s anonymous sources say. the warning should supposedly sound at the june 13-15 summit in italy. however, no radical concrete steps, such as disconnecting from swift or limiting transactions in dollars and euros, for now. is not expected, even the wording of the verbal warning is under discussion; the west is afraid of increasing pressure on china too sharply on the russian issue. well, at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 88 rubles. 76 kop. the euro exchange rate is 96.69 , that’s all i have for now. barabank. konstantin, thank you, now to the latest messages. in the elections to the european parliament , a significant part of the votes was received by the right, but in general. this is unlikely to change the balance of forces; the european people's party, which includes the head of the european commission,
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fondeleien, is winning. she stated that the course will remain pro-european and pro-ukrainian. israeli hostages died during an operation in a refugee camp in the gaza strip, the palestinian movement hamas reports, while four abducted were freed and three others were killed. about 250 palestinians were killed. protests in armenia, near the parliament building in yerevan , demonstrators pitched tents and held. it’s night there, demands the resignation of the prime minister, he is accused of transferring territory to azerbaijan. the international cantata classical music festival has ended in kaliningrad; this year it was held under the russian motto. idea in the center of europe. and the program was dedicated to the anniversaries of emmanuel kant and nikolai berdyaev. in the kharkov direction, the russian military showed television journalists for the first time the combat use of the latest artillery vehicle malva. the self-propelled unit is capable of take a firing line in a matter of minutes and fire precise volleys at the target.
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our military correspondent evgeniy podubny will tell you what ensures such speed and efficiency. he saw. in the kharkov direction, our troops are conducting difficult, successful combat work, the enemy suffers significant losses every day, entire units lose their combat effectiveness, they lose enemy units and equipment in indecent quantities, and this is the most modern weapon that the ukrainian armed forces have at its disposal. the kiev regime has now concentrated its most combat-ready unit own formations just near kharkov, here are the most modern enemy artillery systems, electronic reconnaissance and warfare equipment, loitering ammunition, special forces units , our fighters are grinding up enemy forces that have been transferred by ships from other, no less important sectors of the front. our
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group accompanies on a combat mission. crew of the newest wheeled self-propelled artillery mount malva, for the first time on television the combat use of this weapon system. our assault units are actively they operate in all sectors of the kharkov direction, but the heaviest battles take place in the southern part of volchansk, and the artillerymen support our attack aircraft. when adjusting from the air. the fighters will destroy the enemy’s ammunition depot and the location of the personnel so that the fighters on the ground can move forward. in fact, you have, well, no more than five minutes to destroy the enemy. in any case, after reconnaissance means, the formations
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of the kiev regime can detect a firing position and, naturally, begin a counter-battery fight. so everything has to happen very quickly. artillerymen support with fire the active offensive operations of russian assault groups in volchansk in the leptsov region. sau command is used as a means of artillery ambushes of raids. the crew is capable of leaving the holding area for a firing position in a few minutes, hitting the target and leaving before the enemy starts returning fire. it's all about high mobility and being modern. its information system. all the data in order to enter accurate fire into the fighters enter the on-board computer even before the vehicle moves into the firing position, and then the gun does not need navigation satellites or calculation corrections, everything happens automatically. goal 0206 55 55. the peculiarity
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is that the machine finds itself. difference. work only in collaboration with intelligence officers and electronic warfare specialists. malva operates in close proximity to the line of combat contact, and here the sky is saturated with enemy attack drones. now there are several
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people with drone detectors at once control the sky, fighters control the sky. visually, but we’re lucky with the weather, right now the clouds above us are quite dense, so there is hope that seeing our crew from the air is, well, more difficult, or something, but in fact, now the first tool at the front is any well-functioning drone detector, shells destroyed an ammunition depot and a shelter for enemy personnel in the volchansk area. here is aerial reconnaissance footage. the kiev regime is moving near
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the ammunition depot, carrying boxes with shells and cartridges for loading. in just a minute our artillery destroys the enemy's warehouse and personnel. the reconnaissance aircraft approached the target and the self-propelled artillery mount immediately began working towards the target. here is no more than 15 km, now the process of fire destruction begins, there is a feeling of satisfaction when you get there, of course, such a feeling of delight, you want even more, to pile on, a gun, a shot, now actually radar equipment. the kiev regime and those intelligence officers who use unmanned aircraft, fpv drone operators are beginning to look for
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our artillery crew, but the soldiers continue to hit the target. the artillerymen have completed their work from this position, the target has been hit, the scouts have just reported, now, well, literally in a minute the vehicle will be brought into a transport position and will quickly leave the line, such an interesting detail, the malva crew took less time to a.. . to leave than our group, which indicates the truly high mobility of this wheeled self-propelled
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artillery system, the same calculations of wheeled fats destroy the operators of fpvidrons. formation of the kiev regime, now this is a priority goal: a self-propelled artillery installation can use high-precision projectiles krasnopol, not only can, but also does. here is footage of the fire attack. it is the wheeled design in the presence of paved roads that the modern computing complex allows to reduce the time from detection to hitting targets to a minimum. during the active offensive operations of the northern group of troops, these crews alone destroyed more than ten enemy forces and dozens of pontoon crossings. a the main thing is to support our attack aircraft with fire every day. the crew is constantly changing their firing positions, the artillery is carrying out reconstructions, the enemy has already
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called these vehicles elusive. the car showed itself on the good side, in some places even on the excellent side, that is, in terms of clarity, in terms of accuracy, it seems to me that even now there are no equals. evgeniy poddubnye, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week. kharkov direction. now sports news, in the studio ilya kostin, ilya, good morning, the final series is currently underway in the nba, how are events developing? good morning, in the second match boston beat dallas and now in the series up to four victories, the score is 2:0 in favor of dallas. russian hockey goalie sergei bobrovsky, at 35 years and 262 days, became the oldest goalkeeper in nhl history to start the stanley cup finals with a shutout, meaning he never missed a goal. bobrovsky is equal in playoff victories with evgeni nabokov, they share second place among russian goalkeepers. the first is from andrei vasilevsky from tampa. florida won 3-0 in
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in the first game of the final series against edmonton, goals were scored by verhaeghe, rodriguez and lo starin, and fans leaving the arena chanted bobby in honor of sergei bobrovsky's game. spaniard carles alcaraz. beat german alexander zverev in the ralangaros final, the match lasted 4.5 hours and ended with al-qaras winning in five sets. thanks to success at ralangaros, alcaraz will become the second racket of the world, a twenty-one-year-old spaniard, the youngest tennis player in history to win the finals of a major tournament. helmet on three different surfaces - hard, clay and grass. among the current players there are only two with a similar achievement, these are rafa nadal and novak djokovic. at a press conference. after the paris final , alcaraz promised that he would get a tattoo of the seyfel tower and the date of the final in honor of the victory. the russian national football team won in
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minsk against belarus 4:0 in a friendly. match, this is the second victory of our team this year with such a score, at the helm of the team all this time is valery karpin, whose contract the rfu plans to extend. exclusive interview with watch the mentor of the russian national team after midnight in our russian football program. i would love to turn off the phone, but it’s not possible to turn it off naturally, because it’s all the same even in those moments when you’re at home with your family, even there on a day off, on those rare days when we have days off, because... .. now we usually return from a conditional trip somewhere on weekends or are going somewhere already, uh, so turning off the phone there doesn’t really work, because there are still a million questions that require my participation, so you have to keep your phone on all the time.
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the transfermarkt portal has published a list of the most expensive russian football players. first place goes to monaco midfielder alexander golovin, who is valued at 30 million euros. its price has not changed since the previous rating. in second place among the russians is krasnodar goalkeeper matvey safonov. it has risen in price and now costs 20 million euros. the top three was completed by arsen zakharyan from real siciedad, who reached the 18 million mark. the top five also included konstantin tyukavin from dynamo moscow and maxim glushenkov from locomotive. dutch formula 1 driver max verstapin from the red bull team won the canadian grand prix. second place went to british mclaren driver landa noris, third place went to briton george russell from mercedes. during the race , two ferrari drivers retired from the race, the winner of the previous stage, charles leclerc and carlos sainz. the mexican perez from red bull also failed to reach the finish line. verstapin
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has already won six this season. out of nine grand prix, he is in the lead in the overall standings, in the constructors' championship he is now in first place red bull, followed by ferrari and mclaren. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness, with the help of the americans, of course , ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, new in technology, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i even somehow i had no idea that this
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could happen to me. let's talk about this now, it’s not the intelligence agencies that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight with each other, but in the end , the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the exhibition.
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news from the middle of the hour, briefly: in the elections to the european parliament, right-wing parties sharply strengthened its position, in belgium this has already led to the resignation of the government; in france, president
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macron had to dissolve it. and parliament about


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