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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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listen, they only save others, i saved myself, i had no contact with you either, and what did you do, stop lying, you disobedient people. over the past 10 years, the situation with the protection of human rights in russia has improved; now more than half of citizens believe that their rights are protected. in 2014, there were about a third of such russians, tatyana moskalkova, commissioner for human rights in russia, told the president today. in her report, she paid special attention to working with requests related to the svo. with details anastasia efimova. 17 people we received assistance through targeted requests
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from ukraine, we exchange lists of missing people, we managed to help more than 100 people establish their fate. we agreed , in parallel, at the same time, to visit the ukrainian military personnel who are on our territory, and the ukrainian human rights commissioners, our military tribals, more than 1,700 people. we
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visited last year, we began, by agreement, the mutual transfer of things and parcels from home to our prisoners, it is very important that this dialogue be preserved, we will continue this humanitarian work, we are in demand here and we will work with all our hearts, human rights ombudsmen are now in all regions, with the exception of zaporozhye, it is still in effect there...
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resettlement from dilapidated houses, collection of alimony from stepparents, provision of housing for orphans, far away this is not a complete list of areas of work of the obbudsman. if we talk about the criminal process, then the leading complaints remain regarding the quality of the investigation, as well as regarding the conditions of detention, repairs have been made, the colonies have become better, but there are also those that require more investments, and maybe material investments. investing your soul and maybe
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a creative approach, but you shouldn’t forget the material things either, there’s a lot more that needs to be done. well, you know, today people should be kept in normal human conditions, absolutely right, many and everything require serious capital investments, material costs, and in the report we give recommendations to the government to pay attention to this, there are temporary detention facilities that do not violate the law.
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reported other notable results during the special operation. operational-tactical aviation unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation hit the command post of the tactical aviation brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, a field artillery depot, as well as temporary deployment points of foreign mercenaries, accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 147 areas. shot down by air defense. mig-29 aircraft of the ukrainian air force. in rostov-on-don representatives of the popular front handed over a batch of cars to the zone. these are ordinary cars, pickups, suvs, as well as boats and buses. in addition, fighters will receive uniforms, helmets, night vision devices and drone detectors.
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representatives of people's regiments and volunteer associations from different regions of russia will bring camouflage nets woven with their own hands to the front line. all cars are equipped with the means. to save the lives of our soldiers, but also to extend the service life of vehicles, and not only, of course, we also provide uniform kits, helmets, and drone detectors in cars. in ukraine, in chernivtsi, a citizen who was only 21 years old was forcibly mobilized, local media reported. let me remind you that even according to the new law on mobilization, the minimum age is 25 years, although there is information. that the authorities intend to lower this threshold to eighteen under pressure from the americans. and new footage of forced mobilization in kiev is appearing ; a man was tied up on the hem of a man a few meters from the venue of the lgbt festival. in odessa one of local residents tried to fight off the detainees , but the local commissars pushed him onto the bus anyway. in the second case, one of
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the men stopped on the street managed to escape. and in transcarpathia yesterday, 32 ukrainians broke through the border with hungary in a car with military license plates, albeit fake ones. the violators were detained. it was necessary to lift the northern half-ring of the blockade of leningrad and push the finnish army beyond vyborg. this operation lasted 10 days. on june 20 , a red flag was already flying over vyborg. the clock on the vybsk tower is now working properly; there were periods when the mechanism there was no way to keep track, so the clock stopped in 1940. this year
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the soviet-finnish war ended, the finns call it the winter war. the border that used to pass through beloostrov is 32 km from nevsky prospekt in leningrad. after this war it was moved beyond vyborg. in 1941, finland, at that moment an ally of the third reich, took the karilian isthmus and kept the blockade of leningrad from the north; in fact, by september , finnish troops reached the old border, the state border of the ninth year, and crossed it, crossed it, but there actually there was a karelian fortified area that had to be broken through, and the finns had no real opportunities for this.
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on january 27, 1944, the blockade of leningrad was lifted, but essentially only from the south, the northern half-ring of the blockade still remained, it was held by the suomi army in the spring of 1944, an operational plan for the offensive of soviet troops in two directions on the karelian isthmus in karelia was being developed in order to defeat the finnish army, subsequently this operation called: we’ll return to the story about the historical military operation on our air, now let’s turn again to the news: federal budget revenues in the first 5 months exceeded 14 trillion rubles.
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the russian ministry of finance presented such data today. my colleague dmitry morocco has already familiarized himself with them. russian budget revenues are growing steadily, and the deficit continues to shrink. in the first 5 months of this year , the volume of revenues to the treasury exceeded 14 trillion rubles. despite external restrictions, revenues from oil and gas trade continue to grow. from january to the end of may they amounted to almost. 5 trillion, this is + 73.5% compared to last year, which is primarily due to the rise in prices for russian oil, if we look at the growth rate compared to the previous year, then this is mainly a base effect, our oil and gas revenues develop in accordance with changes in oil prices and the ruble exchange rate, but in fact we are now in the first half of the year, comparing itself with the first half of last year before the weakening of the ruble, well, uh. there are no surprises, everything is proportional to the dynamics of the ruble and
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oil prices, what we have seen in recent months and what we expect from the next months is that our ruble is at a stable level, and prices for russian raw materials and russian oil are more or less stable, it is worth noting the growth in income not related to the sale of oil and gas in the first five months, they increased by 34%, exceeding the 9 trillion mark rub. notes that the receipt of turnover taxes, including vat, increased by 19%. thus, a stable base is being formed for further rapid growth of budget revenues. the department also predicts an increase in non-oil and gas revenues in future, thanks to increased economic activity in the country. this is machine building, first of all, this includes industries that are associated with dual -use products with state defense orders, and of course, it.
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there is some growth there at the end, but in general, it is balanced at the beginning of the year, it is clear that
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if there is no serious revision of the expenditure side of the budget, then hypothetically, i think that we can even reach there without a deficit this year, it’s worth it should be noted that, taking into account the latest data, the budget deficit accounts for only half a percent of the country's gdp. the bank of russia previously predicted that by the end of the year, overall gdp growth could range from 2.2 to 3.5%. now about the results. the european people's party retains the first place in the european parliament, meanwhile, in a number of countries right-wing forces have achieved serious successes, which is already leading to political changes, the belgian government resigned, early parliamentary elections are also awaiting france, the german opposition calls on the authorities to follow this example and hold early elections to the bundestag. details at our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. the european people's party won the european parliament elections. centrists receive 185 mandates from...
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weeks i campaigned throughout europe in 17 countries and 31 cities. i listened to concerns and fears, but everywhere i felt that citizens really cared about our union, and what i saw was great confidence in the european union. however, the european people's party are the only centrists in the european parliament who received more support than in the previous 5 years, while renew europe, for example, received a huge slap in the face in france. as expected , the right and far right parties gained increased support across the european union, with the most
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shocking results for brussels coming from france, where the national union won a third of the popular vote, forcing president emmanuel macron to announce the dissolution of parliament that same evening. today the french media are already predicting an imminent appointment the country's prime minister was twenty-eight-year-old political prodigy jordan bardela, who took over the leadership of the party. this evening's message, including the news of the dissolution of the french government, also applies to those in power in brussels. this great victory of patriotic movements will have historical significance. it marks the return throughout the world of the importance of nations, of protection. and since we are a people, we want to remain attached to them. she closes this painful globalist sideshow that has caused so much
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the peoples of the world have suffered a lot. the new europe, france, which included supporters, included supporters of emmanuel macron was. lost seats not only in france, but also in spain, romania, denmark and estonia, in fact, now this force is reducing its power in the european parliament, according to updated data, having received only 80 seats, in turn, the right wing has strengthened its influence in italy , for example, giorgia miloni secured the support of more than a quarter.
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europe with the strongest government of all. this hasn't happened in the past, but this happening today. it brings satisfaction and also great responsibility. we must be aware of this responsibility. the two right-wing factions of the european parliament, european conservatives and reformists, as well as identities and democracy, have increased their influence and at the same time triumphant in germany, an alternative for germany, a supporter of the hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, a victory in belgium flams-belang, the polish confederation, the bulgarian party . if we manage to agree among ourselves that for now, mathematically, if all right-wing forces looks doubtful, this will be the second expansion of the european parliament group, but i will also add, of course, that the greens, who were previously the fourth party in the european parliament , failed miserably and have now become only
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the seventh. regina sevastyanova, evgenia zimtsova, ekaterina shamaeva and asya aslanyan, european bureau of the vgtr. retain their leading, leading positions, but over time, apparently, the right-wing parties will step on their heels, so we are closely watching these processes. the circle of like-minded people from moscow and beijing - said sergei lavrov at a meeting with his chinese counterpart wang yi in nizhny novgorod. the head of the russian foreign ministry also said that the number of countries wishing to
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cooperate with brix and the sco is increasing. the negotiations took place on the sidelines of a two-day meeting of the organization 's foreign ministers. after expanding the association to ten states. at this meeting , they are discussing, among other things, increasing the role of developing countries on the world stage and cooperation at multilateral platforms. brihs is one of such associations, where the principles of equal cooperation are implemented in deeds, not words, namely mutual respect, openness, pragmatism, solidarity, continuity. and, of course, consensus. i am convinced that brix is ​​driven forward by the wind of change, because its role in solving global problems will only increase. this is confirmed by the steady increase in the number of countries showing genuine interest in joining the work of our association. in this context
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, we look forward to productive discussions in a separate session today, with the participation of a number of like-minded countries in brix. now, in breaking news, four people were killed by a mine in belgorod shebekino, including our colleague, vgtrk cameraman yaroslav borisov. details from alexander korobov. the kiev regime dealt another vile blow to civilians; explosive devices, most likely anti-personnel mines, were dropped from a drone on one of the private residential sectors of shibekin. here on a fairly large area, they fell in vegetable gardens next to private houses, on the roads, unfortunately, three were blown up here this morning civilians, people were just... getting ready for work, they went outside and an explosive device went off, there is most likely a seismic sensor there, there is electronics, and actually after one of the explosions there
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is just a fragment of this ammunition here, so the sappers arrived and secured the area , checked for the presence of unexploded ammunition, of course , some of them were destroyed, but unfortunately another tragedy occurred on one of... our colleague, a tv cameraman for the russia-24 tv channel, was blown up on one of the mines, he received wounded, but employees of the territorial self-defense were nearby, they provided him with first aid, now he has been taken to the hospital, all the necessary help is already being provided there, literally two meters from the place where that mine was detonated, we found another one, so of course we left for a fairly safe distance, we will have to detonate it here on the spot, because taking it somewhere, pulling it out is very life-threatening, but the territory is being checked
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; all residents have been warned to be careful and watch their step, especially in the sappers will check again and most likely there will be thick grass, where there is poor visibility. alexander korobov, yacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. two people were killed and 12 were injured as a result of dpr shelling over the weekend. such data is on our air. and this is a fairly large number of unmanned aerial vehicles ; 237
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drones were detected and intercepted over the past week, and needless to say that each of these drones poses a certain threat, primarily to the civilian population, and we continue to work and, of course, perceive very positively that the front line continues to move back, which means this is an increase in the level of security for... our residents. the russian foreign ministry believes that the shelling of civilian targets by the armed forces of the armed forces bears signs of genocide and terrorism. meade's ambassador-at-large , radion miroshnik, stated this on the air of the fifth studio program. two illustrative situations, two incidents that took place on friday, are lugansk and the kherson sadovaya region. there, within a radius of i don’t know how many kilometers there are no even a hint of some kind of military installation. that is, the conclusion here is simple. the blows are delivered. purposefully targeting a civilian target in order to intimidate, sow confusion, and then demonstrate a threat, demonstrate intentions, knowing full well that these are
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painful blows, on the other hand, why, why does the west quite openly agree to these things, because even in the case , if they rocked russia into the same violation of international humanitarian law, which is exactly what is happening on the part of ukraine now, then the actual victims from ukraine are of no interest to anyone. there are certainly signs of genocide, signs of terrorist actions here, and now, in particular , the investigative committee is actively developing all these facts. more and more countries are refusing to participate in the conference on ukraine, which will be held in switzerland. the pakistani authorities decided not to send their representatives. a diplomatic source reported this to the tas agency. he explained this by the fact that the country remains neutral. the following countries also abstained from participating like china, saudi arabia, brazil and south africa have not yet confirmed the sending of the delegation. previously, the authorities of both countries stated that their leaders would definitely not attend the events. according to swiss media estimates, the conference will become
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a quote: a cabal of western countries. at the same time, according to the head of switzerland, everyone agrees that russia should participate in the dialogue on ukraine. secretary of the security council sergei shaigu held a working meeting with deputy prime minister of serbia alexander vulin. we discussed security issues.
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"i want to thank you and president putin for your enormous contribution when it comes to our fight against the shameful resolution on genocide in sererenitsa, we are very grateful for everything you have done for the huge fight you led, the result that was achieved speaks volumes about "today, in the state duma, speaker vyacheslav volodin met with the coordinating minister for economic affairs of indonesia, erlang hartara, and they discussed bilateral issues." relationship. according to vyacheslav volodin, cooperation should be built on the principles of respect for each other, mutually beneficial partnership and, of course, non- interference in the affairs of sovereign states. the chairman of the state duma expressed confidence that today's meeting will give impetus to cooperation between the two countries. our relations must develop more systematically, and of course, we, for our part, together with our colleagues from the indonesian parliament, must do everything in
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our power for legislation. ensuring decisions taken at the level of heads of state, then we will create a good legislative basis and many problems we can decide more effectively. we need to look for new forms of interaction so that we work towards the end result. i absolutely agree with you, we must support as much as possible further fruitful and effective cooperation between the russian federation and indonesia on both sides. this cooperation, of course, must reflect the interests of both countries. now, for the protests in the center of yerevan, protesters have blocked baghramyan avenue and erected tents. people demand the resignation of nikola pashinyan, as well as the end the process of transferring territory to azerbaijan. there are skirmishes between the law enforcement officers gathered, but there have not yet been serious clashes. the leader of the movement , archbishop bagrad galstanyan, called on the opposition to convene a parliamentary meeting tomorrow, raising the question of.
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hang up without talking.
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