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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with brazilian president lula de silva, the kremlin reported this, the heads of state intend to develop interaction, including taking into account the latin american presidency... we are talking about strategic partnership in all main areas. in addition, the russian leader outlined to his colleague moscow’s principled approaches in connection with the so-called conference in switzerland, which desilva, like many other heads of state, let me remind you, decided not to attend. earlier, vladimir putin held a meeting with human rights commissioner tatyana moskalkova. the ombudsman presented an annual report to the president. according to her, trust is growing in the country. people to the institute
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of human rights, so last year the number of requests reached 93,000, but at the same time, as tatyana moskalkova reported, russians are becoming more demanding in respect of their rights. all the details are in the material by anastasia efemova. 17 thousand people received assistance through targeted requests, 87 thousand through collective requests, figures that the commissioner for human rights announced at a meeting with president, as tatyana moskalkova noted, today...
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great humanitarian aid was delivered to people, explanations were given, legal advice was given, and we, together with maria lvova, belova, are consolidating in this regard so that in these extreme conditions we are together with people and could help them solve complex issues. relocation from dilapidated houses, collection of alimony from stepparents, provision of housing for orphans, this is not a complete list of directions.
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well, you know, today people have to be contained under normal human conditions, absolutely correctly, many temporary detention centers require serious capital investments and material costs, and in the report we recommend that the government pay attention to this, there are temporary detention centers that, in violation of the law, do not have an exercise yard, that is, people cannot be taken out for a walk , what directions are noted today, yes we have. an entire section is devoted to recommendations
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to the authorities, and i will ask you to instruct the government to consider them. all issues are reflected in the corresponding report. according to the law, the obbudsman presents it to the head of state annually. the results of the work will be announced by the commissioner for human rights and by the deputy. the report will be presented to the state duma in the near future. anastasia efimova, lead. russian troops took control of another settlement in the donetsk people's republic, the village of staromaiskoye. the fighting for this area continued for about a year. as the ministry of defense reported to the units of the vostok group, they managed to advance in depth in this direction. enemy defense. more details about the special denis alekseev will tell you about the military operation. on the vremevsky ledge of the border of the zaporozhye region and the dpr, russian troops occupied the village of staromayorskoe. at the beginning of last summer, the ukrainian counterattack hit this point. the ssu lost
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a huge amount of forces and resources in attempts to advance further or at least maintain this line. but here's the bottom line for us. besides the fact that this is a village on the border of two subjects. it is also a dominant height, there is also a river of wet yawls - an excellent place for fire control of the adjacent territory, after the loss of staromaisky, the tactics of the ukrainian armed forces will obviously change, otherwise the losses will only increase. a subdivision of the vostok group of troops continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense and liberated the village of staromaiskoe, donetsk people’s republic. they defeated the manpower and equipment of the fifty-eighth motorized infantry and the seventy-second mechanized. armed forces of ukraine 123 and 128 teroborona brigades in the areas of settlements velyka novoselka, vodanoye, neskuchne, harvest and ugledar donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 140 military personnel, two 155mm fh-70 galubitz vehicles
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made in great britain, a 152mm d-20 gun and a 122mm d-30 galubitz. the north group continues to gain a foothold where they were yesterday. everywhere, they say that they are sent to carry out combat missions, to fortified positions, this is what actually happens: one arrival of our one and a half ton aerial bomb objectively discourages the desire to fight like this, but there are also three-ton bombs, this is the method the elimination of ukrainian oporniks, our pilots have recently taken a fancy to, the effectiveness
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has been proven. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, tactical aviation of the armed forces of ukraine, a field artillery depot, as well as temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries, accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 147 areas. and these are the last seconds of our drone’s operation; when meeting in the air with the baba iga drone, there is no time for unnecessary reflections. our uav operator directs the drone directly to the target. the ukrainian military always relies heavily on baba iga drones; they have an impressive payload capacity to carry ammunition for an attack. russian positions, and therefore for our fighters this is always a tasty target. the all-ears even began to strengthen them with armor, but this did not help the drone from the previous video. the southern group of troops in the donetsk direction ivanovo paratroopers inflicted a serious
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defeat on the militants around the hours of yar. the american bradley was destroyed there, not stood up against our drones, again, and the russian tricolor is already flaunting in the kanal microdistrict, it was befriended by our attack aircraft, who. systematically, house by house , the streets of chasofyar are cleared of ukrainian armed forces units. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. in the murmon region, specialists from public organizations are trying to save the humpback whale. the animal became entangled in nets near the shore in the barints sea. this was announced by the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova. she noted that local sailors are helping the rescuers. thanks to them the approximate location of the whale is known, which already... given the name stanislav. and in fact, now the task is to untangle the networks. the whale was named stanislav. this is a very good practice, because we really give names to whales, we can distinguish them, distinguish them, we do this by their tails or by some special marks. therefore, of course, this whale, if we succeed in this operation, it
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ends successfully for everyone, then the whale will become a very big celebrity in russia. right now there is a short advertisement, immediately after on our air, the topic is russian. prom and main achievements of domestic manufacturers in the program there is a solution with maria kudryavtseva, and in the second half of the hour watch an interview with the head coach of the rostov football club of the russian national team in alcohol, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i
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grown in altai. new baltika 7 is non-alcoholic, experience the perfection of taste. despite the assertion of the classics, a car for a long time remained a luxury and not a means of transportation, but the situation has changed; now buying a car is not the main problem, but the problem is choosing. how can we make sure that our people buy our car? what solutions do russian manufacturers have that can influence the conditions of fair competition?
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absolutely, otherwise they would all have turned into real estate long ago. it is extremely important that russian cars meet modern technical requirements and not inferior to foreign models in terms of reliability. we will provide additional support to help our enterprises quickly develop the missing competencies. the demand for personal transport is growing. in the first 4 months of the year, more than half a million new cars were bought in russia, 71% more than during the same period in the twenty-third, and domestically produced cars were sold by about a third more, when compared with
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the same indicators last year. in the passenger car segment there is an immediate plus of 84%. and more 50 for light commercial vehicles, which are in demand by businesses for delivery, and how demand is affected by new technologies that our manufacturers are currently developing and implementing. what is important for those who deal with urban logistics is that transport is reliable, as technologically advanced as possible, saves time and earns money. is it possible to create such an ideal car, and even with an electric motor? over the course of a year, our electric car can provide economic benefits of up to a million rubles. core critical technologies of our own development, every one is important kilogram, because it is actually equal to the load capacity. composite materials,
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look at some new technologies. we can make some of the structural elements under the hood from composites. this. it will be cheaper in some ways, it will be engineering, more technologically advanced, and this will give us new leadership advantages. ilya rashkin and his childhood friend painted the idea of ​​the first electric cargo truck in russia on a napkin, took a ready-made uaz chassis in order to quickly bring a new product to the urban delivery market, the rest they came up with and did themselves, including lightweight electric motor and mobile charging station. can i try it too, that is, i can, that’s why it’s mobile, it charges the electric car completely. for a phone, you can develop a plug that is large enough, and even if it were technically possible to charge the phone, it would charge in about half a second, one workplace in the auto industry supports seven other jobs, and that is, here you are in this economy on you influence growth, of course
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yes, but in general unmanned technology is going there now the auto industry, the future is obviously in drones, how technologies are developing. today, it just screams about it, but what investments are you already making in new developments, new technologies, and what are your plans going forward? we plan to invest about 500 million rubles this year already in the first half of next year. in neok. what does your ideal car of the future look like? and she flies. there are already several dozen of these electric trucks flying quickly along the roads. serial production began in the moscow technopolis, they are assembled within 24 hours four cars. the status of a resident of a special economic zone gave a zero tax rate on property, land and transport for 10 years, and for partners there is a state subsidy for the purchase of such electric trucks of 925 rubles, which makes them equal in price to ordinary light commercial vehicles? our electric car costs, say, 8 rubles per kilometer, classically, with an engine inside
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, it costs 15. well, let’s check it, we’ll do a test drive, let’s go, let’s go. what are the advantages of this machine? we are currently working on one initiative - this the possibility of the movement of commercial vehicles of electric russian production must be in a dedicated lane. are there any figures on how much this will again improve life for logisticians, for your customers? on average, driving in a dedicated lane reduces delivery speed by 15-20%. there is an opinion that russia has a very strong engineering school, but not all ideas reach mass production, as classic did, we can forge one blade, but what if there are hundreds of them? i can’t agree, now these are all the trends that, on the one hand, developed by the manufacturers themselves, on the other hand , they are strengthened by us through support tools, they will give us the opportunity
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to recover after the departure of large investors, the mistakes that we made in terms of unnecessary things. trust in foreign participants, i’m sure we won’t make any mistakes, what kind of mistakes, including the conditions for control of critical technology, if they don’t give you this, then, strictly speaking, they don’t give you anything, taking into account our scientific potential, production potential , we have all the possibilities in order to truly achieve complete technological sovereignty in the automotive industry, the ideal car for you now is what it looks like, i drive our car, an aurus, but this is for work, but for the soul. i have always approached this topic in a very utilitarian way, i have our russian one, by the way, which means i mean those made in russia, they fit my children, they fit in, we have three children, so we at least need... to fit in, big, a good trunk, preferably a suv, because sometimes you want to go somewhere outdoors, entrance
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for production only in special clothing and shoes, in order to avoid static discharge, this can damage electronic components, they let us through, let's go, we are not only a manufacturer, but we are developers, we have equipped vesta with a completely liquid crystal display. instrument clusters, here you go, but did someone else on the russian market produce such things before you or not? no, alexey vorobyov, ceo of an auto electronics manufacturer, replaced more than ten foreign ones in a year and a half suppliers of over 100 imported products. in 2023, they launched the country's first production of anti-lock braking systems and electronic dynamic stabilization systems; the equipment was purchased with the help of a preferential loan from the industrial development fund. after the departure of western companies, what changed in this production, in your strategy, there was quite unfair competition from their country, which they localized, rugs and
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some simple elements, all these innovations, know-how and highly intelligent products they left behind, i hope, that the government of the russian federation will help us in turning the localization process around a little and starting not with simple products, but with just this... with highly intelligent products, and it wouldn’t have worked out like that, the european company left everything, we were left with nothing, and here with rugs, yes, so i hope that additional measures will be introduced that would make it possible to slightly redirect the process from simple to complex from the point of view of joint developments with russian companies, this is very important, they are already underway here developments, including for automakers from china, but so far these... orders are not massive, but eroglonas systems to help drivers in an emergency prepare more than 100,000 per month. their company also began producing the first one in russia.
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automation helps increase volumes. here are our operators, beautiful girls, they are doing some kind of subassembly. next we have the programming process and two-level testing. robots are already doing this. there are three robots here, before how many people were doing the same thing. we had about 12 people, we almost doubled productivity, tell me, do robots break? well, people get tired, but what about robots? robots work almost around the clock, yes, of course, they need care, only in this case the robots can work for a long time without any breakdowns, but you work hard, we work hard, yes, they work hard, all new auto components pass tests, first on... stands, then as part of a car, for example, now we are checking how the engine control unit works, and if the test passed, the next stage is already at the training ground or difficult routes. you produce in russia, but
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it is not clear where to look for technology partners, or how to choose the appropriate support measure. for this purpose, there is a free digital portal, a state industrial information system, registration opens the way to government procurement, there is also a convenient navigator of support measures, there are almost of them. the smart system will provide recommendations for a specific enterprise. there is another scenario when support is provided by a potential buyer, which affects demand increases production volumes. should officials drive domestic cars? if we declare ourselves to be an automobile country, then we must drive our own automobile industry. but in general, for consumers, what manufacturers are doing now will help make this happen ? so that they wanted to buy this car, and not a foreign one, you probably remember about four, five years ago, the conversation that yes, we will never switch to the chinese auto industry, yes, well, what do you mean,
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remember, yes, you see same how fast suddenly everything changed, the chinese automobile industry obviously learned to work with design correctly, people switched very quickly, there is no secret in switching people, and even more so when it’s your country when you also want it in addition. to support your manufacturer, then on the contrary it will add motivation and acquire your own. what support does the state provide to enterprises that produce cars? the key instruments are subsidizing neo-development costs, own. the second large part, speaking of auto components, is the industrial development fund, 44 projects over the past 2 years have been supported for 80 billion rubles. and already the third and last. that is, this is sales, last year we sold about 25,000 cars under the preferential lending program at a preferential lease of about 37. development of new
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technologies in the automotive industry. only one direction. there is another task - to provide reliable transport infrastructure. for 5 years, according to the national project, safe and high-quality roads repaired or built more than 88.00 km of roads throughout the country. and this year more than 14,500 km will be updated. and this is important not only for the implementation of advanced developments, for example, unmanned vehicles, but also for cars with very high mileage. we are now driving across the field in victory, there’s not much fun, the driver himself needs to drive the car, but when he went out onto the deserted road at that time, he could pull out a special handle, a cable, this is manual gas, calmly at a given speed, removing his foot off the gas pedal, she rest while driving in a straight line. evgeniy magakov began to practice repairing cars since childhood, then still a neighbor’s lada. first car love, legendary victory.
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they filmed margarita nazarova, the wounded trainer in the frame of the sixty-eighth year is taken away by a modern rafik, i say that there is no proper ambulance in moscow, there will be, they all love affection, that is, if the car just sits there and gathers dust somewhere, it begins to be offended, it you won’t start, it’ll take over from me and the belt will break, so and so you didn’t ride on me, with everyone
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make friends with cars. so it’s like approaching everyone, talking, even a simply washed car drives faster and more comfortably, but you can say that our car was more durable, and the thickness of the frame was increased and the structural elements themselves were strengthened, imported analogues refused to run on bad gasoline, the emka devoured everything, here i am standing next to a car that is already 85 years old this year, precisely due to the fact that a very high strength coefficient was initially laid down. a car is not just a means of transportation, it is also a thrill of speed and adrenaline, race of technologies of their competencies. russian manufacturers are actively developing advanced solutions for the production of new cars, but here it is important not only to be in trend, but to gain technology development along this path, the speed is higher than that of competitors. we will definitely return to this topic in the future to find out at what stage
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of our business route we are at. hero, well, all episodes of the program have a solution, you can already watch it on social networks, let's go, collect a car vacation without spending extra money on avika. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alphabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a superkick in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction,
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