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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness, with the help of the americans, of course , ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, new in technology, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i even somehow i had no idea that this could happen to me. we’ll talk about this now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end after all, the result of everything is determined by the quality of state policy. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, honor our
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history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the exhibition. russia.
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federal budget revenues for the first 5 months exceeded 14 trillion rubles. the russian ministry of finance presented such data today. my colleague, dmitry morocco, has already familiarized himself with them, we’ll find out all the details. yes, gas. i am steadily welcoming russian budget revenues, first of all, this is an increase in revenues not related to oil exports and is growing, the deficit continues to decline. according to the ministry of finance, in the first 5 months of this year, the volume of revenues to the treasury exceeded 14 trillion rubles. despite external restrictions, revenues from oil and gas trade continue to grow; from january to the end of may they amounted to almost 5 trillion, which is plus 73%. compared to last year, which
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is primarily due to rising prices for russian oil, if we look at the pace growth compared to the previous year, then this is mainly a base effect, our oil and gas revenues develop in accordance with changes in oil prices and the ruble exchange rate, and in fact we are now in the first half of the year, comparing ourselves with the first half of last year before the weakening of the ruble, well, in fact , again, there are no surprises here, in proportion to the dynamics of the ruble and oil prices, what we have seen in recent months and what we expect from the next months is that our ruble is at a stable level, and - prices for russian raw materials and russian oil, they are more or less static. separately , it is worth noting the growth in income not related to the sale of oil and gas; in the first 5 months they increased by 34%, exceeding the mark of 9 trillion rubles. the ministry of finance notes. that
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revenues from turnover taxes, including vat, increased by 19%. thus, a stable base is being formed for further rapid growth of budget revenues. the agency also predicts an increase in non-oil and gas revenues in the future, thanks to increased economic activity in the country. this is a car mood, first of all, this is also industries that are associated with dual-use products with state orders, and of course, it.
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rubles, however, there is a noticeable sharp reduction in the deficit; compared to last year, it decreased by 2 trillion. in principle, again, if we proceed from the current dynamics of the fact that after the start, what has changed is what is called the seasonality of spending funds, yes, that is, we now have a significant part of it balanced at the beginning of the year, of course, that there is some growth there at the end, but overall, if not revision of serious consumables there. budget, then hypothetically, i think that we can even reach there without a deficit this year. it is worth noting that, taking into account the latest data, the budget deficit is only half a percent of the country's gdp. the bank of russia previously predicted that by the end of the year, overall gdp growth could range from 2.2 to 3.5%. yes,
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dmitry, thank you , my colleague dmitry morocco spoke about the growth in russian budget revenues. the russian automobile industry is reaching a new level. what developments are emerging for domestic cars, how is this beneficial for business, what support from the state can manufacturers count on? watch the program there is a solution with maria kudryavtseva, immediately after the advertisement. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafenultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when it hurts
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remained a luxury for a long time, and not a means of transportation, but the situation has changed; now buying a car is not the main problem, but the problem of choosing, and how to make our people buy our car, what solutions do russian manufacturers have that allow us to influence this choice under conditions of fair competition. you must reach the market as quickly as possible, it is important to show that all your key technologies that are on board, they work, they must be beautiful, high-tech, everyone who looks at this car should want them. the driver must listen to all the creaks and rustles, because this is a technique that requires a certain attitude, and you follow these instructions without fail, otherwise they would all have long since turned into real estate. it is extremely important that russian cars meet modern technical
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requirements and are not inferior to foreign models in terms of reliability. we will provide additional support to help our businesses in develop missing competencies in a short time. the demand for personal transport is growing. in the first 4 months of the year , more than half a million new cars were bought in russia , 71% more than during the same period in the twenty-third, and more domestically produced cars were sold. gentle, as technologically advanced as possible, saved time and earned money. is it possible to create
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such an ideal car, and even with an electric motor, in the future with an unmanned system, we will find out from our heroes. in a year, our electric car can give economic benefits up to a million rubles. core critical technologies of our own design , every kilogram is important because it is in fact. equal lifting capacity, composite materials, some new technologies, look, we can make some of the structural elements that are under the hood from composites, it will be cheaper in some ways, it will be engineering, more technologically advanced, and this will give us new leadership advantages. ilya rashkin and his childhood friend painted the idea of ​​the first electric cargo truck in russia on a napkin, they took a ready-made uaz chassis in order to quickly bring a new product to the urban delivery market, the rest they came up with and made themselves, including the lightweight ones... for a phone you can
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develop a plug that is large enough, and even if it were technically possible to charge the phone and it would charge in about half a second. one auto industry job supports seven other jobs. yes, that is, here you are on this economy. is unmanned technology in general going there now in the auto industry? the future is clearly in drones, the way technology is developing today, it just screams about it. what kind of investments are you already making in new developments of new technologies and what are your plans going forward? we plan to invest about 500 million rubles in some this year already in the first half of next year. what does your ideal car of the future look like? and she is flying, already on the roads. several dozen of these electric trucks fly quickly; serial production began in the moscow technopolis;
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four vehicles are assembled per day. resident status of a special economic zone gave a zero rate property tax, land transport for 10 years, and for partners there is a state subsidy for the purchase of such electric trucks (925 rubles), which makes them equal in price to ordinary light commercial vehicles; our electric car costs, say, 8 rubles per kilo. what are the advantages of this machine? we are currently working on one initiative - this is the possibility of the movement of commercial vehicles of electric russian production in a dedicated lane. and there are figures on how much this will again improve life for logisticians, for your customers. in on average, driving along a dedicated lane reduces delivery speed by 15-20%. there is
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an opinion that in russia. a very strong engineering school, but not all ideas reach mass production, as the classic did, we can forge one blade, but what if there are hundreds of them? i can’t agree, now all those trends that, on the one hand , are being developed by the manufacturers themselves, on the other hand , are being strengthened by us through support tools, they will give us the opportunity to recover after the departure of large investors, the mistakes that we made in terms of excessive trust in foreign participants, i am sure that we will definitely not do this. what kind, we are also talking about the conditions for control of critical technology, if they don’t give you this, then in fact they don’t give you anything, taking into account our scientific potential, production potential, we have every opportunity to achieve truly complete technological sovereignty in the automotive industry. what is the ideal car for you now, what does it look like? i drive our car, an aurus, but this
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for work, for the soul, for i have always approached this topic in a very utilitarian way, i have... our russian one, by the way, that means i mean those made in russia, it suits me, it fits children, we have three children, so we need at least , we need to place them, a large good trunk, preferably a suv, because sometimes you want to go somewhere outdoors, enter the production only in special clothes and shoes to avoid static discharge, this can damage electronic components, they let us through, let's go. we are not only manufacturer, but we are the developers, we equipped vesta with a fully crystalline instrument cluster, here you go, but did someone else on the russian market produce such things before you or not? no, alexey vorobyov, ceo of an auto electronics manufacturer, replaced more than 10 foreign
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suppliers of over 100 imported products in a year and a half. the country's first production was launched in 2023. locking systems and electronic dynamic stabilization systems, the equipment was purchased with the help of a soft loan from the fund industrial development. after the departure of western companies, what changed in this production, in your strategy, there was quite unfair competition from their country, which they localized, rugs and some simple elements, all these innovations, know-how and highly intelligent products they left behind. i hope the government will help us. in the russian federation is to slightly turn the localization process around and start not with simple products, but with highly intelligent products, and not it would have turned out like this, the european company left everything, we were left with nothing, but here with rugs, yes, so i hope that additional measures will be introduced that would
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allow us to slightly redirect the process from simple to complex in terms of joint developments. it is with russian companies, this is very important, developments are already underway here, including for automakers from china, but so far these orders are not massive, so the eroglonas systems to help drivers in an emergency are preparing more than 100 thousand a month, their company also started producing the first one in russia, automation helps increase volumes, here are our operators, beautiful girls, they do some subassembly, then we go through the process. there are three robots here, before how many people were doing the same thing, we had about 12 people, we have almost doubled productivity, tell me, robots break down, but people get tired, and robots, robots work almost around the clock , yes, of course , they need care,
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only in this case the robots can work for a long time without any breakdowns, but you... they work hard as it should, we work hard, yes, they work hard as it should, all new auto components are tested, first on benches, then as part of a car, for example, now we are checking how the control unit works engine, and if the test passes to the next stage already at the test site or complex routes, you are producing in russia, but it is not clear where to look for technology partners or how to choose the appropriate support measure, for this there is a free digital portal, the state industrial information system, registration opens the way to government procurement, there is also a convenient navigator of support measures, there are almost 2,500 of them, the smart system will issue recommendations for... a specific enterprise, there is another scenario when support is provided to potential buyers, which affects demand increases production volumes, officials should drive
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domestic cars; if we declare ourselves to be an automobile country, then we should drive our own automobile industry; in general, for consumers, what they are doing now manufacturers, this will help make sure that they want to buy this car, and not a foreign one, you probably remember, 4-5 years ago there was a conversation about how we would never switch to the chinese auto industry, what do you mean, remember? , yes, you see how quickly everything suddenly changed, the chinese automobile industry obviously learned to work with design correctly, people switched very quickly, there is no secret in switching people, and even more so when it’s your country, when you still and in addition i want to support my manufacturer, then on the contrary it will add motivation. and buy yours. what support does the state provide to enterprises that produce cars? the key instruments are subsidizing
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the costs of neo-development, our own. the second large part, speaking of automotive components, is the industrial development fund, 44 projects over the past 2 years have been supported for 80 billion rubles. and the third and final part is sales. we sold it last year. under the preferential lending program 25,000 cars on preferential leasing , about 37. the development of new technologies in the automotive industry is only one direction. there is another task - to provide reliable transport infrastructure. over the past 5 years, under the national project for safe, high-quality roads , more than 88,000 km of roads have been repaired or built throughout the country. and this year more than 14,500 km will be updated. and this is important not only for the implementation of advanced ones. earnings, for example, from driverless cars, but also for cars with very high mileage. we
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are now riding on victory across the field, not much if you're going to have a blast, the driver himself needs to drive the car, but when he goes out onto a deserted road at that time, he can pull out a special handle, a cable, this is manual gas, calmly at a given speed, removing his foot from the gas pedal, it rests at the same time, drive along straight. evgeniy magakov began practicing car repairs since childhood, then in his neighbor’s lada. the first car love, the legendary victory, restoration is not a business, rather a matter of life. in the mood , he can go on his forty- ninth year swallow to a bakery or to a car rally along europe. there is such an expression, when would you know from what kind of rubbish, for example, this is something to throw away? do you mean throw it away? this is a valuable part that will be restored. on average, a car takes 3 years to complete, bit by bit, bolt by bolt. i bathed the nuts there, they got the original device, then for a whole month of joy you put it in a prominent place and walk around it, so to speak, you radiate emotions. over time, evgeniy magakov acquired another profession -
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a driver of game vehicles in films and a strict rule to manage a vintage vehicle fleet only personally. they filmed margarita nazarova, a wounded trainer in the frame of the sixty-eighth year , taken away by a modern rafik. i say: what is this? is there no proper ambulance in moscow? will. they all love affection. that is, if the car is just sitting there collecting dust somewhere. she starts to get offended, she tells you, i won’t start, she’ll take it from me and the belt will break, you haven’t driven me like this , being friends with all cars is like approaching everyone, talking, even just a washed car it goes faster and more comfortably, but you can so to speak, that our car was more durable, and the thickness of the frame was increased and the structural elements themselves were strengthened, imported analogues refused to run on bad gasoline, the emka devoured everything. here i am standing next to a car that is already 85 years old this year, precisely because a very high strength coefficient was initially laid down, a car is not just a means
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of transportation, it is also excitement, speed and adrenaline, a race of technologies and their competencies. russian manufacturers are actively developing advanced solutions for the production new cars, but here it is important not only to be in trend, but to gain. on this path , the development of technology, the speed is higher. than our competitors, we will definitely return to this topic in the future to find out at what stage of the business route, our heroes, well, all issues of the program have a solution, you can watch it on social networks now, let's go, order a free: alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free. not just
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all the same contacts with you. over the past 10 years, the situation with the protection of human rights has improved in russia; now more... citizens believe that their rights are protected. in in 2014, there were about a third of such russians, tatyana moskalkova told the president and commissioner for human rights in russia today. in her report, she paid special attention to working with requests related to the svo. with details anastasia efimova. 1,700 people received assistance through targeted appeals, 87.


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