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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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more than half of russian residents believe that their rights are protected. at a meeting with vladimir putin, commissioner for human rights.
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russia is still in zaporozhye, you will soon have a report in the state duma, what you would like to talk about at our meeting today, people are turning to us for help due to a special situation, these are the evacuated, who today remain in temporary accommodation centers on our territory , and of course, family members of svo participants, svo participants, we keep in touch. well, in dialogue with the ombudsman of ukraine,
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we exchange lists of missing people, we managed to help more than 100 people establish their fate, we agreed, in a mirror way, to simultaneously visit the ukrainian military personnel who are on our territory, and the ukrainian human rights commissioners... our military prisoners, we visited more than 1,700 people, last year, by agreement, we began mutually transferring things and parcels from home to our prisoners. mikhail mishustin held an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers following the president’s speech at the plenary session st. petersburg international economic forum. let me remind you that the head of state
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outlined several priority goals, including indexing pensions for working citizens, increasing the number of employees, expanding family mortgages and others. well, anna lazareva knows what the government plans to do for this, she joins the facts. anna, welcome. welcome. what mikhail mishustin spoke about at the operational meeting of the cabinet of ministers today. hello, colleagues, i spoke about specific tasks that need to be solved quickly, and we now also know who is responsible for this. the president outlined the tasks, and the government began to implement them. the key ones relate to social support; on the instructions of the head of state , indexation of pensions for working citizens will resume from february 1 next year. today there are almost 8 million people. they will be paid a salary and pension, taking into account annual indexation, just like those who have retired. the next task is to further increase the minimum wage from 2025.
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it will be linked to the median salary and will amount to almost half of this figure, which means that from the twenty-fifth mrod will add 15% and will become more than 22 thousand rubles per month, by 2030 it will be no less than 35 thousand rubles. mikhail mishustin entrusted control over the implementation of this task to deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. together with deputies of the state duma and relevant ministries, it is necessary to prepare the necessary amendments to federal legislation in a timely manner; we expect that all necessary decisions will be made in the spring session. let me emphasize that the process of resuming indexing must take place without failures and as convenient as possible for people without any additional statements on their part, and it is also necessary to organize explanatory work on the calculation procedure so that citizens understand how much amount they will receive, and of course, what it comes from.
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folds up. at the forum in st. petersburg, the president paid special attention to supporting families, mikhail mishustin recalled. from july 1, preferences will appear for them when purchasing housing in small towns and regions. where the volume of construction is insufficient, parents there will be able to use a family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children, but the main thing is that at least one child is a minor at the time of applying for the loan. when building their own home, such preferential conditions for families will apply in all russian regions. citizens are waiting for the launch of these programs, but it is important to carry out the instructions. the head of state, in compliance with deadlines, organize the necessary work. another initiative is related to the president’s proposal to expand the capabilities of the project financing factory. its mechanism allows you to fix for investors comfortable level of interest expenses.
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more than thirty initiatives with a total value of approximately 2 trillion rubles are already being implemented using the tool. another 9 have been approved and relevant agreements will soon be signed. we will consistently increase the factory limit at the first stage by 100 billion rubles to 600 billion, as the head of state said, and thus it will be possible to additionally support real sector projects worth up to 6 trillion rubles. i ask the ministry of economic development , together with the ministry of finance, to ensure submitting a corresponding draft resolution to the government. dmitrievich, i ask you to take control of this issue. the prime minister also drew attention to the support of a number of categories of citizens who have the right to receive free drugs, medical products and medical nutrition. the government will allocate about 2 billion rubles for these purposes. thus, the volume of subventions will increase and help will reach all those in need. and to what extent the continuation
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of the topic of finalizing changes in the tax system was discussed in the federation council. we are talking about increasing tax deductions for children in... needy families, unchanged tax conditions for svo participants, as well as the exchange of some benefits for persons who earn more than 50 million rubles per year. well , the federation council also recalled that taxation carries not only the function of collecting money to meet budgetary needs, but also an important stimulating function. as part of the changes to corporate taxation, we are proposed to introduce federal investment tax deductions, and the procedure. conditions for its provision, it is assumed that this will be determined by the government of the russian federation, it will be aimed at supporting investments in strategic, priority sectors of the economy, which, in fact, creates the foundation of the future economy aimed at achieving technological sovereignty, we
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will make a decision based on the results of the meeting of this round table, we will direct it to the government of the russian federation with those proposals and comments that... were received here, those additional impulses that we today received, they will also somehow be taken into account when making the final decision. now it's time for economic news. the first quarter was one of the most financially successful for russian brokers, their net profit doubled to rub 29 billion. this was reported by the bank of russia. 72% of such companies turned out to be profitable. profitability is also at record levels. for the industry as a whole, this is 20.1.5%. brokers explain this dynamics by increased investor activity and high rates in the economy. a prototype of the dry superjet-100 aircraft began certification flight tests. this was reported by the united aircraft corporation. the first flight took place in zhukovsky,
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where the aircraft’s fuel system was tested. according to uak plans, by the thirtieth year the corporation will supply airlines with 142 superjets, 270 ms-21 and 115 tu-214 aircraft. the central bank reported the peak of overheating of the russian economy. kirill tremasov, director of the monetary policy department, told interfax. according to him, inflation has slowed in recent months, but bringing it to the required values ​​have not yet been achieved. at the last meeting, the central bank decided to keep the key rate at 16%. as of june 3, annual inflation exceeded 8%. and afk. sistema became the largest shareholder of the yasentukov manufacturer; it merged the arkhysvita company, which it had previously acquired with the aqua holding group. as a result, afk's share in the holding's fixed capital increased to 37.5%. previously, the value of the group was estimated at up to 2.5 billion rubles. it
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produces esintuki and narzan mineral water. it was economic news. short. russian intelligence officers in the kharkov region. helped to liquidate a fortified point of the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy’s positions were revealed during one of the new raids. another new success was the elimination of thirty militants at once, part of the way to volchansk. our war correspondent, yegor grigoriev, overcame it together with the scouts. special forces scouts akhmat are moving to volchansk. join us for a short part of the journey in a pickup truck. this is the purpose of reconnaissance - to walk. for us, traveling by transport is a great privilege. the soldiers dismount after crossing the border, already in the kharkov region. this is already abroad. well, it used to be, but now it’s under control. ok. squeaked, somewhere, somewhere the ukrainian country is already watching us, there is shubekina behind us, here we leave
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the scouts, they are going on their combat mission, the center of volchansk is less than 15 km in a straight line, this is almost always on foot, since it’s much easier to notice equipment from the air, and this is a priority goal, you’re already walking like a wolf’s instinct, you know, that is, either you’re a hunter, or this prey, our most important the task is for us to make... a corridor for our guys, the information that reconnaissance receives along the route is passed on for testing not only to attack aircraft, air control footage, the operator of a special forces fpv drone akhmat received the coordinates, the uav hits exactly the ukrainian fortifications, directs reconnaissance to serious targets in volchansk itself, after this strike the enemy lost thirty militants, now we’ve taken it all, we’ll take it all insha’allah, well, you’ll see the plan in a week , insha’allah, in 10 days there’ll be a clear plan. we have a plan, we have a strategy, commander of one of the detachments, rustam aguev describes the fighting mood in akhmat, the fighters
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are following the international agenda, the threats of some european leaders only make them smile, let all of nato come in, this will benefit us, there will be a lot of 200-300 prisoners, this is good for us, let them our guys are fighting there for russia, russia is powerful, insha the whole world has proven, russia can do it with akhmad’s strength, no problem for us, let him come there in groups, there in small groups, if he’s a man. let zelensky go there too, even if they don’t have infantry to fight where we will attack they won’t they are leaving now, they are going to give up, in the ranks of akhmat, fighters of different nationalities and religions are united by the common idea of ​​protecting the belgorod land of all russia, the tone for the work is set by the commander agu ismailbekovich, before that he set everything to the task, he checks everything in half , he raises
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that is, they came, well, how can you say who is the kamaz player, well, the driver separately, someone, that is , representatives from various types of units came, that’s right, ukrainian ones, recruited those who, well, yes, they took drivers and those who installed computers, yeah, and for the rest, who have the remainder, well, yes, but we were told that approximately, well, my health is not very good there, so i’m there, that is, how would you have slaves there? well, it turns out that yes, vladimir kachube, the ukrainian military commissars also caught him at his workplace in the chernihiv
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region, an electrician for elevators, yeah, that is, in the elevator industry, who has the elevators left for him, well, there was a pensioner left and another one like me, yeah, everyone else, where, well , the rest of the army, so training, 40 days, is called basic military training, there from they learned to shoot a machine gun, then the 153rd mechanized brigade was formed in the zhytomyr region, but in the end it was not formed, the ukrainian armed forces continue to gather forces in volchansk, disrupt plans, our aviation and artillery complicate the enemy’s process of regrouping the supply of ammunition, that which is not destroyed, often goes to our fighters as a trophy, they weren’t there , the canadian, the brat, we killed him, that’s what we’re doing now... we’re taking it away, we still need 100-200 to fight like that, but we’ll find it, we’ll take it
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from here, we’ll take the wolf unit, that’s for us let him such things will come, this is for us, i want to thank them, although the special forces, suffering losses, human and technical losses in su, are taking it out on the civilians of belgorod, daily attacking the region with strike drones, american and european missiles, this can be prevented by pushing the militants away from the border, which is what akhmat special forces soldiers and groupings of troops are doing this systematically. to form a coalition against the far right, some political scientists believe. yes, the main topic in europe today is, of course, the past elections to legislative assemblies. after them our colleague emil mirsaev is following. emil, we applaud how the bloc countries responded to these results. colleagues, i welcome you, not all eu states
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took the analysts’ forecasts seriously; some were taken by surprise by the results. now about everything in more detail. europe. is gradually turning to the right, exhausted by a series of crises, eu citizens want to hear clear and simple things from politicians, analysts say this. nevertheless, the majority of seats ended up with the centrists. according to official data of the european electoral commission the leaders are representatives of the european people's party, who support the head of the european commission, ursula von derleyen. they have 185 seats out of 720, or just over 25%. next comes the progressive alliance of socialists and democrats - 137 mandates. third position. as for the pro-ukrainian policy, yes, we can say that in france and germany and in many other countries,
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the population expressed disagreement with that policy during voting yesterday. which is being carried out by their countries, the european union as a whole in the ukrainian direction, this is, first of all, a large-scale financial support, arms supplies, ms. fonder has already stated that she is ready to form a progressive coalition, but italian prime minister giorgia meloni asked not to rush the matter and added that parties that were not part of the alliance of the current head of the european commission showed significant growth. the most striking example is the victory of supporters. the right-wing french faction, the national rally marine marine lepine, they took a little more than 30% of the votes, twice as far ahead of the followers of the political course of president emmanuel macron, who did not even have 15%. the head of the fifth republic, after such a major defeat, dissolved parliament and called unscheduled elections to the legislative assembly in france; they will be held in two stages on june 30 and july 7. prime minister hautal
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resigned following the fiasco as the french reacted and the euro currency market reacted all day. blows towards the dollar, it only confirmed what was already, as they say, in the air, that macron does not enjoy authority not as a person, not as a president, it only confirms this, it would probably be a deep mistake for him if he thought in a different way, exactly the same thing, the federal government and german politicians there are asking for early voting in the national parliament... the opposition bloc cdu, csu retained a third of the votes, in second place is the far right alternative for germany with almost 16%, here is the social chancellor scholz's democrats showed their worst result in history, barely gaining 14. the entire governing coalition secured the support of less than a third of voters. but it’s interesting that the elections divided germany almost along the border of the former federal republic of germany and the gdr. the west is now united
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the country is sympathized with the leader of the cdu, csu, here is the east with the exception of berlin adc. now this is the second one. political force in germany, therefore the government did not risk holding early elections to the bundestag. it is the residents of the eastern lands, as well as people from the republics of the ussr, who are our most loyal supporters. these people are increasingly choosing a non-systemic opposition that advocates for policies in the interests of german citizens, rather than global elites. but kammin has nothing to fear in hungary, where prime minister viktor orban’s fids party gained almost together with his allies. 45% of the vote, which is equivalent to eleven seats in the european parliament. this suggests that the patriotic and peace-loving forces performed successfully, said the head of the ministry, peter szijarta. experts agree with him. if earlier we observed such unconditional russophobia, now i
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hope this will not be unconditional. the fatigue of the population and the fatigue of politicians took its toll. from the artificial escalation of the ukrainian crisis, thus, right-wing forces won in six eu countries at once. besides france, this also happened in neighboring spain and belgium, where the government resigned. in addition, residents of austria, hungary and italy chose a conservative course. these sentiments took hold in germany, the netherlands, and also in romania, where the right took second position. results of elections to a single legislative body. the european union says that the population of the old world is tired of the indecision and inaction of left-wing political forces. the current composition of parliament is expected to last for the next 5 years. well, now to... other news in nizhny a two-day meeting of brix foreign ministers has started in novgorod, as the organizers note, a total of 22 countries are expected to participate, on the first day, that is, today
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representatives of russia, brazil, egypt, india, iran, china, the united arab emirates, ethiopia and south africa are participating in the meetings republics. well, tomorrow , delegations from bangladesh, bahrain, belarus, venezuela, and vietnam will also join the discussion of the most important international topics. lavrov said that the circle of like-minded people in moscow and beijing is growing in the world. that's it more countries want to interact with brix in one way or another, including the sco. the meeting in nizhny novgorod is being held for the first time since the expansion of this association; let me remind you that from january 1, in addition to brazil, brics is included.
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switzerland previously reported that bern had invited more than 160 delegations, including from the group of seven, group of twenty and brix countries. but russia
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is not among those invited to this meeting. well, the decision not to send their representatives was made by the pakistani authorities, who remain neutral on issues ukrainian crisis. saudi arabia, mexico and china also abstained, but sergei lavrov today at a meeting with wang yi thanked him for the prc’s decision not to participate in the swiss one. the meeting, the sending of the delegation has not yet been confirmed by brazil and south africa; earlier the authorities of both countries stated that their leaders would definitely not attend the event, and the turkish leader will not attend the meeting either; turkish foreign minister hakan fedan will go to switzerland instead. now he is in nizhny novgorod at the brix meeting, let me remind you, but according to swiss media estimates, this conference will be quote between western countries, while, according to the head of the swiss foreign ministry, everyone agrees that russia should.
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our correspondent makhallin recorded an exclusive interview with the head coach of the national team. the brightest moments in our story. the match with
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belarus in minsk was a great one for the russian team. football was the second this year, in march our players beat the serbs, now they beat the belarusians with the same score 4:0. after being banned from fifa and uefa from participating in competitions under their auspices, the russian national team holds only friendly matches, the results of which, in turn, have now begun to be reflected in the overall ranking of the international football federation; there is not much choice, so whatever it is, it is clear that the rfu is doing everything possible to make its opponents stronger. it’s clear that we would like all opponents at least at the level of cameroon and serbia, for example, or even iran, but again, i think there’s no choice, so we find someone who agrees to play well with us. after rumors that karpin's candidacy, working in parallel in rostov , the turkish fenerbahce, the head of the russian football union, alexander dyukov, became interested in him and said that
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it is possible to combine posts in the national team club... rostov is much easier, because everything is already built there, everything is rebuilt, and everything works there without me , even without my daily participation, but in a new club, in any new club, let’s imagine that i came to some club. to a russian club, now i’m not even talking about a foreign one, to a new russian club, and i, for example, in july, yes, well, or to june now, in september i already left for 10 days, when everything still needs to be built, everything so that habits are already in place, many things have become a habit, it is clear that i, that i cannot leave the club, now i’m even talking about the russian one, really not to mention the foreign club, this year is karpin’s anniversary, he began working as a coach exactly 15 years ago, replacing
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the famous dane mikael laudrup in this post... at spartak moscow, but initially karpin had no desire to coach, being a football player, that is, i understood that there i was, well, roughly speaking, there for i answer myself, the coach needs to be responsible for 20 or so people, and the team can lose, i played there as a player, i can play badly, i can play well, okay, so there it is my responsibility, roughly speaking, the coach is responsible for everyone, so i understood that it was absolutely. for different professions and there is often nothing so interesting, so to speak, or pleasant about it. by the age of 55, valery karpin already has five daughters, two of them were born relatively recently in the eighteenth and twentieth years, the other day he wife daria posted a video with another new family member, so one of the main tasks is to find time for all this time in rostov for the national team with loved ones. i would love to turn off the phone, but i can’t
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turn it off naturally, anyway, even in those moments when you are at home with your family, even there on a day off , on those rare days when we have days off, because we now usually on weekends we return from a trip somewhere, conditionally, or we are already going somewhere, uh, so turning off the phone there is not a good idea it turns out, because there are still a million questions that require my participation, so i have to keep the phone on all the time, see the full version of the interview with valery karpin in the football program. russia today after midnight, daniil makhalin, andrey ganykin, alexander stalmashevsky, umar tuskaev, news.
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we start with news from belgorod shibekin, there today. people were injured due to a mine explosion, including our colleague, vgtrk cameraman yaroslav borisov. in serious condition, he was taken to a local hospital. he has shrapnel wounds in the abdomen and left shoulder. now doctors are doing everything possible to help him. three more victims are self-defense fighters. they were also injured, one of them was sent to the second belgorod hospital, and two, after receiving assistance, will be treated on an outpatient basis. alexander korobov has all the details.


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