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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the president of russia today held telephone conversations with his brazilian colleague , according to the kremlin press service. the main topic of the conversation at the highest level was the prospects for strategic interaction, taking into account the russian presidency of the brix and the south american republic’s chairmanship of the g20. in addition, vladimir putin outlined to lula de silvie moscow’s principled approaches in connection with the so-called swiss conference, which the brazilian leader, like many other heads of state, decided not to attend because he insists on the format settlement taking into account the interests of all parties. russians have begun to complain less about violations of socio-economic rights; this is due to the implemented government programs. obbudsman tatyana moskalkova provided such data at a meeting with vladimir putin. she presented the president with the traditional report on the work of the human rights commissioner. over the course of 2 years , the ombudsman’s office managed to help. 87 thousand russians.
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anastasia efimova will summarize the results. 17 people received assistance through targeted appeals, 87,000 through collective requests, figures that the commissioner for human rights announced at a meeting with the president. as tatyana moskalkova noted, today requests are often related not so much to violations of rights, but to so- called special situations. we are also talking about evacuees remaining in temporary accommodation centers.
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on our territory, and the ukrainian commissioners for human rights of our war prisoners, we visited more than 1,700 people, last year we began, by agreement, the mutual transfer of things and parcels from home to our prisoners, it is very important, in order for this dialogue to be preserved, we will continue this humanitarian work, we are in demand... here and we will work with all our hearts, there are now human rights ombudsmen in all regions, with the exception of zaporozhye, there are still public reception centers there. it is especially important that obbudsmen come to the rescue, including in extreme situations, which allows you to solve the problem as quickly as possible. it is very important that human rights ombudsmen have proven themselves in extreme situations, not only working as a single team with appeals from ssu participants. and their families, but
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even during the floods in orenburg, our commissioner was immediately included in the governor’s headquarters, it is very important that he directly communicated with people, looked at where they were being resettled, what the conditions were, we participated in the large humanitarian aid that was delivered to people, they provided clarifications and legal advice, and we, together with maria lvova belova, are consolidating in this regard. so that in these extreme conditions we are together with people and can help them solve difficult questions. relocation from dilapidated houses, collection of alimony from non-parents, provision of housing for orphans, this is not a complete list of areas of work of the obbudsman. if we talk about the criminal process, then the leading complaints remain regarding the quality of the investigation, as well as the conditions of detention.
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report, which, according to the law, the obbudsman presents to the head of state annually. the results of the work will be announced by the commissioner for human rights and by the deputy. the report will be presented to the state duma in the near future. anastasia, lead. the head of the ministry of defense today met with russian military officers who are covering the situation in the northern military district zone, as the defense department reported, such conversations are planned to be held on a regular basis, but specifically based on the results of this conversation, the ministers will be given a number of instructions. and today andrei belousov visited the vishnevsky hospital to talk with soldiers undergoing treatment and rehabilitation there, and also presented state awards to those who distinguished themselves while performing the tasks of a special military operation. details in material by varvara nevskaya. after such wounds in the first days after the operation, not everyone dares to immediately get to their feet, leaving the intensive care ward, senior sergeant ruslan bidzhev ran, and this is not a figure of speech, bed rest is still difficult for him, his character and colossal
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will to live take their toll. when i was wounded, and people arrived with a quadcopter, they clarified ours, not ours, they said, not ours, they started looking at it. well, i wanted to work it out, to find him, but he hovered over me and threw me a homemade explosive device, thereby, as they say, wounding me me, i was lucky that my comrades were nearby, they quickly helped me, bandaged me, pulled a tourniquet, he miraculously survived, having received severe injuries, a gunshot wound to the chest, abdomen, limbs, damage to the lung and diaphragm, one of the fragments hit directly in heart and then... thanks to the professionalism of the surgeons of the vishnevsky central military clinical hospital, a miracle happened. for military services, ruslan was awarded a distinctive badge. order of st. george, fourth degree. the minister personally came to visit the fighter defense senior sergeant bidzher ruslan
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yurievich. congratulations. fourth day after heart surgery. they removed the askhodok, now he is already walking with courage. first of all, upon arriving at the central military clinical hospital, andrei belousov goes to the surgical building, where svo soldiers are being treated. in total , 13 military personnel were awarded state awards, in addition to bidzhev, 12 heroes received the order of courage. there are enough moments in our work that we have to step over ourselves, through fear, and the boys were pulled out from under shelling, and cars were pulled out from under shelling. each of them has a long way ahead, some still have to undergo further operations, some must receive rehabilitative help, but everyone no longer doubts that after recovery they will definitely return to the front with
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their comrades in arms, and they also sincerely thank the doctors, without their professionalism, a miracle might not have happened, but miracles have been happening here for the second year in a row in a hybrid cardiology operating room... that’s all, it’s not only the technology itself, it also plays a very important role logistics, evacuation, which is well-established here, because the count goes there for hours, not even days, for hours, everything is delivery, sick, wounded, rehabilitation plays a very important role, so we will be there today, we will also talk about these issues, and as for the main link, this whole technology, then as for the most ... different specialties to carry out complex operations, over the entire period of the northern military district more than 300 surgical interventions on the heart were performed, many of the operated military personnel have already
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returned back to duty. technology, which now exist in russia give us the opportunity to do miracles. today, the entire world of medicine is learning from us. we don’t give them every opportunity to get it, because we are the first to do all this, the experience that we have now accumulated during this special operation is priceless. during the meeting with the hospital management and medical staff , the minister of defense places special emphasis on the need to increase rehabilitation capacity, guaranteeing a speedy recovery for each serviceman. the main thing is not turnover. these are the people who work here, who perform these operations, i have already said that when you communicate like this with a person who had heart surgery 4 days ago with this hybrid use of ruined technology, and today
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he is ready to get up there there and welcome standing, but there are always problems, so let's go to work now. ok, we’ll discuss everything and what else needs to be done . on the eve of medical worker day, andrei belousov presented state and departmental awards doctors and junior medical staff of the central military clinical hospital. question. andrei belousov discussed the provision of medical assistance to participants in the special operation, as well as rehabilitation and prosthetics, with the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashka during a meeting in the building of the ministry of defense on frundinskaya embankment. i want to emphasize that the system must be common. military personnel are the same citizens of the russian federation as any civilian, only they have additional responsibilities, they risk their lives, receive get injured.
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moscow and ankara are ready to maintain a high level of cooperation on security issues, regardless of whether we are talking about regional or global challenges, such statements were made today at a meeting with the secretary of the russian security council sergei shaigu with the turkish foreign minister, hakan fedan, among the proposals put forward russian country, full-scale bilateral consultations this summer. or early autumn, we are ready to increase our
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contacts for our work in all directions, this also applies to work in the syrian direction, we have many questions there, what we have done together, together with our iranian colleagues, in syria, is now a historical fact and such a great example for everyone how to solve it. such complex, difficult, multifaceted issues, first of all, i want to congratulate you on your new position, i see that you are in good shape, i am glad about this, we continue to serve for our states, it is very good that our friendship continues, our responsibility continues, our we will use friendship for the development of our countries, but a little earlier sergei shaigu held a working meeting with deputy prime minister of serbia alexander, among the topics was... joint opposition to western interference in the affairs of sovereign states , areas of cooperation between moscow and belgrade
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, from interaction through law enforcement agencies up to hours in the field of information security. apparently, the majority will be pro-ukrainian, but the final composition has yet to be analyzed, and the dynamics are on the rise the popularity of right-wing parties is already visible. this is how dmitry peskov today commented on the results of the elections to the european parliament, where the militant ruling parties of france and germany failed miserably.
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the end of the term, if the far-right party
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receives an absolute majority, the president and depriving him of the presidency 3 years before will actually lose control over most of france's domestic politics. the british one sees a russian trace here and believes that russia will benefit from this french political earthquake. bloomberg pays attention to the economic consequences. it is now doubly dangerous for macron to take such a risk, because... just a week ago, standers downgraded france's sovereign credit rating. if the far-left parties get together, the second round could easily devolve into a competition between the forces of lepen and... the forces of the tireless left-wing activist milanchon, as well as an unpleasant mixture of socialists and greens. you can bet the financial markets won't like it. they have already reacted. the paris stock market fell sharply after opening on 2.4%. the euro fell to its lowest level in a month, along with european stock futures and french bonds. at the same time
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, france's national debt continues to grow. forming a united front against lepin will be difficult for macron.
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macron, whose popularity is also extremely low. the french do not vote for their representative in the european parliament, or even for their representative in the national assembly. they are voting to say no to macron, they may well be the majority, the risks he is taking are huge. experts note that if the same maneuver brings success to macron, his decision will be recognized as masterful, however, if new elections bring the french president a second defeat in a row, the rest of his presidential term will be extremely difficult for the elysee palace. the remaining 3 weeks before the elections,
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the press and the president will try, as is tradition, to demonize marine lepine's party. right-wing forces in many. countries are gaining weight, but the general composition of the european parliament remains the same leading faction , the european people's party remains, which has already called on president macron to support the candidacy of ursula vonderleen for the post of head of the european commission in order to cement the current course of the eu for another 5 years. otherwise, they fear, europe will face political instability. anastasia bernatsky, news, brussels, belgium. on the post-election evening, this was the face of all europeans. there were even tears, which , after the announcement of the results of the elections to the european parliament, were wiped away by the failed greens. it was a particularly difficult night for us and we lost. the liberals lost immediately 23 seats out of more than 100 that belonged to them in the previous composition of the european parliament. the failure of the greens is even more obvious - 18 mandates out of
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71, which were over the past 5 years. and they were mostly taken away, and this is the main sensation of these elections - right-wing and far-right politicians, plus 13 seats for two from the euroconservative-reformers party, ruled by italians led by miloni, from the identity and democracy party, dominated by french rights led by marin lepen, and this is not counting the german right, is an alternative for germany, which was previously excluded from of the general parliamentary group, now after the triumph in the elections in germany it will immediately occupy 15 seats in the european parliament, a shocking result for the ruling traffic light coalition never since the second world war. the social democrats, led by chancellor scholz, did not gain so little, as of this moment not even 14%. the opposition has already demanded the dissolution of the cabinet and re-elections to the bundestag. by and large, this government is finished, now the same thing should happen as in france, there were calls for early elections, and macron announced them: our country
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needs a new start, the traffic light coalition no longer has a mandate, there is no longer trust among the population, but in berlin they announced that... paris will not be followed and elections will be held as scheduled, in a year. never before has the right-wing alternative for germany, which advocates ending support for ukraine 's arms supplies, shown such a high result, almost 16%, and the dg has thereby bypassed all parties in the government coalition. and all this despite a well-promoted campaign slander, the party was called almost fascist and at least ultra-right, although businessman elon musk did not notice any of this. why is there such a negative reaction from some to the adc, the extreme right is constantly saying, but the political principles of the adc that i have read do not seem extremist to me, eurosceptics, opponents are uncontrollable. the graces and supporters not of war, but of diplomacy received support. we have achieved an excellent result, we are the second largest force in germany and the first in
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the east of our country. that the east of germany voted differently from the west, obviously when comparing the electoral map. if in the west and south the conservative block of the cdu, csu, which is in opposition to scholzu, dominates, it took first place in the country, then in the east there is an alternative for germany, and the division goes almost along the border between the former gdu. and germany, which only confirms that germany is politically divided and has never become a unified country. one of the main russophobes of tablo ed bilt, julian röbki, is outraged and clearly unable to understand how this is possible. former the russian-occupied parts of germany want to be occupied by russia again. 45.7% voted for pro-kremlin anti-european parties that want to leave nato and join the russian-led security apparatus. that is, the vote was essentially a protest against those. parties of forces that now govern europe. the british daily mail states that the elections have become a nightmare for the eu titans. macron and scholz were humiliated. here in austria is the right-wing
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austrian freedom party, opposing anti-russian sanctions due to a diplomatic solution to the ukrainian conflict received the majority of votes. only peace is written on the propaganda posters of the party of the hungarian prime minister orban, and with this his party convincingly won, 44%. if the choice is between war and peace, then the hungarians choose peace, they have strengthened the government's peaceful policy. as prime minister, i can commit myself that with this mandate we will fight with redoubled force to keep hungary out of the war. all these are signals for brussels and european diplomacy in its current militaristic form. true, leaving for retirement, chief diplomat barel had already changed clothes and appeared in front of the cameras, not as a european commissioner, but rather as a summer resident who had come to vote. all elections are important, but this one. especially for europe are very important. but its leader, ursula fondelaien, is not going to leave anywhere, her european people's party remained the
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largest in the european parliament and even added 10 mandates, so that now it has 186 out of 720 seats, but this is not enough to retain the post of head of the european commission, half the votes are needed, 360 plus one vote, there are now more of them search. my goal is to keep going on this. paths with those who are pro-european, pro-ukrainian, who stand for the rule of law. and starting tomorrow we will start work. fondelein called her party’s result an anchor of stability, although this is precisely what is not expected from the new european parliament. too variegated and polar composition guarantees difficulties during voting and on emigration, on the green energy transition, possibly in ukraine. the european political barometer, which these elections are considered to be, clearly indicated this, however, focus on him as... the same fondelaien has already made it clear that in brussels they are still not going to continue the previous course. alexander khristenko, denis sokolov, kirill volkov, news. russia is open to
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cooperation and ready to share its rich experience in the educational field. with this greeting, vladimir putin today addressed the participants of the international forum of education ministers, shaping the future. more than 150 delegations from 40 countries came to the event in kazan. program as classic questions of preschool secondary education, and problems of the 21st century, for example, the use of artificial intelligence in teaching, with details from tatarstan, elvira fayzulina. there is still an hour before the plenary session of the official start of the forum, but the ministers of education are already immersed in the practical educational process. foreign delegates at the exhibition carefully study russia's experiences, innovations, projects, developments and innovations in the organization of educational processes. we are interested in russia’s experience, we want to establish partnerships, we have problems with the educational infrastructure, we we hope that specialists from russia will help us with this. the ministerial forum brought together in
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kazan more than 150 foreign delegates from the central african republic of china, cuba, iran, gambia, zimbabwe, belarus, abkhazia, uzbekistan, about 40 countries in total. the starting point is different for everyone, somewhere they continue to form a unified education system, someone came for innovation, direction. everyone is one, as in the name of the forum, shaping the future. we do everything to ensure that education is of high quality and young people are employed. we place special emphasis on technical higher education. the focus is largely on the experience of russia, such as, for example, built systems, methods that have long proven their effectiveness in the implementation of high technologies. we are talking not only about the educational process, but about the development of children's sports culture, organization of children's leisure, career guidance, youth employment and innovation. projects, our information system, the gismaya school, is of great interest; we have already agreed with
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the republic of belarus. with a number of cis countries that our technologies, our approaches will used in other countries. however, the cis countries, countries of asia, africa, and latin america have long been using russian educational developments; open education centers in russian operate in 57 countries. their main task is to help a wide range of foreigners, from schoolchildren to specialists, learn the russian language. this year we plan to further develop this network and open it in three more countries. today , delegates spoke about the development of education in countries at a plenary session, problems many people have similar needs: systematization of new approaches, lack of professional personnel, desire for international cooperation in the field of education. the participants took a break, without this it is impossible, the plenary session runs from the very morning until late in the evening, each country presents its experience. tomorrow russia
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will present key projects in the field of education. and the main event of the day will be the meeting of ministers of the brix countries. elvira fayzulina, vladimir yurkov, vesti kazan. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in application or website. how to make our person buy our car. what solutions do russian manufacturers have that allow them to influence ... that choice. over the course of a year, our electric car can provide economic benefits of up to a million rubles. key critical technologies of our own design. we equipped the vesta with a completely crystalline instrument cluster. officials must drive official cars. if we declare ourselves to be an automobile country, then we must drive our own automobile industry. the race of technologies and it is important not only to be on trend, but also to gain competencies. on this path, technology development,
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