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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 10, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting, start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 1,500 rubles for each. russian employer. dazzling white friday, discounts up to 50%. narrow picco washing machine for only 22.999. in the video eldorado is the main expert on white equipment. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. sellers at a megamarket change the world. megamarket - just grow with us.
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hello, live broadcast of a legal program, hosted by the duty department. in the studio alexander ostakhov. in the arkhangelsk region, a court sent the former head of a correctional institution to 5 years in a general regime colony. he was found guilty of an accident in which a family from severo dvinsk died. as investigators established, valery basharin’s foreign car drove into the oncoming lane in july last year and stopped. during the investigation, basharrin was under house arrest; he was taken into custody right in the hall court immediately after the verdict was announced. in addition to imprisonment, the man must pay moral compensation to the woman left without a family, 5 million rubles. this is not... the only
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high-profile verdict today is that the leader of the russian underworld of the nineties, oleg medvedev, nicknamed shishkan, received a life sentence. details immediately after the ad. in addition, we will tell you how investigators in the moscow region conduct an investigation after a hard emergency landing of a light aircraft directly on a busy highway. and in there is a real invasion of aggressive bears in japan. predators have already killed dozens of people. we'll be back in a couple of minutes, don't worry. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfa bank. bring your friends.
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and get 15,000 rubles. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. comfort at low prices on yandex market. from small things to significant things. discounts up to 65% on redmon home appliances on yandexmarket. what are they silent about? men? painful urination, erection problems? these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest.
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receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases and withdraw cash for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. sausages - just space! and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat is produced for the sausages that my family likes so much. cosmically delicious, cherkizovo! what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket! everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, up to 70% savings on appliances and electronics! this is the benefit of goods! a ruble from a purchase will help children with disabilities and their families, a magnet will double every ruble collected, let's collect 50 million rubles together, more about help for, i am a new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories and get
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cashback up to 25% in rubles, thank you , not thanks, but in rubles, real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy of 20 million is right in front of you. every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. touch crocs everywhere burger. votter, it tastes better on fire. boldly face your expenses, with yota your money will not fly away, there are gigs and minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can yota, the best contribution in savings up to 18% per annum, hurry to open it before
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the end of june, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won’t delay now, there will be many vacancies on avito, not just work. but your place. the legal program will be broadcast live by the duty department. we continue. rocker played to the point of pretrial detention. in moscow, a court arrested the leader of the music group pasik. over the weekend, roman medvedkin attacked high-ranking it official arseny sheltsin and his friend with a blade. the latter was stabbed nine times and was not taken to the hospital alive. because of what the conflict broke out, the latest versions were collected by ekaterina likhomanova. in the izmailovsky court of moscow, the leader of the rock group roman medvedkin spoke for the first time. before this, the musician had never been in the dock, but even on the new platform he remained true to himself. was, as expected, in
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dressed in t-shirts with a flashy sign and wearing rubber slippers. behind the whole process was his beloved marina lagunova, because of whom he allegedly killed a man and seriously wounded another. i defended. loving myself. arseny sheltsin and roman medvedkin lived in the same yard, where, in fact, the conflict began, but they did not know each other before the fateful meeting. it all happened late in the evening. arseny sheltsin saw off his comrade at the subway, but they never got there, no one could even imagine what would happen next. it all happened here in this very place, a verbal conflict ensued, during which sheltsin’s comrade died. according to one version, arseny sheltsin and his friend... made a remark to medvedkin, who was in the company of a girl. the man immediately began to behave very aggressively, shouting that he would kill there. ivan, who was walking first, received multiple stab wounds there, and my husband took a branch somewhere and began to fight back there. but medvedkin insists
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that it was his opponent who allegedly insulted his beloved. the version is very doubtful, considering the status of arseniy sheltsin. it is known from open sources that he is the ceo. arseny is a member of the specialized association we it, he heads the communications and promotion committee, we often meet with him to
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discuss measures to support the industry, we last saw each other last week, we will definitely help arseny in recovery, i hope that the culprits will be punished. vetkin is obviously a creative and impulsive person; for several years he has been the lead singer of pasik’s rock band. the group often performed in small-town bars in the capital, where they often like to have a good drink. it is possible that medvedkin could be returning with his beloved after another creative evening under the influence, however, why he took the knife with him is unclear, this is another detail that the investigators have to figure out: due to the intercession of the investigators of the capital's investigative committee, the accused was chosen preventive measures in the form detention, investigative actions aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base continue in the criminal case. the victim, arseniy sheltsin, is now in stable condition, despite the fact that he was stabbed three times. it is known that
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they were friends with the deceased for 20 years; the family of the it specialist helps his family in organizing the funeral. medvedkin will remain in a pre-trial detention center for the duration of the investigation. ekaterina lekhomanova, alexandrevich, lead, duty department. and now the breaking news that our editorial team receives directly from the information agent tape. the channel honest detective with reference to... dagestan reports that the number of people hospitalized with intestinal infection in dagestan buinaksk has already grown to 84 people. previously, the regional ministry of health said that those who sought medical help had a mild to moderate form of intestinal infection; previously, mass poisoning occurred due to tap water. previously, the media published footage of how they were distributed to local residents and residents of several districts at once.
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the plane drove off the road and stopped literally a few centimeters from the forest strip; it would hardly have survived a collision with the trees. her landing is so easy. near at about 1 p.m., a light-engine piper took off from the private sports club of mechkov towards letkarin. it flew 5 km, after which, according to eyewitnesses, it began to decline sharply. the pilot circled over the turaevskoe highway for some time, after which he decided to land. the pilot, mikhail bodrozhan, was on board at the time, and they say there were two other passengers with him.
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the person who stopped on turaevskoye highway is now being investigated. the pilot himself stated that at an altitude of 1 km his engine suddenly stopped. the main version of what happened the investigation considers a technical malfunction of the aircraft in the form of engine failure. if a violation of federal legislation is detected, the prosecutor's office will take an exhaustive range of prosecutorial response measures. emergency reports involving light aircraft in the capital region occur regularly. and in ledkarin itself this is not the first time. in june , a plane crashed in the forest.
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there are several types of it, it is very important that it is suitable for the engine, but sometimes they fill it with whatever is necessary and also they save money, and this then turns into a stalled engine and a disaster.
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today, transnational international crime, it knows no boundaries, if we take, for example, the area of ​​​​responsibility such as drug trafficking, for which our ministry, our department is responsible, then in this area, like in no other, the need for close interaction, close cooperation. following the meeting, the head of the ministry of internal affairs called it
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constructive and expressed hope for further cooperation. loud verdict in the case one of the leaders. criminal world of russia in the nineties, oleg medvedev, better known as shishkan, will spend the rest of his life in a special regime colony, there is no stricter punishment. 17 of medvedev’s accomplices also received substantial sentences; the bandits slaughtered, set fire to and killed for their own benefit. details from fyodor eliseev. journalists were able to see the participants in this high-profile trial only once, only at the very end. all the sessions that the second western district military court held outside were, of course, jury service the assessors, odious personalities in the dock , the main character of this performance is without a doubt oleg medvedev, in certain circles he is known as shishkan, it was this name that inspired horror in businessmen and even some politicians in the moscow region. in addition to shishkan , there are 17 other people in the dock, the majority, if you believe your eyes, are people
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who read. they showed up to the announcement of the verdict, taking the latest press, it is possible that... the publications were kindly given to them just before the start of the hearing, but, as it turned out later, news and journalism the accused were of little interest, they valued another property of newspapers, the paper covered their faces well from journalists, the bags also did a good job of this task, oleg medvedev himself preferred to use a t-shirt, which he pulled over his head, and sat there until the deadline was announced. the evidence collected by the investigative committee was recognized by the court as sufficient to convict oleg medvedev, too. known as shishkanov and seventeen members of the criminal community he heads. depending on the role of each, they are found guilty of committing on the territory of the moscow region of grave and especially grave crimes. living in luxury and with a well-known craving for social events, mr. medvedev appeared to all businessmen, but he earned money for his beautiful life by depriving the lives of others. he, members
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of the group he created, extorted money from entrepreneurs in the ramensky district of the moscow region. the fate of those who did not agree to fulfill the demands of the criminals was unenviable; their houses were set on fire to intimidate them, they were subjected to violence, especially the persistent ones, and they were simply killed. one of the most notorious crimes committed by the group - a terrible massacre of the general director of the ramenskoye breeding plant, a local government deputy, tatyana sidorova and members of her family. several lives in exchange for breeding lands . investigators found the remains of the victims only 7 years after the murder in 2019. this happened a few months after oleg medvedev was detained. the trial of oleg medvedev, who was also called oleg ramensky, started in november last year. the accused then himself demanded a trial jurors, but potential assessors, having learned that they had to sort out the case of such an authoritative businessman, refused
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to participate in the hearings. nevertheless, the board was still formed, albeit only after the fifth attempt. the faces of people's judges have become one of the main ones. secrets in the criminal case of shishkan. as a result, the jury found the defendants guilty on most counts. the leader of the criminal community, oleg medvedev , was sentenced to life imprisonment to be served in a special regime colony. the same fate befell three shishkanov's closest associates. the remaining participants in the process received long sentences and large fines. only three of the eighteen defendants were given suspended sentences. fedor eliseev, dmitry shestukhin, anton odarchenko. news: duty department. people who end up in an institution must have decent conditions of detention, vladimir spoke about this at a meeting with the commissioner for human rights. tatyana moskalkova told the president about visits to several security institutions in different regions and the picture was not encouraging everywhere. conditions of humanitarian the aid that was delivered to people, repairs were made, the colonies became better, but there are also
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those that require more investments, and maybe... beware of the bear, in japan there are more and more club-footed creatures that rush at people. since the beginning of the year , dozens of cases of attacks have been recorded throughout the country, some of which were mauled to death by animals.
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cases of bear attacks on people, including fatal ones, such warning signs, beware of bears in natural places in japan, have become especially relevant after a recent incident in the prefecture akito, where the body of a missing man was found in the forest, he went to collect young bamboo shoots, it showed signs of an attack. and a bear, when two police officers arrived to evacuate the deceased, they themselves were attacked by a predator who rushed at them from an ambush, they were able to escape with difficulty,
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they were able to take the body only on the second attempt, but such behavior of bears is an ominous sign, not only that he himself became a cannibal, but there is still a possibility that his other relatives also managed to taste the taste of human meat. this video talks about the nature of the injuries with which people are admitted to intensive care after being attacked by bears. there are quite a lot of victims with fractures of the facial part of the skull, this alone is enough to understand what powerful strength these animals have. a sign of the most acute demographic crisis that japan is currently experiencing, a decrease in the birth rate against the backdrop of an aging , rapid population decline, a dying province and, as a consequence, the attack of wildlife on it. the wild boars that have proliferated recently are eating acorns and chestnuts, previously, this was the main food of bears,
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but now they are forced to look for new sources of food, in particular from people. at night , whole groups of them climb into the barns and eat a feed mixture that contains honey, dark sugar. it is impossible to find such abundance in the wild. here the attack happened at the moment when... the man was picking mushrooms, despite its modest size, the beast posed a serious danger, leaving marks from the fangs of the claws on his arms and legs . if i didn’t have this stick, then everything would end in tears, i wouldn’t be able to resist for 3-5 seconds and he would have killed me. the map shows the dynamics of human encounters with bears in various parts of japan since the beginning of the year; this giant was filmed in the vicinity of the hakai city of nemuro, and recently a similar figure was spotted walking along the main street. happened just six months after the local residents seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, for several years a huge beast, which was nicknamed the ninja bear, was operating here, for a long time he evaded
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persecution, systematically picking up cows, in total he destroyed 66 heads cattle, until a club-footed ninja, more than 2 m in length and weighing over 300 kg, was killed by a local hunter with three shots to the head from a rifle, now they fear that all this could happen again, and on a much... larger scale, considering that bears began to appear in places where they had never been seen before. sergey mengazhev, alexey pechko, east asian bureau of news from japan, conduct the duty part especially for the program. rock, scissors, paper and pastry fondant. fantasy and children's creativity have no boundaries, especially in competition policeman uncle styopa. almost three hundred talented guys from different parts of the country sent their works for a fair competition. competitors don't just use scrap materials. brought to life an episode of police service, but created crafts that symbolize family values. the ministry of internal affairs of russia pays great attention to interaction with children, with
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teenagers, with very young children, and tries to instill in them such, you know, patriotic and moral values, this is very important today, to break out in nine participants succeeded in the final, and they won with their choice. he was declared insane, so he will probably undergo compulsory treatment. the soviet began to consider the case today. district court of chelyabinsk. my colleague olga zhurenkova has been following this story from the very beginning. previously, she even managed to visit the lair where the criminal kept his victim. exclusive footage in our next
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material. to the sovetsky district court of chelyabinsk for the first hearing on the merits of vladimir chiskidov, better known as smolinsky maniac, they brought him in handcuffs , accompanied by orderlies, you consider yourself guilty, you don’t know why the chick is wearing slippers and checkered pajamas with the number 10 on his back, already in the courtroom he covered his face with his hands, but still answered questions from journalists, he judged for nothing, how is he there, how for no reason, for which i did nothing, the maniac held a captive for 14 years in a house in... a suburb of chelyabinsk, only the criminologists of the investigative department of the investigative committee for the chelyabinsk region told our program a year ago showed in what terrible conditions the hostage lived, the filming took place on the condition of anonymity, the face of the investigator and the forensic scientist was hidden by computer retouching, the detention took place in this room, the window of the room overlooks a garden and a vegetable garden to the nearest houses 30-40 meters away, scream, don’t scream, no one is still hears, the doors don’t open,
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there’s a grill on the window, nineteen-year-old ekaterina belyankina met chiskidov at the station, he offered a ride, already in the car the maniac most likely found out that katya was an orphan, and her it’s unlikely that they will search, one door is stationary, it was secured with wire, in the second part of the door we have a lock, that is, it all looked like this, there was no chance to escape, our victim is short. she couldn’t even reach here just like i didn’t have the opportunity to somehow unscrew this wire, break it, she’s about the same height as me, probably yes, well, actually, if we don’t even have one tall, even, even i think a little less, then yes, it’s impossible to reach, well, only if in jump, then it is difficult, and even in those rare moments when he was absent from home, it was unrealistic to escape from this trap, chiskidov made a special device in
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which he placed the captive, chiskidov’s house is hidden from prying eyes, on one side there is a high wooden fence, with on the other side is an overgrown vegetable garden. neighbors admit that they had no idea what horrors were happening there. of course, a very terrible story, terrible, i thought only this
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happens in films. history, horror, simply, we have children there, grandchildren walking on the playground, the trial in this high-profile case has just started, but unexpected turns have already begun, chiskidov may avoid severe punishment, due to the fact that he is declared insane, he is not subject to criminal punishment, he needs the use of medical measures, today's court hearing has been extended the period of his stay in this medical organization is for 6 months until november 29, 24. as for the captive, who was subjected to bullying and violence for 14 years, she is still undergoing rehabilitation. ekaterina it will take more than one year to forget the horror experienced and learn to live normally. olga zhurenkova, vladimir shabalin, mikhail mirzayans, mikhail shurin, vesti, duty department. thoroughly. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. alexander ostakhov was in the studio.
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see you. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. the united states admitted that they themselves are hitting us with their weapons. petriot is in ambush and media applause daring.
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six with black numbers.


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