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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the results of work over 2 years have tripled, during this time 87,000 citizens received assistance, report by tatyana moskalkova in the kremlin. a detailed conversation about the protection of human rights. how is work organized in new regions? what problems do they face most often? in the donetsk direction, our military liberated the village of staromaiskaya, and in the kherson region, intelligence officers destroyed a drone control center. western equipment is burning and exploding along the entire front line. the successes of our defenders at the front were appreciated by the ministry of defense. state awards to participants of the northern military district minister today belousov personally presented footage from the hospital. political humiliation or complete
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failure, defeat of macron and scholz in the european parliament elections, the right-wing party is gaining a majority of votes in other eu countries. what 's next? and in a week the new parliament will convene for its first plenary session. will the national upheaval change the policy of the european union as a whole and how will this vote affect brussels’ course? can be based at nato airfields. what is this if not another step by the west towards war with russia? in the state duma, these military aircraft called the laws a goal. will it get hot? let's listen to the opinion of military experts. well, the weather in the center of russia is thunderstorms again. let's find out why weather forecasters predict this week to be the stormiest week of the summer. our colleagues will tell you what tropical showers are like in central russia.
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russian troops took control of another settlement in the donetsk people's republic, the village of staromaiskaya. the fighting for this area lasted about a year, as reported by the ministry of defense by units of the group. vostok in this direction managed to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. so, we’ll learn more about the progress of the special military operation from denis alekseev. denis, we welcome you, and how is the situation? what losses does the ukrainian armed forces suffer? yes, welcome. well, the settlement of staromaiskaya is located on the border of the zaporozhye region and the dpr, this is the vremevsky ledge. at the beginning of last summer, the ukrainian counter-offensive also hit this point. the ssu lost a huge amount of forces and resources in attempts to advance further, or at least hold this line. well, here’s the bottom line for us, besides the fact that this is a village on the border of two regions, this. and a dominant height, there
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is also a river of wet yawls, an excellent place for fire control of the adjacent territory. after the loss of staromaisky, the tactics of the ukrainian armed forces will obviously change here, otherwise the losses will only increase. a subdivision of the vostok group of forces continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses and liberated the village of staromaiskoe. they defeated manpower and equipment, the fifty-eighth motorized infantry, seventy second mechanized brigades, 123 and 128 brigades. territorial defense of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of velikaya novoselka vodyanoy, not boring, productive coal. enemy losses amounted to up to 140 military personnel, two vehicles, an fh-70 howitzer, a d-20 gun and a d-30 howitzer. now the north group continues to gain a foothold where militant positions were just yesterday. in the kharkov region , the expansion of the sanitary zone does not stop. the ukrainian armed forces unit is moving towards kharkov. there are fierce battles in the volchansk region. commander of zelensky's fighters.
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they clearly made it clear that here we must fight to the death, and therefore the counterattacks do not stop, but as you can see, the results are zero, another 300 people per day, minus. on all fronts, since yesterday, losses in the ssu are under 2,000 people, looking at such figures, it becomes clear the unbridled desire of the kiev authorities to mobilize everyone everywhere. they say that they are sending them to carry out combat missions, to fortified positions, but what actually happens is one arrival of our one and a half ton aerial bomb. objectively discourages the desire to fight like this, and after all, there are also three-ton ones, our pilots have recently chosen this method of eliminating ukrainian oporniks, the effectiveness has been proven: not without the participation of operational-tactical aviation , strategic objects are eliminated not only on the front line, but in the depths of defense. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery from groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation defeated the command post of the tactical brigade.
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temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries, and field artillery depot, a point also where enemy manpower and military equipment accumulated in 147 areas, air defense systems shot down... mik-29 of the ukrainian air force, 51 unmanned aerial vehicles, a neptune anti-ship missile, two kharm anti-radar missiles, four hamer guided aerial bombs and jaydam, as well as seven yamars and hurricane missiles. and these are the last seconds of the work of the russian drone, when meeting in the air with the baba yaga drone, there is no time for unnecessary thoughts, our the uav operator directs the drone directly to the target. ukrainian military. they always count heavily on baba iga drones, they have an impressive payload to aim at, carry serious ammunition for attacking russian positions, and therefore for russian fighters this is always a tasty target. the drones even began to strengthen them with armor, but this did not help the drone from the previous video.
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during the day, air defense systems intercepted another 51 drones of various types, and also shot down a ukrainian mig-29. long-range projectiles from the highmars are also constantly intercepted.
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thus, as they say, he wounded me, i was lucky that my comrades were nearby, they quickly helped me, bandaged me, tightened the tourniquet, he miraculously survived, having received severe injuries, a gunshot wound to the chest, abdomen, limbs,
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damage to the lung of the diaphragm, one of the fragments went straight to the heart, only thanks to the professionalism of the surgeons of the vishnevsky central military clinical hospital. a building where soldiers of a special military operation are treated. a total of 13 state awards were awarded military personnel, in addition to bidzhev, 12 heroes received the order of courage. there are enough moments in our work that we have to
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overcome ourselves, through fear. and the boys were pulled out from under shelling, and cars were pulled out from under shelling. during the offensive, we even had to pull out a half-dead car. in order to fire, each of them has a long journey ahead, some still have to undergo further operations, some must undergo rehabilitation, but everyone no longer doubts that after recovery they will definitely return to the front to their comrades in arms, and also with all their hearts they thank the doctors, without their professionalism the miracle might not have happened, but miracles have been happening here for the second year in a row in the hybrid operating room of the cardiology center of the vishnevsky hospital, this is not all... only the technology itself, logistics also plays a very important role, evacuation, which is well-established here, because the count goes on there, and hours, not even just hours, hours, all the delivery of the sick and wounded, rehabilitation plays a very important role, so we will be there today, we
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will also talk about this issue, and as for here is the main link of this whole technology, then as for the operation itself, there is of course a miracle, a real miracle, of course. thanks to high-tech equipment, an operating room that allows surgeons of different specialties to simultaneously perform complex operations , more than 300 surgical interventions were performed during the entire period of svo.
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andrei belousov noted the special role of military doctors and nurses in providing medical care to the wounded during the northern military district, which is extremely complex, requiring enormous strength, and even though it became for them, doctors, surgeons, and nurses already ordinary, the work never ceases to be a colossal feat and selfless labor. varvara nevskaya, sergei zanin, vladimir pavlov and nadezhda. lead. well , continuing the topic, minister of defense andrei belousov and minister of health mikhail murashka discussed issues of medical support for participants in the special operation. during the meeting, special attention was paid to the issue of the quality of treatment of military personnel. according to andrei belousov, to increase this indicator it is necessary to build joint work between the two departments. we have a whole range issues that we must resolve. this is the interaction of the military and civilian segments of the general healthcare system, i
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want to emphasize here that the system should be common, but military personnel are the same citizens of the russian federation as any civilian, only they have additional responsibilities and they risk their lives, receive injuries, people get injured, we need to build a system of relationships so that this task, task. quality treatment of a person who was wounded or injured in combat conditions, but not only in combat conditions, in fact, uh, so that this person is identified - effectively and in the best way. russian long-range aviation aircraft carried out scheduled flights over the neutral waters of the baltic, barintse and norwegian seas. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the flights included strategic missile carriers tu-95 ms, as well as long-range bombers tu-22 m3. they were accompanied by su-30 cm, su-27 and su-33 fighters. the ministry of defense emphasized that all
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ukrainian drones dropped a dangerous device on the street of a populated area; our colleague, vgtrk cameraman yaroslav borisov, was among the wounded. yes, this is another monstrous attack by the vso. and now doctors are providing yaroslav with all the necessary assistance. we wish him strength for a speedy recovery. the circumstances under which our journalist was wounded and the situation in the border areas of the belgorod region, in the report by alexander korobov. kievsky regime inflicted another one. a vile blow to civilians, here on one of the private residential sectors of shibekin they dropped explosive devices, most likely anti-personnel mines, from a drone, they scattered here over a fairly large area, fell in vegetable gardens next to private houses, on the roads, unfortunately, this morning
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three civilians were blown up here, people were just getting ready... to go to work, they went outside and an explosive device actually went off, there is most likely a seismic sensor there, there are electronics, after one of the explosions here just a fragment of this ammunition, so the sappers arrived, unhooked the area, checked for the presence of unexploded ammunition, of course, some of them were destroyed, but unfortunately another tragedy occurred, our colleague, vgtrk tv cameraman, yaroslav borisov, was blown up by one of the mines, and received serious injuries, on the spot the territorial self-defense fighters provided him with the necessary first aid and took him to the hospital, literally 2 meters from the place where that mine was detonated, we found another one, so of course we left for a fairly safe distance, now the sappers will check it again and most likely
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we will have to detonate it here on the spot, because taking it somewhere, pulling it out is very life-threatening. well, the area is being checked , all residents were warned to be careful and watch their step, especially in the thick grass, where there is poor visibility. alexander korobov, yacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. in chernivtsi, a citizen who was only 21 years old was forcibly mobilized, ukrainian media reported this. let me remind you that even the new mobilization law sets the age limit at 25 years. for several weeks now, there have been reports on the internet that the authorities intend to lower the threshold to 18 years old, allegedly under pressure from the americans. maria valieva is monitoring the progress of such total mobilization in ukraine. breaking through the border with hungary in transcarpathia is a loud cry of despair. 32 ukrainians entered the territory of a neighboring country in cars with military license plates. a local
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journalist reported this on his telegram channel. video cameras recorded that a gaz-66 truck with black military numbers 4736 a1, moved from the field road through the field towards the border. then it turned out that the numbers were not military at all; all those who were inside were detained. hungarian police, near the village of barobas, are investigating. obviously, this is another attempt by ukrainians to leave their native country and avoid forced mobilization. so, that's all, guys, this is us reporting to the police. the situation at the front for the ukrainian armed forces is deplorable, military personnel are fleeing their positions. a ukrainian soldier via the free soldier chatbot informed the russian military of his intention surrender as soon as he learned that he could be transferred to kharkov. then he made a fruit out of plastic bottles and swam across the dnieper, now he is completely safe, like many other servicemen, nothing threatens their lives,
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well, a group of what looked like russian soldiers went, we were only able to run out of the dugout there, shoot back, as it were, well , there was no chance for a campaign there, by the end of the firefight there the chances were already reduced, they threw grenades at the knuckle, everything began to smoke behind... the wounded here, well, in the end they were already shouting: surrender, we saw, that there is no chance, they have become. ukrainian military personnel now evoke only sympathy. these photographs were taken by the turkish news agency anadu. the recruits are mostly elderly. now is the time to immediately call the volga, and not throw grenades. experienced ukrainian soldiers speak about the poor preparation of the mobilized. they complain that potential predators didn’t even bother to look on youtube. how to use a weapon, he died after 3 days, they didn’t teach him, the fighter came, died after 3 days, he wasn’t taught to hold a weapon, i ask why, the war is already in its second year, they didn’t teach us anything,
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how to hold a weapon, why didn’t we learn in 2 years sitting in the rear, why didn’t we go to training, everyone has youtube, why didn’t anyone prepare, you can’t work on your motor skills like that, i agree, but the basics you understand, i’m not telling you to teach zhevelin on the internet; what the potential defenders remaining in ukraine are confidently holding in their hands is definitely not a weapon. and bottles of alcohol and those who accidentally fall asleep on the street with an excessive dose of alcohol in the summer have a very bad time later. left the house, drank, fell asleep under a bush and woke up in the car of the tsk, military commissars are collecting alcohol battalions all over the country, to the screams of dissatisfied women, you are an illegal gang formation, we are people of our country, and why are you not at war until now, that you are sitting here. they are actively targeting predators, lure-catchers walk the streets and grab everyone indiscriminately, good or bad, it doesn’t matter, they pounced, tied them up, sent them to the military registration and enlistment office,
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they will teach them something, here is another victim of the military commissars in odessa. in lvov they tried to capture a twenty-one-year-old guy, just in time his comrade came running to the rescue and fought off the young man from the military commissars, because the conscription age in ukraine has so far been reduced to 25 years, although there is no guarantee that he will not be allowed to... until he is 23, or even until he is 18. perepolog due to active burial ttc was held at an lgbt party in kiev. military commissars visited this rainbow light more than once. the uninvited guests greatly outraged the gay community. they broke into our party twice, this is more about homophobia and not about protecting people from the aggressor. this is an indicator of the level of homophobia in our state. however. the tts workers were not left without a catch; they took the hands of a young man near a checkpoint that was set up not far from the gay party. people around looked on silently,
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no one stood up for the guy. in poltava , verbal battles broke out as military commissars tried to fill the ranks of cannon fodder. the opinions of passers-by were divided: some tried to fight off the man, others defended the totsellers. every day thousands of videos with brutal mobilization appear on social networks , the ministry of defense of ukraine commented that they show only the bad, all the good, how the brave boys strive to defend their native country, supposedly remains behind the scenes. tg channels work disrupting mobilization. no one is saying how many negative things did not happen because of the tolerance of the representatives of the shopping center. the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine committee on national security said that the man who was coming.
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will remain in those centers where aviation personnel train our pilots. there is a certain number of aircraft that will be stored at secure air bases, not in ukraine, so that they are not targeted here. glubtsov did not specify where exactly the f-16s will be deployed. there are a lot of airfields in romania and poland, that is, the most convenient starting points are that the f-16 has enough radius to carry out combat missions, launches, near the line of combat contact and return to these airfields. the very fact of takeoff. european politicians about sending their military to the conflict zone, it turns out that the plane will fly into the territory of ukraine, at the landing area, at the airfield ukrainian, he will be armed.
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begging for support at a level that is out of the question. of course, five planes is not enough, yes, but the very fact that these planes can appear in the skies of ukraine is a good sign, accordingly, we just need to understand the numbers of this war, yes, that is, as if we are talking about 1200 -300 aircraft, well , relatively speaking, the president says that optimally, for example, the same f16, if they operate in the skies of ukraine in the amount of 120-130 aircraft, then this will have significant result. where to get people for so many fighters, these are subtleties, thoughts. about which officials from the banking sector do not bother themselves, according to politico, by the end of this year , only 20 ukrainian pilots will finish training for flights on the f-16 outside of ukraine, exactly half of the planned plans. but kiev reports that it managed to survive something from the legacy of soviet industry. in a few weeks , ukraine will begin testing adjustable aerial bombs of its own production; they are created on the basis of conventional free-fall bombs ammunition. such a bomb doesn’t fly far,
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well... at best, just if they did something perfectly there, it’s up to 100 km, no further, that is, there is a plane that will drop this bomb, it will have to enter the coverage area russian air defense, but he will not leave this zone alive, he will be shot down. and according to experts, most likely, kiev will install its adjustable bombs on soviet-style aircraft, because it is extremely difficult to adapt the same f-16 for this kind of ammunition. and there’s really no one to fly western fighters, so causes disappointment in the overdue regime in the actions of the united states, continues the topic of politics. according to the publication's sources, at the current pace, ukraine will not receive a squadron of trained pilots until the end of next year. elizaveta khramtsova, anna pogonina, news.


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