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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we are transported to ukraine, where in chernivtsi a citizen who was only 21 years old was forcibly mobilized. ukrainian media report this; let me remind you that even according to the new law of mobilization, the age limit is 25 years. well, on the internet, meanwhile, for several weeks now there have been reports that... the authorities
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intend to lower this threshold to 18 years, supposedly under pressure from the americans, but maria valieva is monitoring the progress of such total mobilization in ukraine. breaking through the border with hungary in transcarpathia, a loud cry of despair. 32 ukrainians were traveling on territory of a neighboring country in a car with military license plates, a local journalist reported this on his telegram channel. video cameras recorded that the gaz-66 truck with black military numbers 473. then it turned out that the numbers were not military at all, all those who were inside were detained by the hungarian police, not far from the village of barabash, an investigation is underway. obviously, this is another attempt by ukrainians to leave their native country and avoid forced mobilization. he's alive there, at least still. the situation at the front for the armed forces of ukraine is deplorable, servicemen are fleeing from their positions. ukrainian soldier through. informed
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the russian military of his intention to surrender as soon as he learned that he could be transferred to the kharkov direction. then he built a fruit from plastic bottles and swam across the dnieper. now he is completely safe, like many other military personnel, their lives are not in danger. well, a group of what looked like russian soldiers came, and we could only run out of the dugout and shoot back, as it were. well, there was no chance for a campaign there; by the end of this skirmish , the chances there were already reduced to nothing, abandoned grenades, everything began to smoke, for the wounded, this is it, well, in the end they were already shouting: surrender, they saw that there was no chance left. ukrainian military personnel now evoke only sympathy, these photographs were taken by the turkish news agency anedulu, among the recruits there are mostly elderly people, here it’s time to immediately call the volga, and not throw grenades, bad...
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so everyone has youtube, why was no one prepared, so you can’t work on your motor skills, i agree, but balls, you understand?
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ludolov walk through the streets and grab everyone without analysis, fit, unfit, it doesn’t matter, they pounced, tied him up, sent him to the military registration and enlistment office, they will teach him something, here is another victim of the military commissars in odessa. in lvov they tried to seize a twenty-one-year-old guy, his comrade came to the rescue in time and... beat the young man from the military commissars, because the conscription age in ukraine has so far been reduced to 25 years, although there is no guarantee that he will not be lowered to 23, or even at all up to 18. due to the active burial of tsk, a repolog was held at an lgbt party in kiev. military commissars visited this rainbow light more than once. uninvited the guests greatly outraged the gay community. we came to tcc twice. they broke into ours. party
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twice as much, it’s more about homophobia, and not about protecting people from the aggressor. this is an indicator of the level of homophobia in our state. however, the tetskashniks were not left without a catch; they took the young man’s arms. near a checkpoint that was set up not far from the gayparty. people around looked on silently, no one stood up for the guy. in poltava, verbal battles broke out during attempts by military commissars to replenish the ranks cannon fodder. the opinions of passers-by were divided: some tried to fight off the man, others defended the totsk workers. thousands of videos with brutal mobilization appear on the networks, the ministry of defense of ukraine commented that they show only the bad, all the good, how the brave boys strive to defend their native country, supposedly remains behind the scenes. tg channels are working to disrupt mobilization, no one says how many negative things did not happen because of
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the tolerance of representatives of the shopping center. head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine committee on national security stated that men who come to the military registration and enlistment office without a summons can, at their own request, enter into a contract with... for example, last year the number of requests reached 93,000, according to moskalkov, this indicates that the trust of residents is strengthening, but at the same time , the demand for respect for rights also increases. another topic of the meeting was caring for the svo participants and their families. tatyana nikolaevna, the positions
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of commissioner for human rights have been established in all our constituent entities. russian federation, absolutely, with the exception of zaporozhye is still there, you will soon have a report to the state.
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last year, by agreement, we began mutually transferring things and parcels from home to our prisoners. psb opened more than 25 thousand accounts for gogauzia residents. the chairman of the bank, pyotr frodkov, announced this at a meeting with representatives of the autonomy. my colleague alena logvinov is on the site. alena, we welcome you. she joins the facts live. what, how popular are psb accounts in gogauzia? colleagues, good afternoon, how important is this program? can be judged because its implementation started in mid-april of this year and since then, in less than 2 months, 25,400 accounts have already been opened as part of humanitarian
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support for public sector pensioners from gagauzia. pyotr frodkov, chairman of the psb , took part in a working meeting, during which the progress in the implementation of this program was discussed, he noted. that his bank was able to organize an uninterrupted process of opening accounts in record time, everything works, citizens receive money, moreover, we see from transactions, from accounts they actively use them, carry out calculations, transfers between relatives, as we said, among other things, it seems to me that we have done everything to...
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a very important project for this segment of the population, i receive a lot of feedback from people who have already... .. receives financial resources , they are very satisfied and of course we also receive requests directly from other regions that others have this opportunity. the meeting participants actually touched upon the possibility of expanding this program to other cities, firstly in turn, we are talking about residents of the cities of taraclia and orhei. our colleagues.
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unexpected results of the elections to the european parliament, the defeat of macron and the scholz fiasco, right-wing parties are gaining strength
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with a majority of votes, in a week the new parliament will meet for its first plenary session. so, the european people's party will take the most seats in the european parliament - 185 out of 720. in second place is the progressive alliance of socialists and democrats - 137 seats. well, the european renewal faction is in third position - 80 seats. at first sight it seems that.
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stated that he could not pretend that nothing had happened, according to him, the outcome of the eu elections was unpleasant for his government, and the rise of the nationalists posed a danger to france and europe. the lafigaro newspaper wrote that macron expected defeat, but this is not defeat, but humiliation. against the backdrop of such sad results, the president of the fifth republic decided to dissolve the national assembly and hold early elections. the first round will take place on june 30. the second on july 7, the last time the lower house of parliament was dissolved by president jacques
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sharak in ninety-seven. the mayor of paris, anne dalga, expressed alarm that macron was dissolving the national assembly right before the olympic games. this evening's message, including the news of the dissolution of the french government , also applies to those in power in brussels. this is a great victory for patriotic movements.
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then yes, we can say that in france and in germany and in many other countries the population yesterday during the vote expressed disagreement with the policy being pursued...
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quote: it quickly took second place the increasingly popular center-right party of the young politician peter magyar, about 30%. the best result for the opposition in hungary in the last 14 years. well, right-wing parties won in spain, austria and italy. a call to move forward and to do so with as much determination as possible. this is a sign i understand. which is ready to be grabbed and i am proud that we will be in the g7 in europe the strongest government ever, this has not happened in the past, but it is happening today, it is satisfying and also great responsibility, we must be aware of this responsibility. so, will the voting results affect the mood in the european parliament? experts are inclined to believe that, after all, no, the results of these elections
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are uninteresting, but indicative in individual countries. head of the european commission.
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the north caucasus appeared today on social networks, according to the users who posted the video, pyatigorsk was at the epicenter of the bad weather. some motorists stopped under trees in the hope of hiding their cars from pieces of ice. powerful cumulus rain clouds formed in northern russia today. the first hail since the beginning of summer was seen in kirovsk, murmansk region. the atmosphere in eastern europe is seething. tornadoes swept across hungary and ukraine. there were also extreme downpours and squalls here. and hail looked natural on the sinking streets of cars transporting boats on trailers. on tuesday, the pressure of the north atlantic cyclone on the russian plain will intensify, and the north, west and south of the region will fall into a vast area of ​​precipitation and thunderstorms. the heaviest downpours will make noise in central russia, the upper volga, novologshchina and the south of koma, along the line bryansk, koluga, moscow, kostromasy, tevkar, where
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up to 10-20 mm will fall, on the banks of the upper volga in some places up to 20.40 mm will fall, and this is more than half of the entire monthly climate norm. the top of cumulonimbus anvil clouds will reach 12,000 m, and squally winds, severe thunderstorms and hail up to 2.5 mm in diameter are forecast. the interaction of very strong updrafts and downdrafts under cumulonimbus clouds can cause tornadoes. potential rare occurrence area a dangerous weather phenomenon tomorrow may locally... cover certain areas of the upper volga, namely the yaroslavl, vladimir, ivanovo, nizhny novgorod regions, but at the epicenter of their possible appearance is the kostroma region. in addition, in some places it may also affect the north of the ryazan region, the east of the moscow region and the west of mordovia. moscow is on the verge of tropical rains. in the coming 24 hours, precipitation in the capital will turn into intense
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thunderstorms. over 30 mm or about 40% is expected in 24 hours. the entire monthly norm, flooding is possible in low-lying landforms; flooding will continue in the following days: powerful thunderstorm megashowers will continue on wednesday into thursday. in general , up to 85 mm of rain will fall in three days, or 110% of this june volume of heavenly moisture. at night it will be no lower than +12-17, and during the day +20-25. the weather will only improve by the weekend. the best deposit in sberbank is up to 18% per annum, hurry to open it before the end of june. dazzlingly white friday. discounts up to 50% narrow washing machine for only 22.999 evideo eldorado, chief expert on white appliances, you are excellent audience, bye everyone, you owe the bank.
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you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. mom, guess who started a new job today. many vacancies on avito work. you will find not just a job, but your place. these are facts, we continue, a two-day meeting has started in nizhny novgorod foreign ministers of the brix countries. as the organizers note, a total of 22 countries are expected to participate. and on the first day, that is , today, representatives of russia, brazil, egypt, india, iran, china, the united arab emirates, ethiopia and the republic of south africa are participating in the meetings. well , tomorrow , delegations from bangladesh, bahrain, belarus, venezuela, vietnam, kazakhstan, cuba, laus and other countries will join the discussion of the most important international topics. at
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the end of the day, after a meeting with his chinese counterpart, ivan yi, head of the russian foreign ministry sergei lavrov said that the circle of like-minded people in moscow and beijing is growing in the world. and more and more countries want to interact with brix and the sco in one way or another. the meeting is being held in nizhny novgorod for the first time since. russia, india, china and south africa are five more countries: egypt, iran, uae, saudi arabia and ethiopia. about thirty more want to cooperate with brix in various formats, that is, the interest of the world's largest states in unification continues to grow. well, that’s where our colleague anna voronina works in nizhny novgorod. all the details are in its plot. the main topic of discussion is the improvement of the management system, the global management system, which is being discussed by ministers behind closed doors, but it should be noted that during their
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opening remarks. lavrov asked everyone to stand for a minute of silence to honor the memory of departed colleagues. colleagues, friends, i would like to open our meeting with a minute of silence in memory of the untimely deceased president of iran russia and our colleague amer dolokhiya. sergei lavrov noted that the meeting in nizhny novgorod will be historic in the annals of brix, if only because the heads of meath meet for the first time after expansion, the association now includes nine countries and it should be noted that.
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problems will only increase, this is confirmed by the steady increase in the number of countries showing genuine interest in joining the work of our association. in this context, we look forward to productive discussions at a separate session today, with the participation of a number of like-minded brix countries. of course, the minister noted that the transition to a new world order, to multipolarity, which has already begun, will certainly take time. will meet resistance from western countries and the united states in particular. they use economic instruments as weapons. through sanctions pressure and financial blackmail, they are trying to influence the choice of sovereign states, development models and trading partners. the west does not shy away from using force. examples are known to everyone: yugoslavia, iraq, libya, afghanistan, syria,
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ukraine. and a number of other countries, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, recent international events have taken off the masks from those who still in words, he claimed almost the exclusive right to define the so -called universal values ​​under the guise of a rule-based order. however, brix is ​​already actively developing, including about 70 events under the chairmanship of russia, and work has begun to actively discuss the implementation of russian initiatives. work has begun on key russian initiatives in the transport sector, on the creation of a contact group on climate sustainable development, a working group on nuclear medicine, and a medical association. active work to implement the decisions of the johannesburg summit last year, in particular in terms of improving the international monetary and financial system, developing a platform for payments
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in national currencies. in mutual trade. i note that at the meeting not only the minister of foreign affairs of the brix countries, but also those friendly states that expressed a desire to join the association. anna voronina, stanislav ponomarenko, ivan usanov, yulia tyushevskaya, news. meanwhile, a conference on ukraine in switzerland under big question. more and more countries are refusing to participate in this summit. let me remind you that the swiss authorities plan to hold this meeting at the bürgenstock resort on june 15 and 16. view of switzerland previously reported that bern invited more than 160 delegations to it, including from the group of seven, group of 20 and brix countries, but for some reason russia was not among those invited to this meeting. but the decision not to send representatives was made by the pakistani authorities, who remain neutral on issues of the ukrainian crisis. china also refrained from participating. saudi arabia, mexico. the sending of the delegation has not yet been confirmed by brazil.
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