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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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putin had a telephone conversation with brazilian president lula de silvo and this was reported in the kremlin. the heads of state intend to develop interactions, including taking into account the latin american country’s chairmanship of the g20. we are talking about strategic partnership in all major areas. in addition, the russian leader outlined to his colleague moscow’s principled approaches in connection with the so-called conference in switzerland, which desilova, like many other heads of state, let me remind you, decided not to attend.
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earlier, vladimir putin held a meeting with commissioner for human rights tatyana moskalkova. the ombudsman presented an annual report to the president. according to her, people's trust in the institution of human rights is growing in the country. so last year the number of requests reached 93,000. but at the same time, as tatyana moskalkova reported, russians are increasingly demanding that their rights be respected. in addition, the focus was on the topic of caring for the participants in the special operation and their families. we have established the positions of commissioner for human rights in all subjects of the russian federation with the exception of while you will soon have a report to the state duma, what you would like to talk about at our meeting today, people are turning to us for help due to a special situation, these are evacuees who remain in temporary detention centers on our territory today.
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coram, as noted in the military department, following the meeting, the head of the ministry of defense will give a number of instructions. earlier, andrei belousov and minister of health mikhail murashko discussed issues of medical support for participants in the special operation, paying special attention to the issue of the quality of treatment of military personnel. see you soon head of the ministry of health andrei belousov visited the vishnevsky hospital and talked with the soldiers who are undergoing treatment and rehabilitation there. details in the article by varvara nevskaya. after such wounds in the first days after the operation, not everyone dares to immediately get back on their feet, leaving the intensive care ward, senior sergeant ruslan bidzhev ran, and this is not a figure of speech, bed rest is still difficult for him, his character and colossal will to live take their toll. when i was wounded, and people arrived, he flew out a quadcopter, clarified ours, not ours, they said not ours, began to him, well, at least... or rather, work on it, find
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him, and he hovered over me, threw me an improvised explosive device, thereby, as they say, wounded me, uh, i was lucky that my comrades were nearby, they quickly helped me, bandaged me , they pulled a tourniquet, he miraculously survived, having received severe injuries, a gunshot wound to the chest, abdomen, limbs, damage to the lung and diaphragm, one of the fragments went straight to the heart, only thanks to...
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first of all, arriving at the central military clinical hospital , andrey belousov goes to the surgical building, where air defense soldiers are being treated. in total , 13 military personnel, in addition to beed, were awarded state awards. has no doubt that after recovery he will definitely return to the front with his comrades in arms, and they also sincerely thank the doctors, without their professionalism the miracle might not have happened, but miracles have been happening here for the second year in a row in the hybrid operating room of the cardiology center of the
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vishnevsky hospital. this is all, this is not only the technology itself, logistics and evacuation also play a very important role, which is well-established here, because the count goes there for hours, not even... for days for hours, everything is the delivery of the sick, the wounded, rehabilitation plays a very important role, so we will be there today too, we will also talk about this issue, but as for the main link here of all technology, as for the operation itself, there is of course a miracle, a real miracle, of course, thanks to high-tech equipment, an operating room that allows surgeons of different specialties to simultaneously carry out the most complex operations has been done throughout the entire period of svo. more than 300 surgical interventions on the heart, many of the operated military personnel have already returned to duty. the technologies that now exist in russia make it possible for us to do miracles. today, the entire world of medicine is learning from us, we do not give them all
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the opportunities to get it, because we are the first to do it all, and the experience that we have accumulated we are now accumulating during this special period. operations, it is priceless. during the meeting with the hospital management and medical staff, the minister of defense places special emphasis on the need to also increase rehabilitation capacity, guaranteeing a speedy recovery for every serviceman. the main thing is not the equipment, it is the people who work here, who perform these operations. i have already said that when you communicate like this with a person who had surgery 4 days ago, it affects our hearts.
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the russian military took control of another settlement in the donetsk people's republic, the village of staromaiskoye. the fighting for this area continued for about a year. in addition, the southern group of troops, as reported in ministry of defense, destroyed more than 400 militants of the kiev regime and improved the tactical situation. details from the line of combat contact in the report by alexey boranov. this drone has arrived right now at the checkpoint, you hear shooting, now they are striking. our communication with the crew of a tank support combat vehicle is interrupted by an attack by enemy drones. the ukrainian military is conducting a real hunt for terminators in the southern
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military district. the enemy's unmanned aerial vehicles have come too close and we must take cover. here's some footage of the work groups of tanks and terminator right. on the line of combat contact, such a combination has more than once radically changed the course of the battle on the front line. without stopping, often at full speed, the terminator straight manure... hits enemy equipment and positions with heavy machine guns, grenade launchers and anti-tank guided missiles, today the tank support combat vehicle is increasingly assisting the assault groups of the southern military district working on the front line, according to us drones were hitting, a lot of drones flew in from the rp, well that is, they threw off the carrots, so all our hatches were broken, that is, just in my place, the whole crew returned. live, the work of terminators at dawn is preceded by
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massive night art preparation. this is already the third firing line, which in the dark changes the battery of multiple launch rocket systems from the hail of the southern group of troops. just a few minutes to deploy and aim. the russian permanent representative to the un called the security council resolution on
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the truce in gaza a cat in a bag. hastily adopted document consolidates the parameters of the deal between israel and the hamas movement, the details of which are unknown about the tumannaya guarantee, vasily nebenzya emphasized. the resolution sets out israel's initiative for a ceasefire in gaza in three stages and the release of the hostages. the document also calls on hamas to agree to the proposal. such a fourth may be added, this cannot be called a positive trend: the adoption by the council of a new document, the content of which raises a lot of questions, and even without a clear requirement for the parties to immediately a permanent ceasefire undermines his authority. as the main body for maintaining international peace and security. we did not block
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the resolution only because, as far as we understand, it is supported by the arab world. meanwhile, an israeli hermes 900 drone was shot down over southern lebanon by hezbollah air defense forces. the loss of the drone was confirmed by idf representatives. it is assumed that the israeli army has between 20 and 30 such surface-to-air missiles at its disposal. 900 is considered the most advanced israeli unmanned aerial vehicle, and hezbollah has already neutralized three of them. another incident occurred in the port of haifa, where a merchant ship flying a panamanian flag caught fire. the cargo ship arrived in israel from turkey; the fire was allegedly caused by an attack by lebanese forces. according to official data, since the start of the military conflict, the group has not attacked israeli ports. specialist in the murmansk region.
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on whales, we can distinguish them, distinguish them, we do this by their tails or by some special marks, so of course this whale, if we succeed in this operation, it ends successfully for everyone, then the whale will become a very big celebrity in russia. schoolchildren from russia won eight medals at the asian physics olympiad, five gold and three silver. this year the competition took place in malaysia. alexandra perfileva's report on how the winners were greeted in moscow.
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medals, guys, what emotions, great emotions, a beautiful country, here they are, the absolute winners of the 24th asian physics olympiad, all in malaysia for the victory schoolchildren from 27 countries fought, russia, let's give five, well done, the film crew met from mongolia last year, you see archival footage, now he is already a two-time champion. the main thing was to do everything clearly, quickly and accurately. just show your level, and complete everything without mistakes, by video call, the closest people, egor’s mother promised our tv channel that you will cook for your son first of all, what you want, naval noodles, naval noodles, carnal noodles, everything he wants, all his goodies will be on the table, and daria
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meets his brother, for lyosha gashpar, an olympics of this level for the first time, insane pride for his brother, for the country. for the children, right at that moment the parents who were waiting for their son in the krasnodar region called. here we have the whole of kropotki, the whole krasnodar region, we are happy, just tears, this is joy, yes, we can’t control our emotions, we are very pleased that our team has once again proven its high level, but while my parents are waiting at home, lyosha has already made up his mind , the moscow institute of physics and technology will enroll and how... otherwise, for a whole year, the russian team trained at the mipt base, well, the training camp took place at the sirios educational center. according to the coach, the victory was achieved not only by knowledge, but also by character. the guys are actually very well prepared and very well motivated. they went through a year-long training and selection course. they demonstrate the qualities that are necessary at the olympics, such as resistance to stress, the ability
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to get ready on time and concentrate. the schoolchildren shared with us that russia is preparing for the olympics... the headquarters will determine the five best schoolchildren, who will represent russia at the international physics olympiad in iran. alexandra perfileva, dmitry malyshev and vladimir klimov. news. elections to the european parliament slowed down the train that was carrying europe to a new war. this is how hungarian prime minister viktor orban commented on the voting results.
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the militant ruling parties of france and germany failed miserably in the elections, forcing chancellor scholz to admit.
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the national union has become the main parliamentary opponent, these european elections will establish our movement as the main alternative force in france. world media note that although macron's presidency will not be at stake, the parliamentary elections will become a serious test of strength for the current government; if the right wins again, the management of french domestic politics may completely escape the control of the president. the unexpected decision amounts to a roll of the dice on macron's political future. the main political power of the far right and deprive him of the presidency 3 years before by the end of the term, if the far-right party wins an absolute majority, the president will effectively lose control over most of france's domestic politics. the british daily mail sees a russian trace here and believes that russia will ultimately benefit from this french political earthquake.
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bloomberg pays attention to the economic consequences. it is now doubly dangerous for macron to take such a risk, because... just a week ago the standard purs agency downgraded france's sovereign credit rating, if the far-left parties get together, the second the tour could easily devolve into a competition between lepine's forces and those of the tireless left-wing activist milanchon, as well as an uneasy mix of socialists and greens. you can bet the financial markets won't like it. they have already reacted. the paris stock market fell sharply after opening 2.4%. the euro fell. the lowest level in a month, along with european stock and french bond futures. at the same time , france's national debt continues to grow. forming a united front against lepin will be difficult for macron. republicans have already they said there would be no coalition. emmanuel macron is playing with fire. for me this is not a question of courage. if he were courageous, he would
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resign, but he is playing with us, he is playing with france, and he has brought france to the abyss with a debt that has reached a thousand billion in 7 years. this has already been done in the history of the fifth republic. in 1968, france experienced a serious social crisis, demonstrations, strikes and riots involving students. at that time, the presidential party had only a slight advantage in parliament. de gaulle resolved the issue with radical measures, dissolved parliament, and then called early elections, in which he secured an absolute majority. i am ready to serve france again, but above all, this time i need, yes, i need, the french people themselves to say that they want this. jacques chirac tried to do something similar in 1997. the liver of his prime minister allan jupe caused a social crisis and a drop in the popularity of both politicians, and although forecasts predicted a victory for the right , the left coalition won the snap elections, with which
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the president and prime minister had to cohabitate; analysts believe that the government today has every chance of defeating macron, whose popularity is also extremely low. the french do not vote for their representative in the european parliament or even for their representative in the national assembly. they vote to say no to macron, they may well be the majority, the risks he is taking are enormous. experts note that if the same maneuver brings success to macron, his decision will be recognized as masterful, however, if new elections bring the president france's second defeat in a row, the rest of his presidential term will be extremely difficult for the elysian palace. the remaining 3 weeks before the elections, the press and the president will traditionally try to demonize marine lepin’s party. right forces. what remains is the european people's party, which has already called on president
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macron to support the candidacy of ursula vonderleen for the post of head of the european commission in order to cement the current course of the eu for another 5 years. otherwise, they fear, europe will face political instability. anastasia popovia bernadsky, news, brussels, belgium. post-election evening - this was the face of all european liberals, not only the leader of the belgian ones, prime minister de croo, there were even tears that, after the announcement of the results of the elections to the european parliament, wiped away the failed greens. it was a particularly difficult night for us and we lost. the liberals immediately lost 23 seats out of more than 100 that they held in the previous composition of the european parliament. the failure of the greens is even more obvious - 18 mandates out of 71 that they had over the past 5 years. and they took them to basically, and this is the main sensation of these elections - right-wing and far-right politicians. plus 13 seats for two of the euroconservative-reformers party, ruled
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by italians led by miloni, and the identity and democracy party, dominated by the french right, led by marine lepine. and this, not counting the german right, is an alternative for germany, which was previously excluded from the general parliamentary group, now after its triumph in the elections in germany it will immediately occupy 15 seats in the european parliament. shocking for... never since world war ii the social democrats, led by chancellor scholz, did not gain so little, as of this moment not even 14%. the opposition has already demanded the dissolution of the cabinet and re-elections to the bundestag. by and large, this government is over, now the same thing should happen as in france, there were calls for early elections, and macron announced them, our country needs a new start, the traffic light coalition no longer has a mandate. never before has there
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been a right-wing alternative for germany that advocates ending support for ukraine supplies and weapons did not show such a high result, almost 16%. and the dg thereby bypassed all parties in the government coalition. and all this, despite the promoted smear campaign, the party was called almost fascist and at the very least. ultra-right, although businessman elon musk did not notice any of this. why such a negative reaction from some to adh? there is constant talk of the far right, but the political principles of the adc that i have read about do not seem extremist to me. eurosceptics, opponents of uncontrolled migration and supporters of war, but diplomacy, received support. we achieved an excellent result. we are the second largest force in germany, and the first in the east of our country. that is the east of germany. voted differently than the west, obviously when comparing the electoral map, if in the west and south the opposition scholzu conservative block cdu, csu dominates, it took first place in the country, then in the east
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there is an alternative for... and the division is almost along the border between the former the gdr and the federal republic of germany, which only confirms that germany is politically split, and has not become a single country. one of the main russophobes of tablo bilt, julian röbki, is outraged and clearly unable to understand how this is possible. the former russian-occupied parts of germany want to be occupied by russia again. 45.7% voted for pro-kremlin anti-european parties that want to leave nato and join the russian-led one. security apparatus, that is , the vote was essentially a protest against those parties of power that now govern europe. the british daily mail states that the elections have become a nightmare for the eu titans. macron and scholz were humiliated. here in austria, the right-wing austrian freedom party, which opposes anti-russian sanctions for a diplomatic solution to the ukrainian conflict, received a majority of votes. only peace is written on the propaganda posters of the party of the hungarian prime minister orban, and with it
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his party. all elections are important, but this one, especially for europe, is very important. but its leader ursula vonderleen is not going to leave anywhere, her european people's party remained the largest in the european parliament and even added 10 mandates, so now she has 186 out of 720 seats, but this is not enough to retain the post of head of the european commission, she needs half the votes,
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360 plus one vote now.
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the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness, with the help of the americans, of course, ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, new in technology, i naturally had no plans to be recruited, i i somehow didn’t even suspect that it was... maybe it’s with me, we’ll tell you about it now, it’s not the intelligence agencies that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight with each other, but in the end the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy. in our country, if it’s sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s people. “we love
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traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more. exhibition russia.


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